HOW TO BREAK THE BAD HABITS - Try it and You'll See The Results

HOW TO BREAK THE BAD HABITS - Try it and You'll See The Results

Be Inspired

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Be Inspired
Be Inspired - 21.08.2018 15:04

Hope this one will help you to make a change in your life.

Patricia Faithfull
Patricia Faithfull - 19.09.2023 17:56

fitness apps make u fat? pls quote the study. I don't believe this.

Naim Hussain
Naim Hussain - 02.09.2023 21:53

Amazing advice. Very poignant

eaz sent
eaz sent - 19.07.2023 17:15

This did not help me in any way... didn't learn anything i didn't know already. Example im addicted to cigarettes and go to the dr. And he asks if i smoke i say yes he says its bad for you why dont you just quit. Its not that simple to just quit like that its easier said than done. It's like i ask him whats his favorite food he says salad i say ok than just quit. He will say no way i cant give up salad. No good alternatives to the cold turkey method was mentioned. He doesn't say what are ways someone can do to help you get in the mentality of breaking a bad habit or the mentality of getting the motivation to do something. Alot of this where very confusing things i didn't really quite follow.

eaz sent
eaz sent - 19.07.2023 17:00

With the behavior change matrix chart i was confused by it. Then i understand it but i can put it in more basic terms to more easily understand it. Basically for the do behavior its easier to start doing things as amateur to build up to expert which from one to the other is how much self control is required. Then with the donts its different but the takes a high amount of self control to fully stop being an addict but it takes less control and is more easy to stop being an addict if you reduce your addiction to being a habitue then it takes less self control to fully wean down to stopping it altogether.

Pehchan Tv
Pehchan Tv - 10.03.2023 15:09

I have questions what if i stop quitting my bad habits and start new one productivity. In which i do all productive things like eating healthy, running,not taking drugs .what u think . It will work or not?

Snowgirl - 21.02.2023 20:49

this actually works! It's so simple, but in order for it to work you have to stay consistent and comitted

masuba brenda
masuba brenda - 12.01.2023 20:14

Moral: you are late, start giving up little things forever right now, this moment, you heard him it takes years.

Commentor! - 14.11.2022 12:05

That's awesome

Rager - 31.10.2022 22:22

And when you don’t have anything to give up anymore, you give up your life

Space Muffin
Space Muffin - 27.09.2022 19:17

i like that. especially the "can't vs don't". That makes me feel more empowered over a decision.

Siêu giá trị
Siêu giá trị - 23.08.2022 06:15

quyết định tôi sẽ không làm điều này trong suốt phần đời còn lại... thành danh tính luôn... chỉ đơn giản là tôi không ăn thứ đó
nghĩ mình đã hy sinh nên buông thả thứ khác

james hadfield
james hadfield - 13.07.2022 12:54

it's important that when you give up what you perceive to be a "Bad" habit, it isn't replaced by another. Often the reason/excuse we might tell ourselves is well, at least it's not as bad as what I use to do ( but harm is harm) trading one habit for one you might deem lesser of two evils is still detrimental.right now I'm trying to shake off a Whole Laundry list of things, I don't feel Overwhelmed, but Challenged! You never really know what you can Accomplish until a valid attempt is made. It sounds simplistic, but sometimes we have to ignore that little voice in our head and go with the GUT. Repetition wears down Routine. Good Luck to everyone in their Attempt, for recognizing the problem/ issue is more than half the Solution! Peace.

Ypatios Varelas
Ypatios Varelas - 12.07.2022 14:42

"Progressive extremism" is just another fancy name for "identity change". I have been doing that in my smoking cessation workshops and it works. Sometimes it's all it takes, sometimes not. But it always helps. And there are wonderful techniques to do it, such as in NLP. A decision to change identity usually is not enough by itself to make it happen, unless you are in a special situation and state where you either change or die.

Rayuga Ryuzaki
Rayuga Ryuzaki - 07.07.2022 08:51

Progressive extremism 😊 thnx man!

Lou Lou Moon
Lou Lou Moon - 04.07.2022 20:35

Not necessarily the easiest.

Sara - 25.06.2022 20:36


Ma Bow
Ma Bow - 28.05.2022 21:41

The best way is not to start
