Jimmy Hides A Battery In Chuck's Pocket | Chicanery | Better Call Saul

Jimmy Hides A Battery In Chuck's Pocket | Chicanery | Better Call Saul

Breaking Bad & Better Call Saul

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* Setup
* Setup - 30.10.2023 14:16

By Chuck's logic if Jmmy deffecated though a sunruff many years ago, he doesn't deserve to be a lawyer, he's not worthy enought, not pure and inocent like saint to deserve to practice law or have a chance to make better choices in life, even though he tries he's not allowed 😂

You can tell he's crazy just by the fact that in he's head he really thought this story is convincing. Crazy people make sense to a lot of things in their head but when they say it out loud they realize how crazy they actually are 😂

Merka Joshua
Merka Joshua - 29.10.2023 13:14

My favorite part of this scene is when Jimmy said, "It's defecatin' time." And started defecating all over the courtroom, but Chuck still saved him and took him on his own firm. One of the TV shows of all time.

Lok Chai
Lok Chai - 27.10.2023 19:24

Chuck created Saul Goodman
Not Jimmy himself

İmadudeen August-Sarva-Husayn
İmadudeen August-Sarva-Husayn - 27.10.2023 14:57

This, if Gibran won.

Atlas The Hatless
Atlas The Hatless - 26.10.2023 05:47

Chuck reminded me of short circuit 2 he played fred

Doni Edits
Doni Edits - 25.10.2023 20:49

I know he swapped those numbers

zeyphrBW sd
zeyphrBW sd - 25.10.2023 18:34

Chuck true colors for everyone to see is so great

Cenko Lino
Cenko Lino - 25.10.2023 04:49

The funny thing is Chuck is telling the truth here but his mental illness and spitefulness towards Jimmy was his downfall.

Eustace Bagge
Eustace Bagge - 24.10.2023 23:42

Whats crazy.. jimmy is the one who really mastered living in this jungle.. chuck could never survive in the real world.. and chuck understands that. He sees in real time that even tho he knows who jimmy is (because they are brothers), to everyone else Jimmy’s camouflage works. Jimmy’s way works. He is getting beat at his own game by a strategy he considers wrong.

Windsorr - 23.10.2023 21:35

this is one of the greatest acting performances in TV history

talito plays
talito plays - 23.10.2023 02:28

daaaam thats some chakinery

E600 - 20.10.2023 11:44

In the End, Jimmy says to the court Chuck was right about him

WokeFly - 19.10.2023 20:26

This is the momentJimmy becomes chicanery

Eternal - 19.10.2023 19:36

Jimmy played him like a fool there.

Ode to a Grasshopper
Ode to a Grasshopper - 19.10.2023 15:40

This scene gets even better after the Insurance scene...

gregtestagent - 19.10.2023 13:57

Notice the camera closing in on Charles, it’s no longer a passive observer, like most shows do their framing and blocking of a shot. There would be less tension if they kept it a medium or standard close up switch back. The camera is made to be an actor as well, and I wish we saw more of that.

OmegaJRZ - 19.10.2023 04:29

You are out of order!

Eric Cheese
Eric Cheese - 19.10.2023 02:46

An unplugged battery doesn't emit an EM field or carry a current.
