AMD Ryzen Precision Boost Overdrive & AutoOC Benchmarks & Explanation

AMD Ryzen Precision Boost Overdrive & AutoOC Benchmarks & Explanation

Gamers Nexus

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Sav - 25.09.2023 19:15

Just commenting for the 'rithm

Colby Rountree
Colby Rountree - 15.09.2023 21:21

Thanks Patrick!

RAul Titacu
RAul Titacu - 21.08.2023 15:16

I set pbo advanced, pbo limits disabled, curve optimzer all cores/negative/10 why do I have the same TEMPS????

Japyoo - 31.05.2023 21:39

I just got a new motherboard and a ryzen 5 5600, my old motherboard just had a cpu boost option in the bios wich set the cpu from like 3.2ghz to 3.6ghz. my new cpu is like 3.5ghz to 4.4ghz. I enabled the precision boost overdrive in the bios but when i look at my specs at this computer it just shows 3.5 ghz is that normal?

manoranjan panigrahi
manoranjan panigrahi - 19.05.2023 12:32

my r5 3600 out of the box is running at an ideal temp of 60deg cel, will turning off pbo help in lowering the temp? the ambient temp is around 35-38deg and humid

Jacob TJ
Jacob TJ - 10.05.2023 05:13

Can you do a video on how to overclock for beginners easy and simple risk free / Ryzen master software

Mikko Rantalainen
Mikko Rantalainen - 02.05.2023 11:52

Great summary of the AMD marketing. It seems like it would have been better for AMD to speak about automatic "turbo" or "boost" clocks instead of "Precision Boost", and "overboost" or "overclocking" instead of PBO.

Raja Mahesvara
Raja Mahesvara - 02.03.2023 09:54

I have asus a320 and ryzen 5 2600 on it. I wonder why there is PBO settings in the bios. A320 board shouldn't have the configuration right? Trying to tinker with those settings feels pretty creepy ngl.

Sendo427 - 22.02.2023 00:10

Finally a video on how this shit works because everywhere else I've looked doesn't explain any of this shit and I'm new to overclocking and trying to learn but every vid or post on overclocking just Got me more and more confused.

Tribulation comes first
Tribulation comes first - 18.01.2023 23:01

My pbo does not work my chip stays at 4.17 base clock 4.2 makes absolutely no sense no curve on just trying to hVe pbo boost my freq and its been like this a week I've been trying to get it to work

All the resetting starting checking clock as soon as windows opens is probably hurting my rig more than if this stupid setting world work I'm so just over it
Spent better part of a month gets my corsair vengeance from 3200 to 3733 and now when that's stable my chip doest want to work

Worst 5 grand I ever spent in my life complete waste of time

Vados91 - 13.01.2023 02:10

Why Is my PBO enabled by its default and also greyed out and I cannot change it to disable or anything its locked for how can i fix this? I even update bios to newes version.... ;/

Zeek MX
Zeek MX - 08.01.2023 05:31

Turbo + Boost = Scam

Chris - 02.01.2023 04:17

absolute nonsense..that makes us feel dumb but, in reality it's about getting us to buy new motherboards and cpu's, that dont perform consistently in games, ever.
we're lead to believe we'll be achieveing higher performance, if we could only set all the right settings....when in reality new hardware will never run fast/consistently for any length of time.
ever since more and more forcing of power saving was enforced by manufacturers..that's when game juddering/stuttering problems exploded in number.
we're buying more and more crippled hardware, that never anymore runs even a game right.
canned demo benchmarks by pretend experts are a joke.
computers these days spend 99% of time running power saving instructions, so you dont blow components, and 1% of time running your code or game.

scarumanga - 02.01.2023 02:20

I just set mine to Enhanced mode 1 and I got more performance without any increase in temps that I am able to notice. 5700x on a x370 gaming pro carbon with arctic freezer 33.

Grocksauce - 01.01.2023 08:45

What I want to know is will PBO help keep my Threadripper stable ! And increase longevity.

Barney Wobba
Barney Wobba - 05.12.2022 22:50

TDC. Top Dead Centre. :D

TheNamesJT - 03.12.2022 09:55

I have a asrock b450m steel legend with a 5600 in it was wanting to do PBO but have no idea what I'm doing I seen videos where they do PBO inside the Bios and no videos on how to do it in ryzen masters step by step video type thing. So, think imma keep my 5600 at default settings

Chextiar - 24.11.2022 15:24

I have question about Temp & Core Performance Boost: I got x570 Dark Hero AMD motherboard with my 5950x CPU, using EKWB 360 push pull AIO, that i got in Aug 2022. recently I haven't paid attention to my clocks, as the noise levels and temps on Idle I thought were fine at around 48 to 50 and in Game on Ultra in DayZ or WarZone my temp were around 60 to 65.. Until one day i accepts some cookies on FLstudio webpage, maybe it was something else after a game. I noticed my fans were going hard, and my temps would go all over the place just opening up browser pages or folders and small programs from 70 to 80 sometimes reaching 90c. I reset windows, re-updated Bios, Same thing.. I even bought Nouctua D15 thought it was my EKWB, after i find out to turn off my Core Performance Boost and Apply some Advanced mode to Precision Boost.. Im now getting much lower temps with Nouctua with 10c drop from EK Aio on idle at 34c and in game around 43 to 45c little bit higher score on Cinebench at 18712 reaching only 47c when it was running... I noticed that im only ruinning at 3400 base clock not with boost.. But no idea if the boost option got trigged some how that make all the temps go weird, or did i have the Core Performance on before and it was fine, but now i cant have it on because it would get to hot, and maybe its something else that is preventing me from using Core Performance Boost if it was on auto setting at default.. And do i even need it? When im getting much better temps now without it. It was just a pain to see temps got crazy when opening basic apps and browsers. I hope i explained this one right :) Thank you!

