Rewriting Your Specific Person (Attract Who You Want!)

Rewriting Your Specific Person (Attract Who You Want!)

Roxy Talks - Manifest Your Dreams

4 года назад

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Shambhavi Akhouri
Shambhavi Akhouri - 21.09.2023 18:29

That’s true! If we really want things to be manifested we really need to disregard and ignore what we don’t want nd only accept nd affirm in our minds what we want. Basically, don’t give your desire a choice. Things would manifest if you just persist in what you want in mind. That’s all I’ve learnt since I’ve been to this journey, a lot of waivering nd what not but I’ve realised only persist and affirm as Universe also falls in love with a stubborn heart.

Mari - 18.09.2023 16:19

Thank you. I think I want to adopt you. I just trimmed by damaged wings. Gotta fly now.

Vidhu Disnay
Vidhu Disnay - 03.09.2023 17:24

We think we are rewriting the SP but we are actually rewriting who we are.

Jeremy harlow
Jeremy harlow - 28.08.2023 15:33

The past is illrelivent

Paige Cronin
Paige Cronin - 19.08.2023 00:46

The past is absolutely irrelevant ❤❤❤

Jessica Wetterich
Jessica Wetterich - 04.08.2023 08:28

THE PAST IS ABSOLUTELY IRRELEVANT ! i needed a boost of energy ive been so down just over it and i was like ok i need a fuckin pep talk from Roxy and this really helped me remember who the fuck i am and i am powerful af amen thats it 🫶🏼😊⚡️

D M F - 05.07.2023 23:00

I have to comment on this video. I;ve been at this manifesting journey for about one year now but I can truly say in the past few months is where I really got it!. Roxy has helped me alot. What blew my mind was when I first came across her video, I was at the point where I did not really understand manifesting and was using it to get outside things rather than truly become what I wanted to get. It was about 10pm that night when I followed her 10 minute video to the T. Her video was about getting someone to ask to come over. I decided to test it. Just test it to see if it worked. Any maybe I was a little lonely that night too, I do remember. There was a specific person I would have liked to see that night but we were not on speaking terms. ANyway, I did exactly what she said to do, took a shower, got ready and totally pretended that I had a hot date that night, put on my body oils and everything. GUys, I had not spoken to this guy in over 3 months. What is the likelihood of this same guy asking me to come over that night. Just to shorten the story, my phone rang about 11pm. One hour later. All i was doing was laying in my bed and being cool. I almost fell off the bed when the call came in, do you know what his exact words were when I picked up the phone, " Hey, are you going to invite me over or not? " I literally started laughing and the rest is history. That's where I realized there is something to this manifestation wor\th exploriing. Ever since, i can share numerous other stories to tell you that this thing works. Change your thoughts, change your story and your beliefs, especially about other people, and watch the magic! Thanks Roxy for all your hard work here!

Ema Clark
Ema Clark - 29.06.2023 18:19

What about someone you don't have a past with? i want manifest a crush, we never texted or something, i am working on SC and i am trying to find some good affirmations for my crush, any tips please?

kaylee howard
kaylee howard - 28.06.2023 22:31

can you please manifest for me because i have tried and tried i worry so much that i just end up making things worse please manifest that my husband will stop being controlling please i love him and i just want things to go back to the way they were before

Be Happy
Be Happy - 22.02.2023 15:14

Not gonna say much.. God bless you Roxy for the knowledge and inspiration you give to so many people 🙏❤️

Angelika Falli
Angelika Falli - 19.02.2023 11:46

The past is irrelevant!!

Alice - 15.02.2023 06:26

Pls how can u explain that me nd some friends of mine are not able to manifest ur sp back after 5 months embodying the wish fulfilled with consistence nd faith nd seeing him only getting married with another so now we totally depressed? What must ww do?

Brad Godin
Brad Godin - 29.01.2023 17:08

Awesome as always! Thanks Roxy 😊

Amy Lever
Amy Lever - 19.01.2023 23:28

I love this. Can this work if I want him to be more caring towards me? Sometimes I feel like I'm always listening to his stuff and want him to listen to me a bit more

Sweta Raj
Sweta Raj - 03.12.2022 20:26

Roxxy ... Whenever I affirm that he does the things which I want. It feels that I am lying to me. Because it's not there in 3D World not at all ...

Peanut Butter
Peanut Butter - 29.11.2022 05:34

I love your videos. You're like a best friend hyping us all up.

Dana Rammel
Dana Rammel - 15.11.2022 14:50

The past is irrelevant!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤

D F Bettis
D F Bettis - 03.11.2022 00:41

The past is Absolutely IRRELEVANT 🙌

Kimberley Ramson
Kimberley Ramson - 26.10.2022 12:40

The past is absolutely irrelevant!!! 💫 I refuse to live in the past and I’m creating a beautiful, better future ❤

RiaLucia - 26.10.2022 02:40

The past is absolutely irrelevant! (Whole ass) Moving forward into the beautiful new story with my SP. 😉

Merfamily Asana Gallery
Merfamily Asana Gallery - 22.10.2022 10:35

The past is irrelevant!!! I shed the old story birthing the new now.

