Is Past Life Regression Possible? | Sadhguru Answers

Is Past Life Regression Possible? | Sadhguru Answers


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@barnalidebbarma2043 - 26.08.2023 16:11

Thank you so much 🤍

@edgar1edgar902 - 12.07.2023 07:28

Some people confuse past live regression healing with being able to Remenber all your past lives ... Thats why He said its called hyphnotherapy what helps people feel better

@ebenzershroff5354 - 11.07.2023 20:16

Perfect and on point... I knew always the Brian weiss nonsense was just that.. Nonsense

@TimmChristophel - 03.07.2023 20:53

Yeah sure, you know what you are talking about. Just as you were right in recommending the jab. (not)

@KoyomiMojo - 03.07.2023 03:59

It is very possible to become aware of past lifetimes (aware, not in full view, but to an extent there is some seeing possible).
In my experience, it can drive you absolutely insane and there's nothing you can do about it because this is this and that was that. The energy is definitely there, but there is no actual memory, so remembering is like dying two times at once, except it doesn't stop until your identification with your mind does.
Sometimes, someone may meet someone else and the familiarity is just so close that it triggers a kundalini awakening.
So if you're ready for that kind of wicked sick intense energy and spiritual experiences, then search away. If it starts to hurt, just know that that is the very reason why we forget before reincarnating.

@Marksin866 - 19.05.2023 00:00

I go on my journey and I meet certain people and instant I feel drawn. I speak with them and they trigger unconscious thoughts that later I see something and thing wow how do I remember that. That is how I know my past lives. In some way I kinda know deep down that I have been there before saw the place or person and had this conversation. As I see so many of them I can see they are always positive and never once a negative thing has come from them. So do I need to know my past lives. No not really. I already know and it will be unlocked in time, it's a marathon not a sprint. And I know deep down they where great past lives and happy. Cause when I have felt that connection and the person was not so nice. I could look through to their soul and see their soul was quite lovely despite the shell enprisoning it.

@raviknt - 13.05.2023 18:47

With all due respect one speaks as much he knows about or got as much as knowledge about...human mind has infinite capacity...its a replica of universe in can store infinite information in its subconscious and unconscious storage.. science and many real life instances have proved that you have lived many lives and they are ingrained in your unconscious storage and can be accessed through past life regression.

@andrecmonster2892 - 25.04.2023 21:17

unfortunately i think he needs to do a regression therapy session himself

@MJ-pm4zh - 14.03.2023 00:17

If sadhguru is not offering that technique he immediately says its bad or its not working

@Bhantekusala - 12.03.2023 21:17

Learned hypno as a separate word from therapy from Sadhguru. Googled it. Hypno alone means ‘relating to sleep’

@labaker3477 - 03.03.2023 19:38

Every one is different there no set rules to finding peace/happiness except from Uniqueness of one's path.

@Too-many-cooks - 16.01.2023 06:08

It's in your head

@bunnybird9342 - 14.01.2023 00:22

If Sadhguru doesn't like past life regression, then how else does he think people should try to find their past lives?

@anjukafle2504 - 10.01.2023 11:09

Believe it or not, but I remember some things from my previous birth

@dj-goswami - 05.12.2022 15:22

Human Body
1. Gross body (Earth, Water, Air, Fire, Ether or Aakash or Space)
2. Astral body (Mind Projections, Aakash Element)
3. Photon body (Energy Projections, Fire Element)

4. Karma Body (Karma Dataset Biochip, Air Element)
5. Soul Body (Consciousness, Nothingness)
Hacking KARMA BODY can lead to knowledge of past lives. But lord of death alone has the PASSWORD to unlock KARMA biochip.
Only KARMA BODY along with soul travels from one YONI to another YONI... all other 5 MAHABHUTAS comes autometically during rebirth.

@dj-goswami - 05.12.2022 03:10

Bla bla bla...

@CorM-bread369 - 17.11.2022 08:05

I've been contemplating a regression session. But he says it's not real. It's manipulating? I wonder like ro know what is the truth of it

@user-vt2ce2jc4r - 09.11.2022 00:31

Its not about solving our current problems for me but truly just knowing if its possible for ppl to rebirth.
No interest in retaining past memories at all coz its true too many memories are too much.
But its just to know if there is such a thing as past life ?? Why don't some ppl remember specific things?

