Vi Season 13 Jungle Guide | The SECRET to using R, Q Theory, Jungle Pathing, Items & Builds

Vi Season 13 Jungle Guide | The SECRET to using R, Q Theory, Jungle Pathing, Items & Builds

Nathan Mott

1 год назад

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@rockydonet - 29.12.2023 16:03

amazing guide! As Vi main, I like to see how high elo VI works : ) Thanks for the advices.

@OscarLordify - 29.12.2023 15:26

Nice guide! I like the depth of the guide, and I am definitely guilty in doing some of the ‘no-no’s from time to time, so this is a good opportunity to become more aware of those (walking it in instead of charging Q too early, holding R mini-game). I would like to add that R can be used to buffer CC. Might have missed it, but I didn’t notice Nathan mentioning it( let’s say you have a Nami ult coming towards you, for example).

@xxxxRouvenxxxx - 29.12.2023 06:53

Im rewatching this and I want to share my experience with this excellent guide:

the most important advice for me was the "Close as much distance with walking". My ganks got so much better after that.

The distance to the enemy got too small, they couldnt escape anymore and the Q hits 99% (or they use flash etc. and then the Q hits which is even better).

@elsrrockardo9348 - 09.11.2023 18:39

THI IS GOLD MY MAN! Thank you for this video! as a Vi main this helped me a lot to have a better understanding about the champ's mechanics and strats!

@keydivi7511 - 07.11.2023 22:27

Brother thank you for your guide

@xxxxRouvenxxxx - 28.10.2023 03:06

this is insanly detailed. Big Like!

@tenta6224 - 07.08.2023 11:57

I only play vi when the enemy comp allows me to go eclipse, collector, essence reaver
Really fun and effective build into the right comps

@Sirbartholomew - 13.07.2023 07:58

As a Vi main with 3k plus games I’m impressed with how quickly you were able to lockdown the correct play style for her.

@Sirbartholomew - 13.07.2023 05:34

This guy probably: Great! We won the game and i didnt have to use my R, now i can save it for my next game.

@hermitxd7369 - 11.06.2023 07:22

Answer the Lasagna questions boys

@theodorakosma4846 - 23.05.2023 15:38

Im so thankful for this video. I cant believe someone just talked about my main for one and a half hours 🙏

@ribbybibston - 08.05.2023 00:01

Where the fuck is nathan mott

@gettem6341 - 13.04.2023 22:07

I only have a few hours in this game and im slow to learn but this guide helped me especially realize how important it is to land qs.

@mctothec1885 - 06.04.2023 05:39

I can't help but notice as a voli main, and the fact he was in sooo many of the games you showed. You never mentioned Volibear xD

@gorstgaming8477 - 26.03.2023 04:03

35 game of course great way to have the best Guide... what a joke

@voineatudor9279 - 24.03.2023 17:09

come back bro ur the best

@whindyberiziky5901 - 23.03.2023 02:58

Commentaire de soutien. Merci pour les explications développées.

@dazounet2751 - 21.03.2023 14:54

Man, your dedication to this gudie is amazing. I'm not even a Vi player, but after this guide I wanna add her to my roster, thanks for such in-depth content with video examples !

@kalebishop6563 - 14.03.2023 08:55

Keep the guides going!

In addition, if you will go back to making vi guides, could you perhaps visit some Insec advanced Vi tricks such as Q launch + Flash = Ori Shockwave knockup, or pressing R mid Q to stack Q + R damage, or using flash mid R to drag certain champs to a location? And probably discuss some other experimental items in the past such as Stridebreaker, Galeforce, Prowler's?

Thank you!

@Ilandria. - 01.03.2023 21:12

The largest nerf Vi ever received was her ult being renamed to "Cease and Desist" from "Assault and Battery". 😢

@briankool1 - 28.02.2023 22:34

Hey nathan what do you think of aftershock ?

@TheFirstMarvin23 - 19.02.2023 13:19

Really amazing guide! Only thing I was missing is some “alternative builds” like hail of blades crit, lifesteal or attackspeed (as some of these might be highly viable in the lower elos where you’re often relying mostly on yourself). But after all it’s massively helpful and it will definitely bring my game to a whole new level! ❤

@federicoausinopalau2072 - 18.02.2023 12:52

the first clear with Vi could be done much more effective if u add up some little things to the passive procs

With Gromp you can proc your passive with Auto + E right before gromp hits you, keeping you healthier and killing it sooner with the auto cancel from your E.

