How to Enhance Your Gut Microbiome for Brain & Overall Health

How to Enhance Your Gut Microbiome for Brain & Overall Health

Andrew Huberman

2 года назад

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Queen Bee
Queen Bee - 20.09.2023 13:05

Hi Doc, thank you for all the information. I am not sure whether it was in this video or another. Since listening to your podcast I am avoiding emulsifiers for better gut health. I was wondering if you could inform your audience about the devastating power of herbicides and pesticides such as round up (Glyphosate). To me all the "healthy eating" by not eating ultraprocessed food is useless if my meal is not from organic source. I live in Europe (north of Germany) in an area (biggest area in Europe) where apples are cultivated and I can tell you: I would never eat an apple from our area. They put on pesticides every night, an average apple is treated about 40 times before it ends up in the grocery store. Greetings!

Pintu Virani
Pintu Virani - 15.09.2023 06:04

Can you make podcast on Diabetes ?

Keila Mendez
Keila Mendez - 13.09.2023 01:17

Today I decided that - I’m going to go back to all the videos I’ve watched of yours, & start taking notes because wow!!!

Thank you for all of this free info on all these topics. I too enjoy the people you interview.

Again , thank you Andrew.

abdolhamed sharef
abdolhamed sharef - 08.09.2023 19:05

Some people are also allergic to crab meat

Ahmed Khalil
Ahmed Khalil - 08.09.2023 14:15

Aspartame needs to be banned.

Calin Furau
Calin Furau - 06.09.2023 23:49

Fermented foods are not an option for a low FODMAP diet. What should be used instead for obtaining an ideal microbiome diversity?

Daniel Fox
Daniel Fox - 02.09.2023 21:43

It would be super fun for someone to animate the video

Great Job
Great Job - 26.08.2023 16:23

Athletic green salesman talking shit again.

William Choi
William Choi - 26.08.2023 08:21

I prefer natto from Japan over something made in the states with GMO soy. Japanese usually produce stuff without cutting corners or adding harmful chemicals or processes. Pretty much the opposite from the Chinese.

William Choi
William Choi - 26.08.2023 08:19

Natto can easily be found at Asian groceries, like Hmart. I have never heard of anyone making natto at home. Natto is usually imported from Japan. They are fairly inexpensive. They are in the frozen foods section. Koreans and Japanese consume natto over hot rice.

Byron Taylor
Byron Taylor - 25.08.2023 23:51

Dr. Huberman you’re so incredibly articulate and smart. Thank you love you man!

VLC - 25.08.2023 17:51

Gonzalo Guerrero
Gonzalo Guerrero - 21.08.2023 02:42

Aguante Dr: Huberman!!!!!

Stanislav P
Stanislav P - 19.08.2023 19:03

I think it would be very interesting to learn about sourdough bread and how it impacts our gut. And I think this topic deserves full length episode.

As a reference there is a very good book by Vanessa Kimpbell called "Sourdough School".

Thank you

Admiral Queen Bee 🐝
Admiral Queen Bee 🐝 - 19.08.2023 17:53


george elgin
george elgin - 14.08.2023 15:04

As usual so.... much to unpack i can listen many times (w/transcript on) and still not masticate enuf !!. Read a short book called 'lets talk s..t' which also meanders the fecal transplant Topics with geekspeak humor and many sources// /
One statement i come back to of Another guest; 'saratonin can't cross BBB only it's component tryptophan` I or II ?. If she is correct why ?. I remember a discussion you gave about the BBB mechanism (i thought it had to do with molecular sizing) and maybe my lack of understanding of osmotic process's in general leads to this misunderstanding.

if true: it would seem the gut some how signals brain to stop/start this process ?. So in general organized cells block less organized cells (more entropy?) than amino acids ?? Another area of the discussion was that red herring 'free will` Sam Harris & dr Saploski while very entertaining seem to ride different bus's. I always come back to Dr Barrets' explanation that the communication method is interoceptive since the brain itself lives in vacuous system (in chess we sometimes play a team variant called ;hand & brain;).

