Dr. David Sinclair: The Biology of Slowing & Reversing Aging

Dr. David Sinclair: The Biology of Slowing & Reversing Aging

Andrew Huberman

2 года назад

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Sanctibella - 01.10.2023 10:56

I used to listen to Ori Hofmeklers podcast, also have his books. Loved all his information and protocols.

David Valdes
David Valdes - 01.10.2023 01:10

Evry load that you shoot off disrupts your molécules wallz and ages u 3 yrs......

nitram03121981 - 30.09.2023 21:40

Andrew Brown
Andrew Brown - 30.09.2023 16:50

Хау мач воч? Тэн воч. Сач мач? Ландон из де кэпитэл ов грит бритн

Nicola - 29.09.2023 14:42

Neither Ori Hofmekler nor your American forefathers founded an intermittent fasting diet. It's been part of Indian culture for thousands of years.

Sue Jiang
Sue Jiang - 28.09.2023 22:34

I am a US MD graduate from a top 20 medical school, soon to be board certified in Internal Medicine. I practice Primary Care in California, and much of my time is spent counseling patients about blood test results.
Many patients ask for blood tests that they have no idea how to interpret. For the general public without any science or medicine background, I don’t like to order a panel of blood tests that won’t lead to meaningful changes in their lifestyle or health status. Sure, it can increase a level of health-consciousness if there is an abnormal result, but it just as frequently leads to illness anxiety and increased healthcare utilization that doesn’t make a long-term impact.

ZeepXanf1orp - 28.09.2023 17:19

Can we please get ATTIA, SINCLAIR and GALPIN in the same room together to parse out a fitness regimen specifically geared to garner every longevity& immediate health adaptation that is possible from the various exercise strategies?

Katherine Fiori
Katherine Fiori - 28.09.2023 14:08

I reaaally like David Sinclair, really. But this mostly plant-based thing... I still don't know. I'm someone who eats mostly plant-based myself but I keep questioning that all the time. I just don't know where the truth is. 🤷‍♀️🧐

Dave Yeomans
Dave Yeomans - 28.09.2023 06:08

Great questions and answers, learned so much

rustin hieber
rustin hieber - 28.09.2023 00:45

My guy looks 30.

HighhPlainsDRIFTER - 27.09.2023 23:09

Sorry, but I'm NOT impressed with "Dr." David Sinclair. I think many of his recommendations , are fads / quacky, & applies to mice more than humans!😂 Eat a good, balanced diet, get fresh air ( with some sunshine) & some sensible exercise, recreation, a good night sleep, with a nap during the day, if possible, regular medical checkups, avoid bad habits, like smoking, boozing, & you've done it ALL!!😮😅🎉

karina grippaldi
karina grippaldi - 27.09.2023 17:29

can caffeine or yerba mate can triggers all day glucose as well as food?

Just Thinking
Just Thinking - 27.09.2023 15:19

You're 52???

My YouTube channel
My YouTube channel - 27.09.2023 14:02

I'd love to know if these guys took the clot shots 💉

BB - 27.09.2023 02:10

freaks....age isn't a disease. Growing old gracefully can happen if you take care of yourself. You don't have to make a cult out of it. My granny lived to be 105. She was a hard working ranch wife
and everything they ate came from the ranch. They also drank quite a bit of whiskey about once a month.

David Ramirez
David Ramirez - 26.09.2023 16:43

While education and experience of these gentlemen speak for themselves, I felt entirely overwhelmed by the information. Trying to find a doctor who would remotely be on the same page would be utmost challenging in order to talk through the numerous supplements they spoke about, the varied timing, which to dissolve, etc., all balanced against expensive blood tests that most insurances won't cover. Truly wish there was a simpler path forward for those of who want to do better.

Ursula Hutmacher
Ursula Hutmacher - 26.09.2023 09:59

Very interesting pod cast! I wonder, if Dr. Sinclair has taken the blood theory by Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo into consideration in regards to his diet. It works very well for me. What you both said about meat, makes me believe you could both have blood group O.

Mark Goals
Mark Goals - 26.09.2023 00:32

Well Done. I learned a lot. Great job.

gorman1 - 24.09.2023 03:50

What is unique about his work is that it is completely fraudulent. Thanks for platforming another snake oil salesman. You should actually read the research on the pills he is pushing. Resveratrol, Metformin, Statins, NMN, NAD berberine, LDL bad....have all been debunked.

