"Thinspo" in China Is Going Too Far | Gen 跟 China

"Thinspo" in China Is Going Too Far | Gen 跟 China


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Danny Prince
Danny Prince - 16.09.2023 09:01

How different! In the West stocky looking legs are very appealing/attractive to men. No one likes skinny legs in the West on a woman. A healthy mixture of fat and muscles is what is desirable and normal. Balance is key!

Drink Your Nail Polish
Drink Your Nail Polish - 11.09.2023 05:46

Eugenia cooney would be an idol in china!

hellslayer 96
hellslayer 96 - 10.09.2023 13:18

Being thin is actually a problem , it really shows body is not getting nutritious food , its a dangerous fad imagine these girls getting old and have laundry list of conditions and amount of medicine required to keep them stable

David J. Berman
David J. Berman - 09.09.2023 19:24

I'd rather a girl to love than to bury

Lokon - 19.08.2023 07:25

Im all watching this eating a Hershey bar😂😂

Florent Technetium
Florent Technetium - 10.08.2023 17:15

the weight unit "Jin" (similar to pound) is equal to 0.5 kg in China, but weigh different in Hongkong and Taiwan. In this video, we should divide the number of Jin in half to calculate kilograms.

Rose A
Rose A - 15.07.2023 00:17

I started at 204, I’m now 189 but I’m losing weight slowly in a healthy way. Health is the most important thing.

h - 29.06.2023 18:19

This is so stupid. Why are you comparing China to all Western countries only? China isn't the only country in the world where being thin is prioritized in terms of beauty standards, especially in Eastern countries. This whole documentary is so Eurocentric and Sinophobic. I understand the girl who had anorexia being in this documentary, but why the other two? They just were self-conscious of their bodies? What girl isn't? I really don't understand the entire point of this documentary. Is it to showcase women with eating disorders like a freak show? To showcase and glamorize thinness even more (hence why all these commenters are people with EDs using it as inspiration lmao)? Or is it just to show women who are made by society to hate their bodies, and pretend that this is only a problem in China and not like, the entire world where patriarchy predominates?

Sheyla - 11.06.2023 06:57

I NEED to be able to do these challenges asap

Pahansisuinen - 07.06.2023 12:49

It's so depressing we non-Asian are naturally wider so we can never compete with this, no matter how much weight we shed.

Joshua Juarez
Joshua Juarez - 09.04.2023 18:13

America needs this fad big time

mica cam
mica cam - 28.03.2023 06:47

Welcome to capitalism. Now you throw food away just like the rest of us pigs.

iqbal rodieno
iqbal rodieno - 20.03.2023 07:25


LisaLoni - 18.03.2023 23:08

Thinspo is harmless, men love skinny girls so this shouldn't be considered an issue. Every man likes thin girls, if you're black and not skinny, your life is over

Val - 05.02.2023 23:47

Based China.

0 - 25.01.2023 17:03

People in china are like using liquid smooth filters and like selling or promoting products that make you like daddy long legs in a very very unhealthy way

Shitcumpiss - 20.12.2022 16:37

I hate comtemporary Chinese culture hehe

Psych Anonymous
Psych Anonymous - 27.11.2022 20:35

Sadly there are no trigger warnings on social media.... it's too easy to relapse into ED when it's all around especially in the entertainment industry which obviously includes social media.... the only way is to shut it off, but thats another challenge isnt it

myparcel tape
myparcel tape - 22.11.2022 03:16

There seems to be people and 'Tubers concerned that other societies should be the same as their own.

In the same way as so many shopping centres are so similar worldwide.

dezzy - 19.11.2022 09:18

i struggled with anorexia for a number of years. i'm still not fully recovered in a physical sense, but my mental health is significantly better now. i look back on my pre-ana photos and i wish i could go back to a time where my body image didn't matter to me. i wish i could go back to a time where i was healthy and didn't feel like i was fat just for finishing my food. don't do this to yourself. it's ruined my body. i cannot gain weight anymore. i will never reach 100 pounds. it's not worth the permanent damage to your body.

Callisto - 17.11.2022 23:10

I've never heard of any of these challenges but luckily I don't mess with social media either .
At the same time people should blame themselves for being so easily influenced.

jesus is king
jesus is king - 14.11.2022 18:51

This is why social media is toxic,being extremely thin thin or morbidly obese isn't attractive its a death sentence,just being at a healthy weight meaning a lot of natural muscle,and having a little fat doesnt hurt at all.
You to are at a a Heather weight and your look beautiful.

Johnny Baum
Johnny Baum - 09.11.2022 01:10

All this because of Korean people and their insane beauty trends..........

nothing - 02.11.2022 17:13

Lol no lie I kinda like this look, as long as they're healthy I don't see the problem, if it's affecting their own health then I understand it being bad.

mariifeyyy - 27.10.2022 19:47

Man, these communities are so toxic.

