You NEVER KNEW THIS About the Burning Bush!

You NEVER KNEW THIS About the Burning Bush!

Kingdom Story Films

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@jessc8888 - 05.09.2024 19:35

Soooo good!!!🌳 🔥 ❤️

@ShuwshanEmeq-xb3mk - 05.09.2024 19:40

I see both the burning bush and the tree of life as the Menorah. It is a tree that burns, and with all that gold would surely glisten like fire, but is not consumed. The Menorah represents all of God's Holy appointments with men. He stands at the door and knocks like in Revelation. He wants to eat and Feast with us, like the banquet parable. He wants us to be that light of obedience to His Holy Law as Yeshua is. Remember when Moses returned His message was to free God's people so they could go worship and FEAST with God (Exodus 5:1) in the dessert. Could it be that IN the Feasts and Sabbaths, which are made for man, we are washed? His WORKS are easy and His burdens are light. The disciples feet were washed at the PASSOVER and Jesus healed many on the Sabbath. It is when we come to sit at His feet and listen to His Holy WORD as He washes us in the water of His WORD. .....
Then the Lord said to Moses, “Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you. And the people shall go out and gather a certain quota every day, that I may test them, whether they will walk in My LAW or not....
Is this the same test Jesus gave at Passover? Those who passed the test went on to receive His Law written on their hearts at Pentecost (Feast of Weeks).

@ThePossible42 - 05.09.2024 19:41

Love this i wish i could support you

@AprilHumphries-ChristBride1986 - 05.09.2024 19:50

Powerful revelation!! Praise the LORD!!

@royheinrich123 - 05.09.2024 22:12

The bush represents “Bramble/Thistle” the curse placed on the earth…. More importantly the burning thistle is not consumed by the fire…. The fire is a “fire of Refinement and Purification “. As the land in the area was Holy. As Moses’s sandals needed to be removed.

@christinemaass6512 - 05.09.2024 23:04

The tree of life wil not burn out.

@PhylosophyHour - 06.09.2024 03:22

I’ve seen it as the perfect unification and harmony between life and death, creation and destruction, earth and spirit

@toosiyabrandt8676 - 06.09.2024 03:51

Like at Pentecost/Shavuot when each disciple had a tongue of flame descending on their head!

@jebablessysalomi3451 - 06.09.2024 08:59

Wow animation and voice recording are to do this ?

@jimlazenby5922 - 06.09.2024 22:05

I appreciate this channel very much. You know how the world is supposed to end in fire? And around the globe we have a ring of fire. (And this is just my theory) but all it would take is God to whisper and all that fire could go explode at once. Kind of makes you think; right?
The prince of Egypt is a family favorite ❤️. Just as a side note 😊

@TheJonboix - 07.09.2024 02:55

Very well done.
Thank you. This is your second video that I have watched. I shared it on Facebook and subscribed.

@nobodybutHIM777 - 07.09.2024 13:11

John 14:24
One who does not [really] love Me does not keep My words. And the word (teaching) which you hear is not Mine, but is the Father’s who sent Me.

The Great I Am is not Jesus but YHWH. Jesus is the Messenger/Prophet like Moses. See John 17

Isaiah 52:6
Therefore My people shall know My Name and what it means. Therefore in that day I am the One who is speaking, ‘Here I am.’”

YHWH always spoke through the prophets or angels. And because it is the Spirit of YHWH doing all the works and the power of miracles within Jesus.

John 14
10 Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me? The words I say to you I do not say on My own initiative or authority, but the Father, abiding continually in Me, does His works [His attesting miracles and acts of power]. 11 Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me; otherwise believe [Me] because of the [very] works themselves [which you have witnessed].

@candisyeldell5403 - 08.09.2024 06:41

God is an all-consuming fire.... The Song of Solomon says that love is a firing flame.... God was showing Moses that his people could dwell in the fire and not be consumed. That's why the 3 Hebrew boys was able to stand in the fire and not get burned because the fire of God is LOVE.... God’s throne is fire, His city is fire, God wants us to be able to dwell in that fire.... It is the saints that burn forever when we make it to heaven, not the sinners.... The sinners can't enter into heaven because they'll be burned up.... Understand how satan flipped it of how people will burn forever in hell, that is false..... God's people are the ones that will be burning forever in God's love and not be consumed....❤

@ragnaryahuwah - 08.09.2024 12:06

Here is the explenation THE SPIRIT gives:
"You are the burning bush kingdomstoryfilms"
King of Israel
Ragnar Yahuwah

@yohanesliong4818 - 10.09.2024 07:43

Powerful. Hallelujah. Thank you
