I Finished Building the Roof Structure on my LOG CABIN & Off Grid Pizza Cooking | EP18

I Finished Building the Roof Structure on my LOG CABIN & Off Grid Pizza Cooking | EP18

Matt Jacobs

20 часов назад

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@tewlad5089 - 07.03.2025 10:55

Now gotta wait for 2-3 months for a new video

@K877 - 07.03.2025 10:54

The dedication and skills he demonstrates in construction are impressive

@dorisking912 - 07.03.2025 08:43

Hi it's good to see you back working on your cabinet😊😊😊

@eastonbarth1681 - 07.03.2025 08:35

Got the notification that a new episode dropped and couldn’t wait to see the progress on the cabin. Keep up the good work!!

@ADWorcestershire - 07.03.2025 08:23

Amazing work 👍 My husband and I are enjoying your channel 😊 Viewers from the USA

@alainaphi - 07.03.2025 07:04

Loving how this is turning out. Do you plan on filming interior decorating too? I think that would be awesome!

@saryiabrooks7946 - 07.03.2025 07:02

Do you own this land like did u have to buy it first to build

@ThanhHienDailyLife - 07.03.2025 07:00

Wow, this is incredible! 🏠 The roof structure on your log cabin looks amazing, and the off-grid pizza cooking is such a cool touch! 🍕 It’s so inspiring to see all your hard work coming together. Can’t wait to see the next steps in your cabin journey!

@ChrisHatch-do5cq - 07.03.2025 06:51

Absolutely fantastic work

@davidwilliams8405 - 07.03.2025 06:46

Congratulations Matt on reaching a major milestone in completing the construction of your cabin, well done! I think you told us that you are building your cabin on land you purchased, are you near any roads, towns, other farms? It takes a special kind of courage to build such a large cabin all by yourself, but in the process, you are not only learning a lot of new skill sets but are developing a great work ethic and solid character; well done! May I ask what country this is? I noticed some items that had their prices listed in Euros...so I know you aren't in any of the Scandinavian countries or the United Kingdom. Keep on trucking dude, and cheers!

@bobbroadhurst1648 - 07.03.2025 06:27

Your house is rapidly becoming a home Matt, and is looking so cosey
I could watch you work for hours, so precise, so skillful and neat, your joint fit together with such fine tolerances, and the improvisation you come up with to get around moving heavy logs or bulky things single handedly is amazing
I find watching you so relaxing and soothing for some reason
I'm envious of the setting beauty of your property, what a place to live
I can't wait for your next video Matt. Best wishes to you, and for future progress on this beautiful cabin

@วันทนีย์ศรีสุวรรณ์-ฆ3ฤ - 07.03.2025 06:03


@cibuco73 - 07.03.2025 05:28


@grumpyolesilverback7211 - 07.03.2025 05:28

Excellent use of the jig for the rafters. I’ve seen other make the jig but forget about incorporating the level. Hand hewn is never perfect….that’s the charm. We focus on laser perfection, forget about the journey in making the thing we have imagined.👍👍👍

@steveh994 - 07.03.2025 04:31

Do you do all the sharpening on your tools?

@dawnkangas2968 - 07.03.2025 04:06

Absolutely beautiful awesome work

@ffctx_1 - 07.03.2025 03:58

Killer work!

@edro3838 - 07.03.2025 03:20


@KennonSmith-do8os - 07.03.2025 02:21

Amazing as always. This isn’t just a log cabin and a work filled with skill and passion. This will become your legacy! I look forward to your next video.

@PauloMarcosdeOliveira - 07.03.2025 02:18

No Alaska?

@Antex-_-1 - 07.03.2025 01:58

I was worried when i didn't see an update from you nice to see you once again.

@WiLNorCaL - 07.03.2025 01:45

Your skills and dedication are impressive. Amazing build..

@motard08ardennesfran - 07.03.2025 01:24

Allez vous habiter dedans sachant que vous êtes perdu dans la nature ?au milieu de nulle part ?😮

@allanperkins5060 - 07.03.2025 01:06

Hello Matt. I love how you craft the pieces so they slot together so well with a wonderful "thud!" It must be very satisfying. Well done! I'm sure your parents are very proud of you. 👍👍

@CameloEngarrafado - 06.03.2025 23:51

very nice content, though I would've enjoyed if the narration was spoken too instead of just written. Good Job regardless!

@eriksligting3129 - 06.03.2025 23:46

Very impressive in how you do this. Such amazing skills! Love the way you edit the video too ❤ Greetings from the netherlands!

@patrickwiklund2039 - 06.03.2025 23:40


@nelson2976 - 06.03.2025 23:38

Amazing bro big hug from portugal island madeira 😊

@gregsmith7828 - 06.03.2025 23:00

great use of rolling ropes instead of trying to lift and the custom fit

@janedoe-ch4hv - 06.03.2025 22:50

This is most carpenters final cabin!! Your already doing the work of a master craftsman

@gravelbags2479 - 06.03.2025 22:45

Are you going to do all videos like this or will you be talking on them? I need speaking to keep me interested, your home looks impressive though

@torinandrews7704 - 06.03.2025 22:03

Welcome back! Your superb wood working skills with hand tools and your dedication to craftsmanship is amazing. I've very much enjoyed your cabin building series and I look forward to following your work in the future. I am also very impressed with your camera work and video editing. Keep up your excellent work!

@barber0611 - 06.03.2025 21:40

so glad to see you back!!!......absolutely amazing work!

@kristinecepevlog - 06.03.2025 19:57

you got me on hook boo❤ well done!!

@marjanvanpelt8283 - 06.03.2025 19:50

It is great to see a young man with so much determination😊 be proud of yourself😊

@heisenberg_7041 - 06.03.2025 19:40

Finally the awaited, after all this time I didn't see you updated the latest video. And finally I can watch this video again after getting the latest notification from this channel.
I've seen all your videos on this channel and like all the videos. Thank you friend, your content entertained me, I really enjoyed it. Keep going 👏🎉

@Miracle_Man47 - 06.03.2025 19:23

White Fang lookin ass dude

@Valerian1Ardelean - 06.03.2025 19:22

you are very good in wood work also in immaging. Good job!!

@kingrafa3938 - 06.03.2025 19:05

Congratulations for reaching the 100K+ subs Matthias! 👏👏👏

@smark7726 - 06.03.2025 19:01

Be careful up there

@cewarriner - 06.03.2025 17:27

I love the determination and skills you show. You are a remarkable man.

@mikaelthesleff3333 - 06.03.2025 17:08

That roof structure took some serious skill to build ! All those joins and the truss, getting it all to fit right on roundwood is really tricky 👍

@FabienMaiden.TNOTB.666 - 06.03.2025 15:38

Beau travail une fois de plus

@nghianguyen2467 - 06.03.2025 15:33

Quá tuyệt vời

@kioloafishing - 06.03.2025 14:43

Fukn sick mate

@leenderthollenberg1603 - 06.03.2025 13:50

’M truly impressed mate good on you.👍💪
