10 Dead Or Dying Video Game Genres

10 Dead Or Dying Video Game Genres


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@NotaPizzaGRL - 19.11.2023 19:26

One genre (or subgenre) is the futuristic racer. Yeah their view of the future quickly became outdated because even now there are no flying cars but I loved games like Jet Moto, Wipeout, F-Zero, and Xtreme-G. It's odd that with the level of fidelity available today that those games have not made a comeback. Maybe there's indie games out there doing stuff like F-Zero X but I haven't heard of them.
Arcade sports games (ex. Arch Rivals, NBA Jam, Capcom Sports Club, NFL Blitz, Mutant League Hockey) are another genre I miss. You see indie attempts from time to time and there's stuff like Rocket League but compared to the 90s and early 00s you just don't see many games like that anymore. I blame EA and 2K for that.

@stanislavdaganov574 - 28.10.2023 06:32

Wait, wait: amazing versatile diverse and unique Point and Click graphic adventures, good vehicular combat Carmageddon-like, and Doom-like nostalgic FPS are dying out, while soul-less similar copycat military COD clones and identical gameplay RPG c**p, which are like different Windows XP skins, to the same gameplay, with a different visual - all of them - are "flourishing", together with the GTA abominations - ha ha ha...

@stanislavdaganov574 - 28.10.2023 06:06

Point and click adventures dying according to this t*rd... 1994 was the worst year in videogames, in another video; 1970s with Pong and Pacman were better. These opinions are from the same t*rd: mind that!


@HexenStar - 29.08.2023 14:50

The information in this video definitely needs some correction and clarification, as it
otherwise appears as an average between incompetent and a clickbait.

For starters, let's list the genres that are most certainly not dead:
1) Vehicular combat games - while they have largely (but not entirely!) stopped existing
as a self-sufficient standalone genre, they have nonetheless integrated themselves into
open world games such as GTA and its plentiful clones and the others where you are
able to traverse the landscape using anything else beside your two feet while carrying
a weapon. Mad Max, Rage, Rage II, Mafia series, Witcher III, RDR and others.

2) Helicopter games. What are the so-called "helicopter games?". Divided into 4 categories:
simulation, first-person 6-degrees-of-freedom shoot'em ups, 2D scrolling shoot-em ups and
rare representative - 3D scrolling, rail or open-world shoot'em up.
So who survived as far as today?
The first two sub-genres were always niche, and they still exist as such today. Not more and
not less. Granted, in the 6DoF games got a little more sci-fi, but a futuristic helicopter is still
a helicopter.
2D shmups are developed to this day, even though not as much as during the 90's. Granted,
spaceships encounter there much more often than helicopters, but that is only a change in
graphics, while the topic was game genres, not game graphics.
The final 3D category - was an even smaller niche even back in the nineties, so yes it is extremely
hard to find a representative of that sub-category today. But that relates to another dead genre,
rather than something as unique as "helicopter games".

3)Point-and-Click adventure games. They are definitely not dead. They just moved toward smaller
developers. These are still being produced massively in many genres (often branching off under
a new label "hidden object game", so these being dead is an outright lie. These games have also
expanded into the interactive graphic novel/social sim/dating sim territory.

4) Interactive movie games. Same thing - they simply became somewhat more interactive than
they used to be back in the nineties and traded FMV graphics for CGI animation.
The attempts to blend Point-and-Click adventure games with Interactive Movies existed already
in the 90's. And today - we have plenty of that. Just in a different wrapper.
5) Regarding FPS games and extreme sports games - complete rubbish. Doom community is
far too great for such nonsense to take place. And sports games will always be popular in one
form or the other.

Now instead of these, - let's list FIVE game genres that are unfortunately dead.

1) 3D space action shooter. Soulstar. Novastorm. Silpheed. Total Eclipse. Space Harrier. Pyramid Intruder.
A 3D Space Shooter! Just your ship and your weapons. No nonsense. And no such thing anymore.
Today, only plodding trade sims happen in space, and if you want gun-blazing action it's either back to the
2D shmups, or some Star Wars related whatever.

2) 3D Rail shooter (nothing to do with light gun games, nor with the above category). Starblade. Rebel Assault.
Sewer Shark. Ax-101. Burning Soldier. Over time, some of them tried to merge with other genres - but these
either became niche, became niche and then died - or died straight away.