Tech Luvn
Tech Luvn - 12.11.2022 09:59

In my tests, I find that PBO does nothing really, and that on the whole gamut of Ryzen processors. I’d rather overclock through bios.

Gregor Deissler
Gregor Deissler - 08.11.2022 21:14

Precision Büsting

Woofaki - 30.10.2022 12:23

A question guys,I want to manually set up PPT EDC TDC to archive 65W TDP I know that PPT number needs to be 65,but im not sure what numbers should i use for the rest to be optimal ( now using TDC 60 EDC 90)....Any help will be appreciated.

batuhan yesilbursa
batuhan yesilbursa - 15.10.2022 09:51

You are doing gods work brother

Robert Kubrick
Robert Kubrick - 12.10.2022 02:43

It's like fly by wire. You tell it what you want and it decides how much of what you want it will give you. Maybe the all core clock is still valid. If I want to wreck, then I want to wreck. It's at my own risk.

Jack Dunn
Jack Dunn - 10.08.2022 14:31

Sans turbo , c'est beaucoup mieux pour la consommation/chauffe.

Andrew Lantz
Andrew Lantz - 07.08.2022 11:39

so basically just use the cpu the way it is ok

angelos ioannou
angelos ioannou - 28.07.2022 10:51

Does this guy's even knows how to use pbo???

HELL-STAR - 16.07.2022 05:33

Should I dissable pbo ?

HELL-STAR - 16.07.2022 05:29

Is it good to enable pbo ?

Let's Cackle Online!
Let's Cackle Online! - 06.07.2022 08:12

I dunno what it is, but I trust y'all more than the other channels.

Bild - 19.06.2022 23:14

Bro i just wanna know if i should auto oc or pbo

The Creator
The Creator - 05.05.2022 00:15

On guru3D they say there is no bottleneck when using at least a 2080, or a radeon rx5900xt

j ll
j ll - 10.04.2022 02:09

TLDR: It lets you boost more at higher temps

Eleazar318 - 09.04.2022 15:39

Thanks and What's the Cat's name?

The Creator
The Creator - 17.03.2022 14:51

Even the cat is confused

fcfdroid - 27.02.2022 18:47

Actively messing with this rn now and I understand everything your saying but could you please do a new video for Ryzen 5000? I have a 5800x and found the best performance with PBO enabled +XMP.

Josh Buck
Josh Buck - 19.02.2022 12:40

if that is off my xmp wont run comp just crashes over and over

Alvydas Jokubauskas
Alvydas Jokubauskas - 16.01.2022 14:16

CTR loves when I disable PBO, if I had zen3 I would use Hydra and some people suggested on zen3 PBO is powerfull! Still though at the end would compare hydra results with PBO on and off...

Brendan White
Brendan White - 15.01.2022 00:09

On my 5950x on Aorus x570i pro wifi PBO gives me a boost from 3700 - 4800mhz all core. But it makes my system REALLY unstable. Any rendering requiring results in an immediate black screen crash. Seen some other folks with the same issue but no clear fix.

Lukic Mike
Lukic Mike - 05.01.2022 19:18

After testing several 3600x and 3700x in my Asus Prime x470 pro, looks like effective temperature (as shown by RM) is key limiting factor for PB performance and max frequencies. It seems that with all of them, ranging from Bronze to Gold, 70c was a cutoff point for pure boost frequency Sub 70c temps didn't show any difference in benchmark scores and max boost frequency while for every 1c over 70c, max boost on single core and average effective frequency dropped by 50-100MHz with worst drop at 78-80c over which PB was practically nil with frequency not going much over base on all cores.
This (3000) series of Ryzen being so sensitive to temps (all other settings being equal) I think that tests with graphs where temps are base would be more valuable than temps as result of frequency are done.

WaveArsenal - 20.12.2021 21:44

that cat messing with the chip gives me anxiety

Lord Humungous
Lord Humungous - 10.12.2021 16:31

Hellow kitty!

derpy153 - 03.12.2021 18:30

PBO and autoOC increase my clocks in cinebench and in every game I've tried, and in some games it can run above the stock boost clock

Rusty Blader
Rusty Blader - 25.11.2021 17:59

Am I the only one who thinks all this is pointless and you're better off just manually setting your clock speed to the maximum clock speed your cpu can support without bumping up the voltage?

David - 17.10.2021 17:22

From my understanding, Shouldn't the Precision Boost Overdrive mode have the most effect on very well cooled CPUs as Overdrive only raises the top value of parameters other than temperature. So if a cpu is kept cold enough it is only limted by parameters other than temperature but if tou enable PBO these parameters can be allowed to go higher resulting in a higher performance. A badly cooled cpu is already constrained by the temperature limit so enabling PBO does little as it doesnt raise the temperature limit.
