Full Nightmare Dungeons Guide - Why & how to farm them efficiently in Diablo 4

Full Nightmare Dungeons Guide - Why & how to farm them efficiently in Diablo 4


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@Knapweed - 16.12.2023 00:48

A quick tip regarding damage type in the dungeons' affixes. Always carry two of the Royal Gems for each resistance and slot the appropriate ones into two of your jewelry items. It will give you at least 70% resistance in any category without using any potions. Swapping GEMS is free at the jewelers.

@sodomagomorah8110 - 11.09.2023 16:56

i don't care about revives, i'm playing hardcore 😀

@TaSwavo - 21.08.2023 22:07

Your page only applies to IV - like 99.9% of your content. To me that is the most boring part of the game. Look at your videos you use while talking - it's a wizz through. How many seconds does this take. Sad and pathetic. That's NOT gaming as I see it - it is repetition as fast as possible to get, after 1000 attempts, a thing that is better than you have already by 0.5%.
Fine if it's your job and can scare up the clicks...

@dustclothcrusader7934 - 04.08.2023 22:11

So im having the issue of getting a tier 3 for crafting. I did the cache for the tree to get the tier 1, then I completed it and got a tier 2, I did the tier 2 but it only dropped another tier 2. Im now around 30 tier 2 clears and 6 whisper caches. Im level 60 in WT3 and ive done all of the seasonal quests as well. Am I missing something, is my game bugged, or am I just abysmally unlucky

@MikeG.666 - 01.08.2023 09:28

Eyebrows got me F'd. They definitely don't agree with eachother. One says "You can do this!". Other one says "Good luck, your gonna need it!"

@dcmanuel7232 - 17.07.2023 19:46

Tier 3 dungeon completion is required to unlock sigil crafting.

@ITzKaix - 15.07.2023 19:10

what difficulty are you playing on?

@joelgrebinsilvestri - 14.07.2023 12:18

Hello i need to get Glyphs for my paragon board
|do i get them from drops doing dungeons? thanks

@shadowwarrior7338 - 02.07.2023 08:11

This Game is a organized Mess with all of these Tier or Difficulty!!! Server is SUCKS as well as the Monsters.

@Saitema - 30.06.2023 09:21

I have more than half a tab’s worth of sigils but they’re all tier 1. Am I just profoundly unlucky or am I missing a step?

@gregc8831 - 30.06.2023 01:29

Just as a tip start with how to even get a sigil and get into a nightmare dungeon. You're going on and on and I don't even know if I'm going to learn what I came here for.

@whodat417 - 28.06.2023 18:24

Whats the thing flipping around behind him. I sort of remember this from diablo 3 but havent played it in years
Edit: he said it as soon as I hit send

@michaelquaill4 - 27.06.2023 18:59

I wish there were more dungeon varieties. I hate playing the same 6 dungeons over and over. It would also help with completing renown if every dungeon could be a NM.

@lolleonlolable - 27.06.2023 04:15

so im supposed to do them +3 lvl higher than me ? how much more exp is it for like +10 lvls ? and how does it work with loot ? same loot ?

@xsplendor6221 - 26.06.2023 08:55

Can I only find nightmare sigils of dungeons I already cleared in normal mode? I feel like my drops and created sigils are always for the same few dungeons.

@RADavis-hs1xy - 26.06.2023 00:10

Nightmare dungeons are bullshit. They loot they drop is so shifty a lvl 20 wouldn't touch it.

@C00lerpowa - 22.06.2023 14:10

I'm curious, how did you farm XP to T4 without nightmare dungeons? I finished renown at around 64

@xSKOOBSx - 21.06.2023 22:20

The tier system is unnecessarily convoluted. Just make the tier approximately equal to the monster level. Add 55, oops I mean add 54 in nightmare, but a different number in other world tiers... so stupid. Just change tier 32 to tier 86 or whatever.

@Instegone - 20.06.2023 16:42

Interesting I have been running dungeons with mobs 12 levels higher than me. Did t realize it was worthless for leveling. Time to drop down some levels.

@wolvo5441 - 20.06.2023 09:21

It’s not unlocked for me! I’ve gone loads. Ffs..

@spindoggytheexplorer2915 - 19.06.2023 03:56

Haven’t heard anyone else say it yet so I’ll go ahead. This system sucks. Not enough in game explanation, overly convoluted power system, falls flat in the fun category.

My opinion but I doubt I’m alone in this opinion.

@chenjoe89 - 16.06.2023 21:18

For HC you cannot revive right? Haha

@ino145 - 16.06.2023 00:55

I've done like 4 and gotten no drops for other sigil, I'm out now and can't craft any. When I first started I was full and they dropped like crazy, seems they nerfed it?

