The Power of Education: High School Drop Out to College President | Vince Solis | TEDxCarsonCity

The Power of Education: High School Drop Out to College President | Vince Solis | TEDxCarsonCity

TEDx Talks

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@peoplesaguilar8169 - 17.04.2019 05:21

Dr Vince Solis speaks the truth. Excellent presentation.

@EdlundInside - 22.04.2019 16:43

Great to see Dr Solis on Tedx. He was a great mentor in my college days.

@manuelgarcia1635 - 17.09.2019 06:30

Awesome work, Doc! This man taught me that you don’t need a title to be an effective leader.

@1TSETI - 20.09.2019 02:03

I dropped out of high school, best decision I ever made.

@neptune0909 - 11.02.2021 18:00

Skill>degree or diploma..
But society doesn't understand this!

@dantheman52420 - 15.07.2021 04:44

"Don't make it easy to drop out of high school." I disagree.
The best relationships operate with an open door policy, where both parties stay because they want to. The problem is that these kids see a future, or lack of future, that will result from their education, and decide their time is better spent elsewhere. There is low quality education and failure to adapt. One example; instead of banning phones, start teaching kids how to get the maximum output from this constant internet connection. Otherwise you're just teaching them how things used to work.

@chrisp.8267 - 05.10.2022 09:25

"High school dropouts commit more than 2/3 of all crime." Man that is an important statistic. Maybe a better educated society is a more peaceful one...
