Most Powerful Forces on Earth: Floods | Fatal Forecast | Free Documentary

Most Powerful Forces on Earth: Floods | Fatal Forecast | Free Documentary

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@FreeDocumentary - 02.08.2023 16:06

Floods are scary. Most natural disasters are scary but to me it seems especially scary to maybe drown or be swept away by flood waters. Either way, floods have been around since forever. But the frequency and the phenomenon between droughts here and more floods there seems to be increasing. Another problem is when a region has been plagued by drought for a long time, and then it rains: flooding because the ground is so dry, it can’t absorb the water. Floods explained in a more scientific way here ☝🏼😉

@michaellawson6533 - 02.01.2024 08:53

Czech mate.

@kristinamittelbach1908 - 20.12.2023 06:52

When I lived in Prague in 2001 I remember my grandma showing me a newspaper article talking about the flood that happen approximately each 100 years in the Vltava River. Then it happened the following year. It will happen again but maybe sooner than 100 years now because of global warming.😢

@lim8581 - 26.11.2023 11:42

This documentary on the power and peril of water highlights the critical importance of understanding and managing floods. It's a reminder of how nature's forces can shape our lives. Thanks for shedding light on the efforts to tackle this challenge and protect our communities.

@elenamonteagudo9855 - 26.11.2023 06:15

Cement prevent water to percolate the soil, there you have your flash flooding 🎉

@christiereynolds1335 - 23.11.2023 11:04

Excellent presentation of very informative materials.

@deathwrenchcustom - 03.11.2023 02:21

"It rained more this year than it did last year." CLIMATE CHANGE!!

"This is the least rain we've had in years." CLIMATE CHANGE!! 🤷🏾‍♂️

@joshjones3408 - 28.10.2023 11:42

Ok am done watching the moment dude said well we shot the elephant cause we throut hed drowned ......they could have got the dam elephant.... it boils down to how bad do you really want to get the elephant..

I guess not bad enough BS....

@grip2617 - 25.10.2023 10:38

Life is scary. A lot of people are even scarier.

@charleskavoukjian3441 - 15.10.2023 09:21

The hippo was probably just frustrated it got moved 😂

@allissonmueller2342 - 06.10.2023 11:29

Makes you wonder if such places were actually built in a existing flood path

@ntwadumela1777 - 03.10.2023 20:50

I appreciate these docs 🙏!

@MEGANEWS86 - 03.10.2023 14:38

The information you share is really useful

@jesuswinterbergtl5106 - 01.10.2023 14:37

So scary!

@edwigcarol4888 - 28.09.2023 16:26

Prague Zoo: how can it be a problem to let an hypo in water ? They knowingly love water and immerse themselves to a riverbed, staying for minutes (how long?) Under water..
Better dead than set free !? They had only to let the birds fly... 😢 they had to foresee a gate in the cage for the case of flooding...

@easyrider4032 - 28.09.2023 05:50

I'm really monitoring global event updates specially natural desasters relating to Solar Storms, Pole Shift updates, Earthquakes, Volcanic erruptions/ activities, Rising Sea Levels, Floods, Tsunamies, Threat of Wars . . . So we can at least pray for protection and ask Yahuwah Elohim to rebuke whatever needs to be rebuked and correct whatever needs correction and fixing, because when things are not going well, that is the opposite of Shalom(Means Peace, Wellness and Harmony(When everything are in their rightful places, there is Shalom) So when things go wrong, its like a glitch in a computer needs fixing. Yahuwah Elohim's Angels they are afraid to intervene in human affairs and they are not Omnipresent(Present everywhere in everything), Omniscient(All Knowing), Omnipotent(All Powerful) Only Yahuwah Our Loving Heavenly Father(Means Origin) is. We can ask Yahuwah Elohim to intervene for us and fix things. Those places that are hit by these things, why do you think they are hit? Maybe, because they didn't pray and ask for protection and Satan(Means Enemy) Actually hated man, since the 1st day man was created. Satan was envious of man and accuses man of many things, Satan vowed to accuse man of many sins, devil means accuser of the brethren, devil accuses and slanders man against man and man against Yah and cause havoc and chaos on earth and said in the Book of Adam, Satan spoke to Adam and said, "I will destroy your seed ofsprings and cause them to hate, destroy and war against each other. I will cause confusion on earth so that man will never know Elohim (Yahuwah Elohim Our Savior and Heavenly Father(Means Origin). I will cause all kinds of plagues, deseases, havoc and chaos and slander man against Elohim so that man will blame it on Elohim so that man will hate Elohim so they will never call on Him for protection. I will hide His name from them so they will never be saved and instead they will worship the Beast-666 and worship false elohims" This is the opposite of what Yahuwah Elohim wants and desires for man to humble themselves, confess their sins and pray. To know Him and come to Him for His Love, forgiveness, blessings, provision, protection and Salvation.

