How To Get Comfortable Tanking... 5 Tips for New Tank Players | Dragonflight

How To Get Comfortable Tanking... 5 Tips for New Tank Players | Dragonflight


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Beefy Mario
Beefy Mario - 08.08.2023 19:06

I feel like the solution to this is so simple. A solo instance with no rewards or exp where your health is buffed and enemies die very easily. Players can learn the layout of the dungeon and boss mechanics before joining public groups. It doesn’t have to be exactly this but I’m demonstrating how simple it would be to let people learn how to play before they get flamed and kicked for hours on end.

Ivan Grekulovic
Ivan Grekulovic - 08.08.2023 12:50

Ive always madey own route its always betweem 1and 2+ deoends on how high key is
Except a 20. For that id copy a route and play it that way and learn it in low level keys

Le Commenter
Le Commenter - 01.08.2023 06:42

Fantastic video. Been tanking for awhile but still glad i watched

Zerius3 - 18.07.2023 13:33

The bonus advice is probably the most important :D Sometimes i help the tanks pulling the correct mobs when i am not tanking. Many appreciated that. Also read chat. So many times tanks just pull way to less or way to much. In lower content most people are understanding, but if you keep refusing to listen for advice or keep on making the same mistakes thats where the toxicity will roll in. So also be open minded for advice from the other members of the group. You're not the god of the dungeon right away and some people might know more than you do. Once you get the hang of it it's the most fun wow has to offer imo

mozarella sticks
mozarella sticks - 13.07.2023 09:57

i dont even feel like playing after watching this

Cap'n Snackbeard
Cap'n Snackbeard - 11.06.2023 00:24

You do realize that it was a lot harder to keep aggro in OG Vanilla than it is today, right? Like.... a lot harder. We disn't just stand there and take damage, we had to move the mobs around, just like we do today. The differences is today there is a giant red marker telegraphing what is coming, and even a bell, and text on the screen, which was a rarity before.

Václav Mrkvička
Václav Mrkvička - 08.06.2023 20:37

I want to try tanking for quite some time, but i was always "too scared" and nervous so i never tried

Mendicant - 01.06.2023 21:13

decided to resub. read a few guides like this and now I just don't want to play anymore. It's not fun spending forever on your UI or WA's just to have to information play at a high level. The complexity is no longer fun, it is just obnoxious.

Limit zone
Limit zone - 30.05.2023 20:02

Biggest part of tanking pugs is pugs pulling to boost dps numbers u pull u tank😊

Hasta el Dawning breaks
Hasta el Dawning breaks - 01.05.2023 02:02

I don’t remember tanking being this many steps to tanking lmao

Motiff2004 - 14.04.2023 08:58

I started as a holy priest, but in 2006 I started tanking with a warrior. Until 2017. I love tanking especially with a warrior. I really enjoyed the early vanilla days, all the best tanks come from that era. Today’s tank rely too much in adding, we didn’t have that until later.

Russ Hall
Russ Hall - 12.04.2023 14:09

Naowh is literally one of the best tanks in the world.

Pony Boy
Pony Boy - 10.04.2023 11:04

Great vid explainjng that theres so much more to tanking than walking backwards. Take a 👍🏼 and a 🔔 . I would add a clean IU with just what you need, yours is a great example, and keybinds that you practice over and over so its reflex.

The Jungle Steward
The Jungle Steward - 03.04.2023 09:40

What tank is the best at pulling multiple Enemies towards Themselves and keeping Them focused on Themselves? In my eyes a true tank is selfless being a shield for Their Allies having the Enemies focused on attacking Them and taking on the pain and punishment so Their Allies don't get hurt and I want the tank that best reflects that.

invincible 2.0
invincible 2.0 - 30.03.2023 11:46

I can speak to the play the tank you enjoy take... I've been a tank since I started playing have tried them all I played brew s2 and s3 got really good at it but brew didn't look great coming into season 1 so I played warrior cause I pug and wanted to get into groups I hit my wall at 2700 and hit it hard and just didn't enjoy playing it I picked monk back up after the buffs and far surpassed my warrior within 2 weeks and haven't looked back sense

Bashiel - 29.03.2023 01:40

I watch Darkmech and Nerftanktv a lot for tips and tricks

Cairne Bloodhoof
Cairne Bloodhoof - 26.03.2023 14:43

“Either unknown or hated.” 😂😭 Factual information.

FriendWontTellYou - 15.03.2023 10:55

Thing is if you start playing late, you can't really learn by just doing normals and heroics since everyone is so freaking overgeared.

V V - 27.02.2023 06:19

Tip 6: Just max gear your character and go solo

Chub Norris
Chub Norris - 08.02.2023 23:27

Starting tank here after 6 years away from WoW.
Great channel, you earned my sub 👍🏽

Grey Ether
Grey Ether - 30.01.2023 23:59

Thanks for taking the time to put this vid together & share it with us! :)

Hugheszie - 29.01.2023 01:17

Tip 1: pull everything and blame the caster
Tip 2: die and blame the healer

SOS Motorcycles
SOS Motorcycles - 19.01.2023 18:25

you should start leaving a list of your add ons, im sure im not the only one who would really appreciate it. thanks for the tips homie

Shira21 - 18.01.2023 21:46

I feel like no one is answering the simple question. How to hold aggro, threat & enmity. You guys seem to always jump into high level stuff like "mythic+" like i know what that highest-level class is 30. I just want to know how to grab aggro and keep it.

