What Makes "Generation Z" So Different? | Harry Beard | TEDxAstonUniversity

What Makes "Generation Z" So Different? | Harry Beard | TEDxAstonUniversity

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Sevilli Pantelidou
Sevilli Pantelidou - 05.09.2023 01:28

No inspiration 🎉🎉

Angelic Knight
Angelic Knight - 23.08.2023 01:01

Gen z needs God not secular lies

Jackson Halliwell
Jackson Halliwell - 04.07.2023 15:46

What makes Generation Z so different is the sheer lack of testosterone

Ann Marie Knapp
Ann Marie Knapp - 03.07.2023 04:10

As my son is in this generation and I teach Z, need to understand them better. They don't get my generation at all. They think if you are in your 50s you're a Boomer. No!!! Gen X here who does not want to be confused with Boomers.

THAMIZH MANI - 26.06.2023 19:38

Thank for this video I would have understood something about Z gen.

OnlyJoking - 08.06.2023 20:41

Gen Z: the most self-important generation

Mr. Miles
Mr. Miles - 06.06.2023 01:56

I thought it was 1997-2012

Myles Fecundo
Myles Fecundo - 10.05.2023 06:42

Gen z addicted to Social media is not good

trish - 29.04.2023 21:07

Gen X here, I think Gen Z will surprise us. They have this platform to speak to one another and can get organized with in a few hours for a march or something important that effect their lives. I have your back Gen Z, I truly believe you will be the Generation that will make a real change.

Mike - 24.04.2023 21:07

People judge you on your level of knowledge and expertise...and not just knowledge and expertise on social media and the internet. I am referring to knowledge and experience in the school of life, human and social interaction and how to manage in spite of not getting our own way, or the job we believe we are entitled to or deserve. Gen Z still need life experience of how to get along with their fellow human beings, life experience, how to survive in a world where one's efforts and input aren't recognised most of the time and where everyone has to prove their value through hard work and effort to make one stand out above the huge crowd.

coooolio - 18.04.2023 06:10

Notice how he says gen Z is 1995-2010/11? THERE'S YOUR ANSWER GUYS DEAL WITH THE YEARS AND NOW SHUT UP.

chortle12345 - 28.03.2023 04:10

The odds of a talented guitarist in the 1970's making it big was roughly 1 in 180,000 - it's worse today - what a dope this kid is.

Ana Clara
Ana Clara - 27.03.2023 10:19

He is not the best representation of Gen Z, he is extremely entitled

ciao214Z - 09.03.2023 18:49

Why is he styled like my Generation and Culture ?

Lemoncrash 1
Lemoncrash 1 - 03.03.2023 16:26


GERMANE VISION - 24.02.2023 05:23

I always found it amusing to learn about how Gen Z is more resourceful in mobilising a wider audience in any field because of technology and social media. But that has not meant any discovery of better talent than the earlier generation. Nor has it meant a better market for talent. Even today exceedingly talented Gen Z members are struggling to find a place in the sun because the marketplace is crowded with a lot of mediocre talent for the same reason.

Let's not talk about Greta Thunberg. In India the farmers' unrelenting protests forced the government to take back a new legislation which was bad for them. There was very little modern technology in their protests. Most of the farmers were in their twilight zone of life. But the students' protests with all their access to modern technology and social media fizzled out in no time all over the country. Mobilisation of people becomes successful because of the conviction of its practitioners and not because of access to technology. The Arab Spring fizzled out because after millions gathered they didn't know what to do. There was no alternative system proposed. How much has Greta Thunberg and her followers been successful in changing the narrative, and has anything really changed in climate crisis management? Most Gen Z don't even know anything about climate change except that summers are hotter and floods are common. We are still hurtling fast towards the edge of the cliff. Opportunities that Gen Z has don't necessarily convert into positive results because of the new situation. That's the point Gen Z shouldn't overlook.

Northwest Prepping
Northwest Prepping - 20.02.2023 19:41

so full of themselfs

The wizard Prophet
The wizard Prophet - 18.02.2023 04:50

Honestly... What makes yall different is that you're 25 still.

mr. kilpatrick
mr. kilpatrick - 26.01.2023 01:35

He talks a good game, and much of what he says is accurate, but in many ways gen z is not different than many past generations except they are noisier and less resilient. more annoying too. sorry kids

A Voice In The Wilderness
A Voice In The Wilderness - 15.01.2023 02:33

Gen X here raising a Gen Z born in 2006. Super proud of Gen Z ! Ya'll are awesome and are world changers!

Jumble-123 - 10.01.2023 19:24

If people can do this so easily I’m wondering who are going to work as nurses etc. I can see there being a huge shortage of workers in other jobs if everyone wants to start their own business. The buses here actually have signs on the front and speakers onboard telling passengers how much they need drivers.

