Global PMIs indicate the global economy is growing. Commodity prices move higher. AIA Weekly 4.6.24

Global PMIs indicate the global economy is growing. Commodity prices move higher. AIA Weekly 4.6.24

John Polomny

3 месяца назад

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@555frontier - 06.04.2024 22:37

Thank you John.

@shakeypudding6563 - 06.04.2024 23:00

Israel didn’t hit the Iranian Embassy in Syria, John. They hit the building “beside” the embassy 😃 Stay to the economic narrative and stay away from politics.

@sw8281 - 06.04.2024 23:05

That price for those drumsticks must be an error. Its expensive here in Canada but not that expensive. Maybe in the future as we become Venezuela of the north.

@jverderber - 06.04.2024 23:23

Another great weekly video.

@alshaw9420 - 07.04.2024 00:13

all year all the fools said every think crashing hello sp500 will retest 666.79 hold on to your kids somethink big is out there and it does not make a flying fuck if pmi gdp abc def is going up every thing will go down soon and in a huge way last means everything gold oil weat corn sp500 copper lead every thing , rates are going to skyrocket like never ever seen before THAT MEANS ONE THING I N F L A T I O N

@prygler - 07.04.2024 00:41

If all commodities goes up fast inflation goes up and central banks can't cut rates and then recession will follow.

@StoicBarbarian - 07.04.2024 01:02

No. It's not 202$ for 12 drumsticks. I'm in Canada. It's fake. But everything has gone way high to the point where it's impossible to make ends meet. Everything has pretty much doubled or tripled in price.

@prygler - 07.04.2024 01:19

How much for the paid newsletter a month? Where to sign up?.

@KatharineLikesCake - 07.04.2024 01:22

I live in downtown Toronto, and it is expensive as hell, but those drumsticks must have been an error.

@jbee12002 - 07.04.2024 01:30

More likely the price was meant to be C$20.20 but mislabelled by a Costco dumbstick DEI hire ... educated guess 😊

@jptrainor - 07.04.2024 02:27

The drum sticks price was a mistake. I get whole chickens under $10 when they're on sale - which is regularly. My freezer is full if them.

@ConMotoTrading - 07.04.2024 02:31


@andrewpocock1234 - 07.04.2024 03:28

Drumsticks wouldn't be that much. But I did a shop the other day and 2 bags of groceries I could walk home with was $300. I got 8 bits of meat, veggies, blueberries and yogurt.

@garyhough4664 - 07.04.2024 03:30

Keep going John.. I thoroughly enjoy your weekly updates and also your opinions on world events etc… ignore these fools who tell you what you should or shouldn’t say… they wouldn’t enjoy our mutual enjoyment of the CE newsletter and CM’s opinions either would they.. 😁

@lhr2981 - 07.04.2024 04:43

I disagree with you about government spending. I don't think social programs and especially social security, which comes from years of people paying taxes on their income, and should be returned to them, in their old age or if they are disabled, are the problem. It's government revenue which is needed in my opinion, but that's just my opinion. Thank you for your comprehensive analysis. I learned a lot, and am more focused on my investment goals for next week, with an understanding of whats going on and why with commodities. :-)

@socalsilver6397 - 07.04.2024 05:31

Gas ⛽️ already $5/gal here in SoCal. Good update John! Thx

@TheBirdieparbirdie - 07.04.2024 05:40

copper and tankers!!!!

@alisra007 - 07.04.2024 05:46


@josephlim8941 - 07.04.2024 06:07

I’m in Vancouver, BC. Costco Canada pic is either fake or someone mislabeled. Prices have gone up in line with US. Except for housing which is unliveable.

@jamesherchel5827 - 07.04.2024 06:53

That was definitely not the right price for the drumsticks . It more like 15 bucks.

@RJ_Chicago - 07.04.2024 08:36

John, with regard to Tesla, their Q1 numbers as per the rest of the auto industry are usually down from prior year Q4. But I think if you look at YOY Q1, they are trending higher. As for the cost, of EVs, we will have to wait for 2025 when Tesla releases the Gen3 Compact car which should be around $25-30K. I think that will kill the legacy auto industry and revolutionize the EV sector. Also keep in mind that number of states and foreign countries are outlawing ICE vehicle sales by 2030-35. In this country there are significant federal and domestic state tax credits or incentives. So to borrow your word, the zeitgeist in the world is significantly on the side of EVs. However, yes the energy to charge these cars in developed countries will shift to nuclear. Undeveloped countries will stay with coal for the foreseeable future.

@mikesmith-nj1ij - 07.04.2024 09:14

202 For 10 drumsticks.... Food inflation is ridiculous but that is a fake price.

@billfraser9731 - 07.04.2024 16:40

Someone made a key punch error on the wings

@dennisbronzo5711 - 07.04.2024 17:08

First time listener, excellent analysis and delivery. Thank you John!

@nickhornsey5719 - 07.04.2024 17:56

Great video as usual John. Have a great week

@Str4ng3F0lk - 07.04.2024 18:53

Hi John, I've been subscribed to your newsletter for about a year. Love the videos, too!

I'd like to see newsletter subscriber only videos with more specific discussion of the portfolio.

@mattdeal8256 - 08.04.2024 00:10

Sorry boss, gota go listen to the new markt huddle

@tigerrider6711 - 08.04.2024 04:41

That’s probably $30-35 for the chicken. A small 5lb beef roast is $120-150 yesterday at Costco. Never did I think that I’d struggle to afford beef, butter, and cheese on an engineers salary. Adjusted for inflation I’m making the same as 10 years ago when I started my career. We are being gutted and replaced with immigrants who are willing to live 4-5 people per bedroom, complete brain drain and flight of investment in this country.

@angelsoul3359 - 08.04.2024 09:05

Clearly, the U.S. government needs to cut social security so it can afford to spend more of our tax money on illegal aliens. (sarcasm)

@cng2009 - 20.04.2024 02:09

I really appreciate your perspective and highlights each week. I like the contrarian nature of your thinking, and the fact you work within the energy industry
