Reshade RTGI vs 'real' Ray-Traced GI

Reshade RTGI vs 'real' Ray-Traced GI

Ray Tracing Revolution

2 года назад

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typeable - 30.08.2023 03:50

there’s a reason why i made the rtgi very minimal and mostly used ambient occlusion

C Lee
C Lee - 27.07.2023 10:13

Very interesting and well explained!

TuPanaElTails - 12.07.2023 20:16

This would be glory for those who want the SRB2 RTX mod for 2.2.11 but they dont have gpu or the opengl addon becauz it was deleted

purple lizard
purple lizard - 11.07.2023 00:10

restir partially relies on screen space information, too. though it still utilizes actual ray tracing. spatio-temporal part is one of it's features that allow for decent performance.
just a fun fact.

Spy Melon Gaming
Spy Melon Gaming - 07.07.2023 10:38

does the fake ray tracing work with a gtx 1650 super and a ryzen 3500x?

MattW - 05.06.2023 21:12

Hey, can you say "get to the chopper!" in a dramatic way? just want to check something.

wisker fall
wisker fall - 29.05.2023 09:03

Hm seems to be like ue4s ssgi (screen space global illumination) maybe not as robust as one of these shaders but similar in how it is only done in screen space

GamerGirl7 - 15.05.2023 18:04

You saved me from wasting money on RTGI, thank you❤

anon manji
anon manji - 26.04.2023 00:00

Thank you for clarifying

Tetra Digm
Tetra Digm - 09.04.2023 04:25

what a shitpost. not a single DIRECT COMPARISON where you show the same game and scene with built in ray tracing, and reshaded ray tracing. there is NO WAY to accurately compare them between games.

Floodsye - 28.02.2023 11:27

Still, the only game that has good looking "real" ray-traced GI is still Exodus. Everything else is either missing the feature entirely or just applies as a sidenote alongside RT shadows and reflections which are not worth dropping over 30-80 fps on. Hardware RT is gonna continue to be a gimmick for a LONG time.

Riasat Salmin Sami
Riasat Salmin Sami - 13.02.2023 11:39

I hate those clickbait titles.

Dr. Whet Farts
Dr. Whet Farts - 27.01.2023 11:28

Ray tracing is nice but performance hit is too big. I prefer 120 fps over better graphics at 30-60 fps.

Wobbo - 20.01.2023 21:02

It is ray tracing. Lots of real-time ray tracers use screen space effects, such as Lumen in UE5. This is exactly like the debates about what is "real VR" back in 2015.

Michael_Keehl - 14.01.2023 14:16

Thanks a lot for the detailed info!

Willian Pareira
Willian Pareira - 18.12.2022 18:10

Skyrim with fake RT rashade is amazing.

Le-Johnny - 27.11.2022 04:11

I like ssrtgi and rasterization. People are just nitpicking to justify a premium for something, ignoring the drawbacks that come with it in gaming. At least we can run ssrtgi natively.

BLANK - 19.11.2022 02:27

I wonder if games could render the scene twice to improve screen space reflections? Render it in higher FOV and lower res so the edge cutoff isn't as obvious.

Tennessee Timmy
Tennessee Timmy - 13.11.2022 12:15

It would be interesting to increase the FOV in metro exodus,
making the HUD and UI use a smaller area of the screen,
then using a zoom reshade filter and having at least a bit more screen space out of the player view

_denis_020_ - 01.11.2022 08:52

Underrated video

Woody Fortunato
Woody Fortunato - 20.10.2022 06:40

i call it the -25 fps option

The Combine Empire
The Combine Empire - 06.10.2022 09:17

i clicked for the gravity gun, but i didn't expect this video to include my boiiii Calhoun

xyzz - 12.09.2022 01:30

I want to hear you say "Get to da choppa!"

NBW DOUGHBOY - 22.08.2022 21:18

Great Video. Great Explanation for sure.