@I_SuperHiro_I - 25.09.2023 04:15

Less than 2 min in….climate change.

You really know how to make me believe nothing else you say.

@lalliehayes6601 - 24.09.2023 20:56

"Hope" is a dangerous defense against climate change.

@neilconnors2564 - 24.09.2023 06:54

I grew up in Lismore N.S.W. and we sort of grew up with floods,google Lismore floods and see what I mean.Our school.would have 10 ft of water around it.I’ve climbed off our front porch into a boat and our house was high and water only went in once in 1974record flood by about 2inches the sod,wrecked carpets,silt everywhere and snakes and spiders that get into high places to escape water.When we got into that boat we had to duck right down to get under electric lines and then climb on to 2nd story of local pub and about 100 people wold be there for days waiting for flooding to be easing.Being a young boy it could be exciting,racing your parents speedboat around a sports oval making sure not to hit goal posts.OK check out Lismore nsw 1974 flood.Lismore has copped it bad again this year with I’m retry sure another record flood. And I think they copped it three times.The shopping block can be covered.They usually happen cause the cyclones have turned into rain depessions as they come down the coast.

@chrisfletcher3202 - 23.09.2023 14:33


@glennchristie2316 - 20.09.2023 01:57

“ God controls this Earth - NOT Climate Change”.. Stop killing babies in the Womb, Stop passing laws that go against God’s Laws - such as men marrying men, women marrying women, etc. God is punishing this Earth for Trashing HIM in schools, libraries, government, and the workplace. Stop, Repent, and God will Stop.

@ricofushimi6785 - 19.09.2023 18:09

It is too late !

@mickgatz214 - 16.09.2023 07:26

What a load of bollocks, you CAN'T FIGHT MOTHER NATURE! 😂

@bam8467 - 09.09.2023 18:28

The increase in Global temperatures is causing evaporation of sea water into the atmosphere. The more water that is in the atmosphere the more extreme rain events will occur and they will occur in places which are not used to much rainfall. This causes flash floods which are the most deadly of rain events. Ground conditions that aren't used to receiving much rain will not absorb these waters very easily. Extreme flash flooding can happen so fast that it leaves so many people suddenly trapped in a situation that is impossible to get out of and survive.

@wandaholland3694 - 09.09.2023 01:52

That's something that I've not seen anyone else do a video about. Congrats Ryan good job

@northwestmechanic8991 - 05.09.2023 08:47

That poor elephant TRUSTED you and you let him down! You should be ashamed of yourselfs. Elephants can breathe through their trunks so yes you could have done something.

@HK-oh3gf - 04.09.2023 19:28

If all world nations & governments knew the worse flash-floods are coming then why they all did not build everything higher levels & let the ground levels be parking for cars instead of first ground floors living area??? Come on every nation knew the worse & dangerous floods were coming because ecologist, scientists, engineers, archeologist told to builders & land owners & probably told to world governments that world-floods will be very dangerous when it comes. I think world nations & all governments & rich people they did not want to hear what is coming they all stuck their head in the sand that I think & feel how everyone are denial what was coming. When it is lot of money greedy-humans don't want to know the danger they just want to build quickly what ever they build to get rich quick. The nature gave back to humanity what the humanity did, quick-building without thinking harms to to nature, the nature gave what humans has destroyed, I say. I don't want to hear no one did not knew what was coming, everyone are lairs, no one wants to take the blames & warnings.

