Total Tactics - How To: Advanced Gunpowder Formations | Total War: Warhammer 3

Total Tactics - How To: Advanced Gunpowder Formations | Total War: Warhammer 3

Malleus Gaming

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@tomoyboy - 13.05.2024 10:30

My favourite roadblock is using skaven armies,

A combination of packmasters on brood horrors (fear and regen with wolfrat summons) supported by weapons teams. Works a treat 👌

@maxolina - 13.05.2024 09:49

Amazing video. But how do you change the direction of fire of a square deployed unit? I've seen your gunpowder units in a square formation facing one of the angles rather than one of the sides.

Whenever I change direction of fire (usually by giving a new attack order), they often rotate the whole formation, rather than just rotating the single soldiers in place.

@really1337 - 13.05.2024 09:33

"Road Block"? I like that name. I've always called it rubber necking, less of the tactic but the phenomena of units getting stuck or fixating on another.

"Why is my cav not cycling?" "Rubber Necking"

"Three groups of heavy infantry are stacking up there, why?" "Rubber Necking"

@MrIvancito12 - 13.05.2024 09:26

So much help your videos. I was so frustrated with missle troops but your videos have helped alot.

@jakubjanicki3989 - 13.05.2024 08:59

I use a version of killbox with Kislev, where it's two shallow "niches" filled with Streltsi, staggered so one in a bit in front of the other, and surrounded by a wall of armored kossars. Instead of aiming straight, the Streltsi aim diagonally, so that right flank streltsi cover left flank kossars, and left flank streltsi cover right flink kossars. kossars with spears cover the back so they can shoot their bows, and if cav comes calling they go melee stance with spears. I suppose one could use the "kislev warriors" for that too, but I can't even look at them. I have 2 units of heavy cav at the ready, and horse archers or light sleds lead the enemy into the niches. Once the enemy is close, use a hag with and an ice witch to stack slow spells to pretty much get the enemy army stuck in firing range or armored kossars and streltsy crossfirre. from up close, streltsi bullets just go through enemy line instead of hitting the "one dude on the right" as missiles usually do, causing an absolute massacre. Meanwhile, winged hussars counter enemy cav, and hunt down stragglers. If the enemy ranged gets away from the infantry I use my skirmishers to melee them. Once the line is joined, my hussars immediately go for side charges, usually ending the battle in one or two cycles. Very effective tactics, the two shallow niches instead of one big one like you did splits enemy army in two once the lines are joined, so your missile units aren't so vulnerable.. Also, Kislev.

@samseloo4962 - 13.05.2024 08:41

Hey i love your content, i think ive seen all your formation videos and it makes me want to play every time.

Could you possibly do a video on archer formations for factions like the wood elves who rely on skirmishing, cav, and specialist infantry?

@maxstill9216 - 13.05.2024 08:02

No thanks, I'm much happier with my blobs of op heroes, the few units I ever get are just there to be meat shields.

@jaysjour - 13.05.2024 05:39

Through your adive and my own trial and error I've come from hating and never using gunpowder units to primarily fielding them with great results (on highest difficulty)! :D

@pb3662 - 13.05.2024 05:28

Glorious friendly fire at 7.28 for the DAWI. Must be borrowing Skaven tactics

@bighoss1860 - 13.05.2024 04:49

Man thats crazy, and here i am always just putting my guns to the left/right of my frontline and using them to flank. I had no idea people did stuff like this, Like make a formation and leave it in gods hands.

@keyes8495 - 13.05.2024 04:28

I'll always use checker formation

@TruthBlackheart - 13.05.2024 03:36

I think on your last formation video someone mentioned using dwarf frontline (was playing as nuln). The Ironsides could ussually shoot right over longbeard heads

@briancho237 - 13.05.2024 03:31

Sometimes, I miss when CA did the disastrous patch that allowed stacked units to not friendly fire each other. Didn't have to worry about formation for few days.

@TheHarimir - 13.05.2024 02:35

or play high elves and get 18 shielded lothern seaguard in a 3x6 rows formation.

@JetstreamKage - 13.05.2024 02:32

I've used the roadbloak a lot in my games

@joshuanowlin443 - 13.05.2024 02:21

It's cheesy but I like to put all my ranged units compact against an edge o fthe map with Melee to the side. Guns slaughter one flank then reposition to shoot the enemies in melee

@jarreththomson4535 - 13.05.2024 01:57

my fav gunpowder strat is a chevron formation setup similar to your killbox strat. but its artillery, cannons or organ guns usually setup exposed in the centre. it allows them to fire right down the flank of the enemy balling up around the tips of your chevrons which i make quite angular so the enemy balls up around them more

@dakkenblah1450 - 13.05.2024 01:36

I keep seeing the use of heroes to roadblock units but when I try it my heroes/melee units just get ran by and mostly ignored.

@ricoarmstrong7440 - 13.05.2024 01:35

The gunpowder wedge looks really nice

@homero_con_lechuguilla - 13.05.2024 01:30

Tercio is not a formation.

@cweeperz7760 - 13.05.2024 01:12

Yooooo! Ma! I'm on Malleus gaming!

Total whiplash from hearing my name lol. Cheers for another great vid!

@Tuck213 - 13.05.2024 01:07

Most of these formations are only viable against the AI, because no human opponent is going walk straight into such traps

@casperbc7698 - 13.05.2024 00:49

Love these videos - they give me so much inspiration

@greenmarin3 - 13.05.2024 00:47

I like a roadblock formation with my artillery far off to my left or right flank depending on terrain. I keep a cavalry formation that can intercept any that head towards my artillery. As battle progresses I move my main army forward within gun range. The artillery causes some units to aggro towards them. This exposes flanks to my gun powder units. Cavalry can intercept any that get too close. Flying units the only issue with this formation so if enemy army has some fliers I usually leave a unit of spears or swordsman behind my artillery.

