Dating "Nice Guys" Horror Stories

Dating "Nice Guys" Horror Stories

On Tap Studios

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@Anonymous-lt7ot - 28.12.2023 10:20

I've (male) never dated before. Is this sort of thing really as common as this video makes it seem? These "nice guys" sound like mental cases.

@mariahhall8481 - 15.12.2023 23:51

The nice guys are just the most annoying and creepiest obsessive kinda of idiots I’ve experienced dating. No motivation and take you on lazy dates.

@justsomeguy6133 - 06.12.2023 19:33

The stories make me sad, because I am a legitimately awkward person, but yet I don’t do the crap these guys do.

But I can also understand if someone meets me and can’t tell the difference between me and that guy.

@mondoseguendo6113 - 29.11.2023 03:52

I’m a nice guy who once guilted a girl not to go out with me; not sure why I did that.

@CyeOutsider - 13.11.2023 02:51

When i was younger, i fell in with a group on young people i meet while working in amateur theatre. Apparently the main guy in the group liked me and the whole time, he and the entire group kept pressuring me to go out with him becuas he was such a nice guy, etc. I had a boyfriend at the time, although that was a bit rocky. But i just wasnt interested in this guy anyway.

The pressure kept getting worse and one day his best friend in the group asked me straight up why i wouldn't have sex with him. It was so awful.

I was really inexperienced at the time and was struggling to find the line between shutting this harassment down and not having a massive falling out with the group, who were really all his friends.

Anyway it all ended badly. He ended up shutting me out of the group and backstabbing me to everyone who would listen and even stole some money off me.

It was just all around assholey behaviour. Im glad i never caved and dated him though. He was gross.

@LadyAstarionAncunin - 06.11.2023 15:11

Ladies, FFS, please don't ever agree to do anything with a man who doesn't take "No" for an answer. The "We're going to breakfast" guy felt validated because 1. He TOLD her what they were going to do (and even before confirming her interest at that), 2. she let him wear her down, putting all the power in his hands and giving up her autonomy.

If a person, whichever gender, doesn't accept "No" the first time, run.

@nicolasrestrepo6177 - 20.09.2023 04:18

ladies, please do not start generalizing men in a negative way because of man-babies like these

@CEAsongs - 19.09.2023 15:30

No matter if you are a male or a female, no matter if you are gay or straight or even bisexual, no one owes you any sexual favors just because they were nice to you. They’re nice to you because they are polite and respectful human beings, not because they want to have your babies. You’ll know if someone is interested in you if they tell you or if you ask. If you get rejected, don’t argue with it and move on with your life. That’s probably a sign that you need to work on yourself for a bit and stay positive.

@garthvader9916 - 09.09.2023 15:47

Guy who hears voices needs psychiatric help pronto to protect himself and others. Unfortunately I know from experience that mental health care in the UK is catastrophically inadequate. I can only imagine the US is even worse. 😭

@kelseyleonard8054 - 01.07.2023 14:34

Worked at a pizza place, this fat guy liked me, I was not attracted to him at all. He was nice to me and hit on me for a year and every coworker said he was such a great nice guy. I gave him a chance. He was a chimo and threw food at me when I was sick at the hospital cuz I said I thought I was better than him.... Uh cuz I am, he was attracted to kids. I could have runny sh*ts better. And this POS said he was a "nice guy"

@hectorhernandez8730 - 18.04.2023 15:46

We all know that all redditors are nice guys

@Blitzo1086 - 28.03.2023 10:19

One thing that I learned recently about typical beta “nice guys” that will shock and surprise all of you is that there is a dark side to the typical “nice guys” and “nice guys” aren’t actually nice at all. Nice guys only appear to be nice, but in reality, it is only because they secretly want something back in return or they crave validation. Additionally, the nice guy is often a very passive aggres individual who tries to get what he wants through manipulation by being nice. Nice guys always seek approval while avoiding conflict. Additionally, nice guys will always walk on eggshells in order to not offend anyone. They do this not only to please everyone, but it is also an act of cowardice.

