JKD Instructor Explains What's Wrong With Kali

JKD Instructor Explains What's Wrong With Kali


2 года назад

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handel1111 - 18.11.2023 19:56

Well, the flashy and useless stuffs are for foreigners to keep them entertained

Richard Chua
Richard Chua - 15.11.2023 22:45

only way to prove is to see the actual spar… you vs a Kali instructor! Like a western Kickboxer belittling Muay Thai decades ago, then Roufus was humbled by Kiangsurit.

support admin
support admin - 15.11.2023 14:38

Kali has some great stuff in certain styles but I have never seen a stick or knife fight that looks like what they practice. It is not reality based at all

Jeffrey Quidato
Jeffrey Quidato - 15.11.2023 09:10

Why all of his diffences make him stab by a weapon, is this a skit or a joke demonstration. Well if u put a stick as a real sword or a long dagger those thing is a bullshido not a kali. FMA has a three core attack, defence, and to adapt.

Tyron Combate
Tyron Combate - 03.11.2023 12:36

Hey bald 🤣 come here in the Philippines, kalbo !

Michael Paliotta
Michael Paliotta - 29.10.2023 00:07

Practice more with live stick and you won’t have to wonder so much which techniques are relevant.

nestor reyes
nestor reyes - 26.10.2023 02:48

what we are taught in any martial art, are actually drills to learn askill. real life situations tend to not be as per teqching of any artial at. each prctitioner has to learn to adapt

Glennox Gin
Glennox Gin - 22.10.2023 05:47

Well if all else fails there is always the techniques me and my friends here in the Philippines learned to do, one is preemptive technique and the other is to hell with it technique. We call it WM and JKD technique. WM means "wise move technique" to be used as a preemptive move. Its basically just knowing the situation your getting into, like a bar with lots of drunks, crowded rowdy groups and any dangerous situations. You must decide to preempt or make the "wise move". Leave the area go home and sleep. Live to fight(drink) another day. The other is JKD which is "Jet Kung Do" short for "Jet Kung Domalagan" meaning Run Like a Jet. If all else fails just run like a jet and leave the scene. Leave the area never look back go home and sleep it off.

Jaime Galano
Jaime Galano - 22.10.2023 01:30

Prove something wrong by just fighting someone who practice FMA and enough loud mouth blog😂😂😂,,, just fight no blogging😂😂😂,,, just go out and fight someone who knows kali😂😂😂,,, fight and do a live video stream and let us see wether your blog is near to reality😂😂😂

Jonathan Amante
Jonathan Amante - 17.10.2023 22:16

16 yrs kali here. If u don't like it then stop. It would allow more space in the dojo for the true disciples of kali.

KuyaRomel Show TV
KuyaRomel Show TV - 16.10.2023 13:55

YOU ARE BORN in a new age of civilization.. Go to philipiines in Cebu area and show all your comments and we will see the truth..too much drama and words..Try to go now in Cebu and feel the Truth of FMA..😂😂😂😂😂

Sebastian Tri
Sebastian Tri - 13.10.2023 17:47

the first block is stupid... the snake or whatever ,.... stick or no stick i tried it against a friend who trained in medieval sword fighting and 7 out of 10 he would probably break my arms and 3 out of 10 he woud break my skull... i did 4 years of boxing and 4 years of Silat....

Rocky Ugsod
Rocky Ugsod - 11.10.2023 16:08

They're totally underskilled in this style.

gamhananalanka - 02.10.2023 14:25

As a kid in the late 1960's Philippines I saw the last of eskrimador fights in Bohol rice fields. It look very different from Kali or doce paris tournaments where fighters wear protective head and body equipment and use thin sticks trying to score points. In the old fashioned Eskrima fights they wear no protectors and they use Oway or a kind of soft bamboo stick wrapped with cloth stuffed with doldol which is like cotton texture. There are no scores and they beat up each other till one surrenders. All of those fancy exhibition moves at the start don't work. It's just the basic repetitious beatings and stabbings directed to the legs body and head. There is no referee just the other eskrimadors interfering only when the fighters got tangled or move too far from the fight ground. Some of the eskrimadors have deformed fingers from previous fights.

Aricah Bianca Henderson
Aricah Bianca Henderson - 02.10.2023 06:56

too much talk cant prove anything action will. Why not try to fight a kali practitioner then show what your Jkd can do? 🤣

Crimson Ray
Crimson Ray - 22.09.2023 11:57

Um..idk about this mma anyway so why not put all kinds of martial arts in one big arena then let their skill do the talking😂.. Also free to use every weapons in mind, like guns, rifles, bombs, and even Giant missiles (as long as they can carry it🤣).. Then the last one who survive is the best in the world ( if there's any survivor).

emre poyraz
emre poyraz - 22.09.2023 10:48

"Kali Instructor Explains What's NOT Wrong w/ Kali" may be a better title.

