China's secret internment camps

China's secret internment camps


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Astoria Aldrich
Astoria Aldrich - 30.09.2023 22:09

Home for traitors

Literal Trash
Literal Trash - 10.09.2023 15:42

Just take a ride on google earth and those facilities are all along the north east mountain range with Mongolia. It’s leaves you disgusted with how easily they’re found.

Geshben Rewand
Geshben Rewand - 07.09.2023 01:14

الله اكبر

stephenmartinez1 - 05.09.2023 17:41

Have these Muslims committed terrorism in China? If they have, then these camps are absolutely justified. For those Muslims who don’t commit terrorists acts, they still separate themselves from the Chinese culture. That sort of Islamic separatism breeds terrorists. China also feels it’s important for all Chinese citizens to share a culture and a common identity. Muslims don’t do that. They view themselves as Muslims, not Chinese.

Shivam singh
Shivam singh - 05.09.2023 09:21

😅😅😅 pakistan and arab ..i am blind 🦯😅this is power of money 😅😂😂😂 .... pakistan is iron brother of china

zwtsch - 02.09.2023 22:53

Happy BJP party member noise💀

Great GSD Club
Great GSD Club - 25.08.2023 04:06

Afterall of that peaceful community members think that they feel unsafe in India.

The Hype Traveler
The Hype Traveler - 24.08.2023 05:18

There have been SOME abuses but nowhere near as bad as people say it has been. These terrorists need to be put in their place.

Bob O'Hara
Bob O'Hara - 23.08.2023 03:34

Communism! Yay!

jer - 18.08.2023 16:27

don't know if anyone's still watching this but an update 4 years later:
I went to xinjiang about 3-4 months after this video was posted in 2019, which you could say was the "peak" of these internment camps. My grandparents live there so I have a perspective somewhat, and from what I could gather they know nothing about the camps. In 2019, the security and EVERYTHING was just so tight, there were security checkpoints everywhere, and when we were in the first one, it almost felt like clearing security and customs at an international airport. we almost got denied entry because of my US passport, but luckily my parents are Chinese citizens so they let me through.

covid took a MASSIVE toll on all these measures, and i went back just a month ago. now, the security checkpoints are nonexistent. while in 2019 you had to go through a full patdown, manual luggage inspection, a whole 40 minute procedure, now you don't even have to get off the vehicle. the bus/taxi driver just goes up to an officer booth and are let through. my cousin just took the gaokao and is heading to college, yet he STILL doesn't know of the internment camps that are literally just a couple miles from his home.

china seems to be taking a different route with xinjiang now, which is tourism. on our flight from Beijing to urumqi, the capital of xinjiang, 80% of the passengers were tourists with tourist groups. my grandparents small town of 70k people has been completely transformed from a run-down small area to a almost bustling tourist hotspot. in just a couple years, luxury hotels, theme parks, full on nature walks (mind you xinjiang is in the middle of the desert), and things like that have rapidly been built. my uncle said it was "unbelievable" how fast all the infrastructure was built. we visited one of the tourist "attractions", which was basically a bustling square with a theme park (that wasn't open yet), a hotel, hundreds of small shops, and a show plaza where uighurs put on dancing shows during the evening. surprisingly the square was packed full of people, most tourists. the same is happening in many other towns.

Crazy Clown
Crazy Clown - 14.08.2023 19:03

Shame on you China

Lucas Feliciano
Lucas Feliciano - 14.08.2023 11:32

When the US blows up countries, we don't see the same response right? Like the old saying "Who pays the band, chooses the music"

Azroy Yusop
Azroy Yusop - 13.08.2023 05:29

Soon this will established in My Country😂

William's music
William's music - 07.08.2023 16:30

China gonna hate japan for ww2 jet commit their own atrocities

Billy Moretz
Billy Moretz - 27.07.2023 13:52

I thought after hilter and the jews this in 2023 oke ww3 will happen

Wind oh Wish-p
Wind oh Wish-p - 14.07.2023 00:07

And still 0 islamist country did anything against it. They can only punch down.

QCW - 19.06.2023 06:50

I'm a Han Chinese living in Xinjiang. We had a new governor of province last year. Recently, the situation has improved but not much.

An - 13.06.2023 08:03

i never knew there were internment camps... i thought they all went to jail... we are never told about anything that opposes him

Bhushan Deshpande
Bhushan Deshpande - 03.06.2023 21:17

Mashallah subhanallah

💮 Marshall x Kira 🌸
💮 Marshall x Kira 🌸 - 24.05.2023 21:46

i think it should be time to leak this to the arab countries and show them what is china is doing to their people.

