Just how effective is Smeeta's Charm? | Warframe

Just how effective is Smeeta's Charm? | Warframe


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TheKengineer - 19.06.2021 12:44

UPDATE: With update 30.5 DE are changing steel essence to despawn after 5 minutes on the ground. As such, the super boost mentioned towards the end of this video *will no longer work*.

Alan Medcalf
Alan Medcalf - 04.05.2023 07:25

Informative video m8 as usual, have you by chance done a build for Khora on your videos, it seems like a great build you're have on her , please send a link if possible, thanks in advance 🤞👍

Yuri Sopilnyak
Yuri Sopilnyak - 14.04.2023 11:17

Had shield buff proc while playing Inaros a couple days back

Benevolent - 24.02.2023 06:43

Its amazing how people still swear by their Smeeta even though the numbers are right in front of them.

Guillermo Gerry Cabrera
Guillermo Gerry Cabrera - 19.02.2023 08:12

" Noone is doing infinitely long missions."
Me who just did a 45 minute infestation survival arbitration:

But seriously, thanks for informative vid!

SNIPEYOUNOOBZ Yee - 31.01.2023 17:34

I recently got my smeeta I can confirm I do get the buff a few times every survival mission mainly the affinity one for some reason

Danny P.
Danny P. - 16.01.2023 19:34

Would boost last long enough to pick up toroids after exploiter?

Yohann - 28.12.2022 17:48

The cat that had many ability and also memeable.

Getulio Barbi
Getulio Barbi - 24.11.2022 00:21

Likezera tenno

I Changed My Name
I Changed My Name - 24.08.2022 21:33

First kavat I got was a smeeta me and Gretchen been hunting all over the solar system

no body
no body - 03.08.2022 20:29

eh, about 20% more resources as a passive is basically okay. Better than most other pets, unless you build them for a purpose.

Geektarded - 23.07.2022 18:52

You: “1 in 4,518,207” Me: “So your saying there’s a chance!”

Anri - 10.06.2022 13:04

I was in the free roam on deimos with only melee and the reload buff still procced. I think it was because of the tranc rifle but im not sure

Peter - 13.05.2022 22:15

it's not that easy for smeeta, in my opinion.

Yes, generally it's a great idea to look at things mathematically, but with Smeeta, it's more of a "lucky" moment. For me, most of the time, I'm happy when I get 2 neurodes instead of one, or similar. That's a one time occurrence in a mission, and when I have the charm buff up then, it's a literal double profit.

Lawrence Carter
Lawrence Carter - 30.04.2022 20:19

Thanks for being smart.

Predator - 28.04.2022 10:12

Can you play only melee and Fulmin ?

Natalie Santana
Natalie Santana - 14.03.2022 16:31

I think its worth mentioning that this buff is still an improvement on NOT having the buff. Plus, depending on what resource you're farming for, such as Orokin Cells and Argon Crystals, sometimes the Kavat will just give you one. This is super clutch with Argon Crystals which can be notoriously difficult to find. Run a few missions and haven't seen one? Kavat gift eventually guarantees you get one since its limited to giving you only the "rare" resource on that tile set.

J.rudhra Kumaran
J.rudhra Kumaran - 09.03.2022 19:41

please post a video on how to get a kavat

Atomic Alchemist
Atomic Alchemist - 14.02.2022 17:24

Way too many people sleep on the other smeeta buffs like the crit buff and just see it as "occasional extra resources"

ChuckJablonski 1
ChuckJablonski 1 - 13.02.2022 02:13

Has anyone tested if lavos takes the energy regen off the table?

Nekufan1000000 - 09.02.2022 10:45

Honestly, I don't even care about the double drops from Smeeta anymore. I got one as my first Kavat ever... like a month ago. No joke. I hated the cat farm for scans, so when I bought Regal Aya to buy Vauban Prime (Yeah right I was going to farm all that Cryotic AND some more still for the Sibear), I spent my plat to get the cat, randomly got a Smeeta. I was hyped over double drops. Now? It's all about them crits. Y'all ain't lived until you've seen a red crit Kuva Nukor.

Smiles Edgeworth
Smiles Edgeworth - 20.01.2022 18:29

Well, this explains why I’ve been getting Argon and Orokin cells and not being able to find them to ping to my teammates...

Rhettorical - 14.01.2022 21:45

More effective with just a bow? Too bad there isn't a bow that fires log-sized projectiles with infinite punch-through dealing guaranteed orange crits for enough damage to wipe out a planet.

Oh hey this Nataruk bow looks neat.

Oliver - 26.12.2021 14:30

every 4 years of mission time with the base setting .. that means, if there are 10k players running a mission with a smeeta cavat on average (no idea about real numbers, but that might be around this size), this happens to one player about every 3,5 hours. and i bet most of the players, who are lucky to get max buff dont even notice it.

Ordosan - 26.12.2021 11:01

in the end. the RNG isnt viable enough to use it over akdarza. its still nice to use when farming for the off shot chance of 2x or the rare roll. but otherwise the buffs almost never show up for me when I actually need it.

