Treasury Bill ETFs SGOV and BIL (Less Hassle And Easier To Buy?)

Treasury Bill ETFs SGOV and BIL (Less Hassle And Easier To Buy?)

Financially Aware

1 год назад

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@Jason22Douce - 28.12.2023 20:13

Im considering parking an emergency fund in sgov over a money market fund like fdlxx due to living in a high tax state. Nice video

@thaotran7113 - 23.12.2023 01:58

can i keep SGOV for just half month or one month in case need to sell it to buy other stock........thank you

@jirky015 - 21.12.2023 06:53

BIL just dropped in price to 91.22. What caused this and should I be concerned?

@dGooddBaddUgly - 08.11.2023 05:29

I was thinking about parking some reserve in ETFs and treasury bill ETFs seem to protect me from market fluctuation for the short term. Thanks for the great video.

@aaajjj9632 - 04.11.2023 12:39

Quality video, very helpful, thanks. 1) Is the bid ask spread on sgov typically only 0.01, and how high might it get from your experience? 2) There could be Capital Gain on sgov up to roughly 0.5%, under current yields, if you buy and sell right after and before ex date, then even for measly amounts of CG, you are burdened with having to fill out f8949 and SchD on fed tax return, which is a pain, or will the cg appear as interest on 1099int making life easier? 3) intraday price of sgov ... have you ever seen much of a premium or discount, meaning mkt price away from nav?

@bluegtturbo - 03.11.2023 12:22

Thank you for this! I went for Sgov because I'm nearing retirement and I want to preserve what I have over possible longer term benefits of stocks.

@WinnieTheTrain - 30.10.2023 19:35

Can you hold Sgov longterm like never sell it, or do you have to sell it? I don't understand how bonds work... I'm reading something about selling a bond when it matures.. How do you know when a bond matures etc?

@randallstephens1680 - 29.10.2023 05:48

Why do the charts for these ETFs look like a regular monthly sawtooth? Do you need to trade them every month or something?

@mdecicco141 - 26.10.2023 03:54

I ❤ sgov

@TuEspanol - 01.10.2023 03:01

does an ETF of short treasuries like TBIL is risk free? i mean can it go down if is there a recesion or big volatiliy in the markets?

@kf5hcr176 - 21.09.2023 07:14

Thank you Sir,
I appreciate your time to help us learn.
Well done.

@nicolette3436 - 18.09.2023 18:21

Stupid question I'm brand new to investing. And was comparing Fidelity to Vanguard. Treasury bills seem like a very safe investment. Do I use one of these brokerages to invest or open a Chase investment account?

@somejohndoe3004 - 17.08.2023 14:56

That was an amazing video, you got a new subscriber. Keep up the great work. Thank you for the quality content.

@abschmit - 14.08.2023 18:34

These expense ratios are huge. Why not just by XHLF at 0.03%? Sure it's longer duration but the retail customer should just be using them to store an emergency fund.

@kendallhughes7507 - 12.08.2023 06:01

Thank you for the video- is it safe for me to have the majority of my money (about $824K+) temporarily parked in either SGOV or BIL while I sit back and wait for the stock market to settle down? Also would you recommend TBIL (US Treasury 3 Month Bill ETF) instead, as I noticed that its currently paying a +5% yield ?

@Soobs123 - 07.07.2023 07:27

It might be helpful to touch on Treasury FRNs. The ETFs USFR and TFLO are getting a lot of attention.

@birdman9029 - 05.07.2023 23:17

Considering that SGOV is a US Treasury Bond ETF, is the monthly interest payment exempt from state tax?

@takatsu5 - 03.07.2023 20:28

Question: since they buy short term treasuries and hold to maturity, there is no interest rate risk, right? When rates start to fall, will this ETF drop? If you had a intermediate bond fund before the Fed started to raise rates, today your fund is worth a lot less because the bonds in it are paying lower interest rates.

@pjsanab - 29.06.2023 02:29

Are the earnings on these ETF’s taxable?
I’m considering parking most cash on it. Cash is currently on a money market (SPAXX) that has been paying 4.5+ or higher since January

@QuadTap - 28.06.2023 23:15

so I have some SGOV and the price rises over the month and the goes lower after the 1st.. should I see a interest or dividend payment somewhere?

@maze.p - 26.06.2023 10:33

Thanks really nice video. Very helpful!

