Tionghoa Indonesian VS Chinese Malaysian: Overseas Chinese and Peranakan

Tionghoa Indonesian VS Chinese Malaysian: Overseas Chinese and Peranakan

Fearless Passport

3 года назад

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@MrCyberizal - 06.07.2021 09:52

Hi.. here the answer.. about school of vernacular .. first, i dont choose side, second.. i dont answer from my opinion but i will answer what is right and suppose to be done. lets go back to reality and after that we can come to the answer.. because thousand of people can have thousand of opinion and they probably couldnt be right..

facts that cannot be denied
1. this school only exist in malaysia and has been for decades. it was good and important for chinese malaysia. one thing that shall be grateful and appreciate.
2. it wasnt compulsary for both, u decide and no one else commanding u. means the parents decide the path of the kids by sending them to which type of school. native or national, am i rite? still something to be appreciate and grateful. remember there are many malay parents send their kids to the chinese vernacular school. its all about what parents want in their kids.. right? so its the opinion of parents. both school are good but u choose which one suit u more..
3. demolished? this is typical in malaysia. doesnt matter which flag or color or name. well this come to my suggestion. i want the school stay as it is but improve in many aspects.. stay what has been there but added with more values. ok here come the big deal. dont make early justification, understand first.

it is true, chinsese indian today are already 3rd , 4th, 5th generation. born truly as malaysian. ok here it is, im not defending my race or whatever, but what is true stay as true indeed no one else can change.
and dont do USA as reference as america is no one land.. since begginning.

A. china is china main land. the only land belong to china people.
B. India are indian main land and belong to indian people. until today many local indian still taking update of what happening to that country everytime and a lof of local married to the women of that country.
C. Malaysia was tanah melayu, malay peninsular and one part of many land of malay archipelago.. before british and dutch playing yours and mine.. where they separate land of nusantara into tanah melayu and and island of java,sumatera,kalimantan, etc etc.. it was one huge big plate called nusantara before.

so its simple logic. chinese stay everywhere in the world but still has one main land. same goes to india and malaysia as well..

well come back to the questions, shall we demolished? i would say no but organization that preserved and protect chinese malaysian need to allow adjustment to be made. allowing everything stay as same but added with a lot of improvisation.. so that it will have same feeling,learning, experimenting like they being in national school.

look at simple way, malaysia was still young and learning country, we are adjusting improving time to time. it is important to know in every most malay-malaysian are always accepting chinese and indian as brothers and sisters. it is important that to live in the heart. its different if we go by political measurements..

but still in other hand, we malay love the other races. we always welcoming and never rejecting.
there are some extremist in all races but we dont judge a single as whole..
so if u are same school or class with me , i know u as my schoolmate or classmate and or my neighbour or my collegemate or Uni mate.. and we dont care ur race, as u are mate and friend.. thats all.

so, think in huge big by bird eye look.. siblings can fight for stupid unfair reason. they just need to find peace and live harmony.. same goes to husband and wife-who better who worst fight.. or in working organization. we can always fight but reality is if we surrender and be good and kind, we will be given even we dont asking for it.. becoz act of kindness are biggest strategy and not fighting..

as i believe everyone one every race in malaysia are the reason we are unique, success, harmony, peace, and clever because we always learn from each other...

edited /;- kakak pandai, adik slower a bit. mak kata kat kakak, bagi adik lebih sebab adik x pandai, and kakak amik sikit sebab kakak pandai dan boleh carik lebih banyak lagi. tapi adik baik dan pandai hormat, kakak pulak rajin dan kerja kuat.. isnt that beautiful, god create low and high point on everybody so we mixed well.. and get something from others.. in bahasa melayu-malaysia kita sebut lebih-kurang, in bahasa melayu-indonesia kita sebut kurang-lebih.. sama tapi x serupa.. but still same right..

and last but not least, political will get matured and once it come to the peak, probably everyone get equal cut of the cake.. in my opinion malaysia will get more matured. currently the old will slowly fade away and the young will smoothly taking in.. its all about time.. god always know..

my 2 cents..

