Everyone is freaking out about this graph

Everyone is freaking out about this graph


9 месяцев назад

384,006 Просмотров

The Earth's population is declining. It may peak in 2064, it may peak in 2100, but either way, in the future the population is going to decline. This has many people spooked, but has others thinking it could help. We explain why this is happening, what it means for the future, and how you can prepare for the potential POPULATION COLLAPSE?

Sidenote Podcast Episode: https://youtu.be/qYKcAysyPQA

Written by: Gregory Brown
Edited by: Luka Šarlija
Animations by: Gregory Brown

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@curtisw0234 - 04.01.2024 22:11

Gender equality is based on the assumption both genders want the same thing. And they might... because in this economy you need two bread winners. but imagine if you tried to force an animal to live like a human, they would be stressed out and it would be considered animal abuse

@NerdinessD - 02.01.2024 15:56

In fact its actually because of this guy💀
(I'm kidding pls don't mind)

@soulsurfer639 - 01.01.2024 08:26

I would love to be married and pump out a bunch of kids, but statistically 1 out of 2 marriages end in divorce, and 85% - 90% of the time it's American women who initiate the divorce. I'm sorry if I don't want to lose the house I already own, half my savings and 18 years of alimony, for children I might not even be able to spend time with. While various men b**g my ex-wife in the home that was once mine.
Until the situation changes, I'm going MGTOW💪

@goffperu - 31.12.2023 10:51

More female legislators might be good, but not if they are Lauren Boebert or Marjorie Taylor Green.

@george6252 - 30.12.2023 19:18

You left out Big Pharma's antidote known as "The Jab". 🤫

@aaronvt9980 - 30.12.2023 18:07

High immigration levels create low trust social dynamics. This causes a lot of negative effects which will destabilize countries with shrinking populations. I predict total collapse of most wellfare states by 2050.

@gnes04 - 30.12.2023 12:57

wtf is that tank top so unprofessional

@vittoriobenedet2221 - 27.12.2023 20:40

Dear creator, u simply dont understand how our economic system works. If it fails though, u will find out, trust me.

@romuluxb - 27.12.2023 11:37

11 billion by 2100, so will just increase for my lifespan and most of my child's life span...great...

@theultimatereductionist7592 - 26.12.2023 19:46

Our Antinatalist motto: "People forced into the world without their consent are under no obligation to maintain the status quo, nations, traditions, culture."

@haydencrawford8552 - 26.12.2023 18:41

Also, with the declining population, there are fewer resources needed overall. Less infrastructure needed to maintain.

It also puts the advantage back into the worker. Who should demand higher wages since their skills are in higher demand.

@rosspayne9025 - 26.12.2023 03:51

But once the population starts to fall it doesn't reach some "magical" new equilibrium point, it just keeps falling. If the current generation, and I use Australian stats, produced 130k babies in 2023 the next generation will produce 100k and the next 75k, then 50K, then 29K, etc. At some point, maybe 150 years from now, there will be enough new borns to fill an average sized tennis stadium i.e. not many. The good news for the younger generations is the average lifespan will fall (probably dramatically) during this period as their will be less taxes to provide government services for the elderly, smaller pool of investment funds (as the world economies will have shrunk) to research drugs to keep them alive and less carers and family members in a position to look after them, resulting in more people dying alone due to lack of care and drugs. Hopefully technology (eg autonomous robots) can replace human carers and AI can reduce the costs of new and better drugs. If we cannot encourage people to have more children (not just one) then the decline will be continuous until those societies simply disappear. Currently that means 95% of the countries in the western world. The more interesting question is how do we encourage more babies and yet maintain the equality of the sexes - as measured in today's terms anyway. I'm sure there is a solution, I just cannot think of one given the current definition of "equality" and how our education systems (secondary and tertiary) are currently structured, but yeh, I'm an engineer - way out of my area of expertise. Interestingly, the biggest threat from climate change (which is real, as that is what the experts say - I listen to them not to opinions) might just be its impact on a falling birth rate as more people use it to justify not having children. However, an interesting benefit of population collapse might be no more wars. Why bother going to war when both sides (eg Russia and Ukraine) will "essentially" not exist in 200yrs due to population collapse. Makes dying for country harder to justify when there won't be a country (as measured by population) in the not to distant future anyway. Obviously doesn't apply in the war in Ukraine as people are not in the habit of thinking about "population collapse due to a falling birth rate". Go to Japan - its an every day news item there as population collapse is accepted as an immediate existential threat to society and country.

