Left-Handed People Shouldn't Exist

Left-Handed People Shouldn't Exist

Knowledge Raiders

1 год назад

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@reubenalvares15 - 01.02.2024 22:02

You must be asking really good questions.

@user-fi4st7ni8r - 25.01.2024 10:44

left hand people are smarter. I play a guitar with my right throw a ball with my left.

@octanesweat7065 - 22.01.2024 05:28

Even though I’m right handed idk why you say left handed people shouldn’t exist for

@breshkotashmal7362 - 20.01.2024 07:05

Oh, and Steve Jobs was not left handed. He was a major asshole, and a rotten human being, but he was a righty. You can look up videos of him signing autographs and he's using his right hand.

@breshkotashmal7362 - 20.01.2024 07:00

My family is an oddity. Of my parents and siblings, 3 or 5 are left handed. Of my children, 2 of 3 are left handed. Of all my cousins, 9 of 16. Aunts and uncles, 5 of 9. I know this because we actually talked about it very recently at various family functions over Christmas. That gene runs strong in this tribe.

@DevSarman - 19.01.2024 17:07

Imagine being left handed lmao

@NormurodJumayev-ji2ve - 14.01.2024 10:04

I am a teacher. I can write with both my hands, which is sometimes convenient to write on the blackboard without moving too much. Again, I draw better than most people around. But, I do not know why.

@hbrown1969 - 10.01.2024 02:41

I was lucky as there were 3 left handers (including mom) and 3 right handers in my family.

@MantheWorldHasChanged - 09.01.2024 10:34

I'm a lefty and it gets super hard to do every day tasks and always gets criticized for not being able to use my right hand as good as them. When Itell them I'm left handed they just find me annoying because. have this condition which makes ten times harder to use my right hand because other can still kind of use their right hand mine all I can do is point and grab stuff

@pixelcreations2663 - 08.01.2024 11:58

I need the source about what you said about hindus keeping lefty for wiping poop. Whats the source?

@n31x - 07.01.2024 20:56

I am a righty, currently (yes I said currently because I am practicing for total of 6 months but did not find time to improve it) using my left hand to do everything my right hand does. and for a fact, using scissors are hard. Finding items are also not surprisingly HARD.

One advice to lefties is to also prepare your right hand for some situations, be ambidextrous, it has made my life better than before.
For me, it took about 15 days to get a handwriting good and fast enough to write on exams.

@uyuuu1353 - 07.01.2024 13:57

Now I get why teachers used to hit my left hand whenever they saw me used it to write 💀
Literally, got discriminated against for that was bullshit but after having smashed I really couldn't use my left hand to write for days

@spicefly91 - 06.01.2024 01:45

My life sucks after this video

@spicefly91 - 06.01.2024 01:45

My life sucks after this video

@elonnut - 03.01.2024 11:38

Me and my younger brother are the only left handed people currently alive in my family we have a 9 year age gap

@WalnutAnimations - 02.01.2024 08:30


@Mobjeep72 - 30.12.2023 11:04

This video was awesome!!! -- Very nice.
The best AND worst thing about being left-handed is when people see you write with your left hand or something, and then proceed to ask, "Are you left-handed?"

@sheppybread - 30.12.2023 06:35

as a lefty in my entire immediate family and extended family on both my parents side, its hell. but the good thing is my niece is left handed so I'm the only one whose able to teach her how to write and stuff

@thaliacontreras1505 - 26.12.2023 01:11

Minor inconveniences. But nothing to bitch about. The person next to me just felt awkward that I had to face him and not the board. Or sharing a desk we bumped elbows.

@gustavoquilmes1985 - 25.12.2023 22:11

Lionel messi fútbol is a actor , dont left leg, ..example.. Rafael nadal Blood dister and actor left hand.
Policy? I dont know.
In argentina state corruption yesterday and today, manipulación información the people left handers and child from years 80s 90s inclusive yesterday and today.
For the first time in my life, I wrote an email to the United States and the UN and everyone in Argentina and Uruguay who sent an email found out. I ask for rescue.
It is a lie that we suffer from schizophrenia, mental illness and etc etc. The government does not want people to know truths.
spy agents are likely to see these comments

@gustavoquilmes1985 - 25.12.2023 21:57

Hola, mo nombre es gustavo from argentina. Toda la vida me mantuvieron en cautiverio hasta los 21 años years old, robaron mi identidad y crean personajes como (Lionel messi) and...lionel messi dont left leg ni tampoco dont left hand.....persona inventada por los medios de manipulación del estado corrupto argentino.
Pusieron multitud de negocios con mis datos. Mi vida pasó a estar en manos de cualquier persona, ninguna ley ni derecho me protege. Me negaron mi identidad, mi mano izquierda y descubri quien soy amis 37 años (actualmente 38) argentina no paran de usarme, me vigilan todo el tiempo, me siguen, buscan que cosas consumo, que me gusta, absolutamente todo. Y no solo eso, sino que descubie que me persiguen desde que soy un niño, nací en el month march 25 de 1985.
Nunca salí de mi país y me mantienen al día de hoy en la ignorancia. Envié email a EEUU tratando de buscar ayuda, pero creo q la solución la tengo en Europa. Puedo demostrar mi identidad mostrando mi espalda medula espinal, mi mano, mis sangre adn y muchísimo más. Argentina creo muchisimos personajes en base a mi identidad y también robaron ideas mías durante toda mi vida. Me han robado todo sobre mi. Aun me quieren mantener en la pobreza

@txtifosi - 25.12.2023 18:38

Southpaw here. Damn your right handed scissors!

