20 Quality of Life Settings and Macros To Improve Your WoW Experience

20 Quality of Life Settings and Macros To Improve Your WoW Experience


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Syiler - 14.11.2023 19:43

Been trying to make some videos that arent as focused on mounts and collection based stuff to weave in some content while I work on the mount guide projects. Hope you enjoy!

Wolfpaws - 20.11.2023 17:46

Forgive me for the dumbest exclamation of delight you're probably going to ever read... but! I've played WoW since BC and I've never quite figured out why when I watch people play in videos/streams they moved differently to me. It's your strafe binding tip! So thanks to you this ancient player finally gets it and will be applying the change. Bless you.

Luan Myburgh
Luan Myburgh - 20.11.2023 13:55

the zoom dos not work i can still see my dwarf so close

Helen Williamson
Helen Williamson - 20.11.2023 02:12

Thank you so much for your hard work on this it answers so many questions. Now if I could just figure out why I cant keep my character from randomly turning after I click on something or ie: do a charge on my bear.

Mark Wentzell
Mark Wentzell - 20.11.2023 01:19

Any chance of updating your UI download or are you using the same one that's still on wow interface? Thanks.

Adam Van Hoosen
Adam Van Hoosen - 20.11.2023 00:52

The camera command did not work for me. I tried putting it lower and that DID work. How was I at the 2.6 distance already?

NikczemnyPokutnik - 19.11.2023 21:35

Trick with chat and services doesn work :(

Vlad Well
Vlad Well - 19.11.2023 21:14

I've been looking for a way to get rid of the error messages forever now!!!! ty so much!!!!!!! they are so annoying when they pop up

Slychological - 19.11.2023 20:38

Syiler I wish you would make an updated UI video! I love your UI but cant seem to figure out how to replicate it.

RagingTrojan - 18.11.2023 02:48

The best quality of life change I ever made was making a chat window specifically for instance/party/guild/whispers

Miro Krotký
Miro Krotký - 16.11.2023 17:14

Godly work

Trinexus - 16.11.2023 11:41

ESDF has always been superior to WASD simply because of how many keys it leaves for your pinky.

This was the norm in the early stages of PC gaming. I don't know how or why it was ever changed.

Dhorin - 16.11.2023 02:11

would be nice if you cut these video and make some shorts/reels

Nancy Rector
Nancy Rector - 15.11.2023 22:18

These are amazing! I had no idea you could do most of this. 😁👍

ErraticThought - 15.11.2023 18:52

Imagine needing a degree in computer science to play a game. Imagine having to download 20 add-ons to make the game play and game mechanics bearable.

Commander Rotal
Commander Rotal - 15.11.2023 17:43

bbbbbbRUH i've been missing the Focus on the minimap for soooo long, i used to put the tank in there ;_;
thank you so much HOW has this been taken out when it's even still in there

The Friend of the Revolution
The Friend of the Revolution - 15.11.2023 17:40

One trick I’ve used for years is to change my movement keys from WASD to ESDF, basically shifting one button to the right. It opens up more buttons on the left of your movement keys but keeps you close enough to still hit SHIFT, CAPS, and such so you can still use modifiers.

It takes some getting used to, but the increased functionality is wonderful.

Alonzo Falls
Alonzo Falls - 15.11.2023 06:37

This was awesome.

HarkenRebirth - 15.11.2023 04:49

Ok that one option so you can see the health number and PERCENTAGE ony our unit frame was big thing for me. I was playing this since they updated the ui.. Couldnt find this option. That i had to use a unitframe addon Z-Perl for it. Because i could see % and health numbers. Now i can get rid of that addon and keep my ui clean. Very important when you are raiding. Especialy when i play on my alts that have execute abilities. Not fun when you are waiting for that execute button to shine.. All becuase you cant see how much % the boss is at.. And you cant gauge what the bar is telling you.. Is it 40%... or 39%.. And most interesting when you wipe on a boss. Not knowing how far your group got.

Shadovvwithoutbody - 15.11.2023 04:44

Cool video. Now I'm in the middle of a huge overhaul of addons, keybinds, alt management etc it gave me some ideas. My useful advice /cast !Ice Block It won't be canceled in intense pvp situation.

Charlélix - 15.11.2023 04:30

To improve fishing furthermore, I recommend the "BetterFishing" addon, it makes it so that you can press the same key to do the first and second action, lifechanger when you fish for a long period of time

EDIT: I also recommend "Cheugy Mission Reports" for the other extensions' Garrison pages, this as a clean interface and will save you macro hotbar slots

Asisya18 - 15.11.2023 03:55

anyone else not able to get the camera distance one to work?

michael kek
michael kek - 15.11.2023 00:06

wzup guys, syiler here.

Robert - 14.11.2023 22:29

@Syiler you know you taught people to be bad with mouseover macro's. There is an option now in the combat settings (its the 8th option from the bottom) that lets you turn on mouseover casting for every spell and ability in the game........

Curtis Edlin
Curtis Edlin - 14.11.2023 22:21

Question I noticed on the gathering part of the video sometimes world quests maybe dungeons give you an extra action button how do I move that to 1 side like in your video?

Patrick Wilkerson
Patrick Wilkerson - 14.11.2023 21:48

I Use my mouse for movement.

Lokthok - 14.11.2023 21:01

Btw you never need to use /cast. /use works with every ability and saves one letter :D

Gethain22 - 14.11.2023 20:55

For the chat windows you can just right click the channel name and say open in new tab or something along that line. it will appear on the chat just like in the video but also auto clears it from the general tab. saves steps

Nullrage - 14.11.2023 20:51

You can remove the red error text on skill use with a line in a macro too if you don't want to find a mod to do so.
I can't remember off the top of my head what the syntax is but I remember macroing nearly all my skills back in the day on my warrior to keep my screen clear of "insufficient rage" warning.

Zythor Ebonlock
Zythor Ebonlock - 14.11.2023 20:45

You can use Leatrix Plus to get rid of the OUT OF RANGE or I CANT DO THAT YET sounds.

the one who seeks
the one who seeks - 14.11.2023 20:45

i use a and D as my defensive powers

Kvasi - 14.11.2023 20:38

The addon Better Fishing is even better.

Jorn Are
Jorn Are - 14.11.2023 20:24

hey do enybody know why this macro dose not work /cast|@player| Ursol's Vortex

Zeigler_ - 14.11.2023 19:44


Roman - 14.11.2023 19:43

The macro to show garrison and covenants doesn't work :/

Machado - 14.11.2023 19:24

Yo, do you have an updated version of your UI?
