Hector's 5 LOW ELO MISTAKES to AVOID for EVERY ROLE! - Season 12

Hector's 5 LOW ELO MISTAKES to AVOID for EVERY ROLE! - Season 12

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TK Yang
TK Yang - 05.03.2023 00:25

Last one assumes ur adc isnt a complete inting idiot which is like 90% of low elo

L19htn1n - 23.10.2022 22:27

I don't main adc, but I think that especially for jhin, buying doran's blade first is a huge mistake, but you don't have to buy a long sword, because jhin's base damage is probably the biggest from adcs (without counting draven), but the problem with him is his range. He gets stomped by adcs like cait, but he can utilise this problem with higher movement speed

Mathaeuz - 28.09.2022 21:14

"Our skill-capped challenger player " what a way to spin a title lol

ESP Merkury
ESP Merkury - 03.08.2022 18:05

mord shouldve died if nasus just side steps the q and doesnt flash away onto it...

Michal Babor
Michal Babor - 23.07.2022 00:27

Is D blade relevant in other roles then adc ir support? (Obviously not jg)

bumplebee - 18.07.2022 23:36

Okay, not to be a dumbass but.... is this Ez's VA???

Nightwalk - 16.07.2022 11:03

Ah yes, Hector's torment continues.

Martin Zuniga
Martin Zuniga - 08.07.2022 01:06

"We sent Hector into smurf q" oh God. I wouldnt wish that on my worst enemies. League can be mentally exhausting, the worst kind of mental torture. I heard through a top secret CIA agent, they started sending prisoners in guantanamo to smurf q. Forcing them to play all day. Prisoners would go insane and crack, 100% more effective than water boarding. That's how they were able to discover top al queada secrets.

LittleDemon765 - 23.06.2022 21:42

what is that intro...

Maggie Fix
Maggie Fix - 22.06.2022 11:46

The problem is not the laning phase for me. It's mostly about the mid and late game. How do I deal with a team, thats not grouping when they should? Junglers not taking objectives? Really fed hyper carries? When should I splitpush? When should I defend the base?

Carmaine Fallsmyer
Carmaine Fallsmyer - 13.06.2022 11:20

I love how all of these tips are like 10 tips in one and based off expectations versus realization in low elo. For example, in top lane Morde losing that lane had nothing to do with him not losing teleport because he had no concept of wave management in the first place. The assumption that he could have teleported back and held a freeze consequently ending the lane for Hector is predicated on the fact that you assume this Morde knows how to manage a wave and freeze it for multiple waves; however, based on the first couple of minutes he clearly doesn't. Additionally, he had a chance to freeze the wave without the teleport and instead choose not to hold the freeze.

Similar story in mid lane. Though I actually agree with the tip about taking advantage of cooldown windows, you follow up a great tip with an example of hector "getting easily zoned by the Vlad" when in reality by the time Hector was able to rotate to Herald the Graves was already dead and enemy top laner is there while Garen is chilling in tri bush. Even if Hector had Tibbers and Ignite, he was going to get "Zoned" by the fact that its 3v1 and the enemy Trynadmere is level 8 with ulti still available. I don't know each individual players score, but overall the enemy team has 8 kills and Hector has 1 kill so I am 100% confident in saying that he isn't going to 1v3 the enemy team.

For the jungle tip, there are so many caveats to this tip that you neglect to mention. For starters you show Hector getting punished for counter jungling instead of assisting with plates because his team has extremely poor vision and he has no idea where the enemy jungler is. This was a terrible play and I appreciate you showing it, but you at no point make a mention of why it was a bad play. Sure it results in hector dying and giving a shutdown (although giving the shutdown to the support isn't that bad, would have been a lot worse if that gold had gone to Yi), but why was the play bad. For starters, he finishes the play with no mana and half life. But more importantly, there is zero vision on the map. Not only does he have no idea where the jungler and bot lane are, but mid lane is also MIA. He could be walking into 4 people in that jungle. Then to top it off he sees the enemy drop herald and instead of running, he still decides to go after Gromp.

Lastly, for ADCs. You say it is a mistake to take Doran's Blade instead of other options, and maybe it is. But your rational for why it is a mistake in this example is because the Jhin sits there and repeatedly eats Sivir Qs. The poor play of repeatedly eating poke is the thing that needs to be fixed. Sure in the long run having a long sword is more beneficial to getting your items quicker, but this Jhin is just eating Sivir Boomerang like its an all you can eat buffet. He would have chugged through those potions and still been in the same predicament he was in anyways. The additional potions would have as useful as putting a bandaid on a severed limb. It's stopping some of the bleeding, but dude is still missing his fucking arm. The Jhin could have started the game with a finished GaleForce advantage and dude still would been behind because of the way he is playing the game.

Sighduf - 10.06.2022 11:52

YEAH ! That works but only if rest of the team know how to play and there is no troll. If you have darius top 0/12 you can go roam with support and only fed more.
And a lot of examples when I play my best and 1 or 2 trolls lost the game.

Hussain Atia
Hussain Atia - 10.06.2022 09:33

Pls do one for wild rift

giannis xalkis
giannis xalkis - 09.06.2022 13:33

I like how enemy jungler punishes nasus for staying but his ally doesn't come to break the freeze

1337_HD - 08.06.2022 21:20

Can you start putting timestamps. Thanks

Marcel - 08.06.2022 14:25

Love you hector

Jörgen Hals
Jörgen Hals - 08.06.2022 02:50

Is no one gonna talk about how hard he trolled there on his nasus with the Nunu gank? He moved very poorly and missed 1-2 auto attack opportunities, flashes away from Morde at 100 hp while his q just came back from cooldown and Morde had everything on cooldown. That right there was a guaranteed kill for him, but he decided to flash away and grief his nunu…