Reading 4 Fun
Reading 4 Fun - 23.09.2023 07:02

The FDA has classified NMN as a drug and was pulles from Amazon. How do I obtain it?

Reading 4 Fun
Reading 4 Fun - 23.09.2023 00:56

I'm trying to optimize... great words!

Brandon Barnes
Brandon Barnes - 22.09.2023 18:38

Why I love Dr. Sinclair. He always answers so honestly. “We don’t know, but I’ll give you my best answer.” I appreciate you both for taking the time to educate us!

Ruta Karuzaite
Ruta Karuzaite - 20.09.2023 20:00


jeff seymour
jeff seymour - 20.09.2023 17:42

I have been doing the protocol of Sinclair for a couple years and have seen my InsideTracker show my age drop to the point where it is now 10years less than my chronologic age (48 instead of 58). For the next few months I have stopped this longevity regimen to build muscle. I'll switch to a balance of both afterwards. My question is this: if I were to now reintroduce the longevity regimen: fasting, resveratrol, metformin, NMN-> will this materially reduce my ability to continue to grow muscle? It seems like these processes are in opposition. thanks

007jhagga - 20.09.2023 01:59

I have a question ,,what is keti ISH?????

Janelle Brown
Janelle Brown - 19.09.2023 11:04

What about O- RH factor blood? Any info on this blood type is appreciated🙏

SiQuemaCuhh - 19.09.2023 00:46

Please ask your audio guy put a De-Esser on the vocals, if not I can be your audio guy

Bliss WKC
Bliss WKC - 18.09.2023 12:35


Leafy - 18.09.2023 10:50

Sir in India Fasting is practised from 1000 of years in Hinduism can you make an podcast.Ancient eastern traditions dating back thousands of years lay much importance on fasting as an adjunct to a full-fledged life. Prominent Hindu scholars believe that the purification of the body at the cellular level happens when the stomach is empty and the systemic functions are allowed to re-synchronize themselves. Most commonly, fasting in Hinduism takes the form of a spiritual sadhana, festival observance or penance.

Bliss WKC
Bliss WKC - 17.09.2023 22:01


luckyea7 - 17.09.2023 10:47

All US spending on the War in Afghanistan exceeded $2 trillion.

The total monthly salary of the 300 thousand mobilized in the Russian Federation will be about $1 billion.

The cost of restoring the newly admitted subjects in the Russian Federation will be about $20 billion.

In total, compared to 2021, Russian budget expenditures on “National Security” have increased by $35 billion.

The United States has sent a total of $110.97 billion to help Ukraine. The total EU assistance to Ukraine since the beginning of the conflict has exceeded 50 billion euros.

Grand View Research analysts estimated the global market for tobacco and tobacco products at $933.11 billion.

Global military spending in 2022 reaches $2.224 trillion

The capitalization of the global stock market in 2019 exceeded $85 trillion, according to Deutsche Bank.

And all the life extension startups in the world are raising around $2 billion in cumulative investment per year.

The total cost of the Apollo program was about $25.4 billion, or about $152 billion in today's dollars.

NASA's Artemis lunar program is expected to spend $86 billion by 2025. The long-term goal of the program is to establish a permanent base on the Moon and facilitate manned missions to Mars.

Elon Musk has calculated that it would take $1 trillion to successfully colonize Mars. Just the money that the US spent on the War in Afghanistan would be enough for this.

The colonization of other planets is becoming relevant today in connection with a possible nuclear conflict.

Recently, there have been successes in rejuvenation of the body. If more money were allocated to the fight against aging, then success could be achieved faster.

Anti-aging enthusiasts such as British gerontologist Aubrey de Gray and Mikhail Batin, head of the Russian Science for Life Extension Foundation, complain about the lack of funding. Progress in this area, in their opinion, could go much faster.

Instead of funding the fight against aging and the colonization of other planets, the leadership of countries finances wars. As a result, the development of civilization slows down, unnecessary sacrifices and destruction appear. The leaders of different countries work inefficiently and not in the interests of the people.

Why can't the leaders of countries sign a peace treaty and use the money allocated for wars to benefit people, for example, to rejuvenate a person, to colonize other planets, etc.? Is maiming and killing people, destroying their homes more important than rejuvenating them?

The United States has staged 201 armed conflicts out of 248 that have occurred in 153 regions of the world since the end of World War II. These figures are for 1945–2001 only. In particular, the wars unleashed by the Americans in the Middle East are not taken into account.

How much money was spent on destruction, but it could have been used for useful purposes!

