Charlotte's Mermaid Story | H2O - Just Add Water

Charlotte's Mermaid Story | H2O - Just Add Water

H2O - just add water

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@user-xt4gs8jt6d - 03.01.2024 23:59

I really want Rikki's powers!

@Sakinkal3 - 20.12.2023 12:16

Charlotte is annoying but clever

@StellaofSolaria911 - 02.12.2023 09:27

Charlotte doesn't really exactly have the 3 full powers. She can only freeze, boil/burn, and manipulate water. Her powers weren't even chaos'ed by the moon. She just added the gill things on the water snakes. She's no super mermaid. She abused her powers, so she is not worthy of her powers. But the actor of Charlotte is great. She played the annoying pick me girl so well!

@MadylynLuhm-jv6xp - 14.11.2023 10:31

I love this show but Charlotte had no right to take Lewis from Cleo and Charlotte was so jealous of Cleo “s friends because she wanted everything to herself I don’t think Charlotte should be a mermaid after all I think it was right that she has no powers Charlotte took Cleo”s necklace without even asking her

@raymacandelaria5717 - 28.10.2023 22:59

Charlotte’s first mermaid transformation

@ilovemywives1123 - 04.10.2023 23:20

If you hate Charlotte a lot and she give you a lot of anger get the app kill photo and put a picture of her on it and have fun taking ur anger out lol

@knyga1397 - 03.10.2023 10:42

What series and what season is this? Tell me please

@knyga1397 - 03.10.2023 10:40

Яка це серія і який сезон? Підкажіть, будь ласка

@gigiisaweirdo8175 - 18.09.2023 00:01


@cas8768 - 27.08.2023 18:57

I've literally never seen this character or just don't remember her like at all

@user-ie1vd4ur7b - 10.08.2023 13:41

In where I can watch it? Please someone tell me

@taleeewwwww - 07.08.2023 00:13

Выскажу своë непопулярное мнение: Шарлотта обычный подросток, у которого проблемы с коммуникацией в обществе и выражением своих эмоций. Она очень хотела быть частью мира русалок, так как воспринимала это собственным предназначением, потому что еë бабушка была русалкой. Мы все прекрасно видимо как повела себя Рикки и девочки в кафе после того, как Шарлотта продемонстрировала свои новопреобретëнные силы: Рикки посмотрела на неë так, будто желает ей смерти, а Клео и Эмма просто развернулись и ушли. Что сделала Шарлотта, она в своей агрессивной манере сказала, что просто больше не будет с ними общаться. Они начали зачем-то к ней лезть, делать вид будто делают одолжение, помогают, "заботятся". Хотя по сути о всех законах и проблемах русалочьей жизни Шарлотте мог рассказать Льюис. И тогда уже закрутилось: она поступила себя как эгоистичная сука, девочки защищались, будто не при делах. И дальше по списку..... Короче, в реальной жизни можно было замять конфликт, но для сюжета сериала это было необходимым поворотом. И всë. Конец.

@larrie9491 - 06.08.2023 11:08

Charlotte shouldn't be seen as a villain, but rather as a victim of mistreatment. The girls rejection and coldness towards her pushed her towards that dark path, not herself. When she was first introduced, she was so kind and generous, and had that warm spirit about her. Her initial interactions with the girls were only her attempting to be friends with them and be accepted. Because remember, she was new and didn't have any friends yet.
However, the sad reality was that instead of trying to be her friend and make her feel accepted and welcomed in a new place, especially as a mermaid and accepting her into the group, they just decided to be mean and bully her. It was their dismissive attitudes and refusal to accept her that set the stage for her becoming a villain. And yes she had a crush on Will, but did she try to steal him from Cleo? No. She just had a crush like a normal teenager does! And the whole Cleo reading her diary should've made me see from the start who the real villains were, because wtf was that? Watching it again, all the girl did was breathe and it was a problem🤷🏻‍♀️ And to add, because I saw someone call her manipulate, answer me this. Was she manipulative before or after Cleo read her diary and became a jealous as-hell ex-girlfriend every chance she got? That's what I thought. They didn't get Charlotte as an enemy, they MADE her their enemy.

@jeremiahfry5933 - 02.08.2023 15:20

I like how Charlotte seen a video of her grandmother as teenager & Charlotte even saw her grandmother as a mermaid & max tells Charlotte that her grand a mermaid & she gets all three of the girls powers & emma rikki & cleo tried to tell Charlotte not to look at the full moon & Charlotte uses her powers against the girls & Charlotte used her powers 2 get cleo emma & rikki to the moon pool & cause the girls to lose their powers & the girls work together to combine their powers & the girls drop Charlotte in the moon pool & Charlotte is stripped of her powers & her mermaid tail for good in h20 just add water season 2 finale

@Itzs_zaileah - 02.08.2023 07:33

Charlotte has always been my fav! Queen evil Charlotte period❤️❤️✨

@gurglequeen433 - 28.07.2023 09:09

Charlotte always gave me the creeps, even before she went full psycho mermaid on everyone. I wasn't surorised she went off the deep end.

