Jordan Peterson - A Sad Story About Living With OCD

Jordan Peterson - A Sad Story About Living With OCD

Bite-sized Philosophy

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Meloş - 01.11.2023 01:01

Obsesiflik ölümcül tehlike yavrum ne iliskisinden bahsediyon yarrabim sen ikile

zygzak 0
zygzak 0 - 30.10.2023 23:26

I'm shocked how little Mr Peterson knows about ocd.

Return Of The Nerd Star Wars
Return Of The Nerd Star Wars - 30.09.2023 13:09

People felt sorry for the dog but not for the OCD sufferer. That is the number one problem in all societies, zero knowledge, and/or understanding of social behavior coupled with mental illness. The average person is not informed, and perceives social interaction incorrectly. I have both Tourette's Syndrome and OCD, and I've become disturbingly cautious of other people.

Salim azizi60
Salim azizi60 - 23.09.2023 06:27

"They had a lot of sympathy for the dog, but not much for the guy". - sadly very true

Igor Stadnick
Igor Stadnick - 23.07.2023 01:40

He hasn't the slightest clue about OCD _ symptoms and treatment. Watch his disgust with his patient - zero empathy. Better check into Gabor Maté.

Ivan Vukoja
Ivan Vukoja - 21.07.2023 17:13

What about harm OCD, religious ocd, ROCD,Pocd?

Daniel Smith
Daniel Smith - 21.07.2023 01:51

I have ocd and the hand washing isba very real thing its starts with intrusive thoughts then the compulsion to wash my hands or check the doors and shut my gates if there open i have 2 dogs and 2 cats so i seem to spent most of my time with them cleaning making sure were flee free (this as become a compulsion)

David Samuel
David Samuel - 17.07.2023 07:24

I really don't understand why Peterson with his experience and education gets OCD so badly wrong.Nuthing to do with disgust.

suchawow - 13.07.2023 04:23

Damn. Just in the first few seconds. He inputs his own assumptions over what it actually is anxiety. Disgust is just a part of anxiety but what triggers people is more than just disgust its literally straight up based in fear. As someone who had scrupulosity and still suffers from magical thinking side of things. Imagine him rationing to himself that he's disgusted with god and that's why we do compulsions. Like how stupid are you we obviously aren't disgusted with god when we are scrupulous and we don't place disgust rather dissatisfaction of ourselves working in the image of god. Like straight up. Although I must admit I have since parted with God in the form of religion and I will deal with them if they exist when I get there.

J - 12.07.2023 22:43

OCD literally ruined my life from 20 to 34. DESTROYED ME. Literally obliterated my life. It was so bad I thought suicide was a better option.

Aleksey Filippov
Aleksey Filippov - 14.06.2023 10:53

It's where I started looking at JP from a different angle.

We saw another woman (a psychiatrist ?) at TikTok (or at some similar platform, it was on the reels you know).
The woman discussed how incredibly wretched the OCD people were.
She went into vivid details, with swearing, on how she was amazed with certain people.
She is a practicing professional in LA.
Imagine you are her patient and have fallen in love with TikTok. What a surprise.

The irony with this talk is that Jordan is talking about the disgust with disgust. In my humble opinion.

OCD has far more tones to it. Even if disgust has to do with the underlying mechanism I don't think it's central.
If you're obsessed with fear of dying, is it because death is disgusting. 100%.
Any twisted existential rumination? Unending catastrophizing? Existence is disgusting.
What about counting, sensorimotor OCD, dude? What part of it is due to a disgust?

I watched about a band member of Ramones yesterday, he had to go back and forth on the stairs.
This is painful, exhausting and irrational and is just one way it manifests.

If you as a specialist can't stand the disorderness of OCD then don't help people who have it.

Dillon Peterson
Dillon Peterson - 12.06.2023 19:37

He’s only mentioning contamination OCD. Thats only one flavor. There’s many other flavors of OCD lol.
The main components of OCD are intrusive thoughts (obsessions) and compulsions (behaviors like washing, ruminating).
And for people with OCD these thoughts are very distressing and highly anxiety provoking. Many people with OCD develop depression because, as you can imagine, its very depressing to be stuck in your head all day.