@ClyntonVDB - 25.12.2023 09:57

I may write with my left hand, but throw a ball or open a door with my right hand. I can use a mouse with either hand and I favour using my right hand when using a trackpad on a laptop. I use a knife and fork like righties, but will move my glass to the left because I favour holding a glass in my left hand, I will hold a knife in my left hand when preparing food.

@joepepito1170 - 22.12.2023 08:12

pros: instant combat advantage
cons: scissors hurt ouchie

@modupeharrison8989 - 19.12.2023 11:53

My parents , teachers, fsmily members tried various ways from the first time i picked something up as a toddler with my left hand to ' slap it out of me' , words like ' no man wants a left handed woman etc' to pure bullying but i am still left handed, i did learn to use my right hand but my rebellion was always to use the left hand in the presence of others especially those i knew would say silly things about it. I am glad i prevailed and did not change for anyone!!

@wmterwil1 - 18.12.2023 19:34

You are wrong, I can Handel both sides . I write left, but I can use the right. You could show respect. I can use any tool left or right handed.
Have a Merry Christmas 🎁🎄

@joegordon2915 - 14.12.2023 22:22

We lefties have used our superior intelligence and our evilness to survive.

@aguerzachggy - 14.12.2023 19:07

being a lefty is hard, in high school i had to request for a left-handed desk

@CharlesFVincent - 07.12.2023 09:48

A kitchen is a very right-handed place, and a lot of it is hot or sharp.

@grassytramtracks - 07.12.2023 01:38

The difference between the incidence of left handedness is cultural, in most places in ghe past, and still many places now, it is common to force left handed children into writing or eating with their 'proper' hand

@sapientaster - 04.12.2023 19:31


@GeorgiGochev-kf1qm - 03.12.2023 13:38

Actually, in lift-labe traffic, you have to use your left hand to STER, so if you have a dominant right had, gers aren't going to save you

@MaryM251 - 30.11.2023 12:36

I can only do things with my left hand. I tried teaching myself how to use my right hand for tools only created for righties but I couldn’t. 😕 I ended up having to teach myself how to use things upside down or in a weird angle in order to get things done.

@MaryM251 - 30.11.2023 12:33

So being in the minority is actually an advantage for us. Interesting

@oatmeal2goskits492 - 28.11.2023 05:00

As an ambidextrous person life is pretty good. I suck at writing with both my hands though so that stinks.

@jere.nurkka - 25.11.2023 17:53


@bananka4905 - 21.11.2023 09:28

I know an elderly man from Scotland and he said when he was on school.. as the English that no one was to be left handed... Something to do with honoring the queen..you would get a wooping. Now he can write both

@MohammedHaddad-nt9ge - 17.11.2023 23:29

I'm righty but I am 15 years I write with left handede I don't know I didn't realize with my lefty I can write everyday.

@nicholasll5426 - 10.11.2023 09:57

As a Hindu lefty it was super hard to live through life. People in my community think that left hand is to do dirty works while the right hand is to be used for good and religious works. When I eat with my left hand, my Mom always used to scold me because she got disgusted by what hand I use to eat and poop. All the superstitious sayings all make me feel left alone.
While writing in school I bump my arm with others arm and they think that I did it on purpose but in fact i’m just one of the many left handed people in this world who struggle to do just the easiest things.

@ryanhatespizza4318 - 07.11.2023 10:35

Buying guitars sucks, a lot.

@brandib2580 - 30.10.2023 04:32

I'm south paw and the only problem I've ever had was when I was at the store once and I went to sign my credit slip the lady backed away from the counter and said "you work for the devil" I was appalled!! Anybody know why?

@daquestdh - 29.09.2023 23:45

As a lefty I will say it's not as bad as people make it seem and I feel unique in this world and it feels great knowing that some of the greatest people to walk this earth were/are lefties is really cool

@williamanderson3185 - 29.09.2023 21:58

Lefties are survivors. i never had a major problem with navigating the Right hand world.

@PlanetJ32 - 29.09.2023 18:29

Being a lefty..it's frustrating to blow dry your hair with a regular blow dryer..you end up turning the blow dryer off or mess up the settings serval times before your hair is dry. You can buy a left handed blow dryer but they are more expensive. Sitting at a a round table that is full of people is excruciating..bumping elbows and all.

@karenritter2574 - 29.09.2023 07:42

I'm a lefty. A college roommate, also a lefty, had a elementary school teacher, beat her, so she wouldn't be left handed. Her parents were furious with the teacher. True we may be bassackwards on left VS right hand learning. But so what? It makes us more unique.

@khalidbinwaleed5072 - 28.09.2023 23:44

I’m a southpaw boxer and proud of it

@mayuresh_D369 - 28.09.2023 08:40

I am a leftie and I am more creative so I can make intruiging characters; Screw you losers; right handers ain't creative!

@alfiesworld. - 26.09.2023 21:47

i only write with my left hand, everything else i do with my right e.g. sports, eating, lifting stuff im not sure if my left hand really is that much stronger than my right

@user-gf3hg5fh4g - 24.09.2023 22:39

Im lefty in some thungs and righty in other things what does that make me lefty or righty