Added : I believe there will be some morons that try to make fun of this but that's simply showing how low is their mind and wisdoms..

@Holow75 - 21.01.2024 08:30

It's simple fondumental thing
Indonesia : nation above race
Malaysia : race above nation

@salvespampuarw8479 - 12.01.2024 08:06

when you cross the sea everything will be different

@devi027 - 08.01.2024 22:05

What I know is that many people of Chinese descent in Indonesia can't speak Chinese fluently, especially those who I went to school with. Even Chinese Surabayans still surprise me sometimes. My neighbor is of Chinese descent, and she's just like any typical Indonesian mother lol

@BOSSQ-BOX - 07.01.2024 08:31

Sangat meng inspirasi

@dthomas99 - 01.01.2024 06:21

My grandma was born in a village north of Shantou China in 1880s, she was a widow in her 20s and moved to Malaya to work as a Ah-mah or domestic servant. She was not given Malaysian citizenship even though she lived her whole life in Malaysia before its independence. At the age of 92 she flew to Melb Australia with my parents to migrate there. She does not have a passport but was given a letter by Malaysia as a Stateless person and if she leaves, she will not be allowed back to Malaysia. After a few years living in Australia, she was granted Australian citizenship. She passed away at 106 years old in Melb. I proudly bring my children back to our village in Shantou to pay our respects (not worship) to our ancestors and connect them to our roots. Malaysian chinese has protected their heritage and language and connection to our motherland, and remain loyal citizens. This is the story of centuries of chinese diaspora world wide. Be proud being chinese and also citizen of our country.

@hadihariman9704 - 30.12.2023 07:48

Great video. And in some parts, like the Chindo names, is actually quite funny. I enjoyed it.

@AavenTan44-Explain - 26.12.2023 12:25

As a 10 years old Malaysian Chinese. There are some inequalities in our country. But it’s still quite okay here.

@videoloversful - 25.12.2023 12:27

Kami putra dan putri Indonesia mengaku bertumpah darah yang satu, tanah air Indonesia.
Kami putra dan putri Indonesia mengaku berbangsa yang satu, bangsa Indonesia.
Kami putra dan putri Indonesia menjunjung bahasa persatuan, bahasa Indonesia.

@lifelessperson1993 - 23.12.2023 12:19

Wow I just discovered your channel, interesting. More videos please. Keep going, we need more Malaysians willing to speak about geopolitics and history on line.

@samsudindinceng5676 - 20.12.2023 05:38

DI MALAYSIA SENDIRI ADALAH NEGARA GAGAL... Malaysia sendiri aslinya serpihan Indonesia boleh di lihat dalam peta dunia

@bangjaynouar3295 - 17.12.2023 05:53

Saran saya, sebagai warga malaysia sebaiknya anda belajar bahasa melayu sebagai identitas diri anda.
Seperti etnis tionghua yg bangga dengan bahasa indonesia melebihi bahasa ibunda mereka, karna mereka adalah warga negara indonesia bukan china.

@user-ml3kb3rl6f - 15.12.2023 13:30

"who are we to judge it"❤

@daphreak007 - 10.12.2023 02:34

thats exactly right your a chinese born in malaysia,NOT A REAL MALAYSIAN MELAYU A REAL MALAYSIAN BUMIPUTRA,DONT EVER fORGET THAT😂😂😂😂😂😂you will NEVER BE A real MALAYSIAN LIKE US REAL MALAYSIAN BUMUPUTRA,what does you IC card in malaysia says? chinese or malaysian? LMFAO

@umi929 - 06.12.2023 07:20

Hopefully we all patriotic to our nationality while maintain our historical lineage....

What I learn from Islamic studies, there are no force in religion...

Also there are no assimilation in Islam....

Islam come to many country naturally in human way.... N forbid anything disadvantage for human beings...