Steffen D Hurdle
Steffen D Hurdle - 15.09.2023 22:12

Going to keep watching but they're ample examples of "as old as you look" not having any efficacy. African Americans will look young most their life and we have some of the lowest life expectancy in the country. Same with native Americans and Eskimos.

Elsa - 15.09.2023 05:35

He is selling us met Forman

Vera Kaun
Vera Kaun - 14.09.2023 14:12

Thank you

ELSA YANG - 14.09.2023 08:50

Thanks. You are good. This is really very informative! I am a fan of Dr. Sinclair. He is correct. The medical community has concentrated on reacting to diseases when the cure is really slowing down aging. If they had studied aging a decade ago, we may have a lot fewer diseases today, and healthy old people.

sothu saatha
sothu saatha - 14.09.2023 06:35

Can I take 2g nmn ? Is that safe?

Rosalinda Dehoyos
Rosalinda Dehoyos - 13.09.2023 18:51

two of my favorite humans in one podcast, thanks for sharing this info guys!!! .

RunningHigh - 13.09.2023 06:46

Please have Dr. Francisco Gonzalez-Lima on to talk about Methylene Blue. He's also a neuroscientist and has been researching MB for decades. When you laughed at people and said that they should see a psychiatrist for using MB b/c they most insight you have about it was you used it as a kid to clean your fish tank, you sounded no different than Don Lemon on CNN referring Ivermectin as horse paste.

TREEfool - 12.09.2023 02:53

This was an absolute goldmine of knowledge. Thank you guys so much for sharing.

lyvsix - 11.09.2023 02:34

I am laughing so fucking hard.... my family and friends have spent my whole life telling me I would die soon bc of my habits... well well turns out that those things are the ones he recommends (eating once a day, exercisiong without taking protein supplements, being a vegetarian, not eating every time I was hungry or not eating breakfast lunch and dinner etc...) also they now come to me looking for advice as to how to look like I do (slim yet strong and younger than I am.... i also like everything to do with skincare so I guess my life habits and all the skincare I do really do work bc most ppl dont believe my age when they meet me...)

lyvsix - 11.09.2023 02:15

What do u have to say to get a full blood panel????
Jesus.... just the fact that in the US you have to pay for it blows my mind. But the fact that they dont give you a "full blood panel" by default.... dude... so what does the average bloodwork show in the US?
If I had to pay and they didnt give me every single detail about EVEEYTHING thats detectable in my blood and urine I would ....idk but I would be VERY mad. Also the guy says I get testst very often...every 6 months lol thatbis very often? No its not...so imagine how often average ppl get tested.... omg not to mention getting tested for stds. I get them every single time I have contact with someone new (yes i use protection but its about respect, i wanna have the tests done recently in case I find someone i really like I can show them I am healthy and I expect the same from them... but how can u do that if u r poor and have to pay??? Prevention is necessary.... wtf wtf wtf)
Sorry hearing this stuff makes me angry. Even when I just go to my doctor for an std test he gives me tests for everything! Bc why not? We pay for it with our taxes and he wants the best for me so since I am there anyway lets check everything and make sure u are healthy! This is also so so important to catch cancer and other hardcore illnesses "in time"...how on earth are u gonna do that if u get tested one every 3 years or god knows when?
Ok sorry enough. Just one last thing: idk how much money it is but if u can afford it get tested as oftwn as u can, it is money well spent for sure... health is probably the most importaant thing in life. It should be a basic human right to have free healthcare for everyone... this is so sad and disturbing...
Anyway Everyone take care.
Love from spain!

Florence69 Reid420
Florence69 Reid420 - 10.09.2023 18:25

does having a second puberty (Transitioning) can affect life span?

Lovepreet Singh
Lovepreet Singh - 09.09.2023 12:47

For aging you can take ASHWAGANDHA CAPSULES from planet Ayurveda

Raw Vegan Food For Thought
Raw Vegan Food For Thought - 08.09.2023 18:24

Seems like you need to change your diet rather than taking all the supplement concoctions.

Thomas Wayne
Thomas Wayne - 08.09.2023 06:06


Petter V
Petter V - 07.09.2023 14:23

they should invite Bryan Johnson

phillyhippie - 06.09.2023 13:21

What's the supplement called?? Etamin??

Jona Halldors
Jona Halldors - 06.09.2023 11:56

Thank you both for a fantastic podcast, I can’t thank you enough for your great work and for sharing this with us ❤
