if you love someone, tell them [ FREE AUDIO ]

if you love someone, tell them [ FREE AUDIO ]


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유꽁 - 19.09.2023 13:15

love this vedio

fe Go
fe Go - 19.09.2023 06:46

Last time I decided, I couldn’t say anymore 😁

Michael Vanden Heuvel
Michael Vanden Heuvel - 19.09.2023 04:52

If you love someone and they don’t
but need you
don’t stop.
If they don’t love
and don’t need you.
Let them go in another kind of love.

aintuefriend - 17.09.2023 01:18

I always told her

Just Flabbergasted
Just Flabbergasted - 16.09.2023 19:21

Not to be rude but
Sometimes appreciate if someone denies your love and move on. At least that person is honest and not playing with your feelings. Respect yourself, the truth and the other person.
( a boy loved me..but i didnt have feelings for him. I told him many times, but he kept on making efforts. I was very disturbed by it because he used to tell everyone that how he loves me and i reject him everytime. People started blaming me for not loving him back. So guys do love someone but please respect their desicions and privacy too.)

sadikwtf - 13.09.2023 22:58

And what if they don't want to hear it from me.

Lisa Lynne
Lisa Lynne - 12.09.2023 20:36

I Love Him so so much.
I need to learn to speak up
Tell him my feelings
And my emotions.
Things I need,
Reassurance that I need.
So I am not going through
These feelings alone.
Because I am not alone
We are one.
I Love Him
More and more every day.

Julia M.
Julia M. - 09.09.2023 03:21

loving no one

Michael Wall
Michael Wall - 09.09.2023 02:31

Hali I love you. Always have always will. We got this.

Carrie Dalton
Carrie Dalton - 07.09.2023 08:37

If you don't tell someone how you feel then they never know . The rejection or falling in love n happiness is not part to be feared . You don't want your heart broken 💔 that person to leave , cuz it's hard to give your heart, and trust and everything to another

SR3272 - 29.08.2023 22:41

The person I loved was hurting us. So I told him I didn't love them and left. But I suppose it was true because the man I love doesn't exist. The man I love is merely a character he created. Its been over a year and i still.......i don't know how to stop loving a man who never existed

Sgt Pepper
Sgt Pepper - 29.08.2023 10:54

I wish I had told michael hubbard that I love him back then. But remember to the people out there if you love someone tell them before it's too late

ꫝꫀꪶꪶ᥇ꪮꪗ - 28.08.2023 10:28

I don't regret loving you. I regret not loving myself enough to let you go when you weren't good for me.

RobG811 - 27.08.2023 05:33

"Why do nice people choose the wrong people to date?"
Because nice people love too well rather than too wisely.

arrowkneeguy - 24.08.2023 17:02


PxM - 23.08.2023 06:27

I pray I may be a Man of God for her I pray she says yes when I ask her hand in marriage I pray I love her through all the days of my life from every tear to every wrinkle from old age I pray we have children and lead them in this world to be the best they can be. . I pray that our hearts show true light and guide those in the darkness towards the light I pray for the hearts of others in this wicked world I pray that if anyone is reading this that they know that they are loved by the power of Jesus Christ I pray that I love this woman in every lifetime I am ever destined to have Thank you God

Philly C
Philly C - 22.08.2023 14:44

When u love someone so much but she don't love u back and plays with your mind.....❤

Philly C
Philly C - 22.08.2023 14:41

So true ❤❤❤❤❤

Lois Nicklas
Lois Nicklas - 22.08.2023 13:46


Monkeygirl_04 - 22.08.2023 04:43

When one of my guy friends told the guy I like that I like him and he said he felt the same way but he chose to stay in a relationship he wasn't happy in, so many of my friends told me to move on but I couldn't, I couldn't let go, I couldn't leave, I couldn't get him out of my head. I say that I only like him but when people discrbe love I can't help but think of him. People say love hurts and it really does especially when you watch the one you love being mistreated and talked down to but it really can hurt when you are willing to try and take the pain away and you get burned but they don't knowor think that it was you and think it was someone else and they say they like them because they help others and they are brave and all you can do is sit there and watch them walk away.