@dudewheresmyguitar21 - 22.06.2023 06:16

Tbil looks way better than these. 5% yield instead of 3%

@toddl.3454 - 21.06.2023 03:30

Can you lose money in these etfs. If I buy an individual bond and hold it to maturity, I can't lose.

@jimknarr - 25.05.2023 19:27

Do you plan to hold your SGOV & BIL through a potential June 1 default?

@donking6996 - 03.05.2023 00:34

Good information. Thank you! . qq- What would happen to $BIL if us defaults on its debt. Do I lose everything I invested?

@sidban - 29.04.2023 00:57

Q: These Treasury ETF pays out monthly dividend usually?

@joedall4161 - 27.04.2023 18:46

Was hoping this video would explain how these funds return money to investor? Do they return make a payment comparable to a dividend?

@noydbwia - 23.04.2023 03:29

An apology for the novella...
I have just stepped into the world of Treasury bills and find that the innumerable videos talking about how laborious it is to manage the rolling of maturing t-bills and what-not are a bit insufferable... When I decided to go into treasuries, my goal was to cut out all of the middlemen, all of them (banks/brokerages/ An "ETF" is a middleman. Don't need, nor care about, someone looking to shave fees off what I can make directly from doing the work myself through the wonderful website that is Treasury Direct. My overall plan became shifting from regularly scheduled deposits into 2 different savings accounts into a series of rolling 4week bills... Weekly purchases, all set on a automatic reinvestment plan that reaches the final maturity in either Nov or Dec. I have designs, that over the next couple of years to have no less than 80% of my disposable income rolling through the whole slate of offerings, 4,8,13,17 and 26 week t-bills.... I will be receiving what's called "refunds" almost every day of every week come next year... And that doesn't include the new bills that I continue purchasing weekly throughout the next year! Working with Treasury Direct is a time consuming affair, but I find it a fascinating challenge and look forward to a good run. The only reason I have to involve a bank or any other financial middleman is the need to have a place for those deposits and withdrawals to funnel through. I don't pay interest and I don't appreciate banks that do the same thing I do then shave off a little bit for the poor little depositor. Learn to beat the banks and middlemen at their own game, prosper and not give three happy flips about the stock market.

@drjohnpodlaski613 - 09.04.2023 04:57

This is new to me as an investment vehicle. Are the ETF bought through a broker or directly from Blackrock or other?

@alexandrealmeidamagalhaes7768 - 08.04.2023 01:15

So I can sell these treasury ETFs whenever I want, ans they are virtually risk-free? Sounds like they're the right investment for me right now.

@janoz06 - 05.04.2023 06:00

Thanks for the excellent video

@circle7books - 02.04.2023 15:22

Do they have a requirement to invest 90 or 100% of what is received?

@Neo300002 - 31.03.2023 05:52

Thank you for the video! I see SGOV goes up and then resets each month. Is there a best day of the month to invest in it - beginning / end? Thank you.

@ashhansen - 23.03.2023 15:50

Great information. I have all our iras in $bil and was trying to explain it to my brother, forwarding this super helpful video. Thanks for the work put in

@adamo1827 - 12.03.2023 17:31

Great video. These ETFs are being overlooked right now and will gain in popularity as awareness grows.

@wiseguysmith6519 - 11.03.2023 10:31

Bought my first t bills this week! Is it possible yields have topped this week with the massive move up in bonds as more people move into them and out of stocks, despite the fact that the Fed will most likely continue to raise the fed funds rate, or do you think these t bill yields will go higher over time as the fed raises?

@brettharman8921 - 10.03.2023 18:56


@daveschmarder-1950 - 10.03.2023 17:56

I own both T Bills and Treasury ETFs. Currently I have a little in SCHO. But I mostly have 3 and 6 month TBs. The SCHO is part of my ready cash resource, should it be needed. I now have a very small amount in a couple 1 year TBs. A year ago I had nothing in Treasuries. I just kept cash as my fixed income. And that income was fixed -- at nearly 0%.
For additional bond speculation I own a tiny amount ofVGLT and a very tiny amount of EDV. Just enough so I notice the movement.
Your presentations are excellent.

@ownerowner7919 - 10.03.2023 14:18


@deriums - 10.03.2023 14:16

I'd rather buy the bond itself, BUT You can buy into the ETFs for $1 at a time and can DRIP the dividends. Honestly, it might not be a bad idea to buy the actual bonds if you can and whatever you earn from that, throw it into the ETFs and just let it drip while you wait out this weird environment we are in.