@AstroBaby91 - 20.02.2023 07:23

If they say they're a nice guy, I get the ick because I know they're just trying to convince themselves

@nicoleharrington9086 - 25.12.2022 20:23

I remember how this "nice" guy verbally assaulted me because I rejected him, he made me feel like I owe him something so I taught him a lesson that being a "nice" guy doesn't mean you will pull girls, only good men will.

@bridgetbrennan6615 - 09.12.2022 11:56

I was friends with a nice guy in high school. He eventually told me he liked me and that I should like him because he was the only one who understands me and stuff like that. I turned him down because it felt creepy and obsessive. He ended up stalking me for a week and finding my home address. I had to get administration involved to get him to back off and accept it.

@xrasor9592 - 05.12.2022 16:18

i once greeted a girl i saw for the first or second time with a hug (she was like a friend of a friend of a friend or whatever). in the last moment i realized she tried to push me away cuz she didnt wanna hug me but i hugged her anyway. we both didnt acknowledge this moment happening during the short (1 minute) casual random meeting as there were 2 of her and 2 of my friends with us but i cringe at myself everytime i think about it

@Rudoku1 - 25.10.2022 05:56

I never got the "I'll kill myself" threats. Maybe it's something wrong with me, but I'll immediately stop giving a single shit about you if you pull that crap.

@bmjv77 - 05.10.2022 18:57

I'm not sure what's worse. Having to deal with the nice guy who lied about his dead Grandma, or having to sit through The Last Jedi....

@delsi3795 - 01.10.2022 23:39

Girls. Don't. Fucking. Pretend it didn't happen. It's ok to get justice.

@merulasnyde8038 - 16.09.2022 13:54

Better niceguy than a€€hole.

@darekronin41 - 06.09.2022 21:07

Dont call these people "nice guys"! 😰😰

@SAMM..... - 30.08.2022 08:36

Im a nice guy that was not to pushy, just the typical guy that expresses feeling and shows affection and this has actually happened to me but the other way around and I was lucky enough to get the Good Ending.

@openyourbank9426 - 09.08.2022 19:30

Keep your head up champ, last guy.....

@mastersinthe5114 - 03.08.2022 22:44

Why Do Some Men Do this? My Guy Just Chill the Fuck out Everyone Gets lonely Dont be a dick I'm sorry If ya Had to deal with shit Like This

@CyberusSuper - 28.07.2022 21:26

To the Pacific Islander ex bf makes shit look like pure gold.

@nikeboaswooshedupcoppin4379 - 25.07.2022 11:35

One nice guy isnt right so all nice guys are terrible. One bad boy tints the FUCK out your eyes and you go back to him or find another bad boy

@ImAMann929 - 23.06.2022 18:19

Why do boys think they’re so entitled to us ugh

@couldntholdacandle6681 - 16.06.2022 02:34

Divorced and the next one we split up after a really bad relationship as they where anything but nice to me.

@lorianabanana6066 - 15.06.2022 03:39

I had a friend in highschool. I thought I kinda had a crush on him likw freshman year, we had simillar interests and were in overlapping friend groups. But over time he never asked me out and seemed to only go for my more sexually active friends.

I've always been more- prudish I guess? I'm too proud to make the 1st move & I HATE being touched, especially by people I don't know well. Sex & intimacy are super deep to me, I need time & trust to get there. Plus by senior prom I had only had 1 bf who was a monster- was still recovering.

I had decided we should just be friends. I was gaining confidence and realized he wasn't interested in something real. He wanted to be a f-boy, but was a megadork (I am too lol no shade) so it was extra pathetic.

Plus I was starting to like another friend, who I would end up engaged (didn't last) too.

Anyway I was single but my 2 best gf's wanted to go to prom- mostly they wanted to party after. So one of them talked me into inviting Mr Niceguy.When I invited him I made sure I said JUST AS FRIENDS. I just wanted a date to take- nothing romatic/sexual. He looked surprised but happy and agreed.

He brought a flask and got wasted. Of course we smoked too. He made an ASS of himself. Tried to grope me on the dance floor & in the car. When I told him no- he went after my drunk friends (they were know to be sexually active, so he was trying to bang ANYONE who'd let him). Nevermind that one was w her bf. Also they might be party girls but they wouldn't do me like that. They both said no, and he was pissy all night.

Finally I was DONE. I wanted to hang at the afterparty, thank god it was close to his place.

