Royal Marine Reacts To We Test The US Military's Newly Adopted .277 Fury Round

Royal Marine Reacts To We Test The US Military's Newly Adopted .277 Fury Round


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@bradthackston5217 - 20.06.2024 03:13

You get hit in the armor you’re out of the fight it doesn’t have to go threw it still may kill you and going to blow plate into your body also

@ifrxenvoy124 - 17.06.2024 10:24

Standard 5.56 load is the 62 grain M855A1 out of a 14.5 inch barrel M4 carbine and is moving about 2800 fps. The standard load for 7.62x51 is the 147 grain M80 out of a 22 inch barrel and is moving at about the same speed as the 5.56. The .277 Fury or 6.8x51 is beating both of those in velocity. That’s incredible because it has the same barrel length as the M4 carbine, but is firing a bullet with twice the mass of M855A1. 7.62x51 out of a 14.5 inch barrel actually loses a lot of velocity in comparison. I would estimate it around 2300-2400 fps. Speed beats armor and velocity is king when determining how much kinetic energy a projectile has. The 277 Fury is beating armor while still having a lethal punch afterwords.

@Idahoguy10157 - 17.06.2024 08:56

The ballistics of the .277 cartridge is close to that of the existing 7.62 NATO. I can’t see the justification to adopt it

@phantom4205 - 17.06.2024 03:51

500 yards I think

@Jesusisking2785 - 16.06.2024 02:09

We used to use 7.62 nato in the m14 but then switched to the 5.56

@MQuinn-eb3zz - 15.06.2024 18:53

The round does out perform the 7.62 Nato, significantly and is more in line with the 7.62x54R. The rifle will also be getting a vortex optic (1-8x30) wihich will give incredible accuracy, basically turning each rifleman into a sharpshooter. The rifle will not completely replace the M4, which will be maintained for support troops.

@ShrekMedic - 15.06.2024 06:17

Have you seen the optic they are pairing with this? If not you should look it up, it is like putting an aimbot on a real life gun.

@user-oj2di7lv1k - 13.06.2024 04:18

I think they use yard for distance tho.

@JimFinley11 - 13.06.2024 01:49

Retired room temperature IQ Marine here - I retired in 1996, and I've been looking at new gear (and training) since about six months after I retired and saying, "Oh, man, I wish we'd had that . . . " often enough that I know my wife is tired of hearing it, although she's a good sport (and a good shot.)
For frame of reference, when I retired things were so different that only snipers and match competition shooters got optics; the rest of us used post-and-peep iron sights. That said, any Marine who shot Rifle Expert with any version of an M16 was consistently putting good groups into center mass on a human torso target at 500 meters (after flipping the rear sight aperture from short range to long range.)
One of my brothers was one of those match shooters. At the All Marine Corps matches in 1990, he won High Tyro in an event where he started standing at the 1,000-yard line, with an M14 with iron sights. He knew that somewhere along the line of targets - didn't know where - someone was going to pop a human silhouette target on a stick above the berm, walk along the line - he didn't know which direction they'd be going, either - and after they'd passed five targets at normal walking speed, the target would disappear back into the butts. He had to wait until he saw the target, then get prone, make any adjustments to his sights he thought he needed, and hit the target before it dropped back into the butts. He hit it more times than his competitors. His trophy was a brand new M1 Garand. Best shooter I've ever known.
Re that .277 Fury, my bet is that it stays supersonic past 1,000 meters and probably has as much energy as a .300 Win Mag, let alone a .308 or .30-06, past 500.

@bluexeyedxpassion - 13.06.2024 01:28

that's only 200 Muzzle velocity below 50bmg. so basically a .277 is almost as powerful as a 50bmg. imagine if that barrel was any longer(it's a 16")

@Lithane97 - 12.06.2024 23:22

Yea no, they weren't saying 500 feet, they were saying 500 yards, so that's 1500 feet 😂😂
This round outperforms 5.56 by leaps and bounds on almost any scale and at range outperforms 7.62

@senilestix - 12.06.2024 01:21

All these shit lazy reaction videos off the back of hard work of others

@TheJerseyNinja - 11.06.2024 15:38

“Who is this guy? 😂” bro that’s Charlie, you need to listen every time this guy talks because dude is a fucking comedian and quick af with shit too 😂

@mikecarew8329 - 11.06.2024 10:44

500 yards - not FEET. 500 yards = 1,500 feet. The greater power / accuracy at distance and armor penetrating capabilities are what the military wanted for near term risk (hopefully deterrence, not actual fighting) vs near peers like China / Russia....but, really China.

