The Hero's Journey: From Ordinary to Extraordinary

The Hero's Journey: From Ordinary to Extraordinary

Christopher Linkenbach

5 месяцев назад

232 Просмотров

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@raginald7mars408 - 04.02.2024 12:51

... as a German Biologist -
Campbell is a wonderful amazing GREAT MAN.
Thanks to Moyers -
Campbell is immortal.
Native Tribes have Initiation Rites.
The Transition from Juvenile
to adult mature MAN
Integrating into the Tribe as
Warrior, Hunter, Provider, Father - Shaman...
This is aggressively destroyed in our Techno Sphere -
where we are conditioned to hunt for
BIG instant rewards -
without any effort of the Tribe Man.
We stay as Infants in Kinder Garden all life
even 70 year young Kids can become Presidents and destroy the world as a Play Mobile Game.
Such Societies are Self Chernobyling...
Forever Young
self destructive DUMB...
even the tough NAVY SEAL Training
can preserve infantile Phantasia Land
playing Warrior
as sort of Video Game...