I shoved him in my car (I drove) and was at least a mile from his place when he put his hand on my leg and asked if he was getting lucky. I asked if he was serious & told him to fuck off. He then said something like 'What??? Not even gonna get a kiss or see some boob?'

I stopped in the middle of the street and told him to GET THE FUCK OUT.

He realized I was PISSED. I had a reputation for having a temper- my brother is severely autistic so I learned to fight for both for us. I was tiny- but full of FURY lol. He got out quick.

I ditched his ass in the dark in his tux with a good walk ahead of him. Went back to after party and ended up having a moment w my future ex-fiance lol.

Ahhh memories. And yes, this dude totally was Mr Niceguy, even had the 'WhY dO gIrLz NeVeR lIkE mE? i'M sO NICE' tude. No dude.

Actual nice people have empathy & kindness, not ulterior motives. If you're only being nice to get in her pants, you aren't actually being nice.

@reeanne8843 - 25.05.2022 16:26

Proof that nice guys aren’t nice and gut feelings are true. There is a reason why we don’t like a person

@thine. - 13.05.2022 23:25

"saying no is disrespectful"
you don't owe anyone respect, it is earned and they clearly didn't earn it.

@ratscones3929 - 13.05.2022 15:51

i forget that people like these exist

@slug1726 - 11.05.2022 18:46

oh god ohhh god. it was 2 weeks but holy hell.
told people we did “it” when we DID NOT!!!!
took 🍆 pics on my phone and put them in the gallery without me knowing , very gross, never asked for it or seen it, (2 weeks!)
told me he loved me more than life itself, bought me a google home and all these presents 3 days in…

one time i was asleep, and i wasn’t answering obviously, so he texted me “if you don’t answer i’m going to seriously hurt you “
so i broke it off, he was spreading lies and stuff so i got in his face screaming one day and he started crying lol.
fast forward a month later

he would ask people when i worked next ,
asking how me and my current bf were, (this was like last year) ..
my bf and him were “friends” (my bf doesn’t like him at all) but he would follow us leaving school, walking with us in the hallways.. like some weird thrupple fantasy he had…
i almost had to get a restraining order.
Oh ! best part. we were 16, he had a 2 year old daughter he was hiding from me !😀

@jrm6183 - 10.05.2022 09:44

Used to be the "nice guy", realized I was a bit of a piece of shit. Stopped and just became an emo kid instead. Still have love interest but now I don't do shit and tend to keep to myself.

@Franco-ss4bu - 09.05.2022 21:03

Where the fuck this huge amount of evil narcisists came from

@knitcrochetchick - 04.05.2022 22:31

regret it! All he talked about was his ex girlfriend and how he missed her so much. He cheated! Ran real fast.

@MrHoll87 - 03.05.2022 22:58

Geez. That first story alone. First of all, that is NOT a "nice guy". We have to stop calling toxic, abusive control freaks like that loser "nice guys". Secondly, if that guy was so great, why didn't the pushy sister date him herself. They would have been perfect for each other.

@zeeshansyed511 - 25.04.2022 00:57

This says nice guys, but they're all entitled, creepy, or socially unaware x1000

@tbcl2020 - 22.04.2022 18:07

I swear im a

N arcissistic
I nsecure
C razy / controlling
E motional GUY.

@DGFishRfine1 - 19.04.2022 04:34

I was always beating myself about being a "nice guy" in high school and college.

I was a little shit, but OH MY GOD, this was an entirely different level.

DAFUQ is wrong with people?!?!?!?

@nenmaster5218 - 17.04.2022 17:22

Creeps are an Issue.
If you wanna see and/or support some Awareness-Raising,
then Pop Culture Detective, Emkay and Hbomberguy, together with Kappa Kaiju, are probably the biggest Awareness-Raisers.

@Axqu7227 - 15.04.2022 17:23

I called a safety check on a “nice guy” who was mopey and “suicidal” because I was dating someone else. The cops practically beating down his door at 3AM made him call me screaming about how I “overreacted” and “caused a scene.” I told him I’m totally fine with him hating me as long as he was safe. We’re no longer friends.

