When Nintendo Games Were on Atari

When Nintendo Games Were on Atari

Gaming Historian

1 год назад

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@GamingHistorian - 29.07.2022 20:36

Hello everyone! This is a special video because it is the first episode written by someone outside of the Gaming Historian household. Ethan Johnson did a fantastic job and it was fun to collaborate on a project. More to come!

@PP1969GR - 09.02.2024 00:54

lol, the gorilla look

@markpollutro2076 - 03.02.2024 20:20

Thanks dad for Atari and making mom mad. 😂😂😂 the Atari lead to Nintendo, sega, then I started to buy consoles sega Saturn, dreamcast, plantation 2, xbox, xbix 360, x1, ps5. Up to speed now.

@mikeallensonntag - 28.01.2024 14:08

I appreciate the atari 2600 and have my Rom's but I will say alot of atari 2600 games were kinda crap.

@Warrior_Resisting_Colonialism - 26.01.2024 08:07

I loved Donky Kong, Popeye and Mario bro's on the 2600. Those were some of the best of the best.

@Daynox1st - 25.01.2024 23:18

I have a version of the Super Mario Brother on disk for my Commodore 64.

@rionthemagnificent2971 - 18.01.2024 21:51

Plus the commercial for Atari's port of Mario Bros.. was a banger.. "MAAARIO, WHERE ARRRE YOU?!"

@janwilt6974 - 18.01.2024 06:11

No way did the 2600 version of Mario Bros look better than the 5200!

@pooterdog2549 - 16.01.2024 22:19

with how phoned in the atari 2600 and these games are, its no surprise there was a home console crash

@Neruomir - 16.01.2024 02:55

That time Nintendo almost saved Atari but saved the entire industry instead.

@theotakux5959 - 15.01.2024 02:02

Having bought Sky Skipper on Switch, I can see why the game was a failure...

@stephenshelton4267 - 12.01.2024 01:51

Poor Yasmin. She never did buy a consonant to finish her first name. She will never become the Jasmin we all knew she could be.

@Boxmaker247 - 09.01.2024 07:48

I have smb on ATARI 2600

@channelI748 - 07.01.2024 15:29

I had the game on the box it describes the brothers as two carpenters. But good game.

@mh43 - 07.01.2024 05:36

Your videos are great. I look forward to every new release.

@johntracy72 - 06.01.2024 17:02

I remember playing Nintendo games on Atari 2600 before Nintendo had their own system.

@shelbyconstructions7256 - 06.01.2024 11:13

Dude shut up and justvput on Mario ffs.

@oliverpony - 04.01.2024 07:07

It's kind of ironic since year's later Atari would make games on nintendo on licensed under the name Tengen

@smiley77777 - 31.12.2023 19:13

Lmfao 🤣 hahaha I was watching the “Tetris” movie 🍿. How CEO of bullet proof software calls Nintendo techs and they tell him how much they hate those MFers (Atari). Thank god for the ET lmao 🤣

@topaz7462 - 29.12.2023 12:18

As weird as the A26 version of Donkey Kong is, you can't deny that the sound effects are iconic.
So iconic they're used as stock video game sounds in Movies and TV

@nOT_sURE08 - 23.12.2023 01:36

Shiggadu miamoto and his faameecom

@buckwheat009 - 16.12.2023 12:08

I owned that game. Nobody who had a 7800 didn't want an NES lol

@Trying911 - 08.12.2023 02:27

TGH, you should include this in your SMB playlist

@lmoore3rd - 29.11.2023 07:50

We had a Sky Skipper arcade cabinet in the Nintendo of America break room in 1998 / 1999. I used to play it before my shift because I had never seen it anywhere before as a kid in the 80's. Didn't realize it wasn't widely released.

@SpencerDrummer - 21.11.2023 20:40

Dude your videos are so friggen good. So polished and you have the perfect voice for it hahah! Love the content!

@napoleoncerna5705 - 19.11.2023 19:32

@Sarcophagus74 - 15.11.2023 13:50

DK sucked on the 2600! Getting that made me cry in 1983!

@dacatindahat8275 - 15.11.2023 07:12

Norman come back. You can blame it all on us.. 😢

@brycevo - 02.11.2023 10:20

This is so weird but awesome

@Ryuko-T72 - 01.11.2023 12:22

The fact that you could have a choice to buy super mario bros 3, or atari 2600 mario bros is kind of crazy. The games feel like a complete generation apart.