hd` - 16.08.2023 16:42

Can someone tell me where all those lines came from?

janeesha shashimini
janeesha shashimini - 14.08.2023 20:50

I dont know whether this feeling i have is love... i dont know what i feel...i gave so much thoughts on this....seconds....hours days...even months...thinking what is this feeling i have over him....he is the person who hurt me...but he is also the person who is the safest to me...i care him knowing that he do no care about me....his eyes are so exicted when talking with others but just dull when talking with me...but still why i yearn for his eyes only....why i want to see him no matter how he talks to me...or even when he ignores me...i feel as if he is uncomfortable with me...but still he talks with me and smiles with me...i dont know for what....and that smile just make wonders in my heart....i tried ignoring and not talking with him...i constricted my feelings so much...but i never knew...taking one step away from him just made hundred more steps closer in missing him....i dont know what i am feeling...but if world says this is love....then so be it....i love him....i care for him...i want him to be happy....if i can see him happy even from a distant that will be enough for me...i dont want him to be with me...i want him to remind that he is worthy to be loved...and wish he would get a girl who is greater than i am....he deserves more...and also me too ...and thats why i decided to say it out to him...but still i am having second guesses....should i really say him....should i...?

I dunno
I dunno - 13.08.2023 05:55

Love is something that comes to everyone and goes I know it’s hard but it happens. But honestly once you find the one person you find real love for where you fight everyday even when yourself knows they might love you back that’s really love and I am in real love but I hope me saying it spreads a message to anyone who reads that for me to say keep fighting. Fight for her or him the first person to give you those feelinsg you might’ve lost or not even realise you have that person that makes you get up with a smile each day or makes you think about them constantly remember even if isn’t right and she or he won’t love you back remember you found that real love and it will hurt when it doesn’t work or they leave you I get it I have been hurt over and over till I didn’t feel but this one person she showed me real love and I want you all to know we will all find that love one day don’t give up live and love fully always go into each day with full passion and love and laughter don’t half ass it…. That’s all I want to say I know this is long but hope you all know Real Love comes to everyone all it takes is a little bit of time and faith and belief in yourself and love as a whole, god bless you all stay well ❤

Noemie Hasson
Noemie Hasson - 11.08.2023 02:21

Please I had this song on my Deezer but it disappeared!! Do you know if I can find it again? And if it wasn’t you can you upload it pls, I’m in love with this video and I miss listening her :((

Rohini Swami
Rohini Swami - 09.08.2023 20:56

If you love someone tell them

Utsav Rana
Utsav Rana - 05.08.2023 21:08

5 likes and I'll send it to her

Christ Lux
Christ Lux - 05.08.2023 13:39

Yeah, ofcourse.

Funny SNAIL - 04.08.2023 21:15


jess_and_kpopstuff - 03.08.2023 02:12

Whats the Name of this Song at zur background

Bella dancer
Bella dancer - 01.08.2023 04:17

I am afraid to tell him because I know he is maybe in love with another girl that is not me😢 so i don't know, I already sent him an anonymus letter but of course he didn't know so i don't know if confess my love to him.....

migumi.y13 - 30.07.2023 04:18

Does love really exist

roro - 26.07.2023 09:58

I can't tell him cuz he doesn't love me anymore

Eli Bell
Eli Bell - 24.07.2023 06:34

Man I love her. I really do. Shes perfect. Everything single thing about her. We have been friends for a little over a year. Everytime we are together she laughs so hard she crys and i love it. I love it so much im so scared of losing it. Im so scared of losing that friendship that i have with her and i feel as if there is no way she will ever love me back.

