Full Animal Planet Documentary, Deadliest South Africa, Episode 1

Full Animal Planet Documentary, Deadliest South Africa, Episode 1

Kurdt Greenwood

2 года назад

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CarlYoungII - 04.11.2023 19:21

Never has my anxiety been so high while watching a documentary. That full grown puff adder was pissed and he's just under the impression "oh it's not that aggressive" per se. I would never do this as a career. Extremely dangerous!! But thrill and danger brings excitement to some people lives.

Arrow Zen
Arrow Zen - 04.11.2023 02:21

Playing with a snouted cobra like that is incredible, tarrifying and very very risky. Unbelievable.

Andrew - 18.10.2023 10:27

Why would he freehandle a booom slang? Totally dumb move.

Susie Dyer
Susie Dyer - 16.09.2023 07:59

Damn dude u must hate living or ur just not 2 Brite why would you do this if u really have no anti venom 2 b honest ur making me have anxiety attack I can't watch this anymore

Ekam Sat
Ekam Sat - 12.09.2023 16:32

You are indeed exceptional, you know the animals you work with and trust your abilities to read them with your life. But please, do not allow yourself to be very comfortable in these highly dangerous situations, even with advanced knowledge, there always are unknown unknowns that could potentially cost you your life. Snakes may get triggered by something that is beyond the scope of your own ability to realize. You may have picked up some scent that they can suddenly smell and it may well be a scent of their predators....
I may be comfortable having cobras within striking range, if I'm not interacting too much with them. I'd let them crawl over my body, no problem. But I wouldn't move.
What you;re doing is of the kind of daredevilness Alex Honnold is famous for in free solo climbing. But please, do not rely on predictability, where the unpredictable is the rule of the game.
But I very much like what you do. I haven't seen anyone doing this so far.

Fandi Bataineh
Fandi Bataineh - 06.08.2023 18:40

bro, have you been trained by Steve Irwin?
your way of handling snakes bare handed is so impressive

andreaskrasmussen - 16.07.2023 00:07

Ay i'm half way through, man i just gotta put this out there.... You are gonna get merked one of these days, but you are very brave indeed, nice content... tho i feel the risks involved is a bit on the reckless side.

Brandon Blackfyre
Brandon Blackfyre - 14.06.2023 18:48

Would love to see you reach out and do some videos with Chandlers Wildlife or Dingo Dinklemen. Dingo I'm sure you probably know about since hes also in your neck of the woods in South Africa but Chandler is in the USA but owns a lot of the snakes you work with in the wild. I would love to see you meet up and make some videos with these guys! Dingo would be easier since hes in South Africa already. I know South Africa is huge so you guys might be further away then I think. Dingo lives on the outskirts of a larger city I believe. I know Chandler wants to come to South Africa and it would be amazing if he could come out with you and Dingo. That would be the best video all year.

White Wolf
White Wolf - 22.05.2023 02:11

Gonna get tagged bad someday ,

chemichael teale
chemichael teale - 17.05.2023 15:11

amazing snouted cobra footage?incredible?

Cliff Campbell
Cliff Campbell - 10.05.2023 13:37

I always thought it was an asp that killed Cleopatra. There are ways to showcase an animal without touching it which is (in my opinion) the best way to present wild animals to a wide audience. I believe the more of these wildlife "experts" handle wildlife, the more those actions encourage random people that happen upon similar animals in their respective areas (or different depending on their vacation destinations) because they saw an "expert" handle one which usually results in damage or even death to the person but almost always to the animal. I know it takes longer to show off all of the animal's features without touching it but it can be done. Wild animals are after all...wild and should remain so, with no physical contact from humans (unless it is to remove one from a home or if it is stuck in something made by humans).

William - 08.04.2023 12:33

I just want to tell you that I can see you have very much respect for these animals as they should have very good job keep it up

Bruce - 26.03.2023 22:43

If you name wasn't on your video i would think your Austin Stevens son

Allen Kellogg
Allen Kellogg - 05.02.2023 07:47

I'm not sure what is crazier. The man giving a cobra scritches, or the cobra acting like my cat when he gets scritches.

Bun in Paradise
Bun in Paradise - 21.01.2023 16:55

Another clown

RAYMOND VALDEZ - 12.01.2023 11:13


Owen Mutasa
Owen Mutasa - 25.12.2022 18:37

I used to hate and fear snakes. Now, because of Kurt, I only fear them.

Tag Makers Pet Tags
Tag Makers Pet Tags - 25.12.2022 07:40

Hmmm I seem to remember an Australian macho called Irwin who also liked to tempt fate. This is not so much a wildlife video as a playbook of showoff whose obituary we will be reading in the (near) future.

Shane Miller
Shane Miller - 12.11.2022 03:17

Does anyone know is Kurt is still alive? Watching this I fear his career will be short lived.