UP50 PRAKHAR - 18.05.2023 04:36

Well done China

xhz2022 - 17.05.2023 17:38

Its main purpose is to teach skills to people with extreme thought for better fitting in the modern society, to eventually eradicate the roots of terrorism. There will be some simple and rude way in the process. Maybe it looks bad for some “white left”, but I think it’s a gentle way to deal with with terrorism in a real world, compared with what U.S. did in Afghanistan.

kw0s - 12.05.2023 12:51

The U.S. spy satellite technology from early-1970 can read automobile license plate. Your satellite image is a lot worse than Google image. Not a single person in those camps? I guess the prisoners are not allowed to go outside? They sleep the whole day, eat nonstop, shower nonstop or poop nonstop?

秋石 李
秋石 李 - 02.05.2023 16:37

we need the proof ,not the pic taken on the sky

no filter 3
no filter 3 - 20.04.2023 21:41

Free tibet

the dude
the dude - 19.04.2023 17:44

The group is acting against the interests China tho so no sympathy

haokun wu
haokun wu - 17.04.2023 15:07

12th should be located in Kazakhstan!!!!!!Is this careful?

章秦硕 - 12.04.2023 16:17

That's nonsense, I'm Chinese. we live a good life.Don't be led away by the Western media

Mahfuz Ahmed
Mahfuz Ahmed - 10.04.2023 06:02

This is just how the Jews were treated

thedude5able - 07.04.2023 22:13

One other detail to note: There is another Muslim ethnic group in China known as the Hui (回). The only difference is that the Hui are basically Han Chinese who converted to Islam. The Hui speak Mandarin Chinese and live both in Xinjiang and east of it, towards central China.

What China is doing with these internment camps is no different than what the U.S. and Canada did to the Native Americans in forcibly assimilating them. The only difference is that those North American countries acknowledge what happened and allow for free and open discussion of that history, whereas China tries to hide what it is doing.

Time Traveller
Time Traveller - 05.04.2023 09:07

Persecute them till they leave Islam.

thare jija ji
thare jija ji - 01.04.2023 20:07

Bro I would like to China to take over world under their influence we might have some chance of rub of what should had never been written on history called Islam

Mc lovin
Mc lovin - 01.04.2023 12:03

only china can control these violent religion

Mc lovin
Mc lovin - 01.04.2023 12:01

well done china

Tenzin Norden Thinley
Tenzin Norden Thinley - 28.03.2023 13:07

And they still call it school despite it has watch tower like the prison.

One Day
One Day - 25.03.2023 20:05

I have to rectify that the De-extremification reeducation center is not camp like Auschwitz ,beacause it is prepare for some terroists those didnt take action but are detected by security department.Because they didnt take action of terroism,so according to law they wont be sent to jail but sent to center to redress their terrosim mind.I live in AKS,Xing Jiang for 14 years Im19 now.If u arent a Xing Jiang local it would be dfiffucult to explain what happen there,because there happened a lot thing.Many factors result in today situation.(like race,terroism,religion,,,,,,,,,,,,,)

Debra Davitt
Debra Davitt - 25.03.2023 15:58

My mates told me! This IS REAL

Angel V1sion
Angel V1sion - 19.03.2023 14:09

AFTER AMERICA EXPOSED THIS.. China sent over the Corona Virus

joseph walls
joseph walls - 16.03.2023 04:45

China re-education us with the covid19 soon after accusations

NPC - 16.03.2023 02:01

China has been learning from North korea

Midzy Jerm
Midzy Jerm - 04.03.2023 17:23

thanks for the info stormfront

Rickey Kamal
Rickey Kamal - 27.02.2023 23:58

China and US doing same killing Muslim

Jakob. - 26.02.2023 02:31

Are anyone getting killed in the internment camps?

Mintool - 22.02.2023 16:04

In the 19s millions of jews were treated so badly, now its million of muslims who got treated badly

Justin LaVine
Justin LaVine - 20.02.2023 08:28

Not one video about the US citizens being tortured in their own homes.

Gaudo K
Gaudo K - 09.02.2023 10:21

I am honestly kinda impressed by how the chinese government has so much control over its country. Where the rest of the countries have like ten separatist groups trying to break away, china is just standing firm, unbothered, they have achieved absolute control.

方松 - 05.02.2023 18:48


Nick G
Nick G - 03.02.2023 11:41

One time I was driving home and I felt the presence of Jesus come down and he got right by me. I started getting chills and I felt so comfortable with him.
I knew if I asked him to play any song he would. So I said "Ok Lord, play Come as you are by nirvana...
I turned on my radio and the song began right on the spot, perfectly.
I started getting flooded on the inside like a waterfall of chills by the Holy Spirit and started crying. I got home and he stayed with me for 10 minutes til I got out of the car.

Since then, I've been getting answered prayers for nearly 5 years. Many involving other people. Just praying in Jesus name and following the Biblical instructions.

Max Use
Max Use - 29.01.2023 13:32

May Allahﷻ help the Uyghur Muslims in China. Ameen.

Paula Oyedele
Paula Oyedele - 29.01.2023 00:44

Wow.....but yet you cared nothing about what was done to Ukrainians in the Donbas Region, who were of Russian ancestry.

Why can't Uzbekistan take them? They are so close by.