Immanuel Cunt
Immanuel Cunt - 27.05.2023 06:26

People keep saying OCD is about uncertainty not disgust. That's horseshit, a big part of the function of disgust is to cue us towards uncertainty.

Disgust isn't just about physicsl contamination, intrusive thoughts are a form of psychological contamination.

drvren030 - 24.05.2023 23:43

i remember the old days of facebook, where they would post the most disturbing, triggering images ever and threaten saying if you don't like the post, that will happen to you or something.
as someone with OCD, i used to have trichotillomania when i was a teenager, and remember scrolling through facebook, seeing one of those, and then kind of freak out and yell and scream in my pillow cause i couldn't fall asleep at night.
one thing is exposure therapy, as JP mentioned. but some people can come out of it, some don't and they become worse and kind of pyscho because of it.
what worked for me is to just avoid those things for a while. the things that disturb or trigger you, adapt a lifestyle where you don't have to see or be exposed to those things. for me, this was about 8 years. your mental health will get better, and then slowly open yourselves up to those things one by one. don't see it as something to be triggered by, but something you can ignore and look over, not focusing on them. you divert your attention away from them and so the obsession in your mind goes away.

Krystal N
Krystal N - 15.05.2023 14:58

Omg 😢

Greg Prouse
Greg Prouse - 05.05.2023 20:33

Love this guy but he is so wrong on this. I have the problem but not the cleaning one. It’s purely an anxiety disorder and I would say also an anxiety habit problem.

Kristen K
Kristen K - 04.05.2023 12:56

Ok I like JP's teachings and I like psychology stuff. I believe I don't have OCD and I am really trying hard to understand it but I still can't. If you know with your mind that some thoughts are ridiculous then just stop acting on them? I know it's not that simple, and we all have our own fears and anxiety so it's really hard to pin where 'normal' ends and OCD starts. I have read many comments on here and still can't understand how OCD works. Like sure, I like my room and stuff to be tidy, and I wash my hands several times a day (mostly after going to the bathroom, coming home, and before eating) but that's normal I think? And I also check whether I have my stove/iron off or my door I am really having a hard time understanding what's normal and what's OCD.. 😅 help?

kasaibou F29
kasaibou F29 - 27.04.2023 23:15

Ever wonder why some people even think of comparing black people to monkeys or orcs? OCD may be why.