Back to ourselves to be grateful enough or always looking for missing part ..... Which will always missing....

As a Malay in Malaysia, I learn much in this sharing...

@AuraMichibane - 05.12.2023 15:39

i really enjoy your content. as an Indonesian its nice to see from other perspective about my country. be it its bad deed or good deed.

@cathychan2814 - 23.11.2023 07:15

Fearless Passport ... I salute you!! Last week I saw Tun Dr. Mahathir commenting on how he was taken aback when he first saw Chinese Indonesian speaking the Indonesian language as the national language. The other thing that Mahathir was taken by surprise was the fact that Chinese address themselves not as Chinese Indonesian but as INDONESIAN. I could see he was ... envious of Indonesians.

@zhen86 - 12.11.2023 06:48

Just look at Thai and you know

@kongming2005 - 09.11.2023 18:38

Chinese mainlander cannot complaint about their government..... Another big wrong to you or whoever that misled and brainwashed by western media. I was shock to watch a channel in Guangzhou show the resident complaining about local council and their work quality and speed. As long as it is constructive complaint, China government are very open to it and WILL TAKE ACTION.

@eventhoughtap9021 - 08.11.2023 01:32


@eventhoughtap9021 - 08.11.2023 01:29


@opendebate - 06.11.2023 16:49

Chinese Malaysian can't even speak malay eventhough they were born and raised in Malaysia.

@ghebalouhacene7422 - 04.10.2023 22:16

Many thanks !

@amdesidik305 - 01.10.2023 15:42

Brilliant you....!

@hafeezsk8 - 29.09.2023 19:16

Thats why many racist people in Malaysia is Chinese.. That cannot asimilate.. And have less patriotic feel toward the country..

@ghozyindra4186 - 29.09.2023 13:18

senanya nak jaga nama melayu islam je kat malaysia ni hehehehe kalau korang anak peranakan atau mix malay tak kira cina,india masuk islam dah consider melayu 😂😂😂😂😂 simplekan

@cheamphanin4243 - 29.09.2023 04:36

Here in Cambodia Chinese community plays an important role in Cambodia society. I am a mix of Teachew Cantonese and Cambodia and I am proud of this heritage 😊

@garukoe - 28.09.2023 20:00

Correction: Indonesia does NOT have official religion. We have the biggest Muslim population but Islam is not the official religion. We remain a secular nation, and by God, hopefully it stays so. However, we acknowledge the big religions as well as the many local beliefs categorised as "kepercayaan".

@cagivamito9690 - 28.09.2023 07:55

Chinese ancestry even with Indonesian ID still cant purchase land in special territory like Jogjakarta .. but who cares .. 😂 .. There are still another 32 provinces that Chinese ancestry can purchase land and building ..

@endigunnadi3526 - 28.09.2023 07:51

I have learnt so much watching your post, terima kasih. A sundanese here in California.

@frozenflava - 27.09.2023 21:19

You missed something, nationalism is ultimately a bad thing

@frozenflava - 27.09.2023 21:18

What's detrimental to malaysia is when we binded the identity of malay + muslim + bumiputera, and make it so the only way that chinese/indians who wants to become bumiputera is to become a muslim because you can't physically change your race but religion in a heartbeat.

@dennydoang - 26.09.2023 21:15

Saya Chindo yang tidak memakai nama keluarga. Hal itu karena saya lahir dan besar pada masa Presiden Soeharto. Tapi setelah saya punya anak saya akhirnya bisa mencantumkan kembali nama keluarga saya. Proses itu tidak mudah dan melalui keputusan pengadilan.

@Tempest-Proteus - 26.09.2023 15:23

Chinese is a chinese is a chinese wherever you are in the world. At the end of the day, push comes to pull, there is only one motherland. I lived in Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia and I find not very much pf a difference in the culture and thinking at all except when speaking in local lingua franca.