@__piyushyadav____ - 25.12.2023 20:18

As an Indian i see absolutely win win🤭

@calvinlyngdoh851 - 24.12.2023 18:14

Women in the future: "Chasing men to have a baby."
Men: "Men still chasing Men things. "😂😂

@craigbeare9770 - 24.12.2023 09:04

The biggest concern is assuming that values like gender equalityand liberal democracy comes from placez with very low birth rates. What if these valuss are lost to cultures which do not value them and progress gained by humanity is lost and we return back into the stone age.

@frishter - 24.12.2023 00:32

"Immigration is not happening enough"
lol no. If you want to erase your own rights, then go right ahead. But still, no. People in the west can't even handle conservatism from their own countries let alone others.

@1370802 - 22.12.2023 22:23

You framed it all as a positive thing even though you said yourself that 1/4 of the Japanese population will have dementia. The decreasing number of young people is not a good thing in any way.

@TheJamonLance - 22.12.2023 15:03

What a shitpost of indoctrination. 1) It doesnt explain why a population decline in a developed country with increased automation could be bad for the society itself.
2) It doesnt adress the issues araised from inmigration, specially inmigration from undeveloped countries.
3) It doesnt explain why climate change is relevant in our lifetime, if something it is a change of equilibrium.
The question of inmigration should be made to the locals, do we want it? what is the benefit? am i going to live better if we facilitate inmigration? am i going to have higher salaries and reduced cost of living? shouod we select from where do we allow inmigration? what do we do with inmigrants that do not have a positive impact?

@daotheeternalnamelessbeyon8778 - 21.12.2023 23:24

Nobody knows anything do they? It all just happens spontaneously...nobody is figuring out the mystery of "loving what is"😅Right? Consciousness is the ultimate mystery and it is unborn, eternal, immortal beyond words😂Shh...

@pedrogonzales9202 - 20.12.2023 21:04

It will never each 10B

@FelixNielsen - 20.12.2023 18:38

Decreased birthrate is a consequence of increased prosperity, not gender equality, regardless what you think that might mean. In fact this so called gender equality also comes from prosperity, Frankly because you have little else to worry about, when food on the table and roof over your head is no longer the big issues.

@MD-st4wi - 20.12.2023 11:30

It’s funny you don’t understand why only less than 4% people leave their birth country as… You’re from Toronto and still live in Canada. That is an interesting video, thank you.

@spinach4892 - 20.12.2023 11:06

Wait, theres going to be more resources, people will be less abusable and less expendable and we’ll all have more space for other things that housing??? Omg this really is a horrible apocalyptic bad time yes 😢😮😮😮

@ItsMzPhoenix - 20.12.2023 01:27

We’ve talked about some of this in my environmental studies coursework, like the Demographic Transition Model and fertility rates.

Personally, I might not have any kids, and I might prefer to adopt/foster; part of it is my worry of the impact having any biological children would add (as opposed to already-born kids), part of it is worry over their potential quality of life, and part of it is because pregnancy scares me to some extent.

@WootzSteel - 20.12.2023 01:21

Canada will be at zero birth rate in 2040. You guys are already below the irreversible 1.5 birth rate.

@everythingisfine9988 - 20.12.2023 01:16

Important topic. But a pretty bad analysis. Leaning heavy on "discrimination" as a reason against immigration is invalid. There's a high need for foreign workers with "skills". And that ultimately is the key word. It takes decades of education to make a highly skilled worker. Somebody coming out of Syria with less than a third grade education and a value set that sees women as properties and not coworkers is a problem. Not just any problem, an uncorrectable problem

@AlphaDelle - 19.12.2023 22:14

THANK YOU for saying how a declining population can be a good thing. I’ve seen a couple videos recently making it out to be such a terrible thing- system collapsing. Well I think we all know the system needs to be reworked anyway. The planet cannot handle too many humans who continue to behave as if resources are infinite and climate change isn’t real

@TheCocktailTimes - 19.12.2023 18:34

I'm sure that as less the better..

