Charlie Munger: Bitcoin Is Worthless Artificial Gold | CNBC

Charlie Munger: Bitcoin Is Worthless Artificial Gold | CNBC


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Jimmy Gustafsson
Jimmy Gustafsson - 18.09.2023 03:55

Bitcoin is the biggest pyramid scheme yet.

N W - 04.09.2023 07:43

poor guy!

Lil T
Lil T - 23.04.2023 00:36

He looks so stupid now

mac - 12.03.2023 15:54

Spot on. As someone who studied computer science I'm fascinated by the underlying technology, but the application of using a blockchain as a currency? That's for anarchists and gamblers, and the better your society functions the fewer you have of those.

Kevin Cave
Kevin Cave - 23.02.2023 08:44

Lol you remind me of a old fool that needs to kick the bucket

Hosam - 18.02.2023 08:20

btc was 9k back then and went to 69k and now its 25k
it outperform all their investments up to today

Superpower Playthroughs
Superpower Playthroughs - 16.02.2023 20:07

3 of the biggest idiots on the face of this earth. One of them who's trying to control the population. The other 2 who know nothing about cryptocurrency.

Norman Carter
Norman Carter - 10.02.2023 22:28

Charlie Munger and Warren Buffett speak the truth - I bet O'Leary and Cuban wished that they had listened to them now. Cryptocurrency is just a Millennial Modernized Ponzi Scheme, it is the Tulip Bubble of the 1700s, it is not a currency it is pure speculation and the poster child for the "Greater Fool Investment Theory". It was invented to facilitate an easier and more clandestine way to transfer money for money launders, con-artists, fraudsters, cartels, terrorists, and kidnappers.

Mads Madsen
Mads Madsen - 06.02.2023 00:23

Investing in Bitcoin is the belief in that a guy who just keeps his computer running 24/7 to mine, is producing value. On its own, that's problematic, as an investment, it's headless.

MEMEseem - 02.02.2023 21:57

Bitcoin is people currency,bitcoin is freedom, we people agree with eachother to accept bitcoin,No banks ,No govt,transparent, algorithm,decentralised.and you all people know you are late ..and you dont

Jon Lundgren
Jon Lundgren - 07.01.2023 00:18

Crypto. The newest, shiniest Ponzi Scheme.

Visit —  Techclerify on instagram
Visit — Techclerify on instagram - 30.12.2022 00:56

Been trying all this while to get back financially, till this name above team that came to my rescue with a great investment plan I never.

Mark Williams
Mark Williams - 26.12.2022 17:38

"How dare they get upset when we call them scumballs".

Remberto Magbanua
Remberto Magbanua - 05.12.2022 07:55

Always listen to your elders - say tank you FTX and bitcoin investors!
Mr Buffet please don't tell them I TOLD YOU SO 4 years ago!

Russ _
Russ _ - 25.11.2022 08:22

People trying to equate useless virtual money made up by useless algorithms with actual currency like the USD backed by the most powerful military in the world. When Bitcoin has its own 10+ aircraft carriers it can use to threaten countries to use it “or else” come talk to me.

Ispot - 17.11.2022 02:08

Sears said Amazon will never make it.

Errrrrr - 15.11.2022 20:00

This aged well.

Serene Triumph
Serene Triumph - 07.11.2022 06:25

Bitcoin isn’t the only rat poison created by the gods.

Loyiso Thathu
Loyiso Thathu - 23.10.2022 01:57

mhhh Elon musk has a different opinon

Josh C
Josh C - 08.10.2022 07:34

We had the same thing back when email and internet was taking over, the older generations didn’t understand it and pushed away, but it still took over anyway

Ronnie Delahoussaye Chauvin
Ronnie Delahoussaye Chauvin - 10.09.2022 05:19

Major Fraud (Microsoft)

Ronnie Delahoussaye Chauvin
Ronnie Delahoussaye Chauvin - 10.09.2022 05:17


Miles SchmiSi
Miles SchmiSi - 20.07.2022 12:10

Isnt the Dollar worthless as well ? But it still works. It’s not producing anything, it’s just a number on a bank account backed by nothing and a bunch of printed paper circulating. Sounds familliar right ? People still accepting it and not wanna get paid with gold or silver.
If this works why not bitcoin which is limited.

Willard Harper
Willard Harper - 14.07.2022 05:13

If your investing experience is less than 10 years, then I suggest you start with 5-6 portfolio, Don't get too high on a single company. learn the process first. Initial diversification isn't bad, it really worked for me during my early years. Remember that the reason for every investment is to make good gain and protection of capital is a must.

Economics Analyzed
Economics Analyzed - 13.07.2022 16:18

Warren Buffet actually looks like a puppet. His mouth looks like he could be someone that someone else is controlling and speaking for using ventriloquy.

