Bode's Story - 14 Secrets You Don't Want to Miss - All Echo Locations 100% | Star Wars Jedi Survivor

Bode's Story - 14 Secrets You Don't Want to Miss - All Echo Locations 100% | Star Wars Jedi Survivor


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@Pipoy_99 - 24.10.2023 08:44

Man his betrayal was so painful man. I liked him man

@thefikry - 24.09.2023 23:53

thanks man, really helped

@manfloor6121 - 13.09.2023 21:41

Where is 165 databank

@K.mersch - 22.08.2023 12:28

It would have been a lot easier if you showed the location on the map for each Echo

@mosiahmendoza6846 - 10.08.2023 07:53

My game is bugged god damn it I’ll never be able to 100%

@majinalastor5740 - 30.07.2023 10:24

Bode is more confusing, because Cal was bringing the old Jedi out of Bode, but at the same time Bode was just trying to protect his daughter. If cal brought that jedi back from Bode, imagine how the story could of ended with Bode living

@unclemumble - 11.07.2023 07:37

What are your thoughts on Bode?

@MattHalo334 - 09.07.2023 09:04

I could see the betrayal coming and was waiting for any moment he reveals he is ISB exactly. I did not predict him being a force user however. The entire time on Tanalorr I called him a psycho path. And when the funeral was happening I said "Oh look, 2 jedis and a psycho path". I lost a good deal of sympathy for him. I believe it was a great decision to create these force echos. He was ultimately blinded and obsessed about keeping his daughter safe so much so that even though that red light saber was red from Dagan, had he built his own light saber on Tanalorr, it would have been a red blade as well. He claimed to try and save his daughter but by the time he reached Tanalorr he was too mentally unstable to care for his daughter in my opinion even if no one else made it to Tanalorr. You can see how unwell he was right before he discovers you with his daughter on Tanalorr. So I never regained sympathy for him. I think of it as it is, as Bode chose to screw everyone over, in the process driving himself to insanity and we mercy killed him.
Tl;dr Bode's still an asshat in my opinion and even through the messages (which I thank the developers doing) I take relief in his death

@squirtle8256 - 02.07.2023 22:39

Sad #9 is #7. Not in order

@Smurfaliscous - 18.06.2023 05:36

I was convinced through most of the story that Bode was gonna die in a big heroic sacrifice, so when he betrays you instead I was floored.
Also, thank so much for the guide, several of these were in spots where I got all the collectibles during the playthrough so I had no reason to go back, so you saved me from having to scour the entire map!

@shaunprashanttharmarajan528 - 17.06.2023 04:56

I think the part where Bode went off to record a bedtime story for Kata was the most obvious point where a betrayal was upcoming. It just seemed to be a bit out of place at that time. But overall, it is a solid storyline and plot twist with the "Jedi Survivor" being Bode Akuna rather than Cal Kestis.

@user-pi9ht6wf8g - 07.06.2023 02:26

The real hit I got was greez not really warming up to him the way he warmed up to everyone else in the previous game

@iamcitizen2010 - 02.06.2023 08:54

I didn’t trust Bode as soon as we first left Coruscant. Not in the sense that he would betray our protagonists, and certainly not that he was force sensitive or a former Jedi, but in that he just seemed like “Man” who was awfully close to a plethora of things that I, as Cal or another character in the situation, would find highly sensitive or esoteric.

@stormkiller4151 - 02.06.2023 05:55

You deserve more likes these are a pain to get

@Benton456 - 01.06.2023 01:01

Idk what it was about bode but as soon as he was introduced I thought this guys is either gonna die or betray us

@NFS_Challenger54 - 28.05.2023 00:35

When I first started the story and met Bode, I thought one or two things throughout the game since it looked like Bode was going to be a very good friend to Cal. 1. He was going to get killed in action by one of the antagonists in front of Cal, hinting Cal to use the Dark Side. Or 2. Bode was working deep undercover as an Imperial agent, betray Cal towards the end of the game, kill a few of Cal's close friends, etc. On an unrelated side note, however, I didn't think Cordova would still be alive. Considering he was only a holoprojection throughout Cal's journey in Fallen Order, pretty much hinting the fact he was likely killed during or shortly after the Jedi Purge. I was extremely in a lot of joy seeing him in person. But having Bode kill him the way he did, NOT cool. RIP, Eno Cordova.

@darkside5976 - 26.05.2023 22:17

A big Thank you !