True Sighted
True Sighted - 24.12.2021 09:32

One thing to keep in mind about perspective. Any boost is better than none at all. It takes nothing to run a well equipped smeeta that's been properly leveled and forma'd. It will probably do you better than many other companions. And if you do, its got a decent chance to prock something useful. If you run something else, that chance evaporates entirely. Best bet, do what most people do, and run every buff you can get your hands on. I mean, what do you have to loose? Perspective is everything.

Fasih Zubair
Fasih Zubair - 07.12.2021 18:50

Would love to see a similar video discussing the chesa kubrow. It has an ability similar to nekros' desecrate but is limited to 1 desecrate every 10 seconds. Because of its cooldown of 10s it works well when killing tusk thumpers, silver grove specters and any other desecrate-able singe target. Outside of those, I don't know how good this kubrow is because it would vary a lot depending on kill rate and such. In normal missions it theoretically will vary, in wave based missions it would probably see a slight increase in performance seeing as there is a gap between waves where it might desecrate an extra body or two. It can also work well if you need a drop from a demolyst like acceltra or akarius, but falls short in survival missions and such.

R Louise
R Louise - 03.12.2021 12:09

Just got my beautiful smeeta today. I named her sapphire.
Thanks for the video.

Henok Tn
Henok Tn - 02.12.2021 15:28

I tried to farm khora for month but didnt get every item but with kavat it will take inly one hour to get all parts for khora, this is how powerful the smeeta kavat is 😊

spectral spectra
spectral spectra - 02.12.2021 14:07

Does the instant reload also not proc when you use a battery gun?

NorthernEclips3 - 30.11.2021 11:40

I got 64 steel essence from a single drop about a year ago, but I never actually knew what happened lol

Oscar Gonzalez
Oscar Gonzalez - 17.11.2021 07:52

the reload buff would proc with bubonico?

Lex Slate
Lex Slate - 05.11.2021 13:49

I'm fond of the Smeeta's ability to occasionally find argon crystals behind the fridge. Sometimes I need them and since they can't be stockpiled, I have to go hunting and sometimes there's just none in the breakable containers.

Anotheruser - 12.10.2021 18:57

My smeeta kavat looks like a pug 🥲

Squxshy - 07.10.2021 19:38

Would Bubonico remove the Instant reload buff as well 🤔

X Y - 06.10.2021 05:46

Hi I'm kinda new to warframe, could someone explain how the melee weapon he's using creates those explosions?

kelton strasser
kelton strasser - 15.09.2021 17:07

I believe the affinity buff is all 4 boosters together

Gugure Purasu
Gugure Purasu - 14.09.2021 20:19

1 in 4,518,207? That's still better than getting gold drop from radiant relic. Or farming equinox. Or Ambassador.

Phleet - 14.09.2021 06:28

can you try and do a "companion types explained" and "companion breeds/precepts explained" video?

Galba89 - 11.09.2021 03:39

Does Inaros/Nidus deactivate the shieldbuff? just a thought

Galba89 - 11.09.2021 03:34

2 buddies in the same void defense, one gets 10 argons, one gets 20. Judge for yourself.

Jon Mann
Jon Mann - 07.09.2021 12:56

Got lucky with a 4 stack during arbitration... Went and bought all the galvanized mods after my first mission - 16 rounds of interception.

KantieTheThird - 06.09.2021 17:34

doesnt steel essence despawn after a while

TheHyeGamer - 30.08.2021 15:42

I once got a triple proc (with a resource booster) in an arb and snagged 3 vitus essence before it ran out. Best day of my life. Never got that lucky ever again

BahamutKaiser - 25.08.2021 07:04

Why is Tek exclusive of having guns?

Actually - 24.08.2021 05:00

You should change your location from England to Hydron

Subconsciente - 23.08.2021 04:00

One of Wukong passive abilities is x2 to all drops for 30 seconds, you can get 2 zenith coins or something like that. So, if you trigger x5 charm + x2 resources + you die and get the right buff you could get 64 Orokin Cells from one cell drop or 256 steel essence from a single drop. Or maybe, if you want to go crazy, 12800 of Kuva from a single excavator (In steel path)

Rambro Prime
Rambro Prime - 21.08.2021 23:52

I don't like labeling of the "affinity" buff. Affinity shouldn't equal dbl resource pickups as it does in Kuva from the Smeeta buff, it doesn't in any other "affinity" enhancement. Might sound like a small issue, but affinity shouldn't be attached to resources. Then I should be able to buy an affinity booster to get extra Kuva while farming. No, you need a resource booster. DE just scattered in their brain for logical organization.

Male Parent
Male Parent - 21.08.2021 02:55

It's not that effective, but when it is effective, it's effective if that makes sense, at least that's how I perceive my Smeeta kavat. I pretty much only use them for utility, I don't really need the extra crit chance with my Adarza unless I know the rewards are static and not effected by resource boosters, then and only then I'll use my Adarza kavat.