@Marta-to1mf - 08.11.2022 02:38

I think he is confusing our couscous mind with subconscious mind. Of course our conscious mind can not handle mamory of many past lifes. We would be one confused mess.
I respectfully disagree .

@bshans2929 - 28.10.2022 18:12

He should read more on past life regression and understand the purpose of doing it. It's not for creating reality of some sort for immigration. It's for healing and rejuvenating of one's soul. Sometimes Satguru talk without any bases and introspective. It's all about soul's memories as reincarnation.

@vandanapatil2572 - 16.10.2022 06:49

Where can we find people who can show past life regression

@lexiegrl147 - 13.10.2022 11:17

true 🙏

@Jivanmukta84 - 11.10.2022 23:28

Actually in past life Regressions you usually dont remember whole lifes but single key moments that have impact on this life. What would Sadhguru answer on this?

@timtim8011 - 02.10.2022 01:10

It's unclear how much Sadhguru has really looked into/studied past life regression therapy or how much he knows about hypnosis.Does he have any training in either discipline, or is he just giving an opinion?

@jacobfreelove9722 - 29.09.2022 10:31

I believe I was a reptilian

@sabotageofficial - 27.09.2022 16:11

With all due respect, Sadhguru should get familiar with the work of Bryan Weiss and the thousands of lives his therapy has helped! 🙏❤️

@charankamalkaur9417 - 23.09.2022 15:51

Love and gratitude 🙏❤️

@windofmusic5022 - 15.09.2022 07:19

Im a person who loves to sleep, not because of dreaming but because I could easily be in a hypnosis state and my mind will always wander around, sometimes I go to the astral world which I find interesting but sometimes I also find myself experiencing my past lives and it's usually the causes of my death and my fears. It's helpful at first and I find it interesting but overtime that I do it I find myself in a lower state of vibrations, since all I've been seeing is something I would end up waking teary-eyed.. what Sadghuru said is true, you don't need to know the past, we all need to focus on the present ❤️

@knowinghumanbehavior7778 - 14.09.2022 22:44

In this topic, one can see just how inadequate a human's mind is. How humanly limited a supposedly enlightened a person is. Sadhguru has just debunked himself. Sad but true..

@annonom1058 - 13.09.2022 09:07

Here is a World Economic Forum shill

@soulparadise2228 - 07.09.2022 03:19

I disagree. I do hypnosis regression and it works wonderfully. It can be very healing

@HoneyDrops2023 - 17.08.2022 05:02

I love this. A good friend and I were talking about what it is good for us to know or not know--and this could very well be one of them. We must evolve, learn and grow on the path we are current;ly in.

@amnewhere7500 - 11.08.2022 21:20

I have all of my remembrance of past lives and past experiences I have had which weren't really mine I'm just tapping into the akashic memory and the akashic records of other lifetimes that have been lived through psychedelics I don't need any type of guru to tap into the akashic on my own

@scherazadesafi7906 - 07.08.2022 20:17

Famous person who died in battle in 1800s reincarnated in modern world ,and yes can't handle this,1 is bad enough we don't need to go back and futher back n futher back

@Soleil2132 - 19.07.2022 17:23

I agree that the word needs to be changed, but old souls do have access to their past lives, all of them, the key to true ascension is to be able to imagine yourself as anything. Live, love and learn, rinse and repeat 🔁 until you Ascend

@musicalzohan69 - 27.06.2022 17:59

I don't know but at one time I was really exploring this possibility of past life experience, so I used to lie down to this regression video(now I don't remember whose video I used to use for that) but after a month and a half, one day I went to a point where I felt like I was having trouble I remember vaguely but there was a room dimly lit and I felt someone sitting above me on the bed and grabbing my neck...I woke up after that and for weeks I again tried and again one day the same happened like don't know what was happening...whether it was real or not but after the second time of same experience I've never tried again...and other days when I tried I just used to fall asleep but 2 times same experience, I'm not able to produce a logical satisfactory answer for myself till now 🙄