Doctor Foot
Doctor Foot - 26.10.2022 02:25

I don’t know who needs this message but you are all beautiful no matter what body you are in. Skinny does not equal healthy or happy. Love yourself. Love everything even when you don’t feel it. Fake it

Kate Kursive
Kate Kursive - 25.10.2022 12:40

Absolutely beautiful charismatic group of girls described as "ugliest" is the society's fault, not the girls

saib adam
saib adam - 25.10.2022 10:50

there is no problem with being thin but the way its being done is way too extreme.

Auto - 25.10.2022 06:24

its lonely being lonely. i remember be rejected exactly 19 times from girls telling me im ugly. ( I wasnt even fat back then or obese now)thank god I dont do drugs or believe in suicide being the answer or I might have tied a rope long ago

Auto - 25.10.2022 06:21

vice are the gigachads of news for allowing these wonderful comments to exist

ajko000 - 25.10.2022 00:20

Popo is based.

Aims - 23.10.2022 08:40

The actress girl is so eloquent and extremely charming. I think its horrible that people had the audacity to call her fat and tell her she would never get the lead role because of her body. She has a perfectly healthy body, was a Zumba instructor, eats clean, and yet total strangers were harassing her on the street... I find it appalling and disgusting that people think they have the right to be rude to a person if she is not stick thin.
This fat-shaming aspect of our culture, in both China and America, needs to change.

Quinburger - 23.10.2022 04:18

nothing wrong w this

emmarinn00 - 21.10.2022 18:04

I used to suffer from anorexia, so I understand their feelings. However, I hope everyone can learn we are simply all different so comparing ourselves to others is a nonsense invention by evil capitalist companies who want to sell you something. There is nothing more freeing and beautiful than a healthy body♥ sending lots of strength and love to everyone!

Rachel Patterson
Rachel Patterson - 20.10.2022 12:19

China is so messed up, makes USA look good, look up bear bile, they are terrible people

Judy Smith
Judy Smith - 19.10.2022 23:38

Does anyone else remember those weird Chinese leg filters? lmao

Finbar Manley
Finbar Manley - 05.10.2022 16:43

Chima can express them self's

lurkingmegane - 03.10.2022 13:03

This is becoming quite a disease mostly in the asian countries, it's honestly worrying how a lot of these women now look like they removed a couple of their ribs to have that figure.

Jules - 26.09.2022 02:28

How many international beauty competitions has China won? How many Chinese people are known outside China for beauty? 😂

Mohamed Abdinur
Mohamed Abdinur - 25.09.2022 06:39

It's hard being a young person seeking validation in all the wrong places because you just don't know any better. Beauty is the most subjective and fleeting standard in trying to achieve in life so there is no real point to chasing it. It's a fools errand to chase it but you only learn that as you get older and wiser.

Crow - 25.09.2022 04:52

I meant it's better to being diabetes

David Coba
David Coba - 22.09.2022 19:33

Let young people to do what he wish.

Hasan Jasar
Hasan Jasar - 22.09.2022 16:54

well america has a fat problem, the other side of the world has a skinny problem.... why not just normal? Natural self should be the best, no? and also this goes both ways, you being skinny does look better but not BONE SKINNY, and also you being fatter does look better but not 100kg.... there is medical scale that says something like this. Every height should have its weight. Like for me I am 174cm tall and I should weight 70-76kg and the perfect weight would be 74kg. So why not just be your best healthier self?

S P - 22.09.2022 08:11

I eat even when Im not hungry so Ill never feel hunger. ED? I think so

ManOnTheMoon - 21.09.2022 17:03

rather be thin or skinny, than being fat or obese like Americans

coda creator
coda creator - 20.09.2022 19:03

Social acceptance is hard-wired into human beings. To be excluded for any reason is devastating. We need to learn to love each other just for being human, just for being. Race, gender, orientation, body type, intellectual capacity, and on and on. We could spend the next ten centuries going through the list of differences, judging and excluding people on those superficial bases, or we could accept that difference is uniqueness and that nobody benefits from a society in which all of the members are exactly the same. Difference is the key to creativity. You cannot imagine possibilities without it. Where does the human race go on the strength of zero diversity? Backward. The Stone Age comes to mind. Where did we get our number system? Our alphabet? Our sense of Justice? Our determination? Our work ethic? Don’t tell me these are all products of Anglo minds. They’re not. If you don’t know this, you missed college. And THAT is what higher ed is good for: it makes the world personal (Cormac McCarthy).

yami goto
yami goto - 19.09.2022 23:21

So, you will dub all other non-english videos to english, but won't do that for Chinese. Hmmm.