3) 2D scrolling arcade action. Blades of Vengeance. Gods. Cadash. Golden Axe. Rastan Saga. King of Dragons.
Originally, this category was characterized by its clear, straightforward mechanics and a strong focus on action.
Today, this genre no longer exists, as it has diverged into several derivative subcategories. Either moved into the
direction of platformers - with focus on jumping and aimlessly wondering around, or turned into an RPG, or became
a Souls-like, or Metroid-like. Or a combination of all of the above to a certain degree.
However, none of these replicates the original arcade action-centered gameplay.

4) 2D scrolling Beat'em up. Yes, this genre has recently received some first aid. Including paramedics, and a CPR.
But it is otherwise in the heavy state of decay. Urban-style no-nonsense beat'em ups which featured
tough-as-nails characters molded straight from the iconic action movie heroes of the 80's and 90's - the kind did
not turn themselves into a circus freak - are nowhere to be found today. Hawk, Boomer, Sledge and Blood. Where
are you? Guy, Cody and Haggar - R.I.P.

While we do have 2D action games today - NONE of them provide the classic arcade experience,
with only an extremely rare exception here and there (Huntdown).

5) 2D puzzle-action. Prince of Persia (the original). Generations Lost. Blackthorne. Another World I and II.
Lost Vikings, Bubba and Stix. It was almost obvious that this genre was bound for extinction, as too much
of modern audiences prefer the basic "press X to win" gameplay.

Honorable Mention: fast-paced arcade puzzle games, such as Snow Bros and Bubble Bobble.
A unique and highly challenging gameplay that required speed, reaction, intuition, tactics and most of all - brains.
And that genre is nowhere to be found today either. Just like the more creative puzzle games akin to Baku-Baku Animal.
And last but not least....Edutainment and TV-show clones.

@ViVaLaRan - 22.08.2023 06:35

You implying that AFPS dont take skill/Strategy compaired to other shooters? AFPS is peak FPS skill dude lol

@rbdriftin - 15.06.2023 04:34

“Better off with a modern shooter.”

No. Just no. Call of Duty is not Quake 3. It’s way worse.

@jex-the-notebook-guy1002 - 14.04.2023 00:50

Skylanders isn't the first "toys to life" game. Ub funkeys was

@jukebox6071 - 12.03.2023 20:31

Timesplitters it's time to split!

@tardiscommand1812 - 28.02.2023 17:26

The Skylander toys would have been cooler if they dissapeared into the base. Cause you see the character appear on screen yet the toy is still there. Like a B movie or something

@Drifter2025 - 28.02.2023 14:56

Mutant league came to mind when you mentioned extreme Sports

@1ex1uger-prank-calls - 27.02.2023 10:17

How about beat-em ups (Streets of Rage, Final Fight) and SHUMPS (R-Type, Gradius)?

@ShawnWesleyTheGreat - 23.02.2023 05:16

Most of these games -- aside from the ones based around technological limitations of their days -- are only rare or "dying" because the game industry is incredibly myopic and monopolized. And often one-note.

Car combat games or fast-paced death-match games or whatever else, I can guarantee that if made well it'd be bought up. It's just like how the big companies tried to convince us that single player games as a whole were "dead" and despite what we may think we didn't actually want to play them at all -- we wanted to play subscription-based live-service games with tons of microtransactions!! ... oh, wait, no, people didn't want those.

Also worth noting is that a lot of "indie" games aren't independent at all. They're still the products of the mega corporations run by committees of investors and only-care-about-their-bank-account CEOs. Which is why a lot of "indie games" seem rather samey these days as well. Some are genuinely independent, but it's fewer than you think. It's super cool how monopolized the game industry is. (no sarcasm here!) I sure do love having very little variety in games and being fleeced by companies just to get a minor taste of decent gameplay now and then.

@erurainon6842 - 22.02.2023 01:28

Interactive movie games is most of the games today😂

@matteste - 22.02.2023 00:48

Some I can think of would be arcade racers, first person dungeon crawlers and the rts genre.

@Dannyxcores - 21.02.2023 20:31

Side scrolling beatem ups :(

@oliversudden9162 - 21.02.2023 18:43

point and click isnt dying

@skaldlouiscyphre2453 - 20.02.2023 22:15

It's be nice to see a decent racing sim that isn't at least a decade old or dumbed down for console gamers.

@JK-gm6kk - 20.02.2023 07:21

Still wanna try rider's republic. Looks gorgeous

@JK-gm6kk - 20.02.2023 07:18

Rhythm game controllers, mainly guitars, sell for a great deal in the second hand market. Mostly thanks to the popularity/competitiveness of clone hero in the present day. I don't think they're being produced either, which I imagine helps.