@Kross8761 - 11.06.2024 04:04

It was 500+ YARDS not feet. Roughly equivalent to 500+ Meters.

Only holding for 1.3 mils of drop at 500 yards is wild, im assuming they went with some sort of converging combat zero instead of a 100y/100m zero.

A common way to zero military rifles like M4's is to zero at a closer distance like 36m or 50m because it gives a "maximum point blank range" zero where if youre shooting out to a certain distance you can hold dead on and hit close to your center point but not exactly dead on. The most common I know of is called the 50/200 zero where due to the optic height over bore if you zero dead on at 50m then beyond 50m the bullet will continue to "rise" until it hits its apex and then begin falling and be "dead on" again at 200m and then falls below the center of the reticle, at its apex the bullet is 1.5-2 inches above the center point and at 300 meters the bullet will be about 2-3 inches low, but that's a dead-on hold that will land within a six inch ring around the center point of a reticle out to 300m

Not a bad "quick and dirty" combat zero for guys who aren't super concerned with exact accuracy and just want to be able to hit a man-sized target at "combat" ranges.

@Kross8761 - 11.06.2024 03:24

The reasons the US military is testing and adopting the .277 fury (in a limited capacity at the moment) is due to a few factors: terminal performance, external ballistics, and advancements in optics making longer range marksmanship more common and more easy.

Terminal Ballistics: the new .277 fury round is VERY similar to the .270 Winchester ballistically, it uses a hybrid casing to oush a similarly weighted projectile at nearly the same velocity but from a shorter barrel using a shorter cartridge. Tye .270 winchester is a well known and well regarded hunting round used for animals as large as moose worldwide. It fires a 130gr bullet at roughly 3100 feet per second from the muzzle using a 24 inch barrel, the new .277 Fury fires a 113gr bullet at just over 3000 feet per second from a 13.5 inch barrel so not as much raw power but MUCH more efficient use of cartridge space and powder. The slight difference in total power is within 2-3% of each other while using a smaller cartridge and rifle than could be used with .270 Winchester. And a more aerodynamically efficent projectile than 7.62 NATO so it will perform better at longer ranges than 7.62

External ballistics: the new .277fury cartridge when loaded with a match round of some type (Open tip match, or tipped match preferably) can reach distances of 1000m with relative ease and deoending on bullet design and construction still deliver devastating performance at that range. Better ballistics coefficients and better cartridge design makes longer range shots easier.

Optics advances: the rifle is set to be paired with the new Vortex "XM177" (i think that's its designation) optic which has a ballistic calculator and laser rangefinder built into the optic, those two things make a MASSIVE difference in shooting long range and the scope literally lets you program your bullet's BC and velocity into it then uses that in conjunction with the laser rangefinder to twll you exactly where your bullet is going to land (not accounting for wind, but kestrels and other tools exist to fill in that missing puzzle piece)

In testing, using the rifle and optic paired together, basic infantrymen were able to make rapid, repeatable, and reliable hits on man-sized targets at distances of 800m with no additional marksmanship training.

Its an "Easy" button, a higher hit probability at longer ranges, and better terminal performance when the bullet gets there.

@colbymorris6034 - 10.06.2024 17:46

Just to toss this out there, I never watch a new video from my favorite guntubers on a reaction channel. I'll watch reaction videos to it later on as they pop up. I think alot of us probably do the same. So don't worry about "Taking views" or anything. If it was ever a problem the channels would reach out and take them down, the fact the never do tells me it is A OK.👍

@user-fh5re1ot7e - 10.06.2024 01:48

As a x marine I will take a well place round anytime over a spray

@ancientgamer3645 - 09.06.2024 21:17

Developed in response to the fact that more enemies are wearing combat armor than before.

@Zael_Moonblade - 09.06.2024 06:07

XM refers to experimental military weapon.

@johnisabella5148 - 09.06.2024 00:53

It's much faster than 7.62 and the round is a different material

@johnisabella5148 - 09.06.2024 00:42

X is always used as experimental in us trials rifles

@fallskjermjeger. - 08.06.2024 22:45

The logistics argument falls apart when you are deployed and find out your partners aren't authorized to use the same ammo because the European bureaucracy's aren't on the same page...

@cole4537 - 08.06.2024 11:28

As an American, I have one question and one question only. Are the Royal Marines considered the strongest branch/ service organization in the UK too?

@procommunistdestruction2318 - 08.06.2024 07:57

500 yards to 700 yards

@aaron.from.winchester6744 - 08.06.2024 07:03

Watch Small Arms Solutions video of the M7. He breaks down how much the military spends on every aspect of the program.