So with dr harris you discussed exteroceptive mechanics'. but Barret;s idea that it's all about 'energy' and the brain's power is one of visualization of "models' (brain & hand).. and primarily exteroceptive using the bodies energy as the interocepetive "error signaling" as feedback is one very appealing paradigm.

Finally i am somewhat aware you are following a somewhat general outline in each episode, but seem unafraid to wAnder which probably explains the broad appeal.. something for everyBody/

for me the GLP-1 discussion was unique. Since so many of the wonder drugs seem to mechanize these receptors (think wegovia % manjuaro not Semaglutide( eot

Srihari Sankar
Srihari Sankar - 13.08.2023 03:26

How about home made curd ..does that work well

Amanda Weiss
Amanda Weiss - 10.08.2023 20:13

Autism can be cured with good diet.

zumbatista - 09.08.2023 19:04

I bet one can combine diet both on high fiber and regular fermented food consumption. ;)
Here in Poland we're happy to have an access to a range of fermented food but what's more important – one can ferment almost every vegetable quite easily at home. I've eaten garlic, beetroot, all kinds of cabbage, kohlrabi, carrot, zucchini, summer squash etc. Just look for recipe and try it. There are books on the topic by authors like Sandor Felix Katz

Sandeep Pareek
Sandeep Pareek - 07.08.2023 20:00

superlike for the podcast Mr. Huberman

Roti - 04.08.2023 19:51

No mention of apple cider vinegar?

Empath79 - 31.07.2023 04:07

They don't call the gut 'the second brain" for nothing!

Yuri Blufpand
Yuri Blufpand - 26.07.2023 17:32

My wife has many gut problems and I would love to know how to test her so we can figure out what she needs to eat. What kind of blood test can I do? I live in the Netherlands so I don't know if I can use the same company as Dr huberman

Patric Ljung
Patric Ljung - 22.07.2023 17:08

Leads me to wonder how and if chemotherapy affects the microbiome, like in treating breast cancer

Patric Ljung
Patric Ljung - 22.07.2023 17:06

Really fascinating and interesting, thank you Dr. Huberman

16477pete - 20.07.2023 02:18

Free will. If there is no volition, then the Doctor, The artist, the philanthropist,-- or the thief and the murderer-- none may be pleased nor feel guilty. It's a pernicious idea. Humans need accountability.

Not arguing, just proposing a thought.

Dr Mahima Lall
Dr Mahima Lall - 19.07.2023 18:00

PhD level stuff

Anna Marie
Anna Marie - 10.07.2023 03:54

Question, how are fermented foods different from probiotics (if they are)? If not, should the same guideline to only use them when recovering from antibiotics be applied? (I.e., to prevent overgrowth & brain fog?) Thanks.

Miguel Mejia
Miguel Mejia - 07.07.2023 02:21

why no mention of bad bacteria and how it can affect the good bacteria and your body?

Gene Genin
Gene Genin - 07.07.2023 00:00

Dr Huberman
Do you offer Chinese language captions of your podcasts ?
In mainland China and for Chinese speakers everywhere including in US your podcast would be immensely popular and beneficial

Pauli - 05.07.2023 12:05

Excellent podcast! Do you think that people who crave body contact with other humans have certain deficiencies in their microbiome? Or maybe the opposite; those who have excellent microbioms want to "share" with other humans. It would make sense considering that sad people (not talking about people suffering from mental disorders etc.) mostly feel better once you give them a hug and on the other hand, very happy, optimistic people usually don't hesitate to have body contact with others (holding their hand, giving them a pat on the shoulder and so on).

