A Paradox Total War Game Might be Close

A Paradox Total War Game Might be Close

Andy's Take

8 месяцев назад

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@toxicbatwing9828 - 27.01.2024 02:46

Paradox have some issues like dlc pricing however at the same time i dont personally care about that, if your lower on momey just purchase 1 dlc per paycheck.

If paradox make a total war type game i honestly think it will impact CA Very heavily, i own all total qar games and they really dont feel much different to each other, i love the battles they are incredibly fun however i get bored so fast due to the campiagns feeling so shallow.

A joint game would be incredible paradox working on the campaign and CA working in the battle maps and army models.

@klipkon1941 - 23.01.2024 14:09

If Paradox releases a 'total war' I'd sell my kidney to buy it idc

@bradmessmer7204 - 20.01.2024 21:14

I am surprised you didn't mention Knights of Honour 1 and 2. Very similar in scope and context.

@hansnotig2138 - 20.01.2024 02:09

EU V with real time strategy would get me kicked out of my job and college

@AR-ob2jo - 18.01.2024 13:49

WHen there are layoffs at CA, it might be just cheaper to higher some heads and see what they can come up with. Its mostly the 3d battles that are outside of Paradoxes comfort zone, although they had published 3d strategy games in the past. "Achtung Panzer - Kharkov 1943" comes to mind.

@thegreatdodo5092 - 18.01.2024 13:37

All paradox needs to do is add an optional real time battle option to their games, including naval battles. Easy win.

@michaelr3583 - 18.01.2024 08:46

usually when one company buys another company they have a restructuring but keep the employees they need to run the business.

@user-ur2ew6ed5d - 17.01.2024 20:14

We can only hope.

@Lotzerking - 17.01.2024 13:08

I like playing both Total War and Paradox games. But I‘m not so sure if combining them would do any good. For me Total War is the most fun in the early game when it‘s not just doomstack autoresolve. Whereas Paradox games do way better in the long run but then it‘d be just annoying for me to actually fight the mid-lategame battles so I‘d autoresolve them as well. So it would be way too much effort to develop for little to no gain. Paradox games have a very good strategy component and having to focus on tactics as well would be too much for the attention of one player in my oppinion. I think there is a good reason why there is no Total War game with paradox level strategy. The nieche for that is just too small. Most players just want to fight some cool battles without having to study how the game works for many hours first.

@kentnilsson465 - 17.01.2024 12:56

The title of the video is totally missleading, the video is pure speculation without anything new to say. Wont look at this producer again

@Peatingtune - 16.01.2024 23:45

One thing Paradox would definitely bring to the table is even more paid DLC that Total War games have. Besides that there are no other guarantees.

@Tap02 - 16.01.2024 21:56

If they don’t do 40K, someone will.

@izul4223 - 16.01.2024 16:46

i think its a cool idea but i feel like it doesn't fit within paradox games
you have massive battles that need reinforcements and unit cycling in eu4 and vic2
front wide offensives in hoi4
plus the vocal majority of paradox games is and will always be the multiplayer scene which total war just isn't really suited for with the max 2 man multiplayer and even if they increase that imagine having to sit through 20 peoples battles each turn
plus paradox doesn't make turn based games

@Aldwoni2 - 16.01.2024 15:12

Age of Wonders and Triumph Studios are owned by Paradox interactive.

@hspank - 16.01.2024 04:40

bad management team, doesnt mean untalented developers. replace the top, buy out the studio. replace the leaders, project managers and most of all publishers.

@eap96 - 16.01.2024 02:50

After Victoria 3 I don't think they know how to do war at all anymore, HOI4 was their peak

@callumbateson6529 - 16.01.2024 02:30

Pure clickbait. “Might be close” is nowhere near the same thing as “would make sense”.

All of your arguments only explain why paradox would be able to and be in a well suited position to create a TW game. You present no evidence that it’s close at all.

I hope to never see your channel again.

@gobbo5704 - 15.01.2024 22:22

“who could forget?” I sure tried

@woodbeard - 15.01.2024 20:03

CA is done, its is gonna be watered Down over time and in a coupple of years will be closed or sold

@kim99jung - 15.01.2024 19:32

What about men of war / steel division / campany of heros? All they need to create grand strategy campaigns vs rts

@crozraven - 15.01.2024 17:12

Paradox already have their "Total War" games in a literal similar ways. It's called King Arthur RP Wargame 1 & 2. Unfortunately, it's not up to the standard for proper RTS & RPG games, so the franchise practically buried by both Paradox & the RTS community.

@miguelangelprats8896 - 15.01.2024 01:36

literaly paradox has updated the same game for 10 years, and only gets better

@frost.0707 - 14.01.2024 23:37

Nah cant imagine the DLCs. Too broke for that.

@sdgamer1860 - 14.01.2024 21:40

2 months late i know. If this does happen then CA and SEGA need to get their heads out of their a**es otherwise they will be dethroned. There are indie games already going for that throne to mind you

@wandering.westward - 14.01.2024 20:12

If we're talking overpriced under-delivering DLC, modern Paradox is just as bad as CA. Don't see this as much of a win.

@1293ST - 14.01.2024 19:29

1. They have never made such a game
2. Their recent exploits in game dev are less than Stellar
3. Why?

@Dangerooman - 14.01.2024 19:07

I wish game developers would do cool things with expansions nowadays. The days of a true "expansion" DLC is dead.
I imagine they could create a DLC that copies what a mod just did combining CK3 with TW:Attila battles.

@lukaf2393 - 14.01.2024 18:36

What cames out It would not be worse than most of recent TW games...

@MyZk089 - 14.01.2024 17:23

I pray it doesn't happen as Paradox games are insane with their DLC's.

