Why I'm Leaving Bali | My Last Day Living in Bali VLOG | BEWARE OF THIS | Digital Nomad Life

Why I'm Leaving Bali | My Last Day Living in Bali VLOG | BEWARE OF THIS | Digital Nomad Life

Danie Jay

1 год назад

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Doodleme Crzy
Doodleme Crzy - 01.11.2023 15:25

You can catch mosquito borne diseases like malaria & dengue in many parts of South East Asia, its an issue even in Singapore. Always travel with insurance, you never know what can happen. You can lose money, gear, fall sick , get robbed and etc. Bali is relatively safe but bad things can still happen. Stay safe!

Hz Spekülatör
Hz Spekülatör - 31.10.2023 08:56

Hi,during december is too much rainy and sky dark or sunshine?

Stop the Philosophical Zombies
Stop the Philosophical Zombies - 03.10.2023 03:54

Julia Stiles looks like you.

Stefan - 24.09.2023 23:20

got stuck in a hotel room with covid for two weeks last year in Bali, unforgettable memories 😂

Deborah Duthie
Deborah Duthie - 16.09.2023 08:03

Why are you going home? The Hospital let you go so you must be fine.

J T.
J T. - 10.09.2023 13:53

when i went to bali i came down with an eye infection that made my eyes super red it was the weirdest thing

uncommonsense - 11.08.2023 22:28


Rico Green
Rico Green - 03.08.2023 06:43

Never Never do it again she learn her lesson now
Find a boy get married have a baby stay

Rico Green
Rico Green - 03.08.2023 06:41

Only hundred bucks. Medical insurance was cheaper

Rico Green
Rico Green - 03.08.2023 06:39

The best lesson in Korea oeople wanting white skin
Not excepting themselves
She knows now she is much

Rico Green
Rico Green - 03.08.2023 06:34

Best friends forever until one sleep with their boyfriend

Rico Green
Rico Green - 03.08.2023 06:32

But it is dad for this young lady torn between 2 culture and her Mothere a child having a child all those westerners go to Bali to ve among themselves how lonely

You could see a bunch of middle class kids hanging out

What a long flight with out the
Makeup a real school girl
Her Mana said you never go away again
Lol Guess you eill be serious now marry the fat kid need have a couple children and stay in her place from now own
Going to Bali to party all those alleys righting on scooter in main traffic
She can thank God she got back home safely
What the Hell did she expect to find in Bali but trouble .and she did


Rico Green
Rico Green - 03.08.2023 06:20

Well mother will eventually gets whst she wants the house the cash and returning back to Asia papa will rest in peace with a smile On his face saying it was worth it the marriage kept him 10 years younger if he had a American
Women his age it all would be
A different story
Now grandmother in Asia are offering themselves

Rico Green
Rico Green - 03.08.2023 06:14

A old man went to Asia and took a wife that could be his
Daughter lol l kept looking for the older woman,kept thinking her mother was her sister lol

Rico Green
Rico Green - 03.08.2023 06:11

Lol chasing after those roots kids want to ve grown up
Guest dhe didn't have insurance to save money
She was a child of convenience
A real mama girl

koufax174 - 21.07.2023 21:53

Sorry that happened to you. Now you know. I have a contract with reality. I always have excellent not marginal travel insurance. I also prepare for dengue and other potential conditions. You’re in a foreign land. To expect things to be the same as the US is baffling. I’m glad you’re better.

Billy Booted Thug
Billy Booted Thug - 15.07.2023 18:38

This gets dumber by the minute. Dengue is endemic to South America. A tough flu. What a drama queen.

ffi1001 - 15.07.2023 02:44

Man I had dengue and amoebic dysentery at the same time. And I was living far away from home. This is what happens in the tropics.
I’m surprised as an American you didn’t get health insurance seeing as it isn’t free in your country not like for Europeans who may forget because they don’t need it for travel pretty much across the whole of Europe. You can’t have gone to a travel health consultation prior to going because they would normally vaccinate you, advise you on bite prevention and advise you get travel insurance.