Chris - 13.08.2022 06:24

RTGI is garbage, it should be free and even then I wouldn't use it.

sugar walls
sugar walls - 28.07.2022 14:44

didn't know werner herzog ran a gaming channel now

FeelingShred - 24.07.2022 23:24

AMD refuses to enable Ray Tracing capability on driver updates for older generations of chips, even recent ones from 2019 like Ryzen 3000 generation... Meanwhile, Nvidia is prodiving driver updates that enable Ray Tracing for GPU's as old as 1060/1070/1080 generation from 2016.... Really shows you how awful AMD treats their own customers... Never again wasting money on anything from this pathetic company... Customers PUNISHED from making a purchasing decision of supporting the company... should have known better to be honest, AMD always had issues even far back as the early 2000's, they never got better at this... AMD is an empty promise

Reza NG
Reza NG - 17.07.2022 17:46

whenever a German says "SS" it hits so different..

Saricubra - 26.06.2022 10:58

Reshade fails in a epic way for 3D shading. I only used it for 2D, color correction and other stuff like that.

FeTetra - 22.06.2022 11:39

I mean even Ray casting counts as Ray tracing, about can use Ray tracing for far more than just bounce calculations for lighting. You can even use it for things outside of rendering if you want...

Don Cornetto
Don Cornetto - 07.06.2022 19:52

Newer versions are much better at this, and should be used with subtlety.

Dammit - 30.05.2022 07:02

Can you do a video about the reflection technique used in half life 2? its not screen space but it can take reflections from objects off screen and out of picture just as well as ray tracing can.

Sun JoeXYS
Sun JoeXYS - 08.05.2022 21:08

Reshade SSRTGI can be really awesome when properly applied. I saw some comparisons between "real ray-tracing" of Resident Evil 8 and Reshade RTGI, and in my honest opinion the Reshade RTGI is better both in graphical fidelity and efficiency.

Gerard Martines
Gerard Martines - 01.05.2022 07:06

that is better or similar to the real "ray tracing" probably more dynamic and cater to many games

Solaris - 01.05.2022 02:30

People do realize that this is just SSGI, right?

theDragoon007 ya boy CJ
theDragoon007 ya boy CJ - 26.04.2022 03:31

mr incredible becomes uncanny backround music

ChrisFratz - 07.04.2022 20:07

I think my favorite game that I used screen space RTGI on is Portal reloaded, seeing portals emit light that gets bounced off of a surface is really awesome, and because of how they look I always pictured that they would have emitted some light so it's really awesome to see that be reflected in game. That's awesome just really cool to see the colors mixed together if you put multiple portals side by side.

Jake Dill
Jake Dill - 31.03.2022 00:45

Couldn't you use the temporal frame buffer to offset the inaccuracies?

Jake Dill
Jake Dill - 31.03.2022 00:38

You know I clicked on this because I ended up in in a very rare situation for myself where I was actually having an argument on the internet, something that I've avoided by writing books with fully irrefutable you know context and evidence and support and rant and what happened yesterday and why it matters and why it's going to fuck us all... I feel like the internet gave me a freebie on that one, somebody arguing that software Ray tracing wasn't real Ray tracing... Like you know, hardware is nice.. but we used to do everything in software back in the day LOL and then I guess we used hardware to do that but direct apis are modern technology, one that we have remodelized I suppose cuz we we started that way cuz that's that would that's how you start I suppose.. what the fuck happened in the '90s? Thank goodness John carmack came to save us all by creating two and a half d and 3D programs that ran out of word processing computers.. and then I suppose he also started all the other things, the software just wasn't good enough.. but you know what it wasn't terrible, cuz I couldn't play putt-putt on my computer, but I could play quake and I can play Jedi Knight.. see why I never actually get into arguments on the internet?

Chris Bicourt
Chris Bicourt - 24.03.2022 11:37

What are you talking about?!? Unreal 5 lumen RT is BILLIONS OF TRIANGLES!!!

Devon Marr
Devon Marr - 21.03.2022 03:26

RTGI is great to help with shadows in games with bad AO.

Andre’ Phillipe
Andre’ Phillipe - 10.03.2022 15:47

AI idea💡- separate program that acts like a single player bot with no clip/god mod on. It effectively covers everything inch of the map and stores that geometry. Based on that information it then applies raytracing. Pre baked pre pass process for any game?

HBMHD - 27.02.2022 10:44

I've been doing rendering for almost a decade now using real, multi-pass ray tracing on unbiased engines like Mental Ray, VRay, Cycles and Arnold, and it really annoys me that not only are some people claiming to be able to do ray tracing with some overlay, but that there are also people clicking those videos and actually believing them...

Bowlsnapper - 26.02.2022 01:53

Any effect other than GI able to be done? Reflections, etc?