@kramer911 - 15.06.2023 13:49

yeah buddy.. I don't understand it still. So I went to tier 4 (hell) mode at level 62.. Never did a nightmare dungeon but have a bunch of the sigils for them.. Do I go BACk to nightmare and do them? that is better than clearing tier 4 dungeons, helltides and tree quests?

@kevinh.4088 - 15.06.2023 02:44

you're a legend <3 thanks!

@letsrock12345 - 14.06.2023 21:13

Maan im like 5 hours in to nightmare and have yet to get a sigil to drop 😭😭

@larkan511 - 14.06.2023 17:51

I need this video edited with the Vine "boom" sound effect every time he raises his eyebrow

@Nick-tl7ts - 14.06.2023 15:57

lamest end game activity ever to be conceived

@Deatan76 - 14.06.2023 12:57

Bruh. I've been clearing dungeons about 10-11 levels more than me thinking that I was getting more XP. Appearently I was just losing a ton of time.

@zxfish1991 - 14.06.2023 09:26

HI does nm dungeon drops higher power level items ?

@joshbrucks - 14.06.2023 07:36

I've done 2 nm dungeons so far a tier 1 And 2. Got 4 and 8 xp so should scale buy 4 not 2, unless it goes down later.

@horbs.4285 - 13.06.2023 21:37

OMG... that video helped me so much understanding mechanics! Tyvm Wudi!

@arrow1island - 13.06.2023 16:19

Maybe you should focus on how to UNLOCK sigils at the vendor

@michaprookazje1955 - 13.06.2023 10:57

I got to level 100, i leveled my glyphs all at level 17, I am able to run solo T60-65, in group we can run T70, but what is the point of it? We get less items per hour doing high tier dunegons. The quality and item power are the same as we would run t40 or even open world... Why if i am better than casual player and i am doing more difficult dungeons i don't get better items or more of it. I think that it should be capped for example at T50 you can't drop items with lower item power than 750, and so on t60 - lower than 760... This is my point of view, endgame content does not reward player for doing it.

What do you think about it

@aegontargaryen573 - 13.06.2023 04:10

Horribly explained lol.

@DeformerNF - 13.06.2023 02:51

the crafting is NOT AVIABLE after obne dungeon...its after lvl 3 dungeon wich you NEVER get ..

@DeformerNF - 13.06.2023 02:50

AND HOW THE HELLDO I GET HIGHER THAN 1 i cant craft and got only 1000000000000 t1 ... what a shit game-

@hnskyo9251 - 13.06.2023 00:11

no idea why all these guides, the game is to easy to even need a guide about these things.
anyway good guide for the paragon.

@jasonmeister6988 - 12.06.2023 13:24

I still don’t get what the point is to play all this after the story. All monsters get about the same level as the players have right? Will these Dungeons make you stronger? What for tho? Side quests?

@vendellin6230 - 12.06.2023 06:48

character lvl -50 to get what tier to run helps alot ty.

@shazam2323 - 12.06.2023 01:25

cant understand a word this dude says

@rekrn12345 - 11.06.2023 21:20

Kinda feel like they should remove the limit on xp bonuses. Maybe at least let it go to like 10 above or 15. If you are capable of killing creatures 10-20 levels above you you should be allowed to do so and be rewarded for it. You are essentially being punished for doing harder content.

@MrXXXblackheartXXX - 11.06.2023 20:00

Im at lvl 52 now there is a quest
Called nightmare dungeon i tryed to track it on map but i didnt found it anyone help me ! Please

@Doroby702 - 11.06.2023 19:44

So I'm lvl 73 right now and doing lvl 26 and up nightmares. Should I do lower ones? I thought I heard you say there an xp penalty for going too high.

@aleksei8884 - 11.06.2023 15:54

I just got to lvl 51 and I’m already tired of doing dungeons lmao. I can’t even bother doing the dungeons to get the aspects I need for my gear..
I’d much rather do activities above the ground lol

@meganziegler3968 - 11.06.2023 15:15

I'm 55 on Nightmare and can't craft sigils. Am I missing something? How am I supposed to to a nightmare dungeon when I can't make a sigil?

@CoachD4 - 10.06.2023 15:41

you cannot post and call it an endgame build if youre level 52, using a build youre not even talking about. Dead content, stop making videos.

@FRESHY_GG - 10.06.2023 02:49

I'm lv68 and I get destroyed in tier21. Should I even bother doing torment world tier if I'm not lv70?

@Livak18 - 09.06.2023 21:53

is there a level restriction before you can find a lvl 20 sigil? I have done so many 19 dungeons and still cannot find one.. Is it because I am level 60?