@lunamajor9264 - 15.04.2022 14:29

Wow! I can actually add to this.
I dated a “nice guy” in middle school-early high school. It was for about 6-8 months. Nevertheless, it was hell.
At first, he was upbeat and kind to me and our friends. When he asked me out the last day before he moved away, I agreed to date him.
He turned out to be a doom and gloom type but I was the type to always reach out a helping hand. I understood the internal struggles and when I didn’t particularly want to do something, I did it anyway to be a good girlfriend..During the whole relationship AND a little after he was mentally and emotionally abusive. It was a whole ass roller coaster with loops. Lies upon lies, building my hopes up to then tear it down. He’d blame women for his issues y’know the whole “i’m a nice guy” spiel, his family for making him the “black sheep of the family”, himself for empathy, or me for when I spoke up about my different opinion.
We were on and off. He broke up with me the first time because I told him that I was developing feelings for someone else. I told him that because I felt guilty and wanted to fix it. He treated it as if I cheated on him (I didn’t). Not so long after he begged for me back. I took him back though I was different this time. My skin grew a little thicker with our break. I analyzed his behavior from our previous relationship. He said he was “different now”. So I gave him a chance. He pulled the same shit yet it felt worse this time. I freaked out and broke up with him.
Years later, he finds my socials again, messages me offering friendship. He acted all upbeat and ignorant. I said something like, “So we’re gonna ignore the emotional abuse you did to me then?” No cap he responded with , “uh i’m drunk right now so i can’t answer that” and kept going, saying “he’s changed”. I shut him down. Blasted him with examples of when and how he’s abused me. Then requested for him to never speak to me again. Acting surprised that I actually told him off (for some reason) he wanted the last word by saying that he tried, all people ever do is leave, f*** you, kind of thing.
It’s a shame on how much innocence was stolen from me. Glad that I grew thicker skin in the end though.

Edit: actually forgot to mention that I lost track on how many times i’ve “saved his life” because of how su!cidal he was. Again and again I would stay up late losing sleep talking him out of k*lling himself. It was all through text so it could have all been fake. Being sensitive to these kid of things, I wanted to take it seriously, just in case. He’s mentioned c*tting st*bbing, sh**ting himself, h*nging etc. those experiences emotionally and physically drained me.

Nice guys are dangerous. He’s not the only experience i’ve had with them. Stay safe. Stay alert of red flags.

@andiward7068 - 13.04.2022 20:28

On the short-lived series Wrecked (tbs or tnt iirc) there's a creepy host that the women identify as dangerous but the guys don't see it. One explains : we can tell because girls are trained our whole lives to be aware of and identify dangerous men. You guys have no experience in it, so trust us.

@meoshawomack447 - 08.04.2022 17:11

Holy shiz!!! All these stories reminds me of my "nice guy" ex friend. We met at a video game convention. He thought I was one of the coolest females he ever met. He soon told me he loved me. I told him I didn't feel the same. He asked me daily for nearly a year, to make me his girlfriend. I rejected him every time. One day I had enough. I lost it and yelled at him. He pulled a knife on me and held it to my neck for what seemed like forever, then cried and told me how I was leading him on, and all he ever wanted was for me to love him........he called me later to tell me he had fun on our date he never almost killed me for not liking him.....

@spiderkill3213 - 04.04.2022 10:02

I need an opinion so me and my gf broke up because we share a phone she can't have one she was talking to her ex which I wasn't okay with but her choice you know eventually I got tired of him messaging me because we have the same phone she got mad at me saying I was abusive and force her into things I told her I just blocked him so there would be no further problems but she also got mad when I would do something her ex was abusive Idk this reddit make me feel like I'm in the wrong in need a opinion (I also constantly apologizes and asked her if she was okay when she looked upset)

@Karma-zx8qe - 30.03.2022 20:12

I like the one at the end but unfortunately it's extremely rare. So many of these Goofs get rewarded for their abusive Behavior so they'll never stop

@Karma-zx8qe - 30.03.2022 19:41

Constantly asking to give some guy a shot or chance makes it clear the girl doesn't want to go out with them why pressure her into it? If you have to sit there trying to convince a girl then she obviously doesn't want it. This is why guys get their way with everything including rape. Not letting a girl say no. Always trying to change it to a yes. Let a girl say no stop trying to change it