Itiswhatitis - 22.07.2023 07:59

I have to say this . But, please understand . Each and every single one of us could die at anytime. If we do not tell the people in our lives we love them or that we care about them how will they ever know. Yes it’s scary to say out loud. And if we die tomorrow. My friend will know and hear it from my own mouth I loved and cared about them

Joana Marie Canlas
Joana Marie Canlas - 21.07.2023 03:44

I did when I said ghost. 💘

luna corsi
luna corsi - 18.07.2023 17:55


Shivang Garg
Shivang Garg - 14.07.2023 19:29

but what if the person you love is already taken ?😮‍💨😮‍💨

Nightmare1756 - 14.07.2023 07:08


Jordin Calloway
Jordin Calloway - 11.07.2023 23:13

The saddest thing about this; is that (no offense at all) mostly men say these things. Women are always scared to tell the one they love, and they suffer the regret; these women are so brave and strong to be able to deal with that pain.

Jordin Calloway
Jordin Calloway - 11.07.2023 16:39

We’ve liked each other for over 2 years; I rejected her twice out of fear until I finally admitted my feelings. We dated for almost a year, until she ran because she was scared I would leave first. She came back, and we tried again; my insecurities, separation anxiety, they got overwhelming and she broke up with me once more. She ran, just like last time…the fear of commitment was more terrifying than seeing me with someone else…every time I turn on my phone it churns and hurts; knowing I can’t text her how much I love her anymore is so painful. If she were to ask to try again, I can’t just say “yes,” I need to see that she is ready to commit, if not, I can’t be selfish anymore…

Harsh Jatinder
Harsh Jatinder - 08.07.2023 08:46

🙏 🙂🥹🫠🥺🥲 🙏

hollowperson - 06.07.2023 23:22

i've told her i love her, i was on my last step, next one was off a 12 stories building.
she was still as cold as the concrete i was about to hit and die on. i thought she maybe had at least shred of love and care left for me, but she told to leave her alone and blocked me.
in that moment i realized im worth more than this, im not going to throw my life away, and in this way for someone like her.
on my way back home i grew, i belive i am a changed man, even more, i think i finally became a man (im 21) and im going to try and live my life as i imagined in those moments of realization. attempting suicide, sometimes, may be the way to make you value life.

Jabberwocky99705 - 05.07.2023 10:35

When you love someone, you stay when they stuggle and you stay when they prosper. Some love and its not returned, other never get to love, and some get that love for a short time, then get it taken away. Life is a cruel mistress but she is also beautiful and amazing, showing us love like never before while also taking it all away just as fast if not faster.

DEStroy Competition
DEStroy Competition - 04.07.2023 10:05

I was afraid to be told I wasn't loved the same way, so now I sit idle watching her live a happy life with a man that isn't me, don't make the same mistakes I did, please don't let that special one leave

Stormy - 03.07.2023 06:49

This touched my heart.

David Kesterson
David Kesterson - 02.07.2023 20:16

I wouldnt ever want to be a stumbling block to her.

ParkRangerJake - 02.07.2023 13:15

But what if she doesn't deserve my time and attention for playing games and messing me around? I love her but she isn't getting any more effort or energy than that ❤

The Guy
The Guy - 01.07.2023 20:31

I'm now motivated. She knows how I feel about her. So I think I must ask her how she feels about me. I hope the feeling is shared. But I'm not that optimistic, and I know it's already over even though it hasn't started. Now I just hope. Hope I won't end up alone.
Wish me luck tho

Soy Litzy
Soy Litzy - 27.06.2023 11:29

I’m afraid, I’m afraid that I’ll still miss you on my deathbed. Wishing we could have been more in this lifetime. Its been 2 years and I still think of you. When I miss you I listen to the songs you showed me. I hope we cross path again but I know that will never happen. So, I’ll be left with the “what ifs”. Proud of you always J.

Dayne Cole
Dayne Cole - 27.06.2023 05:50

4 years later. I’m still in love with her and still not over her. 4 freaking years.