@nicholasflores210 - 26.05.2023 11:00

The very beginning of the game I didn't trust Bode when he broke off in their escape off Coruscant, I was like this dude is working for someone he has to be!! He was the only one to survive that and he was new to the crew. I didn't buy it, what I didn't see coming was him being a former jedi that twist was a shock to me!

@calebstg5279 - 26.05.2023 09:19

For those who have already collected some and just need to know which ones they still need
Credits Redpa:
452 : Coruscant : Behind the Mantis
453 : Koboh : On the small landing pad where Bode's Z-95 was (grey and red circle on the ground), next to the Mantis.
454 : Koboh : Outside Doma's shop
455 : Nova Garon : Denvik's office
456 : Koboh : Under the Mantis landing pad
457 : Koboh : Lucrehulk Core - Forward Control Tower
458 : Jedha : Next to the mantis, on the training dummy
459 : Koboh : On the ground floor of the Pyloon
460 : Koboh : Lucrehulk ship
461 : Koboh : Obsevatory, in the boss room
462 : Jedah : Archive, on the ground
463 : Nova Garon : In Bode's apartment
464 : Tanalorr : Where Kata was singing
465 : Tanalorr : Near Bode's Z-95, in a bush

@DanWeeks - 26.05.2023 01:24

Leave it to Disney Star Wars to make a father who would do literally anything, including sacrificing his own soul, to protect his daughter the main villain, while Cal embraces the Dark Side out of sheer vengeance but pays no price.

But to answer the question, I did suspect a betrayal by Bode, mainly because he was way too friendly for a mercenary.

@justinheiss6060 - 24.05.2023 13:23

I could see his betrayal coming he kind of acted suspicious throughout the game and there’s even a scene in the game when cal loses contact with him over the transmitter was pretty suspicious then

@chickensdone1 - 22.05.2023 09:26

I knew early in the game Bode was going to betray you. Out of all your different partners through the game, he’s the only one who would go off on his own for significant periods of time leaving you to fend for yourself. I remember thinking at one point “this guy is gonna stab me in the back”.

Even though the betrayal was obvious, I still really enjoyed his story arc. Also, him being a Jedi all along was a great surprise I didn’t see coming, so that added some depth to his and Cal’s showdown.

I really enjoyed this game. My only problem with it was the damn bounties being bugged. I’m stuck at 11, so the completionist part of me is going crazy.

@stephenheffren4324 - 21.05.2023 21:13

I think it would have been better if we could get most of these earlier. It wouldn't have given too much away and would make us wonder who Denvig was. That would then make the twist better since the pieces were there.

@nickmurphy6515 - 21.05.2023 20:14

I’m missing entry 455 even though I’ve picked it up but it hasn’t registered so I’m stuck on 92% this is really bugging me any fixes please??

@revanmasterofthefoundry6148 - 19.05.2023 19:30

If only Bode had just explained everything to Cal before betraying him. Things might have turned out differently.

@kroppsomvandling - 19.05.2023 18:03

I actually got the feeling right at meeting Bode, something about his early dialogs. He seemed almost to good to be true and brotherlike. He was a very good character much better than Mirrin. And he was a bit under used.I got the feeling that he would either die tragicly or betray us. He seemed like a guy who would let no one get between him and Kata.

@flyingmanforfun - 19.05.2023 11:14

Man my Turgle is gone lol, idk if he is suppose to dissapear after you run out of conversations with him, same with some other characters in the hub:(

@nolenlucivegrey1050 - 19.05.2023 09:43

I didnt see the betrayal (mostly cause i couldnt understand why he couldnt just get his daughter to join them) But what made me question him was when he saw the force halusination too.

@theelusiveman9706 - 19.05.2023 01:40

Bode is straight up Charles from RDR2, knew that voice sounded familiar.

@user-ci5dx1gc9h - 18.05.2023 18:53

There is one Force Echo that you missed. It's in the room where you first meet Denvik. There is a second Force Echo which show that Vader killed Denvik

@theelusiveman9706 - 18.05.2023 14:56

I saw it coming, after cal mentioned bringing the Jedi order to Tanaloor. Well his whole demeanor changed and he got sketch af.

