How the Enhanced Weapon System Works: (Adept) Weapon Crafting Evolved | Destiny 2 Guide

How the Enhanced Weapon System Works: (Adept) Weapon Crafting Evolved | Destiny 2 Guide

Commander Pika

1 год назад

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I. Petar Freely
I. Petar Freely - 24.10.2023 00:57

@commanderpika cab we change the Masterwork now?

CobraSnatch - 10.10.2023 09:49

great video. So I messed up twice. 1st i didn't have the pattern unlocked and 2nd I thought you could change the perks like w/ normal crafted weapons.

Saad Abdullah
Saad Abdullah - 26.05.2023 04:12

Thank you very useful and answered all my questions

Erwin Roossien
Erwin Roossien - 07.05.2023 15:04

Shame should be able to pick perks for them because just mastering does pretty much nothing, especially with envious assassin over the original trait.

Digital Slavery
Digital Slavery - 06.05.2023 08:44

RoN weapons have 7 perks per column and 4 masterwork options. Therefore you have 1/196 chance of getting specific roll. Every single adept weapon costs 25 spoils. And some more calculations. Let us say you somehow managed to convince 5 players spend their precious lifes farming Nazarec and it takes 3 mins including loading per run. So you need to spend 196x(luck factor)x5x3 minutes. It is 49 hours of Nazarec grind and you are not guaranteed to get what you want. Then you have to level up that weapon. What you are getting u ask? Same crafted weapon with adept mod and +3 unmasterworked stats. Even if you will ignore masterwork it is still above 12 consecutive hours of Nazarec farm. The benefits are just pathetic for the given cost. And what if I want 2 weapons? This is just frustrating tbh. While idea of world drop weapons enhancement seems nice, adepts definitely need some changes.

Gamer Fan587
Gamer Fan587 - 22.04.2023 19:00

So kinda weird thing happened I was checking on the patterns on the app and it shows that I have the pattern for the adept version of Rufus’s fury all the other weapons I’m still getting the patterns for but I’ve never done root of nightmares is it a bug?

David Gagnon
David Gagnon - 22.04.2023 05:21

Can we change masterwork on adept crafted weapons?

xBigxBrainxWarlockxMainx - 22.04.2023 02:31

Great 1st steps in my opinion. As you stated in the Video, ever since we got crafted weapons in Witch Queen, it changed the player mindset when it came to certain loot and could make chasing certain gear completely redundant. If this can be implemented across the whole sandbox, then all of the loot will have value/compete. Very curious to see if this will roll out to Trials, GM Adepts and World Loot. Being able to have Enhanced Perks on world loot would freshen up the sandbox a little and allow them to compete with crafted gear. I do hope someday we can equip adept Mods on more weapons because the mods themselves are VERY weapon specific/dependent. Certian gear will never benefit from Adept Mods while others would benefit tremendously. More options allows for more player expression, great video 👍🏾

SwZ - 21.04.2023 22:14

well informative video thanks, also I noticed when you hover the 1st tier upgrade it highlights a +10 bonus to your masterwork on the weapons stats, but after applying the 1st tier you don't get the +10 stat bump, is this probably a visual glitch? I guess another +10 on a stat would be crazy op huh.

Mr. Revenger
Mr. Revenger - 21.04.2023 14:21

It would be wise they do this as it will bring back rng loot as to not kill world drops that are not craftable and allow world drops to feels more special if they are enhanceable and the meta will definitely change the ability to use an enhanced weapon that was a world drop makes it truly feels it was your weapon during its time in your hands seeing that level reaching towards level 1000 😅

Tez - 21.04.2023 05:23

I’m Noticing that now with purchases with glimmer really value what we craft etc