@kristinevans4654 - 24.08.2023 05:15

I can’t believe we had experts from the US speaking on the topic after we absolutely fumbled every aspect of Hurricane Katrina.

@DanMac-lh7tl - 23.08.2023 10:27

As soon as I saw the predicting major floods and the idiotic comment about climate change I turned it off. History has always given us floods. We have not been having any more or any larger floods today, than in history. The alarmists are consistently looking for fear mongering stories to scare children with. If its the same people, from the climate doomsters cult, doing predictions. You can be sure it is going to be badly done. Unfortunately the world's climate is not doing what they want it to do. Its still up to natural sources.

@JamesSmith-qw2vs - 19.08.2023 07:53

I think you're actually understating the situation.

@jampasurprenant1794 - 18.08.2023 18:37

I hope the horrible bad weather doesn't come around too often , it is very scary not just for humans
Also for the animals,
And the animals cannot
Help themselves end up
Losing them.

@emmaleary3767 - 17.08.2023 18:27

I enjoyed this documentary

@nyanbinary1717 - 11.08.2023 00:49

The comments on this video are absolutely unhinged.

@feanacar - 10.08.2023 14:19

Why didn’t they just freeze the birds and the bats?
Better than letting them die

@yousifatobiya7279 - 08.08.2023 16:59

The summary of climate change is easy.
It is the change of humidity in atmosphere, which produce between the (land)and the(seas & oceans) on the other hand...
Occurring of rains, snow, storms, and floods at time and in unexpected places, confirm my theory(the change in the directions of winds)which must be balanced...
How to reduce the heat of the earth and atmosphere?
We must supply the earth with a natural cooling places...
1- To balance the water vapor which produces between the( ground)and the(seas and oceans )...

2- To balance the pressures of the air in the atmosphere...

3- To balance the directions of winds which caused the climate change...

4- To control upon the storms and harricans...

5- To revive the the first theory of climate change (dynamic horizontal movement).
6- To balance the percentage of gases forming the atmosphere.

NOTE :The lack of water vapor is of land not of seas and oceans...

These studies had completed and sent on July 26th 2000...

Yousif A Tobiya
Forcibly displaced

@yousifatobiya7279 - 08.08.2023 16:58

60% of the(land)breeze and the(sea)changed in Iraq and this difference arrived at other countries of the world...
This difference caused the change of the directions of winds,which needs to balance...
You spend more than 100 years to study the age and the thickness of the ice at the poles(north and south ),but you didn't spend one day to return ice to his place...
The people plan their future , but you do not plan the future of the earth...
The world made sins, when he didn't study and read the studies and the advices of the others...
I think that science is for the Americans and the Europeans !!! ??? ...

Yousif A Tobiya
Forcibly displaced

@yousifatobiya7279 - 08.08.2023 16:57

Lost of (????)L daily as a form of vapor of water from the ground,has a big effect to rise or reduce of temperature by veiling the rays of the sun,and decreasing the earth's radiation...
Vapor condensation creates clouds that veil the sun totally,earth and atmosphere ...
This a mount of water vapor became produced from(seas and oceans)...
This means,the percentage of water vapor which produced from the ground and the (seas&oceans )is difficult...
This means the pressures of the air in the atmosphere are different too...
This case means the change in the directions of winds,which some called climate change and some called global warming, and then NINO and then LANINA, and this year they called global cooling...
Results :
These directions of winds, must be balanced...
These studies had completed and sent on July 26th 2000...