@runahikari418 - 25.09.2023 11:07

My maternal grandpa was an immigrant while my maternal grandma had been born and lived in Indonesia for generations....which I don't know how many generations ago. From my father's side they were Chinese Indonesia who lived in Lasem before they moved to Semarang. So how do I count which generation I am? To be honest I am confused. And another thing, my mom's family still keep their Chinese names despite had changed to WNI while my father's family changed their name to Indonesia. And I don't know why but my father's family didn't insert their Chinese surname in their Indonesia names instead their put their middle Chinese name into their Indonesia names which is Boen become Budi. And that's how all male siblings of my father's are all Budi with Indonesian surnames that have nothing to do with Ong, their Chinese surname. And the older generation have very Javanese like names.

About language, we speak Indonesia mixed with hokkien and Javanese. While my late grandma from my father's side can speak Dutch. She speak in Dutch when she was angry but usually she speak in mixed Indonesia and Javanese.

@anasasyraf1282 - 24.09.2023 09:09

Demo lapa bua

@fendyfendy1782 - 24.09.2023 05:18

Love your video, every point u put on was spot on.. 👏👏

@kriskhoo - 24.09.2023 03:41

She got many things right ..but disagree on the national day of Indonesia.. i dont hear or see any of my Chinese Indonesian friends are so proud of their country, at least not mine..

@Zagaara - 23.09.2023 20:46

Cry in EARTHPRINCE ini tanah milik siapa?!

@tjahireng - 23.09.2023 11:46

As a native, I don't feel any difference from non-natives. Our rights and obligations are the same as Indonesian citizens. We live side by side, are good friends, work together, complement each other. Many even have inter-ethnic families. I didn't suspect anything. I even have a Chinese name, namely A-Chan, from my name Chandra, a gift from my kind friend. And I happily accepted that name, as their favorite name. If we talk about nationalists, there is only one thing: we are INDONESIA. There are no (ethnic) Javanese, Sundanese, Madurese, Chinese, Bugis, Papuan, Balinese, Timorese, Toraja, Minahasa and others. Indonesia has more than 300 ethnic groups or ethnic groups, more precisely, Indonesia has 1,340 ethnic groups and is recorded as having 733 regional languages. But the unifying language has been Indonesian since the YOUTH Oath event of 28 OCTOBER 1928.

@nanaalouvv - 23.09.2023 06:34

Tidak ada larangan berbahasa dan mempelajari bahasa dan kebudayaan etnis namun di indonesia semua WNI menggunakan bahasa indonesian sebagai pemersatu berbagai etnis

@pandumustika - 22.09.2023 23:13

More reached please.....

@Channel-oh3xs - 22.09.2023 17:59

My Mother was chineese decendants, while My Father was Javanese..and many more like that not only in my family, that was the unique of indonesia

@lainefrancis8833 - 22.09.2023 08:42

Loongkong is 100 km near Hong kong

@lainefrancis8833 - 22.09.2023 08:41

Hello i am a Hakka from tahiti, my grand father come ftom loonkong near tahiti.
Beleave me i met tourist hakka from guyanna , Australie,and i also went To hainan
we all talk the same Hakka language not much différence, i was really suprise

@batman6989 - 21.09.2023 22:40

What indonesia do toward chinese just a rasist, be grateful you in Malaysia

@Mafia-Elite - 21.09.2023 15:54

Yang aneh tu orang semenanjung bikin nama negara kok pake race/suku bayangankan perasaan orang China sana yang selalu di tuduh from malay 😂

@agungsubrata2866 - 21.09.2023 15:46

Thanks for making this content, this is really fascinating, i'm native indonesian (javanese) but i have lot of mixed java-chinese cousins, they can't speak chinese or hokkien, but they're acknowledge their ancestral. i think because of indonesian have lot of tribes and lot of languages, but we choose to speak bahasa indonesia and yeah we're really that patriotic about our country. Hidup Bhinneka Tunggal Ika! (Unity in diversity)

@adhityamulyaandhika - 21.09.2023 15:06