@whitneymichelle8300 - 15.06.2022 06:03

I just want to know how to make the tincture I’ve been trying to remember how to make since I was a child. All I remember is I needed a lot of roses, calendula and… one more thing… I just can’t remember. 😓 I dream all the time about collecting these simple items and talking to my dairy cow about it. I even know where I am and where I went to church. I just can’t remember the recipe. 😓😓😓

@cristinakalyani9633 - 09.06.2022 07:06

Disagree. What the gurus and rishis of all times we’re doing was to take themselves into trance and cathartic states, in other words, self hypnosis. So to access the mysteries of this world and develop siddhis or superconscious. I work with hypnotherapy for 10 years and teach yoga for 23 years and I can affirm that deep meditation or concentration or dhyana or dharana that is hypnosis.

@grkr7842 - 27.04.2022 14:24


@moretshiamo - 21.04.2022 08:05

Some humans (beautiful Africans) have expressed sudden recall of past lives even without such interventions.

@dariusus9870 - 09.04.2022 12:43

This is absolutely the first time that I've heard the man actually answer a question with yes or no. A charlatan like no other is capable of answering. I wonder why... Maybe because hypnotherapy is another competitor to "enlightenment"...

@Brigitini1 - 15.03.2022 03:08

I love listening to Sahdguru, he is full of wisdom and what he is saying here is true on some level. I am an energy healer and hypnotist and truly believe information can be useful. He talks about hypnosis as if the therapist is creating something that doesn't exist. He fails to mention that someone seeking hypnosis to change a behavior has a sub-part that wants to create the change and a sub-part that cannot. Energetically this can be addressed just as past life regression can be managed from an energetic perspective. It is not a fair statement to say that the mind cannot handle this lifetime nevermind previous lifetimes. The soul reincarnates into a new body, the story continues. Some information can be very useful with an intuitive guide as the therapist. Bless you Sahdguru for all your wisdom, people are listening.

@Kate-de9sn - 12.03.2022 10:45

RT is working with energy, in fact RT is releasing suppresed energy by lifting layers of emotions.
He sees human kind in a very negative light and as weak. We can handle more than he can imagine. I am not cracked up and can handle this life memories.
I find the way this man speaks to people disturbing and although he is trying to look like Mr know it all, he has a lot learn for sure.

@davidwavidshmavider - 05.03.2022 00:09

I think your mind would be fucked up if you couldn’t distinguish between memories in lives. But i am sure there would be a vail between current and past life’s realities. Like there is between time periods in your life.

@eleinacampbell8235 - 23.02.2022 20:40

We must stand on the shoulders of the wisdom that our gurus of ancient knowledge bring. There is no one answer to this question…there is no one guru to solve our problems or stand as the gatekeeper to all there is to know or try. Discernment is immersing yourself in wisdom from many sources and doing what feel true and resonant with you.

@Jeffreyk7 - 28.01.2022 23:13

I enjoyed your video. I have some stories that do not involve hypnosis. Civil War reincarnation, plus, young boy, 9/11, reincarnation of a firefighter. Full story as told by the boy's mother on (and off) a reincarnation forum. Fire in the Soul: Reincarnation from Antietam to Ground Zero.

@louisar4227 - 27.01.2022 09:28

But even if someone has a desire for something, for example, to cure a lifelong fear, and in curing that fear it would increase the quality of our life, then yes, it has major benefits and is something we should pursue if the desire is sincere and we have the capability to do it. Ultimately, everything is a will of God (there is no personal will at play, only the illusion of it). So when someone does past life regression, that is also Gods doing, no conscious being would ever say that it is right or wrong.

@rahuljain7886 - 04.01.2022 16:07

There are many cases where past life regression came out to be true

@khushbugrover8359 - 03.01.2022 09:12

I think it's great to touch such topics but with due respect, I don't believe in the definition of hypnosis shared over here. There are many people whose life stories have been VERIFIED through Past Life Regression Therapy. Past Life Regression Therapy is a great way to heal. It has nothing to do with 'inventing reality' rather it actually brings out the old memories back. Moreover, it is ironical that in one of his videos he himself spoke about his past lives. So he believes in Past Life but not in Regression?

@shameetha333 - 22.12.2021 11:30

Am i the only one who wants to know about my past life just for the sake of it? The thrill?
