MAGYAR NYELV! The Hungarian Language is MINDBLOWING

MAGYAR NYELV! The Hungarian Language is MINDBLOWING


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Random user
Random user - 18.11.2023 00:40

As a Farsi speaker we say Jib for pocket which which is very close to the Hungarian word

Thomas J Gallagher
Thomas J Gallagher - 17.11.2023 00:26

Native English speaker in Hungary here, and the most difficult part is listening to and catching the aglutinated nouns to pick up if they're talking about "my kitchen" or being "in the kitchen" or being "in my kitchen". Conjugation has almost no consistent rules, like say German does. I rely on context and get it wrong more often than not.

What I appreciate about the language compared to Ukrainian, where I also live, is the pronunciation. Hungarian can sound a bit odd with all its strong vowel sounds, but if you commit to the annunciation, it's so much easier than Ukrainian with its awkward letter combinations for westrrn speakers. Despite having some long words, Hungarian doesn't have all those extra syllables thrown in like Ukrainian.

zsolt völgyi
zsolt völgyi - 15.11.2023 22:44

Megszentségteleníthetetlenségeskedéseitekért 😝🤣 Leghosszabb Magyar szó😉

zsolt völgyi
zsolt völgyi - 15.11.2023 22:34

Sziasztok! Nagy örömmel néztem végig a videót! Főleg a nyelvtan résznél nevettem sokat!😄 Arra gondoltam, hogy még nekem is nehéz, pedig én Magyar vagyok!😅 Jól esik látnom, hogy más nemzetek hogyan viszonyulnak a Magyar nyelvhez, és hozzánk Magyarokhoz! Sok sikert kívánok nektek a Magyar nyelv tanuláshoz!😉

Consuelo Bettinelli
Consuelo Bettinelli - 14.11.2023 11:33

finnish japanese

Wagner Gregory
Wagner Gregory - 13.11.2023 00:33

Meg az anyád a finnugor

Maya Jakub
Maya Jakub - 12.11.2023 23:55

Anomal language in Europe .... cos they are homeless from Ural .... go back home where u belong ... shi...t ppl and thieves of history

S_Mickey - 12.11.2023 10:26

Köszönöm! Nagy élmény volt végig nézni az anyagot! Sok sikert kívánok a csatornádnak! Thank’s!

_Wolfie_528 - 10.11.2023 16:31

I'm Hungary 😅😊

Áron Tamás Városi
Áron Tamás Városi - 10.11.2023 11:44

As a native speaker there are no similar languages because we have a lot of words from Latin, German, Turkish and some others too.

Róbert Haller
Róbert Haller - 09.11.2023 10:25

A nyelvemnek a tűrk népekhez van köze, nem pedíg a finnugorhoz! 😂

K.Krisztina - 05.11.2023 04:26

Érdekes volt angolul meghallgatni az anyamyelvemről ezt a kis videót. Elég bonyolultnak tűnhet a magyar nyelv, pedig nem az. ☝🏼😉☺️

Nawinawk - 04.11.2023 21:56

I love hungarian people theladies are educated,poliglot and beauty and cosmopolite and wise 🦉.
They are tundra ugric, asians and the hungarian is asian lang ❤❤❤❤.
Love on them❤

Gabica - 04.11.2023 11:41

Nagyon részletes összefoglaló, rengeteg munkával! Köszönjük! :)

Teri Matyis
Teri Matyis - 28.10.2023 13:42

As a teacher of Hungarian language, I have to correct the number of cases said in the video from 18 to 23. Not only some people will say there are more, but there are really 23 of them. Otherwise, the video is good.

ed wither
ed wither - 28.10.2023 08:50


H H - 27.10.2023 19:56

You are wrong about the vowel harmony. It's based not on the last vowel of the rootword, it takes the complete word as a base.

The rootword of the word "ebédeltem" is not "ebédel", it's "ebéd". Ebéd means lunch, ebédel means (sy) has lunch.

Liviu Bandaloiu
Liviu Bandaloiu - 27.10.2023 19:00

Arabic,Chinese and Hungarian,the most difficult languages to learn...