Shadykins - 09.01.2023 08:55

Gen Z is a joke. End of story.

monika chauhan
monika chauhan - 30.12.2022 17:30

I am partially agree with the speaker .
Being a Gen Z member is a blessing with so many gadgets and resources but also with the threat of never-ending competition cycle.
Jobs and careers were always influenced by these factors in every Generation.
I admit that we have platforms and we should be taking it as a boon .

Just grab the right information ,work on ur moral reasoning and stay at bar with depression n all .

He has illuminated with the brighter side of this generation let's welcome it .

Allen - 21.12.2022 23:14

I like your speech you seem to be very passionate about your generation. I'm from generation x. We did not grow up with the internet . We helped develope it. I hope one day generation z understands the importance of doing something without the computer. Maybe y'all should pick a month and try to unplug as much as possible. Myself eventually I am just going to have a landlin and probably do away with electronics as much as I can.

Missy - 21.12.2022 08:55

Hi, Millennial here. I feel like we were one of the last generations to be told "go to college if you want a good life" and "you can't turn your hobby into a career".

I'm happy for GenZ

Urlocallordandsavior - 15.12.2022 11:02

As a Gen Zer myself, we're not as culturally left as people think. The long term influences of Gen Z culture-wise will probably be less religiosity (like the rest of the developed world) and white evangelicals being accepting of trans people in the year 2040.

Gabriel Herjas
Gabriel Herjas - 03.12.2022 08:59

he is sooo fine

Pelin Ersoz
Pelin Ersoz - 24.11.2022 03:51

Yea and its absolutely frightening because people are following social media etc and listen to these influencers on social media but they have no idea who these influencers really are...or where they get their facts or research, education or what not and that's where your getting your "woke" to influence an entire generation!!! This is the most scariest times ever and I fear for whats yet to come unless another generation catches on to this stupidity and changes or else the world will truly be doomed. Think about it guys....Gen Z has it really changed the world in a positive way????

Nanfius A
Nanfius A - 09.11.2022 08:28

could gen Z survive a week on the woods no internet, no electricity?

KnightGeneral - 23.10.2022 17:10

A huge percentage of GenZs are Narcissist.

capt retired
capt retired - 14.10.2022 16:51

their inability to grow up is the only thing that sets them apart.

Omar Jano
Omar Jano - 12.10.2022 02:19

This dude’s message kept me listening. This guy doesn’t take his opportunities for granted. Great work.

MG - 09.10.2022 05:38

And liars. Call em all!..... No don't

Wi ki
Wi ki - 30.09.2022 21:04

Me loving the speech but still checking all the time how long does it still go on 💀

Martina Menescal
Martina Menescal - 21.09.2022 16:08

Yo this talk would be so different if it was made only a couple months after

Shafa Salsabila
Shafa Salsabila - 08.09.2022 23:44

"What makes Gen Z different"

We have strong opinions and have no will to live due to the high rates of depression and anxiety, we'll die for our causes but won't ask for extra ketchup and also technology is what makes gen z so different. we're in the fourth industrial age, over the years it seems like living is supposed to mean surviving. but nowadays it's all about competition and the need to keep up with all this digital progress, we have access to everything and the power to share everything at our fingertips, everyone can basically do what u did thorugh internet. that's why we need creation and innovation. actually, there's no easy way to get success in any gen.

Anjali Jha
Anjali Jha - 01.09.2022 10:53

generation ZED

Frank prit
Frank prit - 22.08.2022 20:57

It’s so awesome being Gen-Z, you can live your whole life and never leave your bedroom,
Or you can be a super star in your own mind, and the meta-verse. But not reality.
You can spend all your time be a political activist and never really producing anything physically useful or have to do a real job.
You can do anything, and not be accountable, It’s like being part of a royal aristocracy.
Work,… Work is for the other generations, not ours. we’re above that’s, we’re smarter than other generations, so we don’t have to work. ( as long as our inheritance doesn’t run out).

Dr. Slava Shut
Dr. Slava Shut - 16.08.2022 01:52

As someone close to several Gen Z's, they are singular in their experiences on this world

Atef Amri
Atef Amri - 29.07.2022 18:07

someone in the audience is snoring several times during the presentation, how rude !

a50kdm - 27.07.2022 04:19

We are able to pursue our passions at any location, at any time, with any identity but most importantly, to any uncapped level.

Ian Clough
Ian Clough - 16.07.2022 08:48

Everyone listen to me ??

Yomane - 14.07.2022 15:13

generation zombie oh no

Maria Keziah
Maria Keziah - 05.07.2022 08:06

"What makes Gen Z different?"
-our crippling depression and our will to live.

Julie Eggers
Julie Eggers - 27.06.2022 15:25

. My

Nazhar Bekinalkar
Nazhar Bekinalkar - 24.06.2022 10:01


rollakid - 17.06.2022 07:27

I'm a Gen Y manager, just here to learn what Gen Z wants. My boomer/Gen X bosses doesn't get it, all his policies appears outdated and doesn't attract any of the younger gen at all.
