Serving up FRESH Nx Recipes w/ NextJS + tRPC

Serving up FRESH Nx Recipes w/ NextJS + tRPC

Nx - Smart Monorepos - Fast CI

1 год назад

1,908 Просмотров

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@cristiang4774 - 30.11.2023 13:20

being a beginner to nx I spent already 2 hours trying to setup an nx monorepo with react, trpc, 1 lib, 1 react lib - your videos don't help at all - all I want are the cli commands to add apps to monorepo, why can't I find that anywhere? asked chatgpt, bro knows only nrwl shit

@brianpooe - 15.06.2023 00:09

Would be great to see an angular version of this with analog.

@electroheadfx - 14.06.2023 14:01

too late I left NX/Next/tRPC for create-T3 repo with subrepo (mixte of git-submodule and git-subtree)