Yousif A Tobiya
Forcibly displaced

@yousifatobiya7279 - 08.08.2023 16:55

The occurrence of stoms,rains,ice, and floods at times and in unexpected places,confirms my theory the end of the (dynamic horizontal movement )which needs to balance and it sill under control to balance...
But about earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, sinkholes, tsunami, dry lakes and rivers, flow of water from the mountains and hills,explodeand of eyes water from the ground, formation of new mountains or islands, collaps of mountains ,and cracks on ground,& ,& ,&,they are out of control or balance...
Note :The earth will become like Venus...

Yousif A Tobiya
Forcibly displaced

@yousifatobiya7279 - 08.08.2023 16:55

Abstract :

The energy that dominates the earth is very great, some of it is natural, like the heat of the sun and volcanoes, and some of it is human action, by cutting down trees, without replacing them and cultivating in their place...
There are five forces that control or dominate the planet...
1- The first theory (horizontal dynamic movement) and its end...
The occurrence of storms, rain, floods and snow, at unexpected times and places, is because of the expiration of this theory, which needs to be balanced...
2- The second theory (vertical dynamic movement) and its end...
This movement or force controls or dominates the earthquakes, earth cracks, drying up of rivers and lakes, earth openings, mountain collapses, and the emergence of drinking water springs on the ground...
It becomes out of control...
These phenomena increased due to the end of this theory...
The third theory: it is water that rotates the earth...

The fourth theory: the Earth's axis of rotation has tilted 2° degrees...

The fifth theory: The Earth has a new orbit...

These studies had completed and sent on July 26th 2000


@nyogyi6862 - 08.08.2023 08:55

Thb no offense, there’s no God In reality or Don’t blame on unseen objects cas nobody seen God before and nobody think humans are killing to Mother Nature and Earth. This is our fault because we don’t stop cutting trees, we don’t stop fishing in the ocean, we don’t stop fighting for Wats, and we don’t save our planet. Instead we tried to blame on God, but we don’t even know where is real God. I’m talking about real reality so do you know who is killing to Mother Nature and How we gonna save her back to recovery ❤️‍🩹. My an opinion is , we need to stop cutting trees including Xmas trees for next 20yrs, we need to stop fishing in an ocean for next 20yr no more than as needed, we need to stop killing people and animals, and we need to stop the wars is not an answer, so we have to talk and find a positive solution before too late. I’m not talking about us, I’m talking about got our future generations cas we all gonna die anyway no matter who or what or where you are and no one will live more than 30,000 days or forever. We need to grow up instead of growing old and just living like low educated people and complaining about life everyday. Think about what I said and think about why you are here and don’t think god will save us??! I don’t think so cas there is no GOD cas we are all living by Kama so you do good things good things will happen or if not just blame yourself. We need to stop slave ourselves for religion and we need to fix the educational system at LG to College. And after school we still need to self educate so we will know what is needed or wanted Or right and wrong.. like I said believe it or not, there is no God, so if you still wanna be slave of religion, GOOD LUCK!!! ✌🏾🤎🙏🏾

@jimbell242 - 08.08.2023 06:25

interesting fact: In every glass of water we drink, there is high probability that some of the water molecules in that glass were once consumed by our ancient ancestors. Water density keeps most of it locked by Earth's gravity to the atmosphere, and the surface and subsurface. It is the rapid redistribution of water all over the Earth that is the concern, and is what causes rapid floods in areas unprepared for floods, and drought in areas unprepared for drought. Manmade factors are accelerating this change, and accelerating and compressing the normally millennial-scale global climate changes into the scale of only decades.

@alienpov - 08.08.2023 04:14

Climate change causee by humans is a fraud. We are at the end of the Ice Age. It will warm and the poles will melt eventually Nut ther is always the chance of a sudden mini Ice Age. It has all happened before . There were no humans all the other times. So being nutty.

@juliarivers9764 - 07.08.2023 23:20

is this a climate or is this due to man made by the fouls who play with technology to make it rain and yes it has been done usa china the arab coutries all can do it . people do not want to believe it. it was done by usa in 1967/68 it can be looked up on internet. check it out. stop trying to going to the moon stop going into the ground the sea. think of the earth as we live and stop destrying our planet now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@ma.milagrosiligan4654 - 07.08.2023 09:42

So scary!

