How Password Managers Work - Computerphile

How Password Managers Work - Computerphile


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FaRo - 13.09.2023 15:40

I just sync my KeePass file between devices via cloud, that takes care of the convenience part. And my phone undoes its one million times AES in a few seconds, so the argument of client vs. server power seems weird. I don't think it was that different 4 years ago.

David Hedges
David Hedges - 09.09.2023 20:22

Write them down ... is not as bad as it sounds...
It can't be broken, it can't be hacked, if it's outside the view of a webcam, then it more secure ...

Κώστας Καραπαπαχατζηδιμιτρακόπουλος
Κώστας Καραπαπαχατζηδιμιτρακόπουλος - 28.07.2023 00:09

how does spiderman know so much about passwords ?

Marc Panther
Marc Panther - 29.06.2023 20:48

Why the hassle of doing "H(vault_key | password)" for the authentication part? Can't the server just provide the blob for anyone that requests for it, since the assumption is that nobody without the master password can decrypt the blob anyway?

sure fine whatever
sure fine whatever - 14.06.2023 23:00

more important: have I been pawned?

Klipk - 29.04.2023 14:27

terrible terrible video

S Row
S Row - 05.01.2023 01:45

I'd never store my ssn I don't care how secure they are.

eta0carinae - 24.12.2022 14:05

LastPass has just been cracked, with all of the vaults stolen. Please, don't use it, or just any online password manager for that matter. If you use it, change all of your passwords now.

Mercenary EX
Mercenary EX - 21.12.2022 01:58

Help! For what master password entropy should i aim, if i use AES256 to encrypt my database ?? is it 128 bits enough or should i go for 256 bit master password?

Is it true that a quantum computer can brute force a 256 bit master password with grovers algorithm with a final strenght of 2**256/2 combinations??

Jonah Branch
Jonah Branch - 17.11.2022 22:50

Y'all should do a video on the OPAQUE password authentication protocol!

Evan Yoohoo
Evan Yoohoo - 06.08.2022 17:45

Password managers should be hardware devices emulating a keyboard.

TON 618
TON 618 - 26.07.2022 16:29

I have a some methods. I already do this so it's pretty safe.

Method1: Map all the English alphabets to some unicode characters that which you can remember. Basically you invent your own cipher. Then create some app/program in c++, rust which can convert any english txt file to the unicode mapping txt file. Print it on some card and keep it in your purse.
Same can be written on paper. Only you can understand it.

Method2: Put all your secret stuff in a file. Encrypt it using some program or your own custom program. Keep the program binary in private github repo. Deny all outbound connections in your machine. Keep the encrypted txt file anywhere you like, can be gmail.

It's takes some effort to protect valuable things. Don't go for easy options.

Bonnie Munene
Bonnie Munene - 18.07.2022 01:55

A password manager sits above all browsers that you may have stored different passwords for you.
It's also sits above all devices that you may have for example between Operating systems, PC and mobile devices.

septerra7 - 04.07.2022 18:51

has a 2 meter whiteboard.
writes on a small corner of a piece of paper.

Rakib Mamun Joarder
Rakib Mamun Joarder - 19.03.2022 05:06

I am using DroidPass Password Manager for 2+ years already . I no longer have to memorize lots of different passwords and usernames. Plus the unique passwords make everything so much more secure. Highly recommend!

Rifqi gg Krinyol
Rifqi gg Krinyol - 02.02.2022 06:14

hello sir my name is rifqi i come from indonesia
sir can you help me or give me instructions, how to make a database program, for android mobile games, and i can see directly the database data of the game that is running on my android then i can see the data through my pc computer..
please guide and share knowledge sir..

josiah harder
josiah harder - 08.12.2021 03:06

Can someone tell me why it's okay to send your hashed password over the internet? If the server requires my hashed password to give me the vault key couldn't anyone intercept that hash and copy it and use it also?

NA - 25.11.2021 01:03

Choose a password manager that supports security keys like Yubikey. That way an attacker not only has to guess your master password, they also need your physical key to authenticate.