@martinpiekarski1512 - 20.02.2023 00:16

RTS genre should be on that list in my op. It may not have fallen into such obscurity as those genres listed in the video just yet, but sadly, it's pretty much dead now.

@Entropy3ko - 19.02.2023 13:49

Are you idiots? The point and click genre is still alive and well, mostly under indie titles

@tijeybeg5208 - 19.02.2023 12:39

Tony Hawk, no! Please don't die.

@kiillabytez - 19.02.2023 06:03

What's funny is, a lot of people wanted a SKATE type of game, and when they gave us TWO of them, nobody played them!

@GalactusTheDestroyer - 19.02.2023 05:12

I really wish light gun games could make a return. Don't really care for the music peripheral games anymore. I never got into the physical toy things either. As far as helicopter games goes, I had Apache on an old computer long ago and man that was a blast. Full 3D. I remember being blown away that when you shot a missile, it literally left your chopper from the rack leaving a blank spot.

@Tocy777isback0414 - 18.02.2023 23:39

Point 'n Click -> Wadjet Eye Games has a VERY nice collection

@calessel3139 - 18.02.2023 23:30

Another niche genre game type that has nearly disappeared is turned based operational level war games, such as the V-for Victory and HPS's Panzer Campaign series. These were relatively popular back with wargamers in the 90s & early 2000s (they were essentially computer versions of old 1970s & 80s military board games). The genre's not dead but it's pretty hard to find anyone who publishes these types of games anymore.

@Ninetails2000 - 18.02.2023 06:06

I'm still holding out hope for an SSX revival done right. All of those amazing courses from the first two games in GLORIOUS HD!? YES THANK YOU PLEASE I NEED IT!

Also, I'd say Mirrors Edge would count as a puzzle platformer.

@elijahvincent985 - 18.02.2023 05:44

Honestly, I'm glad the Toys-to-Life genre died off. It's such an annoying experience setting the toys up just to get the game to play. The installation is already annoying enough, but to BUILD the toy from the ground-up (Lego Dimensions)? Hard pass.

@sexshit1107 - 17.02.2023 21:42

hopefully FPS s will die out.Absolutely no charm or personality in that genre.

@BenKellyMusic92 - 17.02.2023 21:07

Great, guess I'm old now too 🥺

@SludgeMan90 - 17.02.2023 20:48

vigilante 8 n64 was an amazing vehicular combat game. I spent countless hours playing it as a kid. absolutely loved it.

@kaydog2450 - 17.02.2023 18:53

The extreme sports genre is i would say is limping as game devs are trying to keep it going i wouldnt. Mind seeing tony hawks underground 1 and 2 get a remaster with the ps4 and ps5 having a camera you could use it to scan yours eyes nose and mouth and put it onto a create a skater

@YannMetalhead - 17.02.2023 15:46

Good video.

@onsokumaru4663 - 17.02.2023 12:22

You forgot about the RTS genre

@captainblacktooth371 - 17.02.2023 12:18

What needs to go into the void is MMO and all multiplayer.

Whilst some people apparently wish to spend their money and waste their time being griefed by imbeciles ... Count me out.

@ricosuave6898 - 17.02.2023 08:01

I played all the way through Far Point in my recliner.

@mrmiffmiff - 17.02.2023 04:40

I mean hey for both kinds of adventure games there are still very populated contests every year. It's niche, but many good hobbies are. (Indie games often > AAA anyway.)

@DuerstTheWuerst - 16.02.2023 21:06

Cast Revive on these genres.

@thenomad4123 - 16.02.2023 20:05

I love adventure games so much that I don't mind having to suffer terrible visuals to get my fix (which were good for its time). However the genre does deserve every bit of criticism it gets, particulary about trial and error puzzles, and non-sensical solutions.

@shadowside8433 - 16.02.2023 15:24

Whats a Clawsit? :)

@thraxberserker9960 - 16.02.2023 12:17

Skylanders was one of the most innovative moves in gaming ever

@KingBasewyn - 16.02.2023 03:43

Car vehicular combat games, I’m literally playing Wreckfest right now

@athomasbond - 16.02.2023 01:15

Really did love the broken sword games, never got into monkey island or disc world but loved the concept and how they made you think

@gorkipork4112 - 15.02.2023 23:24

For text based we have degrees of Lew... Ah sorry. I catched me a cold

@BobHowler - 15.02.2023 02:04

We need to bring back light gun games. Maybe the rise is school shootings is supplying the demand left by their decline.

@mullenio4200 - 14.02.2023 22:42

I personally feel that not every game has to have a huge open world. It's like a must have these days but games like Dragon Age Origins are Fantastic without it.