Been working great so far.

@ShinigamiSamaH - 13.05.2024 00:43

Skaven players: Collateral damage? You mean happy accidents.

@SpriteAndSmite - 13.05.2024 00:26

Its just too bad that the AI doesnt give a flying F about your formations and can infinitely thread its melee units into any gap while engaged and stop your units from shooting effectively, regardless of how small that gap is. This stuff only works if you make the AI prioritize something other than your ranged units.

@Ditronus. - 13.05.2024 00:05

Equipping an item on your Road Block character that gives a temporary damage resistance buff would be a nice addition to that first strategy of yours.

@CieloIdeIverano - 12.05.2024 23:49

only good vs meele armyS face one ranged and ur fucked XD

@Daemon861 - 12.05.2024 23:19

Aren't both variants especially vulnerably to spells? You should incorporate them for two reasons: counter enemy ones + disrupt enemy front line. Also fast moving units are needed to bait bots out of their winds of magic (this won't work on human player imho).

@Jerbuscus - 12.05.2024 22:51

Just in time for my Nuln run

@R3GARnator - 12.05.2024 22:35

Most gunpowder formations have a huge blind spot when it comes to range heavy enemy armies such as Wood Elves.

@IVIRnathanreilly - 12.05.2024 22:01

I know you've done the chevron but what about 1 big chevron? Splitting your army in 2 with any units approaching each army in the crossfire?

Local superiority may mean less when you're getting absolutely showered in missiles.

@FamIly-pv3cw - 12.05.2024 21:51

Well well, look at that, right when I started a new campaign that wasn't empire... Empire it is then

Ответить - 12.05.2024 21:42

Very useful! Thx for sharing! I always love the gun unit in this game, so many cool formations we can try

@rubyeyed756 - 12.05.2024 21:33

The Road Block is called "tanking" and is like the most gamer strategy ever. Effective in every scenario applicable. The only problem tanking (as it was shown) has in WH is the lack of options to get enemy units aggro on the "tanks".

@taurvanath - 12.05.2024 21:28

Fight me, Coward.

@christianweibrecht6555 - 12.05.2024 21:11

I’m trying to decide if dwarf rifles, iron drakes, or shotguns would be a better Frontline

@stephenlyon1358 - 12.05.2024 21:10

I would love to see you come up with an army based around Net of Amyntok.

@rikito127 - 12.05.2024 21:04

Hello, first time i met your videos. I like your ideas, but this ideas don't work against people with certain strenght in multiplayer.
1. In the first video you can simply ignore charachters and give orders to advance.
2. In the second video i can simply avoid the center attacking directly flanks and rears.
3. In the third one the same as 2.
Other things that it depends on what faction you've met, like you're against Vampire Counts in the 3rd scenario, they will spawn zombie and engage with bats and vargheist all your range units.
Said this, I liked your video and your ideas are originally, I wait one day when I will use one of your tactic to win a tournament.
Great video!

@roslolian11 - 12.05.2024 20:53

I find it really hard to micromanage everything thats going on so recently I made my armies just have Sootson Mortar, War Wagons and a whole mass of Spearmen with Shields.

The spearmen with Shield are there to bait aggro and tie up opponents, my Mortars target enemy Missiles and the War Wagons are the actual DPS because they can shoot over the Spearmen and they deal armor piercing damage. Once I have budget I get a landship and thats what I micromanage primarily since it can run over infantry.

@loowick4074 - 12.05.2024 20:52

With the modern powercreep tactics are increasingly becoming obsolete.

Like you cannot lose a battle with grapeshot in a line.

I avoid using them.

@stephenlyon1358 - 12.05.2024 20:45

he hath risen! behold!

@humantwist-offcap9514 - 12.05.2024 20:31

For Dwarfs with grapeshot cannons, I have a modified kill box formation that has never lost.

I have the cannons in the center, with irondrakes behind to fire over. Melee infantry are spaced wide in a reverse chevron, with two grudge rakers firing inward toward the chevron. Finally, I’ve found having a goblin heart either side internally to be a great monster stopper. Switch to grapeshot once enemy is within range and watch them get shredded trying to rush the cannons

@Ancient_Hoplite - 12.05.2024 19:55

Love the video, for the roadblock you can use mointed heroes or lords to cover fast units attacking from the flanks.

@hugotrojanovsky7667 - 12.05.2024 19:38

the roadblock has no name, because that probably hasn't been used in real life much...

@lordstarlin1949 - 12.05.2024 19:32

I love gunpowder units but recently I've been wondering what is the best place to put my cannons to use grapeshot without absolutely obliterating my own frontline and not leaving it extremely exposed lol.

@siac888 - 12.05.2024 19:28

The Road block seems very effective, and the Killzone seems even doable for the empire with the new Nuln-Ironsides.

The last one, the Gunpowder Wedge-
I really, really like that one!
Of course as Empire, we need dwarfs on the front so we can shoot over them because only Dwarfs can hold it long enough!

And i think it is crucial for this position to kill enemy mages fast. Wind Magic killing 4 front Units compleetly destroys this formation 🤔

So may better only use it, if the enemy has no damage-mage.

@Justostar9 - 12.05.2024 19:12

The kill box is a beautiful thing