Economics Analyzed
Economics Analyzed - 13.07.2022 16:15

Munger talks so slowly, it's hard to tell when he's done with his overall comment. It's getting time for these guys to check out, seriously. What incredible dinosaurs.

Vengess1 - 30.06.2022 00:09

Looks like he was right about Bitcoin after all.

Brett Favre
Brett Favre - 28.06.2022 15:41

How can anyone listen to Bill Gates and say he's anything other than a moron. He needed to stick to tech. He clearly has too much time to think. "Bitcoin doesn't produce anything" WTF does gold produce? It's a store of value.

SLPC - 27.06.2022 14:58

Bitcoin is in my portfolio (<5%).
Why? Because if bitcoin did become the goto digital reserve asset then my 5% can 10-20 fold easily.
Will I be willing to invest more than 5% of my portfolio into bitcoin? No

Bit2bi - Tobi
Bit2bi - Tobi - 27.06.2022 11:29

Old man yells at bitcoin.

unidentified - 24.06.2022 16:24

cool, I became a millionaire on this useless btc.. eheheheh who is right now?

Tc Linn
Tc Linn - 24.06.2022 05:23

Tulips, rat poison, artificial $, … Mr. Munger is the bomb! (I mean it in a nice way). I like him because he speaks his mind. He is a gem.

Leo - 22.06.2022 15:25

money is worthless artificial paper

GG - 22.06.2022 02:34

This makes me want to buy Bitcoin

Burnout minion
Burnout minion - 20.06.2022 11:08

Now is the best time to buy in and own more bitcoin and cryptos as the market is dipping.

DRUMMERJAYable - 19.06.2022 20:13

Hey guys if anyone has any worthless gold and silver I’ll trade some dogecoin for it.

DRUMMERJAYable - 19.06.2022 20:07

Doesn’t mean you can’t makes tons of money with crypto but I doubt it will stand the test of time. Maybe I will live long enough to find our?

Natalia M
Natalia M - 17.06.2022 16:03

It’s already proven that’s not even artificial gold.

Aaron Williamson
Aaron Williamson - 13.06.2022 16:24

Thats a good one. "if i criticize their wife they don't get all upset about it."

Geoff Phillips
Geoff Phillips - 13.06.2022 13:26

“Bitcoin” the first virtual stage show before a couple of billions of sometime interested spectators. Definitely not worth the virtual admittance.

Justan Olfrend
Justan Olfrend - 08.06.2022 03:37

The guy selling pick axes while spreading a false rumor of gold is how I liken it. The price is driven up and creates the money making cesspool for them to sell pick axes to the mining guys. It’s no where near gold, fake rumor or not.

Justan Olfrend
Justan Olfrend - 08.06.2022 03:34

I 100% agree.

Amina Axelsson
Amina Axelsson - 02.06.2022 05:24

Bit coin is like a pyramid scam but i think people will make money on it for 10-15 years more and if people are lucky it will not crash to zero in 24 hours

Veddant Majumdar
Veddant Majumdar - 28.05.2022 21:06

That is how you laugh when a billionaire cracks a joke!

Rishabh Dev (N3)
Rishabh Dev (N3) - 26.05.2022 13:54

That's 500$ Billion right there.

Xanny - 25.05.2022 10:11

I mean, they had a point but it didn’t really stand out a lot. Crypto is here to stay and waiting to reach its full potential. New investors should do their research on crypto, it’ll be very useful on the long run.

The Profit Maker
The Profit Maker - 22.05.2022 19:42

Old and out of touch. They can't control it. So, they trash cryptocurrency.

Usenli - 19.05.2022 23:15

Bitcoin is attractive like Dolar, one big difference is suppply, Dollar supply means its value will go down and Bitcoin supply means prices will go up, besides censorship resistance and many more advantages

Copper Hoard
Copper Hoard - 19.05.2022 07:36

Do rocks have worth? Gold is a metal, a rock. It's pretty. You can touch it, but you can't eat it. It can't be used to make swords nor aircraft. But mankind has agreed that it has value.
Dollars are finely cut pieces of paper (technically cotton and linen). They're not that pretty, but everyone wants them (demand) and they're in limited supply. Water falls from the sky and covers
60% of the planet, but is still extremely valuable. Many people do not have much of it (a lot of demand) and it is hard to get it, when and where you need it. Air, clean air, is also in high demand.
Economics is all about supply and demand, and there is a secured (encrypted) supply and a current and real demand for Bitcoin. It has value, even if you can't see it, nor touch it.

Francisco Moises Lopez Hernandez
Francisco Moises Lopez Hernandez - 19.05.2022 07:28

Is worthless even tho people use it as a type of currency. Got it.