Also if your passive is up, wait until your W is about to proc, and hit the 3rd one with an abilitie to maximize your passive's cooldown reduction !

@zerowrathstorm3341 - 15.02.2023 23:07

Yo, i dont know, to me there is some miss informantion on this champ, for exemple, the rank 1 Vi in the world already discarded the chempunk, New tank item legendary, cuz First she is a niche pick, if u need a tank engager, Just pick something Else, of u get 4/0 and build tank u are wasting her snowball Power on a utility build when u should bê picking off, she can one shot most mid laners and adcs after 2 Ad itens, they do Make this tanky build in pro play because of team sinergy and coordenation, Vi does not fit in this "tank" meta, she lacks base tank stats compared tô other fighters and tank junglers Will have a way better time at engaging, dealing damage and CCing, if u gonna hit the wall, hit It hard, dont try to bê the wall, u Will Just waste her potential.

@seabass324 - 14.02.2023 19:57

Awesome guide bro ty. Definitely gonna use this on my climb

@ar3sgaming514 - 11.02.2023 21:56

Such great content, that was awesome. Getting back in the game and I wanna main Vi since it ain't that hard to play her and I can't play a LOT

@FukurouYGR - 11.02.2023 01:40

how does the nerfs and recent changes affect the way we play Vi? Mostly talking about Item and Build.
You have a nice smile btw :)

@qzxerty - 06.02.2023 15:52

Lovely guide. I'd like to request a poppy guide if she's on your list.

@valnvalnvaln - 06.02.2023 00:32

hi, as a new vi player i lliked your guide so much and you earned a new follower. i dont have much to say about your guide cuz its perfect. but i wonder if you can say sth about going lethality , crit vi. i even thought about essence reaver and navori as first two items, then going little bit tanky and then black cleaver. idk you know better then i do, i just think there might be more options. it seems like you worked too hard btw, thx for all that.

@ViMainNoob - 05.02.2023 20:01

If you miss Q, and you know it, do you even have to load up the review? Can I just go next if I know my mistake?

@CarftCrO0K - 02.02.2023 19:12

Knowing there's quite big changes on radiant virtue coming, what I'm assuming divine sunderer will be your main focus?

@shapezr7122 - 02.02.2023 12:11

Great Guide! Would you still go for chainsword > virtue despite the nerfs ?

@williamguillemette29 - 01.02.2023 02:36

I don't have a clue if you'll read this, but this guide made me go from clueless to absolutely amazing in my Vi games. I really hope you do guides on more junglers for S13, especially Jarvan or Zac. Would love to see your take on those if you have them. Or any content. I want more. MORE!!!

Amazing stuff.

@bleuemoone8710 - 31.01.2023 23:47

I did not know about the timing e with your passive I would usually just press e whenever it was up.

@julianhentzen2905 - 27.01.2023 17:31

Hello, Nathan do you have a discord I am a Vi main almost 1 Mil points plat 4 and I have allot of thoughts I would highly appreciate your feedback on. Especially now since hex and death dance got nerfed. I would highly appreciate it. +Also as important as the passive is for jungling making sure to auto and reset with e after camp attack so that your shield last for 2 autos is also really important.

@witcherpie - 19.01.2023 15:34

wrong, 90% of throws/defeats in league are because of the simple law of being outnumbered in a specific fight because a team member is not present or died earlier for no reason or recalling when the whole group is ready.
This is not something an individual can fix, there is nothing you can do about it.
In my experience almost 90% of the mid/late game fights a team lost bec they were outnumbered, not because our team was better. This is how you win or lose in league, simple as that, and there's nothing you can do about it.

@witcherpie - 19.01.2023 15:29

its insane how master players are unable to get mvps in their wins, this only proves how much you're getting carried tbh

@agarbeat1711 - 16.01.2023 17:43

thx a lot for the guide, it's pretty helpful and now I see many of my mistakes in every game. I like how you explain all the mechanics of the character deeply. Do more content!

@Matt-ht8uo - 16.01.2023 11:47

Thanks for the Vi content!

@notfoo6315 - 16.01.2023 04:00

Cool vid thx

@Unelith - 15.01.2023 17:05

Thanks for this, I've learnt quite a few little tricks with Q, although I think I still prefer the Eclipse build with Hail of Blades and Future Market

@BadDuDeShot - 15.01.2023 16:41

What will the build be after the fighter items changes which are now on pbe