After this week, WoW content creators are the most convoluted streamers, I see why the community is so isolated. You guys have such a wealth of knowledge but are terrible at explaining it. so people are forced to literally study small things about this game like it's college exam.

Like I've played FF14 for 8 years are there abilities to grab threat? Are there AoE threat abilities, if so what are they? If there aren't then how do I hold the aggro of an entire mob?

Less talking about dont worry about toxicity and bla bla, if someone is playing this game in 2023 they are familiar with MMOs, I dont need help not being snow flake I need help on how to tank in this game -__-

Jedde 424
Jedde 424 - 11.01.2023 21:57

I’ve experienced a lot less toxicity in this expansion when it comes to making mistakes/wiping in groups.

Hopefully y’all get this too so don’t be afraid to try tanking out :)

Black Mamba
Black Mamba - 11.01.2023 11:49

For anyone scared about pathing and what mobs to pull.
A small trick I do is I (as an rdps main and tank alt) record my m+ runs and then I save on a different folder the runs where the tank performed really well and I study and memorize his path.
Then when I log into my alt to tank I just copy his path and it works well

Threeheadedgnome - 11.01.2023 06:47

I tank because when I’m soloing and leveling alts tanks access all content instantly and are constantly needed. I don’t really enjoy tanking but to get the gear I’ll do it. I always tell groups I’m a novice and if anyone has the audacity to kick up a fuss I always just tell em have fun waiting another 20 minutes for some other random and potentially worse tank to turn up

Kyler Craigen
Kyler Craigen - 08.01.2023 21:16

It’s always the rogue and mage that has something to say….but the nail on the head for sure

Meta - 08.01.2023 16:39

yet i get yelled at in a m2 even tho i was tanking with max damage and died once and kicked

JGF - 06.01.2023 04:14

I actually like to tank, but I dont like to lead. Tanking feels too much like a second job now. Cant jump in, have to study resources, memorize routes, do research, responsible for leading, marking pulls etc etc. Blech.

Blaygames - 05.01.2023 18:33

Darkmech is a good tank-alcoholic, he plays all of them well and has good info/tips

Bryan - 04.01.2023 17:35

Ouch Sha! That hit to Arcane mage really hurt! LMAO. Seriously, great vid as always!

Javier Barreto
Javier Barreto - 04.01.2023 08:27

i started tanking in wotlk as a paladin. i had a core group wanting to get all the cheevo's for the red protodrake. i became very confident, learned every dungeon, knew when to pop cds, etc. coming back to wow i feel like a fish out of water. i want to tank but my lifestyle does not allow me to just brute force learn because i no longer have a team support me. even dungeons where there is nothing on the line i get shat on trying to learn how to pull properly, using my cds to get threat back on me, but even losing threat for a second i am clowned on. feels like shit and just makes me want to roll dps tbh man

Jason Weiss
Jason Weiss - 03.01.2023 14:56

I have one tip: use your CDs early and often.

Jason Weiss
Jason Weiss - 03.01.2023 14:55

Lmao. That arcane mage jab was hilarious.

Richter Richterson
Richter Richterson - 03.01.2023 12:30

Got pushed into tanking a +5 shadow moon burial ground as my first mythic dungeon of the season yesterday... felt like a wet tissue in some packs and relying on others for the path was stressful needed more information, I now have more information. Thanks

John KIBA - 03.01.2023 01:22

great video but idk how you didn't have in tank list best in world tank Asmongold

M B - 01.01.2023 04:01

U say it! Track mana of your healer😍

Nik G
Nik G - 31.12.2022 16:03

In my case torgast was my training ground. Seems it worked. Only wrong decision i made is that i was a Blood DK 😅

Ronin - 31.12.2022 01:57

How do you feel about Naguura? Is she more than just a pretty face?

MaDrung - 29.12.2022 15:49

I would say start with easier difficulties, so you get the hang of it. Then greadually increase the difficulty at your leassure.

Stefan Stefan
Stefan Stefan - 29.12.2022 15:39

What about the last two guides for m+ dongeons?

LEERY - 28.12.2022 21:52

Should be renamed to "how to tank M+"

Davy Van Den Berg
Davy Van Den Berg - 24.12.2022 06:33

I’d add Naowh to the list of tanks to watch. (Tank for Echo)

Joe Gallo
Joe Gallo - 22.12.2022 18:55

Who would be a good Guardian Druid to watch on Twitch?

phxsunfan - 16.12.2022 21:11

ilvl350 Pally. should I start normal, heroic or what ya think?

Lance Amador
Lance Amador - 15.12.2022 10:47

Can’t wait to get into tanking again! What’s the link for your weak auras please?

paranoidsoldier - 09.12.2022 19:23

Nah, fuck that. Too much work.

Ben Lamb
Ben Lamb - 07.12.2022 01:03

while these are great tips, sadly the playerbase is so toxic anyone who stuffs up even once is abused. Can see why the tank situation is so bad and the players only have themselves to blame