Toufic Mann
Toufic Mann - 02.07.2023 18:02

Hi Andrew , thank you for time and service .. Could you do a video on the blood brain barrier . Thank you

Scarlet Adhesive
Scarlet Adhesive - 29.06.2023 20:41

Listening and learning and taking notes! Thanks for sharing the things you know. I am using my God given " right to choose " to add this info to my cache and changing me for the better! I'm 60+ and recently been able to get my A1C down to 5.6 and blood pressure to 128/60. I'm now weaning myself off Metformin and my depression meds. Loving my new healthy diet and getting to know my body better. Thank you !

jc b
jc b - 28.06.2023 04:23

The more I dig your so amazing podcast, the more it appears to me autoimmune diseases deserve your attention and expertise.
Many subjects covered so far link or at least can be related to these ones.
Deficiency in vitamins, genetic, stress, sleep, how when and what we eat, exercise, brain//gut axis, obviously immune system : it covers all it up.

There are plenty of research exposing new treatments to come, how to deal with these illnesses, and exposing the gap between what’s known in biology and what.s done for treatment ( how many gastroenterologist talk to crohn’s patients about … vitamin D … )
I made my research ( had to as you may guess 😅 ) but … I’m not Andrew Huberman :)

ISTP Dad - 20.06.2023 13:14

An episode on the correlation between carnivore dieting (meat, eggs, seafood, water, electrolytes as the basic carnivore diet I'm referring to here) and microbiome diversity and if the microbiome thrives with a highly bioavailable meat only diet, whereby 20-30 grams of protein per meal, 3-4 meals a day, does or does not affect the microbiome and if its at all relevant? My understanding of the microbiome is it needs to be diverse in light of the diverse nature of the common diet like carbs, meat, dairy, fiber, sugar, etc..., however under a carnivore diet, which is primarily a minimalistic approach to sufficient sustenance (protein, little fiber, electrolytes) for the human race dating back historically all the way back to the start, unless of course forbidden apples was a real thing back then haha, perhaps a diverse gut microbiome is not at all the default for the human race and that the most bioavailable form of food we can eat, which is likely meat, raw or cooked, can bring the human race back to it's default setting in terms of proper gut health and optimal microbial balance for health and well-being. Check it out, I'd like to hear that podcast about the connections here, and if crops of corn can be plowed away to make room for a grazing grounds for cattle and lamb?

Callum Bedward
Callum Bedward - 16.06.2023 16:11

This video was so fucking helpful. Or inspired me to incorporate lots of fermented food groups to my diet.

Kurt Becker
Kurt Becker - 12.06.2023 03:40

Already 10 minutes into the video and you have not said anything of importance. I suggest that you cut the length of your videos by 75%...

Hayden Thackrah
Hayden Thackrah - 07.06.2023 08:18

For the last 3 weeks i had horrid brain fog and lost my mental clarity but after learning how the gut and brain are connected i managed to fix my brain fog and get back to my usual self. This kind of knowledge on the human body needs to be taught by default at schools from an early age

Jeff Pike
Jeff Pike - 06.06.2023 20:52

"The Art of Fermentation"by Sandor Katz is a great resource for making all sorts of Fermented foods.

Cortes98 - 01.06.2023 21:35

Very informative video

Carolina Henriquez
Carolina Henriquez - 27.05.2023 19:08

does psilocypin affect the gut ?

M R - 27.05.2023 18:15

Which bugs are best to increase microbiome diversity?

abdolhamed sharef
abdolhamed sharef - 27.05.2023 16:56

According to Dr.Berg, sauerkraut is a source of probiotics

abdolhamed sharef
abdolhamed sharef - 27.05.2023 16:55

Dr.Faid protocol
Royal gelly
Omega 3
Blood suction
Fresh water

abdolhamed sharef
abdolhamed sharef - 27.05.2023 16:37

Take it with appropriate grain of salt
Something can unreliable or exaggerated

abdolhamed sharef
abdolhamed sharef - 27.05.2023 16:31

It is good to hear someone talking about useful knowledge ❤
