WNEV-TV promo 1982

WNEV-TV promo 1982


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@pinklemonadeanimations - 16.10.2023 06:13

For The EmbassyEggs Era:
Embassy New Day Dawning
The 81’ Network Just Begun
Now Is Your Chance To Land Up Overnight
The Shiniest Sun Is The Cool Sun That Is Bright
1981 Is Coming To A Start
This Summer
Flying United States To Canada
Greece Then Mexico Then United Kingdom
There’s A New Day Dawning
The 81’ Network Just Begun

For The Greece Network’s New Day Dawning:
Embassy New Day Dawning
Welcome To Greece In United States

@kmart3697 - 16.06.2023 16:28


@kmart3697 - 11.07.2019 11:21

WNAC WNEC WHDH CBS NBC and now ndependent

@aaroncamposano385 - 13.02.2016 05:50

There's a new day dawning our work has just begun!

@VaultMasterDBT - 27.07.2011 17:30

By spring 1994, the early evening (5pm) newscasts began to overtake WBZ, and the 6pm came in second to 'CVB. Until the NBC affiliation, it was most likely the noon newscast that remained in third (although probably not a distant third, as more people were being attracted to the station now). This resurgence on 'HDH's part caused 'CVB to program additional news at 5pm in September 1994, in which 7 now overtook both 4 and 5. Overall, 7 ranked a close second in most newscasts, pre-NBC.

@VaultMasterDBT - 27.07.2011 17:20

Revision: the Sunbeam format launched on 11/1/93, so there was a 14-month period with both CBS affiliation and the tabloid news product. The ratings, indeed, did start to rise during this time. The Winter Olympics in early 1994 helped local viewers watching CBS in being introduced to the new WHDH news product, and the station's 11 pm news came in first place that February (something NETV ownership could not achieve in '92). After that sweeps month, 'HDH held on to second place at 11 pm.

@jaredjlinden - 27.07.2011 08:06

@VaultMasterDBT They were still in third place until the affiliation switch.

@mrmatchgame - 07.01.2009 09:08

No, those are Type C 1 inch open reel tape. I know, I own one, and its a 34 min tape.

@VaultMasterDBT - 03.01.2008 03:38

Well, I didn't say the ratings shot up when the station immediately became Sunbeam-owned, but there has been a long-standing theory that NBC has brought guaranteed ratings success to whatever station had it. Although, consider the fact that WHDH didn't premiere the tabloid format officially until early 1994; the ratings already started to rise because of it, even during the last months of CBS affiliation.

@jaredjlinden - 30.12.2007 09:19

I'd argue it was two years after that, when 7 gained the NBC affiliation. NBC was always a stronger network in Boston, while CBS was traditionally weaker. Once the affiliation switch happened, WBZ fell into third place, and HDH became competitive.

@VaultMasterDBT - 19.11.2007 06:15

..but do you really think it was for the better? Well, no matter your point of view regarding sensational tabloid news, Channel 7 certainly has seen long-term ratings success under Sunbeam.

@Boulton26 - 19.11.2007 05:44

"You don't build a shining new day overnight." Boy is that true. It took another 11 years before the real turnaround began when Sunbeam took over.

@JIMMASTERSTV - 16.10.2007 21:59

Always thought that was a great image campaign and the song was memorable. Good beat, exciting wording. Love TV promotion (back then). It had a different feel than it does now. Warmer perhaps, yet energetic. JimMastersTV

@VaultMasterDBT - 01.10.2007 05:12

Wow, you're awesome. Proof that there was a major marketing campaign by WNEV besides "Feel Good About That", which began the NETV years. Do you have any material from the WNAC years?