Jason Savill
Jason Savill - 20.09.2023 07:21

As far as I’m concerned the FMA arts are damn good, been trained on them when I was in the Marines and as a civilian. As as the unusefulness hahaha that’s funny because there are others martial arts out there that have the same thing

Peter Gabato
Peter Gabato - 18.09.2023 16:18

I am a Kali practitioner, we don't do that in Kali. The system of Kali is Far different from Doce Pares and Balintawak because the Kali System focuses on footwork, we don't do roof block and snake disarm. We focus on reality rather than form

Cavalier X
Cavalier X - 17.09.2023 00:37

At first I thought the reason he HATES FMA (and knives) was obvious... but clearly I am a bad person. Sorry.

B-Roll Films Productions
B-Roll Films Productions - 16.09.2023 13:46

You lost me as soon as you threw your Arnis stick on the ground ! Shame on you and any one who shares with you ! Throw your rifle down ?

Yordan Todorov
Yordan Todorov - 15.09.2023 18:29

You kali instructor should first teach you to hit correctly whit a stick!

Junnel Angelo
Junnel Angelo - 12.09.2023 08:48

Yawa man ni siala oi. Ako kali pod pero kalimot ko😂😂😂😂😅😅😅

save zq
save zq - 08.09.2023 22:19

i get the stick u might be able to do this but im pretty sure filipinos use the stick for a sword so i think they would have a sword in real life if u actually got in a fight and if so bro there is no way to disarm someone with a sword i have done ancient european sword fighting and i can say a real sword fight is nothing like this there really is no grabbing the blade and disarm it because u gonna get tripped are kicked are punched and ur not gonna be able to grab someone wrist when there so unpredictable i have watched alot of filipino kali sword fighting and its not bad i like the view of instead of blocking go for attack but block is sometime good do yall people forget about clinch and stab are

Gregorio Calagui
Gregorio Calagui - 08.09.2023 17:47

Well that's your perception. Try to visit the school of Pintados in Canada and have spar or make a content and have actual spar with sensei😊

Ben Mallares Jr.
Ben Mallares Jr. - 05.09.2023 07:00

The basics are ok and realistic. But some techniques in FMA is risky and almost impossible to do in reality.

Scooby doo
Scooby doo - 05.09.2023 03:12

These 2 comedian were laughing at the Kali system, that saves the life of master Leo giron in the real death matches,using real sharp ,bladed weapons against the Japanese warrior during WW2.😠

Izhkoort - 31.08.2023 03:31

I did a Eskrima system based/branched from the dog brothers (if I remember right) but most things were more or less as you said or were added in to complement, specially roof block, since it really saved me in many situations when we did intensive sparring. Eskrima really help me with my cursed hema monster style LOL

Rai Key
Rai Key - 28.08.2023 02:38

It's not a roof block but an umbrella block or what is called 'sombrada'.

Alex Cura
Alex Cura - 19.08.2023 02:50

Haha, assholes whi are analysing stuff they are not experts on. May e gay stick competition hahaha!

Jerald Macachor
Jerald Macachor - 14.08.2023 18:04

Technology appropriate for a particular time may not be appropriate for another time. History is divided to the stone age, bronze age, and iron age for a reason. These tools are helpful to defined those eras.

Traditional martial arts are essentially old technology. They worked back in the day. When your whole lives stayed within a 50 kilometers radius. Your access to fighting knowledge was extremely limited. Whatever was the local martial arts system, that was likely the best technology in the region at that time. Most people even today have no fighting knowledge whatsoever. Knowing Kung Fu from the Shaolin temple was like having superpowers compared to the rest in the local village.

With a more connected world, techniques and ideas are shared and arts evolve. Better technology emerges from the confluence of cultures. That's what MMA is, an amalgamation and continuous evolution.

Gerry C. Taylo
Gerry C. Taylo - 13.08.2023 17:51

To prove yourself right, why not dare to fight Bobby Taboada or at least Doug Marcaida? FMA was used in war since ancient times, that's why Kublai Khan failed to conquer the country and during the Philippine American War the American was no match with hand to hand combat or close quarter combat and so they have to use gatling guns and 45 caliber pistols against Filipinos so now FMA being thought and used by many police and Special Forces around the world.

Brent McKay
Brent McKay - 08.08.2023 04:21

I trained under Grand Tuhon Leo Gaje and had the privilege of training with Dan Inosanto on a few occasions. Both of them are phenomenal martial art masters and humble human beings. I appreciate the video's lighthearted analysis of Kali stick fighting, but their demonstration (1) lacked technical merit, and (2) failed to appreciate that the stick is the entry level to the knife and the hand. Let's not sell Kali short. JKD drew much of its insights from it.

ejjrb0505 - 06.08.2023 11:03

Amazing how these guys dissect styles with friends that doesnt train in them 100%. Go to a FMA classes and test your theory, this goes for any style you claim isnt as effective as what you teach. I would love for you to dissect the likes & don't like of what you teach..