The actual capitalist system is broken.. is time to stop to think I'm growth and start to think I'm quality

@anthonycoyle2889 - 18.12.2023 05:23

Immigration is bad for the environment and with inflation from immigration make it harder for local populations to have children, its a form of Warfare you just don't say yet

@RosaLedy - 17.12.2023 21:57

Good info guy. Thank you. If you put a shirt on, I'll follow you.

@jeremybernstein7235 - 17.12.2023 17:24

There is a serious backlash concerning integration, as discovered by several European countries, for the refugees and immigrants to intrgare they need to take part in the culture and norms of the country they are in, but that is not that case. as most bring with their own set of values and cultures without any chance or want to change or integrate with the locals (see the issues Demark has being contending with the last decade), moreover they want the state to bend and accept them and their culture as the norm. It is this point that such changes would have the country lose it identity. The choice would be either lose your culture which is who you are or lose your economy as to how you will live. This is currently the issue up for debate in elections everywhere. (see the win in the Netherlands Nov 2023 as a case in point).

@recurse - 17.12.2023 17:13

Well, it's good news for literally other living thing on the earth, but it may be too little, too late 😜

@MrHades2325 - 16.12.2023 13:16

Woke 🤢🤮

@avalon9129 - 15.12.2023 19:53

Migration and english official language is best solution. Overpopulation is dangerous.

@MrJamiez - 15.12.2023 14:54

Get a vasectomy my brothers

@blmskittles12 - 15.12.2023 06:16

Im going to be dead in 2100 😭😭

@Thesandchief - 14.12.2023 00:40

"women gained more happiness"

@humanendeavours247 - 13.12.2023 21:01

If they don't legalise Abortion , Contraceptive etc
I would be scarred for all the Trees, Fish birds animals and in Some Cultures Dogs and Cannabalism, They'll gooble everything like a Satanic Monster 😮😢
Fight each other
And Effect space exploration 🌌🛰️🤖

@quietus13 - 11.12.2023 12:08

This was such a skin deep superficial analysis of the consequences of a aging AND declining population. The ramifications will be massive and it will very likely not be good...

Without substantial advances in technology and major structural changes to society, the future projections could lead to a doom loop scenario with financial collapse leading to civil strife, which could in turn lead to a further runaway population collapse scenario that would ultimately lead to a third dark age.

Good luck to all

@suppe3181 - 11.12.2023 11:22

so if we dont give women rights we wont have a problem with underpopulation

@llortorp - 11.12.2023 02:41

A lot of the facts presented in this video are slightly misleading or fail to paint the full picture.

For example in the video you mentioned that more women in government improved climate change activism and sustainability. The thing is that women's equality of outcome and climate change aren't separate political issues and the public's opinion on climate change will be closely correlated to how tolerant they are of female politicians. So to explain it means you're seeming to imply hiring more women as politicians will lead to more climate change activism but that's likely not the case.

There's also an oversimplification of the idea that the "economy" is some nebulous concept and unimportant. The economy is one of the most important factors in a country for standard of living of people there. I know many will point to the rich and talk about wealth inequality which I won't defend but there's no doubt that most people would choose to live in the countries with the best economies like America, Australia, Sweden etc. and not the countries with the worst economies like Ghana, Zimbabwe etc.

@MetlineOfficialUK - 10.12.2023 22:09

I can't remember where exactly it was but I saw an article about a fairly large survey conducted with early adults and why they don't want children - the primary reason was not money or the state of the world... It was time. They didn't want to devote a minimum of 18 years of their life to a child. That's quite a frightening result as I honestly don't know how you change that mindset. It would take a perception change campaign on a monumental scale and a radical rethink of society at large...

@OConnorOkonnor - 09.12.2023 10:12

Shout out to us Kenyans for being one of the most welcoming nation on this earth. We rarely get our flowers for what we do for others!

@cocs88715 - 09.12.2023 06:20

Education is and has always been the best form of contraception 😁

@calvingrondahl1011 - 07.12.2023 16:02

Not enough young people, build more robots…

@sakurathornsickle5681 - 05.12.2023 01:00

So basically Thanos was right haha😂

@DERICKIWUCHUKWU-vy5de - 04.12.2023 23:08

Blud is being zesty

@Isteyak-78 - 04.12.2023 16:56

there are no women in "developed" countries, only people who are equal to men.
how you expect children from men and other men?