JK E - 27.10.2023 01:31

Hungary should leave the EU and NATO...ASAP!

Laci Ludas
Laci Ludas - 26.10.2023 00:21

Nabammeg esse tuttam

Execu Tutor
Execu Tutor - 25.10.2023 20:45

I went to Hungary in 1997 and became fascinated by the language. I still am.

Tencho Tenev
Tencho Tenev - 24.10.2023 21:20

To me Macedonian is a dialect of Bulgarian. There is a simple logic - it was part of Bulgaria and It’s devided just like the two Koreas… politically .

uzul77 - 24.10.2023 13:50

I was raised by my grandparents who only spoke Hungarian to me as a child. Later I moved away with my parents, I may have been three years old, and since my mother couldn’t understand Hungarian, we didn’t speak it and I would slowly forget. To this day, I am in my 50s, it has a special sound to me. Sometimes when I’m riding a train and I overhear a Hungarian conversation (it maybe happens once a year) I stay seated and listen. Although I don’t understand anything, listening to the speech melody is very soothing… like watching a campfire. It’s literally music to my ears and I find it to be the most beautiful language by far.

I have tried visiting Hungarian learning courses, but most students give up after the first year and the classes cease to exist.

Jack Fordon Джек Фордон
Jack Fordon Джек Фордон - 24.10.2023 13:24

What I find fascinating about Hungarian is how many calques there are with German- even the example with "leül" in the sense of "to serve" has a direct cognate with German "Eine Gefängnisstrafe *absitzen*". (Ok, this is also an expression in Slavic languages, but I noticed the parallel). I speak fluent German and have been learning Hungarian for a few months now, and I see these hidden German expressions everywhere.

Scorilo - 24.10.2023 10:56

Hungarian is turkish language .

Krisztián Lica
Krisztián Lica - 23.10.2023 20:57

I love Hungarian verb so logic and more funny like another language verb ..

Hezekiah - 23.10.2023 17:53

Any mermelstein in the house🎉

Márton Borbély-Nemes
Márton Borbély-Nemes - 22.10.2023 20:47

I am Hungarian, but this was very confusing to me too. Lol

Juho Uusi-Hakimo
Juho Uusi-Hakimo - 22.10.2023 10:22

I don't understand almost anything about Hungarian vocabulary. It has changed so much but that grammar part doesn't confuse me at all. It's nearly 95% the same in Finnish

Roger Croitor
Roger Croitor - 20.10.2023 23:53

Recently an Italian told me on my campus, that I Italian duble consonants wrong, because in Italian you are supposed to cary it out for 2 whole sounds, BUT (she told me) she learned from the start of her hungarian classes that in hungarian you only hold it for 1.5 consonants

BladeTheWatcher - 20.10.2023 15:52

That Uralian origin is probably not correct. Huns and Magyars were nomadic people with Mongolian origin. Chinese remember these peoples even today, called "Xiung Nu", you can even find them in the Disney movie "Mulan".
Hungarians are also related to Uighurs, who live as an oppressed people in China (if you compare faces, the similarities are quite apparent), and remembered by Kazakhs as the "13th lost tribe". Compare languages and you will find a lot of similarities there too - like "Alma Ata" in Kazakh is "Alma Atya" in Hungarian, meaning the same, pronounced almost the same.
Hungarian is undoubtedly the most difficult language for any other European to learn. Start only if you want an extraordinary challenge.
For similarities, it is surprisingly similar to Japanese. I mean the grammar, not the words. Both use agglutination and vowel harmony.

Steve F
Steve F - 18.10.2023 07:35

The longest Hungarian word: "elkaposztasitottalanitottatok". Do not ask me to translate it, it is impossible. Also I left out the accents since my keyboard does not have Hungarian vowels. Hint: it refers to cabbage and how you all made it without the cabbage. This is not used in everyday language, however it has perfect sense and it is just a demonstration how the Hungarin language can conjugate words.

hettitiern - 14.10.2023 12:43

I learned the word lószar when I was twelve from my classmate (thanks Ivan Feher) but now I know maybe 10-12 words.