Asmi Choudhary
Asmi Choudhary - 18.10.2022 23:35

Your videos have become a part of my morning and night routine! They bring along so much hope , love and motivation! Thanks girlie love you and your efforts a lot !

Nick Salandra
Nick Salandra - 18.10.2022 06:28

I just found Roxy and so glad I did. I’m going to manifest my ex back. This is the exact rewriting the script info I’ve been looking for. Maybe I manifested it

Marley Uribe
Marley Uribe - 12.10.2022 07:55

This works. I have already seen changes in my life by this mindset and mental diet.

Essence - 07.10.2022 07:52

I just watched your new video about healing a hurtful past…those together are the 1-2 punch🙏🏾💝🔥🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

JULIE TURNER - 02.10.2022 22:42

The past is absolitely irrelevant my children are home with me, Daniel is so into me I can't do no wrong in his eyes, he texts me all the time despite the female attention he is loyal to me I make him wanna be a better person. He's besotted dependable hard worker. He texts me all day long we talk all day long he texts me multiple times a day cute lil texts. Always includes me in his plans. Respects me an talks only nice things about me. Everyone loves an respects me. He wants me so bad I can't get enough of him. We go for meals. An nice walks together ❤️ he's texting me right now as he misses me an wants to spend the night.

Mr The O Mighty 1
Mr The O Mighty 1 - 02.10.2022 16:58

Roxy have you got any newer videos related to this video ??. It’s only been today that I’ve come across these reforming or recreating these SP whom we already have in our lives already rather than start over and find a new person. The last view weeks I’ve been watching tarot readings to see what they or how they feel about me. If she felt for me how I want her to feel for me then I’d not be watching tarot readings to tell me. I’d already know how she feels . I don’t want a new person I am still in love with my beautiful SP

Xandria Magic X
Xandria Magic X - 27.09.2022 17:04

This is honestly my favorite video ever!! 😍😍😍

brittney37 - 14.09.2022 07:03

The past is absolutely irrelevant!! I receive all the great things I desire 💯❤️

Loving LOA
Loving LOA - 13.09.2022 03:53

Hi! This vid was recommended on Reddit...I am looking for a specific suggestion ...can you help. I totally get not to react badly to 3D and I love the examples you gave of types of texts and emotional responses we need to maintain. But...what do you actually do in literal terms though? I got movement, not fully conformed (not an issue), but I had to respond somehow. Worrying about what to say was triggering, tried to avoid responding to his comments about the past and old stories, but I did have to do you find the least inflammatory way to respond in 3D? I would so appreciate your thoughts on this. If I totally 'erase' him and ignore the's a bit of a statement? He comes back in wanting to talk about what would be different...I needed to respond. So baby steps advice would really help. It was sticky, but I had to engage on some level?
And by writing this, I make it worse...?! But, what are people actually doing in 3D when difficult interactions come up? You try and go within asap but there must be moments of needing to engage with the other human?

BGivka - 03.09.2022 14:54

The past is absolutely irrelevant ☆

Tiki C
Tiki C - 05.08.2022 01:19

I watched this like 6x. Roxy got me all the way together. I needed to be yelled at. Because I get it now. Lol

just lit vid
just lit vid - 01.08.2022 19:07

I love you Roxy!!! ❤️❤️ I love you.

Jade333 - 27.07.2022 13:07

The past is absolutely irrelevant 💖

Heidi Wood
Heidi Wood - 22.07.2022 18:51

This is so good. Eventually this will be second nature to me and I won’t have to revisit this for renewed inspiration and reminders.

ExclusiveNails - 20.07.2022 18:51

Best video ever

cbeanish - 09.07.2022 22:30

You've taught me how to "flip the script"and that this is "my movie" or "my book". I'm the star. I'm the writer, director and producer. Affirmations have really helped rewire my brain and so anytime something negative pops up in my mind I can now instantly flip that 💩.

ROSILES - 06.07.2022 01:59

the past is absolutely irrelevant

Terronica Crosby
Terronica Crosby - 04.07.2022 15:35

The past is absolutely irrelevant

duck_tiktok vids
duck_tiktok vids - 02.07.2022 07:28

The past is absolutely irrelevant

R. Chotoo
R. Chotoo - 29.06.2022 01:12


Amber Phillips
Amber Phillips - 28.06.2022 20:03

The past is irrelevant. It didn't happen. I rewrote that story. Everything is working out for us

LBoogie - 26.06.2022 21:29

The past is absolutely irrelevant

zero - 22.06.2022 04:34

The past is absolutely irrelevant

Andrea Blevins
Andrea Blevins - 20.06.2022 07:04

The past is irrelevant

duck_tiktok vids
duck_tiktok vids - 18.06.2022 20:36

The past is absolutely irrelevant

Stephanie S
Stephanie S - 12.06.2022 06:45

Yes yes yes!!! You rock!!

Lilian Joan
Lilian Joan - 02.06.2022 16:03

Being present 24/7

buctwn - 28.04.2022 18:26

❤️🤟🏽🙌🏽PREACH 🙌🏽🤟🏽❤️
"The past is BS and Irrelevant"