@simonmann4922 - 17.05.2023 07:39

I thought he’d be the fun and super likable character that would get killed off I didn’t expect them pulling the likable character that betrays the group, really great twist

@SheanWalsh46 - 17.05.2023 06:05

I guess it's made sense why the imperial pressence were getting stronger in Koboh each time the story progress. Because basically Bode Akuna is a double agent for the imperial. He monitored every single Cal's move ever since he arrived in Koboh. The imperial could've send the Inquisitor to kill Cal to made Bode Akuna twist become more obvious yet again, all of the Inquisitors were busy for the moment to hunt down Obi Wan and any other surviving Jedi (yes, this game take place at the same year and at the same time as Kenobi tv show with Cere Vs Vader duel take place right after the tv show Finale) which is also why we never saw Inquistitors troops again until near end game.

@einfachtot6017 - 17.05.2023 00:00

Bro my feelings were all over the place. It is such a common plot twist but somehow my jaw was on the floor.

@burningloki8305 - 16.05.2023 23:59

Was hoping for more with dagan tbh. The bode twist was nice but I saw it coming a mile away honestly. Especially after he decided to “stay behind and look for anything usefull”.

@mikaelwachenfeldt6754 - 16.05.2023 22:58

When Bode’s reveal came I was surprised, but when he Force pushed Cal I got literally goosebumps

@blizzgang2365 - 16.05.2023 18:55

I swear I seen bode was a trader from the moment he saved cal and bode said that’s my job like too sus

@DarthDainese - 16.05.2023 16:10

Moran’s the fucking worst databank, 3/4 and all he says is, see you around

@charliedouglas7567 - 16.05.2023 03:25

why are they put of order that's so annoyingly unhelpful

@AzarelHoward - 15.05.2023 13:14

Thanks for this, vid helped a bunch with locating my final echo locations. Tiny correction though. Number 7 is actually in the Mountain Observatory - Observation Deck / Grand Oculus. Footage is correct is just the location description that's off.

@extreme584 - 15.05.2023 06:34

Can someone explain to me what was his plan by wanting Cal to be with Merrin because he pushed too hard on the ship

@BrianHarkness - 15.05.2023 05:55

I thought he may have been a traitor at the beginning of the game when I seen he lived but then was like maybe just maybe Bode got lucky but after defeating Dagan and on Jedha you can hear doubt in his voice and see he is acting differently and right there I was like he is going to do something

@joerandone3004 - 14.05.2023 23:50

Dude you don’t need to read the things cmon man

@leonhardaxelhetz872 - 14.05.2023 22:53

Thank you so much

@illlillx663 - 14.05.2023 13:43

I didn’t trust him from the start. Why because Ghost thought me Friends=Betrayal

@GoldRider4265 - 14.05.2023 07:28

Cal entertaining the idea of using Tanalorr as a base of operations instead of a secret haven gave the betrayal away for me considering the motivations we all knew Bode had, let alone his actual reaction to said idea, but him being a part of the ISB was out of left field and him being a jedi was out of the ballpark for me.

@seanmaclure903 - 14.05.2023 01:59

After Bode caused the death of Cere and shot Cordova, I was fully ready to kill him and after learning a bit more about him I started feeling bad but was still happy when Cal shot him... but that damn lullaby of Bode and Kata singing washed all of that away and now I miss Bode lol

@theparrishshow9803 - 14.05.2023 01:46

Bode was honestly geniusly written. I love how many people predicted that he would betray us, but the thing that nobody saw coming was that he was a surviving Jedi as well.
The Jedi survivor here is not Cal Kestis. It’s Bode Akuna.
What started out as simply being a spy, resulted in a beautiful friendship to the point where he even saw a cow as a brother to him. And was genuinely reconsidering what he was doing, and was going to join him on Tanalorr. But after learning they wanted to use it as a base for the Hidden Path which could potentially get the Empire involved, he panicked and attacked them. He betrayed those closest to him and hurt innocent people all so his daughter could have a better life. Almost every time he talks, he can hear agony and sadness in his voice for what he did, he was not happy with the fact that he had to hurt those closest to him, but believed he had to for his daughter.
My emotions were all over the place with this guys writing, and I absolutely loved it.
Jedi Survivor is a 10/10 for me.

@vidgamenate - 13.05.2023 08:34

I started to suspect him at the start of the game
Things that gave his betrayal away were:
- He was somehow permitted by a Imperial Security Droid to go with Cal.
- He didn't say May the Force Be With you back
- Somehow didn't get shot down by all those TIE Fighers in both the start of the game and at the observatory
- He saw a Force Vision, and then tried to "look for a manual" which is completely out of character.
Also this one is weird, but I noticed how his assists and attacks weren't as detailed as Merrin's

At the Lukerhulk I really wanted to believe that he wasn't sus, because it felt like they were actually getting close.