FennecTECH - 15.11.2021 03:26

1Password doesnt even derive the vault key from the password.

Reedy777 - 10.11.2021 15:37

So what happens when you have a corrupt authoritarian government who has implemented keyloggers at the os level, embedded drm reporting and harware based device id.

Joker Shuffle
Joker Shuffle - 01.11.2021 23:49

All these Password Managers were far to complex for most of my family who didn't understand many of the features and just wanted something they could use easily. My Password Book for IOS devices was ideal and did not require any third party registration.

Alessandro Segreto
Alessandro Segreto - 12.10.2021 18:26

what is the best pw manager?

Sebastian M
Sebastian M - 03.08.2021 13:28

"Not password1, goodness!"

He is so british :'D delightful

Jishnu Chatterjee
Jishnu Chatterjee - 28.07.2021 09:48


Robert Weber
Robert Weber - 19.07.2021 17:50

Left handed genius!

AboveEmAllProduction - 18.07.2021 20:20

Just use 123password instead, ez

Mez - 06.07.2021 02:35

On 1Password, if my private key is used to decrypt my Vault Key, is it also signed by 1Password’s Public Key?

Aaron - 06.06.2021 19:09

If your vault become encrypted again if your still logged in to the vault ?

Stefano L
Stefano L - 06.06.2021 12:30

The only reasons I still taken in use a password manager I don't know how to

DruffilaX - 15.05.2021 09:48

I love this man and i love how ambitious he is about IT things

John Clarke
John Clarke - 15.05.2021 04:52

hashing, iterations, primary identifiers, Hmack, encripted vault, vault key, 250 bit AF key? a dozen confusing words in the first 5 minutes, too many computerspeak words to look up to understand , HELP!

Mattias W.
Mattias W. - 10.05.2021 10:08

One good strategy for remembering hundreds of different long passwords is to use mnemonics. Even if not perfect in any part it should definitively be one of the strategies mentioned.

Brian D'Souza
Brian D'Souza - 09.05.2021 13:14

But how does the server know that the authentication key is correct? Since it is hashed so many times. Also the authentication key must change on every login if I'm not wrong then how does it verify if it's the correct authentication key? The password manager I'm talking about is Bitwarden.

Windows Portable Apps
Windows Portable Apps - 29.04.2021 16:58

Almost all password managers available out there are not really password managers, they are Note managers!

People should really start using a real password manager like "Multi One Password" that does not store passwords neither locally in the users computers nor in the cloud!

Synchro-Dentally - 28.04.2021 21:12

what if the fields(with the exception of the the passwords themselves) in the manager are not fully understandable? For example, instead of saying "Amazon" using a different association such as "JB's junk".

NVR - 27.04.2021 16:59

Bitwarden is the best

ethernet - 23.04.2021 05:48

I have an awesome Mosta Posswuhhhd

Aeroscience - 17.04.2021 18:46

PASS : the standard Unix password manager

Jardani Jonovich
Jardani Jonovich - 14.04.2021 14:07

We need a video on double verification

DiamondDemon - 15.03.2021 00:25

Please please dont use conventional password managers
if you can code, just make your own

surferdjnj - 21.02.2021 04:53

I have to say, I disagree with him about his assumptions regarding the "Business model" of the companies and how it pays for them to be honest. What if, say a State actor sponsored a company like this to be stood up, covertly, for the purposes of seeing who used the service in the first place. Rich, important people. Then cherry picked the ones to hack, for the purposes or taking control on a device or service for intelligence, not extracting money?

ytpSG - 18.02.2021 01:57

Is the automatic login from google chrome or samsung phones also some sort of password manager or do they use different (less secure?!) methods and are not advisable?

Aaron Nautel
Aaron Nautel - 09.02.2021 05:27

@Computerphile Based on your professional opinion, which password manager is best? Free or paid doesn't matter.

Aaron - 09.02.2021 01:18

So is leaving your vault open keep your password exposed?

Noor Alam
Noor Alam - 29.01.2021 10:00


Noor Alam
Noor Alam - 29.01.2021 08:26

What if

iloveyoukate is mike pound's password