@sandal_thong8631 - 01.11.2023 07:02

I saw the ads for several games in comic books, but the Atari versions looked so bad, that though I loved Mario Bros., Popeye, and Joust in the arcade I didn't want them. I also liked Moon Patrol and Jungle Hunt in the arcade and bought them in 1983 since the Atari versions looked good. However it was so difficult to play Jungle Hunt past the vines that it would be the last Atari cart I'd buy for maybe 5 years. That's when I got snookered into buying Donkey Kong Jr. on the red label, thinking it was new, and not the 1983 Coleco version. (In the meantime I got some games to play on my VIC-20, which wasn't any better graphically.)

It's funny to hear that Popeye was good to play, considering how bad the graphics looked. I saw a video on Popeye for the Odyssey², which they say is playable. That console had some games in 1978-9 that were better than Atari's Home Run and Football, for instance, but while programmers figured out how to get more out of Atari in successive years, they seldom did so for Odyssey².

@darkkrenaissance42 - 17.10.2023 12:57

You should talk slower

@JohnHenrySheridan - 07.10.2023 17:10

Very cool, thank you!

@crying2emoji5 - 06.10.2023 16:36

I didn’t grow up with any Nintendo games whatsoever except for an OG Gameboy that got lost when we moved when I was like 12. I didn’t have an SNES or a N64 or anything. I did have an xBox and then I bought a 360 when I was 15, I was so stoked lol. My husband and his fam however grew up on Atari, NES & SNES so they’ve taught me much about how to play platfotmers.

@mrelmo5164 - 05.10.2023 13:07

I remember playing the original Mario on atari, I thought the game was pure bunk. I HATED IT.

@djchino774 - 02.10.2023 03:44

Coleco sucked

@danielbones9090 - 27.09.2023 23:36

Yasmine Bleeth 😍😍😍

@ElijahMiniBikes - 19.09.2023 05:41

I had no idea Mario was on Atari consoles. So interesting!

@exzisd - 14.09.2023 13:46

Gaming Historian is a key player in the historical “no fluff” video game documentary preservation world, few go to the lengths to get all the extra details and information on the business side of side of history. The production value has really gone up over the years. We could use a VGH Spotify playlist of all that background jazz and elevator music. Feel like I’m flying through Pilot Wings imbibing all this retro gaming information. I know I won’t remember all the fine point details but these episodes are always comforting. I’m actually learning a bit about part of history I care about and intrigued by. I hope there’s more channels like this in the future to document things in such a professional way. I also hope the video game museum business keeps growing as a way to display, educate, and inform future generations of gamers, programmers, and the public. Although I won’t remember all the fine points I think there’s interesting parts that will stand out to different people depending on their primary focuses in life. Sorry my English isn’t very good.

@christophernuzzi2780 - 11.09.2023 20:55

You think the characters in the 2600 version of Mario Bros. look better than in the 5200 version? I think you need a new prescription for your eyeglasses.

@gd515051 - 05.09.2023 06:30

Had Mario Bros on the 5200. It looked great.

@Ninjamohawk - 19.08.2023 12:44

I still really dig dk on 2600

@erneststackhouse1133 - 18.08.2023 22:53

I remember playing Donkey Kong on Coleco at my friends house who was a girl & I could only go when her parents were not home yet from work. As they had a strict policy of no boys in the house! We had so much fun on her Coleco Vision! Also remember having tons of fun with the Sky Skipper game when I was a kid as well. Did not know it was a Nintendo game?! Mind Blown!
Thanks for the History on Video Games especially since I'm a Nintendo Kid for life!

@dtdimeflicks6708 - 17.08.2023 00:11

The Atari Famicom sounds weird but it's just as weird that we were that close to having that.

@thohangst - 15.08.2023 01:05

Calling these ports "bad" seems a little off. They are perfectly on par with not only other ports, but pretty much the entire Atari 2600 library. You buy an Atari 2600 game, you know the caliber of game you are buying.

For what it's worth, I believe my favorite 2600 game was Pole Position. You drove a single-colored waffle car, but it had a rather nice illusion of speed and was eminently playable.

@sergedeleon9592 - 13.08.2023 14:05

Atari lost after nes debut

@_smb4568_ - 05.08.2023 07:05

Donkey Kong on the atari was meant to be bad because since it was developed by a developer from the rival company Coleco, Garry made it so it can be worse than the coleco visions graphics.