@Johnnyo2408 - 08.06.2024 06:57

500yrds not ft

@c.simmons2147 - 08.06.2024 06:43

If you are worried about compatibility, well, NATO will probably get to the US standard eventually given how much of it we make up. But beyond that, Sig is already selling 7.62 versions of the rifle. All that needs to be changed is the barrel. 6.8 is the same case length as 7.62 and actually used 7.62 mags during the development and testing (though I think they are making round specific ones now). And I can't find it now, but I seem to remember there even being discussion of the Army buying 7.62 barrels so soldiers could train with the rifle on the current ranges that can't handle the range of the 6.8 round.

@mrkoda3992 - 08.06.2024 03:21

He was saying yards , 500 yards is 1500 feet

@davidcheek2083 - 07.06.2024 23:57

The .277 fury may replace both the 7.62 and the .556. idk just seems plausible but I haven't done research either. Just seems reasonable

@VoFALT - 07.06.2024 23:07

It's not the MK18. The Mk18 is a short-barreled M4.

@user-po3ev7is5w - 07.06.2024 19:06

Agreed. NATO HAS to standardize on one round for the basic infantry rifle.

@user-po3ev7is5w - 07.06.2024 18:51

This 6.8x51mm rounds has an energy of 2,412 ft pounds or, 3,270 joules. A 7.62 NATO round has about 2,960 ft pounds or 4.013 joules of energy.

@user-po3ev7is5w - 07.06.2024 18:39

It's 6.8×51mm. The main reason they want to get rid of the .556 is the effective kill range is too short.

@zachariahhindman7054 - 07.06.2024 18:07

Everyone you show, I go subscribe and watch their channel to.

@CertifiedSunset - 07.06.2024 13:12

He said he held 1 mil at 550 yards. 1 yard = 3 foot, so he was holding 1 mil at 1,650ft.

@CertifiedSunset - 07.06.2024 13:07

To be fair the US outspends the nearest competitors by a massive margin, we can afford to invent and employ a new round for ourselves if it gives us an advantage at long ranges which is something the 5.56 has always been critisized at not performing well past 600-700 yards. I'm sure we will be keeping many of the M4 variants, especially for urban environments, but this rifle I think is purposely made for those open field trench warfare scenarios that we see in Ukraine, where engagement distances really stretch what the M4 is capable of. To have a naccurate and consistent combat rifle that is capable of deilvering a lot of pain a long ways away, it will probably make squads less dependant on designated marksmen if several of your guys have one of these.

@gunmunky3760 - 07.06.2024 12:59

I thought the MK 18 was already an existing AR platform rifle?

@CertifiedSunset - 07.06.2024 12:52

The .308 carries more energy at closer ranges. But .277 retains higher energy at long range. For a high pressure round that's intended to defeat modern body armor, it's an improvement over .308.

@johanrosander5791 - 07.06.2024 12:09

@Orginalhuman swedish hunters uses 6.5 mm bullet it very accurate and very little drop off. I have try´d 6.5 mm Swedish Mauser Model 96 i the military with iron sights. It really accurate at 500 yard and that gun was 100 year old rifle

@jorleejack - 07.06.2024 10:23

The XM in the XM7 refers to it being an experimental or limited use weapon until it is standardized as a TC-STD in MIL-STD. The M17, as it is called now, was the XM17 during production, and the requisition for the new sidearm was called the XM17 Modular Handgun System program. Sig's P320 was selected as the XM17 and the XM18, and then once they entered service they became the M17 and M18. The M7, from the XM7 Next Generation Squad Weapon program, has just now reached the stage of field deployment, so it was standardized from the XM7 into the M7. The XM250 has also begun to see field deployment, so it will now be standardized as the M250. As a side note, I wish the Army had kept the NGSW program as the XM5 program. The XM5 and XM250 were going to be replacing the M4 and the M249, so it fit so much more, but Colt had a trademark on M5, so the Army decided to change it to XM7 and M7.

@JoeVanGogh - 07.06.2024 07:10

Yea Garand Thumb is very satirical lol

@boogieboo5085 - 07.06.2024 05:36

Two rounds to punch through level 4 body armor and higher accuracy at longer distances seem worth the weight trade-off. These rounds are both awesome and scary at the same time.

@bradleyanderson4315 - 07.06.2024 05:34

The replacement for the M249 SAW is a good bit lighter than the present one. So save weight there but the M7 is heavier than the M4.

@bradleyanderson4315 - 07.06.2024 05:13

I think that they meant 130 grains.

@Timmy1979 - 06.06.2024 22:00

X usually stands for "Experimental" and is dropped once the rifle is adopted.