Veronica Lopes
Veronica Lopes - 20.04.2023 08:07

1 Thessalonians 3:1_2,5_7,10 therefore when we could no longer endure it we through it good to be left in Athens alone and sent Timothy our brother and minister of God and our fellow laborer in the gospel of Christ to establish you and encourage you concerning your faith for this reason when I could no longer endure it i sent to know your faith lest by some means the tempter had tempted you and our labor might be in vain but now that Timothy has come to us from you and brought us good news of your faith and love and that you always have good remembrance of us greatly desiring to see us as we also to see you therefore brethren in all our affliction and distress we were comforted concerning you by your faith night and day praying exceedingly that we may see your face and perfect what is lacking in your faith? Living by faith in God everybody in this world lives by faith the difference between the Christian and the unconverted person is not the fact of faith by object of faith the unsaved person trusts himself and other humans the Christian trusts God it is your faith in God that is the secret of victory and ministry if you have any doubts that God honors faith in himself Hebrews 11:1 now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen one of the greatest problems God has with his children is the developing of their faith Satan knows this and therefore attacks the believer s faith Paul's words to the young Christian in Thessalonica illustrate the point according to Romans 1:17 for in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith as it is written the just shall live by faith the Christian is supposed to go from faith to faith when you read the life of Abraham in Genesis you see that all that God did he did in order to perfect Abraham's faith it is a spiritual principal Matthew 9:29 then He touched their eyes saying according to your faith let it be to you mark 6;6 and He marveled because of their unbelief then He went about the villages in a circuit teaching this raises the important question how can the believer know that he is living by faith? It is easy for us to be fooled by our own feelings but it seemed right to do it or by the circumstances around us or by Satan and his Demonic powers are there any tests that the Christian can apply to his decisions and actions to determine whether or not he is walking by faith? Yes there are four practical tests (1) am i doing this for the glory of God or just to please myself? Romans 4:20 He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief but was strengthened I'm faith giving glory to God Abraham and Sarah were both well past the age of having children and yet God promised them a son Abraham's begetting and Sarah's bearing a son would certainly be impossible apart from God Luke 1:37 for with God nothing will be impossible Matthew 9:26 but Jesus looked at them and said to them with men this is impossible but God all things are possible i wait on lord renew my strength renew my mind so atlast I found Dr Jordan B Peterson word came we won't leave and i gave myself God's law is dwelling in me and with me what God has joined may no man separate them for i am child of God prince of peace lord Jesus helper Holy spirit comparable comforter Advocate counselor bride of Christ faithfulness i have blood of Jesus body of Christ heart is of Christ my mind is of Christ i am inheritance of kingdom of God lord Jesus died age of 33 years He is alive He is living in spirit man is spirit i am young like Him image of God 13+42 = 54 i will be 55 in this month April my birthday i am still young in heart body and mind no one can guess my age doesn't matter age very important our heart is treasure so when you have your calm mind peace dwelling in me and with me heart is full of riches of kingdom of God glory honour and power to most High God for i am wonderfully and fearfully made marvelous are God's work and that my soul knows very well your whole body system function well nothing to worry just live for today and tomorrow God has plan future of peace and hope of salvation it was not Abraham's faith in faith that wrought the miracle it was his faith in God the world's shallow philosophy Have faith everything will work out is as foolish as it is ineffective faith in what? Certainly not faith in faith! Abraham and Sarah trusted God and God performed what he had promised because he knew God Abraham was Romans 4;21 And being fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform but it is important to notice Abraham's motive in all of this he gave glory to God faith always gives glory to God for faith confesses that man is unable to accomplish nothing and the only God can do it Abraham and Sarah were as good as dead physically when they trusted God to work and this is what brought glory of God so whenever you are about to make a decision or take a step in your Christian walk or ministry ask yourself am i doing this for God's glory alone? If there is any indication in your heart that self glory is involved stop immediately and wait on the lord for his direction true faith is motivated only by the desire to glory God test (2) am i rushing ahead impetuously or am I willing to wait we have already learned that faith and patience always go together Romans 10:11 for the scripture says whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame Isaiah 28:16 therefore this says the lord God behold i lay in zion a stone for a foundation a tried stone a precious cornerstone a sure foundation whoever believes will not act hastily the Christian who waits for God's leading and waits God's working will not be disappointed or ashamed true faith is not in a hurry until God opens the way if you find yourself impatiently rushing ahead of the lord beware you are sure to act in fleshly unbelief instead of in true spiritual faith Romans 14;23 but he who doubts is condemned if he eats because he does not eat from faith for whatever is not from faith is sin test (3) can I defend what i am doing from the word of God true faith is always grounded in word of God the Bible Romans 10:17 so then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God no matter how reasonable an action seem if in contradicts the word of God you cannot do it by faith the Bible gives us precepts to obey promises to claim and principles to follow but if we violate any of these we are acting in unbelief and not in faith our friends may encourage us and circumstances may seem to favour us Jonah found a ship waiting for him but if we are disobeying the word of God we are not acting in faith this means that God cannot bless us or use us to bring glory to God name test (4) as i contemplate this move do i have joy and peace within Romans 15;13 now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy spirit where there is true faith the Holy spirit is at work and where the spirit is at work he will produce the fruit of hope joy and peace having the peace of God in your heart is one piece of evidence that you are in the will of God the peace of Christ is supposed to rule in your heart Colossians 3:15 and let the peace of God rule in your heart in which also you were called in one body and be thankful and that word rule literally means be the umpire when you lose God's peace within you know you have somewhere detoured from the will of God it is in this area that the Christian must learn to distinguish between his own human emotions and the deepen work of God in his life God never denies our emotions he certainly can use them to accomplish his purpose but often as we step out by faith we experience human fear and anxieties but if we are walking by faith these fear will eventually be overcome by a deeper joy and peace this is the work of the spirit of God in response to our faith in God's word. Thanks

JuGaL - 14.04.2023 20:57

It's so sad that even jp doesn't understand ocd and most don't. That makes life hard for me and quite a lot of others, but life is unfair so whatever.