@x1achilles99 - 07.08.2023 03:30

Elephant shot dead because they had no evacuation plan.
Sea Lion dies because zoo was unprepared.
Adolescent gorilla dies because zoo shouldn't be there.
Shows the captive animal industry should be banned.

@manueltoledo9338 - 07.08.2023 03:14

Normal floods accur in this planet, so that before the existing Climate Change , now they are worst ; the vedio talks about giving more technology to the weather stations for better awereness, that's ok but what we need is rigorous ground work , the canalization problem , the infrasture problem, and the housing problem. There are companies that have the new tecnology afortable and non- afortable housing that will wit stand these wheather conditions , housing comes first, cordination between the companies , state , and federal goverments should accuer so as to agree to the best afortable housing and then bring it to the citzen for cosideration, so once they consider , then other things come into consideration , whether they should built on the same sight or else where, so here comes the canalization and infrastucture redsigning .

@rudem.2973 - 06.08.2023 19:50

For areas prone to flooding so bad it can go over cars. Its time some one invented a type of ( FLOOD WATER SAFETY SUITE ) how this suite would look is very simple : The person stranded in a car for example sees the water rising around their car. They know they can not just open the car door. Or they will be forced to go where ever the flood takes them . Plus all the debris in the water. So the ( EMERGENCY FLOOD WATER SUITE ) will be made of a thick type of ( PLASTIC RUBBER ) . It would cover the feet and zip up in the front. It would cover the person's legs, arms complete torso and then would have a very string padded helmet . The helmet would have two strong belts attached to the ( EMERGENCY FLOOD WATER SUIT ). Next : There would be a ( EMERGENCY PERSONAL LOCATOR ) in the suite . It will show your exact location. As soon as the person realizes the flood waters are going to cover their car. While inside the car. They place the entire suit on their body. Next , they also place the ( BEATHABLE OXYGEN TANK ) attached to the ( PROTECTION HELMET ) . Why ? Because as soon as they open the car door the flood waters are going to fill the entire car. The victim must have the entire suite on before they open the car door. Plus be holding on to the steering wheel of the car. So they are not forced out with the river of flood water. Next : They open the car door. They can hold their breath or breath from the oxygen tank attached to the ( EMERGENCY WATER SAFETY SUIT ). The ( HELMT ) must be on at this time. The helmet will protect the flood victim from debris in the flood water. As soon as the victim is out of the car. The flood water victim presses a button and the flood water presses the button. Now the ( EMERGENCY WATER SAFETY SUIT ) becomes inflatable. The ( inflatable suites ) covers the entire body of the victim. So with the ( EMERGECY HELMET ) and the ( FLOOD WATER SAFETY SUITE ) on. Now the victim is now floating above the flood water. The victim is laying face up in the flood water . With the ( OXYGEN HELMET ) on the flood victim now floating down stream. So now , the victim is now floating down stream face up. Waiting for people in rafts t save them. The helmet will protect the flood water victim's head from being hit by debris in the head. The ( FLOOD WATER SAFETY SUIT ) will also provide warmth to the victim of the flood water. The heat will be provided by ( SOLAR POWER ). So the victim will not die from ( HYPOTHERMIA ) . The one inch thick ( PLASTIC RUBBER ) on the entire suite will protect the flood water victim's swim suite from very sharp objects in the water. This has not been invented yet. This suit could also help people that had to survive a ship that has just sank at sea. Also because there are ( SHARKS IN THE OCEAN ) these suits for the sea or ocean will have ( THE SHARK SHIELD IN VARIOUS PARTS OF THE SUIT ) To keep sharks away from them . The energy of the ( SHARKS SHIELD ) will some how be provided by solar power. Now who could invent such a suit ? . This is very simple : ( 1.) DARPA . ( 2.) M.I.T. ( 3.) NASA . Everything starts out with a good idea. Thanks for letting me share. Have a great day.