bleedoverhim - 14.10.2023 07:16

ive visited hungary and im in love, i would seriously consider studying there in the future but the language is the one and only thing that discourages me

eva kovacs
eva kovacs - 13.10.2023 05:00

Nagyon jo modszer megismertetni a nyelvnek a termeszetet.

eva kovacs
eva kovacs - 13.10.2023 04:53

All languages are easily learned by babies....babies of any ethinicity.

sanityLost - 08.10.2023 00:19

This is just turkic ffs

Павел Таппанен
Павел Таппанен - 06.10.2023 00:50

Well, I am not a Finnish native, but I have something around B1. I can't even imagine what Hungarians are talking about.
And that's interesting, because with English you are able to understand something in German or Swedish, with Russian you are able to unterstand something in Polish or Bulgarian.
But Hungarian... it's completely impossible to catch even a single separated word!

Why is it so? It is very possible to see some common basics in Estonian, Karelian or Vepsan. I can understand a few words. When it is Hungarian - I don't undertand anything at all. And my (native) Finnish friends as well.

Epirus_COM - 29.09.2023 19:53

Respect from a Greek.

Alexander the Great 🇬🇷/ Atilla the Hun 🇭🇺

We both had great leaders 😊

Martin Purdy
Martin Purdy - 26.09.2023 08:57

I've been dabbling in Hungarian for a decade or so, and there are a few structural similarities with Japanese and Korean - the postpositions and causative infixes, for example. Of course these elements look totally different, but they function in a similar way.

maria szakacs
maria szakacs - 18.09.2023 18:36

Semmi közünk a fin-ugor nyelvhez.Mar számos nyelvész meg cáfolta köztük a finnek is.

P M - 17.09.2023 20:25

Vezettetjük Daniellel az autót — Ajatamme autoa Danielilla. Meneekö noin? Onko yhtä epäluonteva unkariksi kuin suomeksi?

Katarzynalpzm 0a Rajko-Nenow
Katarzynalpzm 0a Rajko-Nenow - 16.09.2023 01:49

My introduction to Hungarian was funny. A girl from Hungary went back to her homeland and has left some instant food for us. Everything (the name of the product, the recipe...) was in Hungarian. We couldn't figure out whether it's pudding or may be instant potato puree. We were ready to experiment, though. We started to decode the recipe. Mind you that it was back in time when google translator wasn't yet available. I was quite confident that I would grasp at least some words as I'm familiar with various European languages. Besides that, simple recipe for instant dish can't be hard, right? 😂😂😂 I understood only the digits, literally. Afbafh 3 vsgnfjj 8 htbsf 10 - something like this ❤❤❤. 3 spoons? 3 minutes? 😂😂😂 We gave up finally as we didn't want to waste the food. We assumed that eventually another Hungarian might come and use it.
We, Polish people love Hungary and Hungarian language. It is like your secret code.

Brutally Remastered
Brutally Remastered - 12.09.2023 15:02

Great stuff. Terrified and fascinated in equal measure.

JonathanG - 04.09.2023 18:38

You lost me halfway through the lesson

uxuistock - 30.08.2023 10:13

It is exactly the same as Turkish in terms of grammar and word additions. And I was able to understand the meaning of the Hungarian words you wrote as Turkish without the need for translation. "ül" is the ül - to sit - to set up a tent - the land of a nation - ÜLKE = mean country in Turkish - Other words have similar connotations. And anyway, the word affixes, conjunctions and modals are very similar to Turkish, Every Hungarian and Turkish who compare Hungarian and Turkish can see this. Speakers of other languages ​​may not notice.

plavi99 - 27.08.2023 17:25

elsetalok az autodtol lassan, doesnt mean i walk away from your car slowly, it means, the time slowly comes when i will walk away from your car. If you do put a , before 'lassan' then it changes the lssan in terms of speed. so i walk away from your car slowly would be 'elsetalok az autodtol, lassan'
as you would speak it, you bring up your tone at the end of autodtol pause then say lassan.or something like that. its weird
comes from native speaker. (myself)

Lajos Rofusz
Lajos Rofusz - 27.08.2023 00:04

There is no 18 cases. Postpositon together with the substansiv if connection. F ex. The table over, the thableon. Knifewith knife without.