@bobmanton_fh9hv - 14.01.2024 16:33

Please Paradox put us out of our misery and make a total war style game,low hanging fruit I’d say given the depths to which CA has sunk since Shogun 2

@NoNoSot - 14.01.2024 15:33

Paradox and CA could Team up in their own way.

@genrihk164 - 14.01.2024 13:59

We welcome good games regardless of where they come from.

@TenOrbital - 14.01.2024 11:39

If the battles are serious sims and not TW junk, maybe.

@otavioholz1017 - 14.01.2024 02:30

Paradox tinto is testing out new mechanics with the newer DLCs like zones of influence, export grain, eyelets, modernization, etc, so imo the best bet for something like this to be added in any capacity would in EUV, since people complain a lot about the combat in EUIV due to dice rolls, or a title after that

@Caesar_Americanus - 14.01.2024 00:00

So would this be like Crusader Kings meets Total War or Hearts of Iron Meets Total War I think it would be even cooler if it had a feature where your in the battle like in Star Wars Battlefront II the PS2 version

@ronmanders - 13.01.2024 21:42

OMG, no. Paradox would make a basic total war, and then sell dozens of DLC's afterwards, each for the price of half a full game...

@primeglacial - 13.01.2024 21:26

CKIII still has not fixed the Dutch profinces their Castles (They are misnamed), in addition, CKIII also has severe issues with historical accuracy.. I do like the campaign mechanics of CKIII, its depth is great! With the major downside being the combat & troop movement. It is not transparant how troop damage is calculated ingame, and when troops are chased, they can suddenly be "catched" by an enemy. Making it feel a bit.. ehrm.. weird. O.O In addition, it does not make sense that onboarding takes so long, spionage is a bit of a letdown and way too limited & slow compared to historical accuracy. If Paradox where to adress those issues, it is a bliss of a game.. I guess..

@coughcough3323 - 13.01.2024 11:52

Base game 50$ DLC 360$

@barriath8841 - 13.01.2024 09:53

Lets just hope they don't go apeshit with the dlc prices like always lol

@winzyl9546 - 13.01.2024 00:22

CA should just be acquired by paradox.

@me67galaxylife - 12.01.2024 21:36

can't wait to not buy it because it's gonna be shite and full of DLCs

@jleyyi - 12.01.2024 20:48

that might be intersting, i just hope for another good total war game thats not warhammer since i really hate those total war games. if it ends up being paradox that delivers that would be fine with me

@tathagata198 - 12.01.2024 20:17

For the love of god, do this paradox. CA would either have to step up their game or collapse into irrelevancy. Either way, we as fans of the genre win.

@solaraspect5255 - 12.01.2024 17:26

This has been suggested on the PDX forums for almost as long as that post on TWC, with threads spanning endless pages. Ultimately PDX has never done anything close to this, and I don't think they ever will (I don't personally want them to either). The ROI on such labor-intensive technical additions (animations, physics, models, textures, movement-oriented engine building) is very bad. PDX can pump out DLC because the main parts of their engine are quite simple code. Further, it would take focus away from "campaign" (map-painting, government mechanics and nation-building) and probably more likely than not just end up being the worst of both worlds. In short: Not going to happen.

See Banner Kings for CK3 if you really want to try out the idea. It's not actually as good an idea as it seems. Grand Strategy attempts to model the real scale of wars and economies with very large abstractions. PDX doesn't always get this right... see CK3 (oversimplified econ, governance mechanics, lack of flavor for Byzantium, Hordes, Eastern Europe, overzealous cultural hybridzations everywhere) V3 (oversimplified wars, diplomacy, economy, politics - just bad all around compared to V2) and I:R (super bland world outside Rome+Greece, armies are awful to control, too big a focus on building mega-cities and punishing other playstyles). Essentially, you have to go back to the release of HoI IV for a mainline PDX title that wasn't just awful and barebones. The TW model is more like an arcade battle simulator with with the setting as background noise (which is why Warhammer where almost anything goes and accuracy doesn't really exist works so well). These two philosophies about what value proposition is given to the player are like oil and water.

I don't think just doubling down on uncritically supporting PDX is what the strategy gaming community needs. The main studio of PDX has gotten complacent, lazy, and stubbornly resistant to any criticism. The best thing we can do is support upcoming competitors and indie titles like Gilded Destiny, Espiocracy and (if it ever comes back in development again) Grey Eminence. Giving a large company a blank cheque to just keep rehashing bad ideas and never improve serves no-one. With competition, maybe PDX and CA can manage to be more open about their mistakes and employ more introspection. Or not, but then at least there's consequences.

@simsportif - 12.01.2024 15:43

After what paradox pulled with cities skylines 2 and Victoria 3 im not sure i want them to tacle a total war like series. Im already anxious enough as to what their version of the sims will turn out.

@inkarnator7717 - 12.01.2024 02:00

There is a reason why so far no one has challenged CA in the battle simulation department: It's a highly specialized discipline in terms of design and coding, paired with the fact that the demand for it is niche. It's a large niche, but a niche nonetheless. This means that both stakes and the challenge in such an endeavor are high. Add to that that any would-be competitor would have to play chatch up to 24 years of CA's experience. Hence I don't think that Paradox has any immediate plans for such a project. Their best bet is to probably bank on acquiring CA at some point. Or maybe, and this would be my personal preference, to co-develop a game with them.

@Gyratus - 12.01.2024 01:04

Frankly, Rome 1 had better and more profund campaign and cities management mechanics than warhammer... So if PDX released a TW like game it would be great. Not necessarily because the game would be the best but because CA would lose its monopoly and be forced to innovate and improve the core mechanics and its engines again.