Jeffrey Dela Cruz
Jeffrey Dela Cruz - 28.07.2023 06:31

for me the old way is far more better than the new one its suck to see FMA turns to MMA stick fight..

Redzone 101
Redzone 101 - 25.07.2023 22:14

There's always going to be those who consider their self defense
style better than others. The truth of the matter is... It's all about the
person and their skill set. I personally never got pass yellow belt
in a traditional martial arts school and I was able to go to other martial
arts schools and beat or stand my ground against their so called black
belts in sparing! My instructor taught real world technics if you were
engaged in a street fight. Not how to win a tournament.
But that was back in the day. Lol!

I'm a lover now, but if the need arises...
I can still hold my own.
With help from the Lord above. (Smile)

Stay safe and healthy.

Joseph Jacob Concepcion
Joseph Jacob Concepcion - 24.07.2023 14:00

Swing it for real like not a friendly hit I want to see if he would recommend a second hit

Baking Bread
Baking Bread - 21.07.2023 18:32

Buddy is judging the whole thing with basic moves, this video got me dead.

Giovanni Kolimlim
Giovanni Kolimlim - 14.07.2023 14:40

My grandfather killed a lot of japanese soldiers during ww2, using kali, can you kill soldiers with you bjj

Hans Johnson
Hans Johnson - 11.07.2023 01:26

True 90% of what's taught is pure BS garbage. But it's odd to think of someone instructing FMA and never doing any real full contract, no holds barred stickfighting (headgear, hand protect, groin, mouthguard minimum). You'd be surprised how non lethal the stick actually is and what actually works vs doesn't. If you're not stress testing your "art" then even more humility is needed.

Nino Fernandez
Nino Fernandez - 09.07.2023 16:18

You guys do martial arts for the sake of art our kali is design to kill thats why we carry blades maybe im biased idk but if u guys are so good the way u say u r good challenge our kali gms in a knife fight winner leaves loser dies lets see how far u get degrading once martial art is not the way of teaching might idk if u guys were taught the word respect honor

Albert Wadjak
Albert Wadjak - 07.07.2023 11:12

Do research. FMA in history war.

zerthur - 06.07.2023 06:12

Genuine Kali students will quickly identify that the moves or strikes being criticized are purely drills and never meant to be applied in a real fight.

Pedro Morelos
Pedro Morelos - 03.07.2023 18:06

About the first technique. I always had a problem when somebody teaches a technique that requires your opponent to basically cooperate and stay still while you make 10 moves 😂

1eo 3lancaflor
1eo 3lancaflor - 02.07.2023 03:54

FMA was originally a sword/bladed weapon martial arts. It's roots can be traced back to an ancient form of Indo-Malay combat arts known as Silat(the people that we refer to today as "Filipinos" are decended from a series of migrant waves of ancient peoples who migrated from around the Indonesian and Malayan peninsula.).

FMA, a.k.a. "Arnis", a.k.a. "Kali", trace its roots from ancient Filipino sword fighting arts(broad long-swords and short-swords), and was only forced to evolve into a stick-fighting martial arts because during the 300+ years of Spanish Colonization, the natives were prohibited from carrying bladed tools of a certain length(the Spanish authorities outlawed the carrying of anything that they would consider a sword). So the Filipino masters of the sword fighting arts during that time, adapted their sword fighting techniques to hardwood sticks to try to get around the sword prohibition of the Spanish authorities. And because the Spanish authorities did not feel threatened by the seemingly "harmless" sticks, the practice of Kali/Arnis was able to spread without opposition from the Spanish authorities.

The roots of the fighting system commonly refered to now as "FMA" /"Arnis" /"Kali" is from an ancient Indo-Malay swordfighting martial arts practiced by ancient Filipino warriors where one of the prized trophies of combat is your opponent's severed head. Head-hunting was a thing back in the pre-colonial days.

... And we all know that you can't decapitate heads with a stick😉

zaqzilla1 - 27.06.2023 07:23

When they said martial arts look like each other I'm totally there with them. Every time I see Judo or Jujitsu I see stuff from wrestling.

Log Off
Log Off - 19.06.2023 19:10

So... In a 9-minute-video two joking guys "explain" what's "wrong" with a complex style of martial arts by picking a handful random techniques. Regardless of whether these specific techniques would work in a given situation or not... seriously. The video should be renamed to something like "taking apart some things we have seen in FMA". Otherwise, in my opinion, it's just clickbait.

Henry Soco
Henry Soco - 16.06.2023 06:02

Well Done Brother Kali Eskrima Practiioner… ❤❤❤