@Cold_Zero_The_Wise - 26.07.2023 17:44

You know she does do vad stuff but i just couldn't dislike Charlotte, especially when all 3 if the girl have a shown similar behaviour ti her's at times

@angelam15 - 21.07.2023 09:24

Me preguntó si las demás perdieron sus poderes, a parte de la abuela de Charlotte 😢

@woofiewolf4941 - 08.07.2023 09:26

Something I never understood was how this was even possible. Like weren’t people only able to become mermaids every 50 moons? And there’s one moon per month. And by this Time in the show it’s only been a little over a year since they became mermaids.

@astr1d_777 - 16.06.2023 15:08

Ok but can we talk about her amazing facial expressions ?? The actress is amazing

@l.l.m.d.k - 10.06.2023 07:57

Tbh she shoudl have covered it up and said she was born this way

@Amylise - 23.05.2023 23:22

Ma soeur s'appelle Charlotte mais elle n'est pas du tout comme cette Charlotte heureusement. Le truc c'est qu'elle ne connaît pas cette série donc j'espère qu'elle ne le prendra pas personnellement si elle la regarde un jour 😅

@MNMZ01my - 28.04.2023 20:01

After Zach being a merman was hereditary and hidden and activated by the moonpool, my theory is that Charlotte is the same. When you have an ancestor who is a mermaid and your transform, you get the full package.

@karonhines9136 - 07.04.2023 09:57

If charlotte got All 3 powers from going in the moon pool alone why does Bella only have one power?

@ana_bella09 - 31.03.2023 13:42

I rewatched the series and honestly... i guess the girls are also guilty for what happened to Charlotte . Just remember Ricky who didn't want accept Charlotte from the very beginning and was quite mean to her. And moreover, we can see that the girls were angry at Charlotte when they got to know she had 3 powers and i guess it was envy .. Charlotte also didn't deserve such a bad attitude. and we may suppose that it wasn't the first time when she was treated like that. her soul was just so broken . unfortunately, i didn't understand her at all when i was a 9 year old girl watching these series but now i can see the problems

@Lia_78906 - 27.03.2023 01:19

The way how the girls pop up through the smoke was amazing and the way how they used there powers together

@angelgray8899 - 21.03.2023 18:57

Nice legs 😂

@mayvo1412 - 18.03.2023 12:45

Why Cleo Rikki and Emma NEVER use TWO HANDS like Charlotte did to make themselves stronger?

@FAydin-cw5im - 17.03.2023 16:53


@tomastomas6626 - 04.03.2023 02:53

TOMÁŠ RADEK ♥️💪🍝🍝🍝🍝⚡

@jenn9188 - 25.02.2023 08:23

Am I the only one who gets SUPER anxious with the Charlotte period? I've watched this show at least twice now so I know how it ends, but something about her just makes my heart race

@Spiritualemperor28 - 17.02.2023 01:31

Red flags, red flags !

@mayaraPERES7606 - 15.02.2023 12:29

Charlotte é invejasa morre de inveja da Cléo

@miamargrethekvitblik7976 - 12.02.2023 20:24

Charlotte are ny favoritt in this program she wil allways be my favoritt mermaid and my favoritt person i have writhing to brittany byrnes as Charlotte in the program i really like her i aslo want to be a super mermaid as her i aslo want me the all the three powers to

@Weekndistka - 01.02.2023 00:00

The biggest shock in jetix history

@mohamedsheik7379 - 28.01.2023 02:12

I don,t like charlate she is so annoying and i don,t like that she is a mermaids she i not worthy of being a mermaid

@NiqueeDessybo - 17.12.2022 09:51

Noooo…I think she’s a Mako mermaid by blood though!!! Just think about it. Mako Mermaids and Merman like Zac and Mimi all had three elements for powers like charlotte did and I’m thinking her tail was dormanted until she got in the water during the full moon just like Zac

@Onlyyjess1 - 13.12.2022 15:13

I liked Charlotte until she was starting to be rude and self absorbed I love her actor tho

@smoocifilms6169 - 02.12.2022 08:30

*REMINDER—we don’t hate the actress who played charlotte, we hate charlotte’s character. 😌

@saery4523 - 30.11.2022 04:13

Charlotte was arrogant, selfish and greedy. I don’t like her bc of her actions but her as a person is enough to hate her.

@avynera - 27.11.2022 10:35

So many year and I still hate her...

@hoangtientruong6250 - 17.10.2022 16:22


@user-kv3ig2zk6k - 14.10.2022 12:35

Обажаю вас вы лучше как вы стали русалками? Скажите пожалуйста

@hi2560 - 13.10.2022 11:28

Yup still hate Charlotte not the actress tho lmao

@2tears943 - 05.10.2022 11:04

And she wanted to force them to lose their tales like who tf she think she is

@2tears943 - 05.10.2022 10:59

She stole cleos necklace too what a bitc

@Thee_goat30 - 29.09.2022 06:19

Nah I literally just rewatched the show in like 3 days and still hate her

@queenrandom6993 - 21.09.2022 08:02

I think it's because charlotte had all three powers, and she couldn't control it because it was too much for one person
