video pointed out nothing that was valid. Sns and Lance have way more i frames and are better at blocking. The guns are better than ls bc ls is not the best weapon in the game no was it ever. It also ranks lower than them in speedrun times buddy
ОтветитьMeanwhile, all range weapons can flinch a monster to death with how much damage they put out in both World and Rise by just firing.
ОтветитьI’m still confused to this day how nobody got mad about the ranged weapons who are probably even worse
ОтветитьWell, since the weeb stick was nerfed in sunbreak i wonder how good it is compared to the other buffed weapons
ОтветитьHBG : 🤣🤣
ОтветитьAnd one expansion later longsword is back to mid tier.
ОтветитьI too think that katana is MH easy mode, but to be really honest it is only for MH veterans. The weapon is still very punishing at low skill and very handicapping against new monsters. I don't know why you fixate on katana since as you said it's not even the best weapon, only the best melee, as if it was normal that ranged were the best and so out of the debate... I personnaly think that ranged being the best dps while being arguably the safest without any particular skill involved isn't an issue.
I also think you are somewhat dishonest about different counters in other weapond. I am a main switchaxe and even I think that our counter is broken as hell. Okay it is a predict not a react but it does massive damage, give hyperarmor even on misses and gives us amp mode in one hit, you can even continue attacking if you still have sword gauge after that. I think it is better than even katana's counter in some ways.
I find really stupid that they gave counters to every weapons. It was a good katana identity before rise and now other weapons have it too. I find it sad that as despisable katana is that it loses it originality. GS, SNS and swax have nothing to do with counters.
Sorry for my lack of eloquence I never acclimated myself to tactile keyboard, I miss my blackberry.
As a LS main, I would be happy to lose the foresight slash AND special sheathe entirely, I don't like the change of play style it brought :(
ОтветитьI personally find it really funny when capcom releases a monster hunter game and LS is overpowered only for it to get constant nerfs
ОтветитьI play valor longsword mainly for the valor sheathe cuz my god that’s more useful than any shield
Ответитьbecause they have to cater to the fedora army of LS or else theyll get review bombed hahahahaha
ОтветитьSadly gun lance sucks in rise and I love gunlance
ОтветитьI wanna use this weapon but i feel like i do no damage with it? Can anyone help
ОтветитьToo much immune move and mobility for longsword that makes it overpowered.
ОтветитьOne more thing that you didn’t mention: in previous games, raising your spirit level would completely empty your gauge, even if you had some left. In Rise, that doesn’t happen, which means you don’t need to strategically plan your roundslashes so that you can parry an attack.
ОтветитьBasically longsword here is illagal
ОтветитьHey, can you do a db or bow version of it? They are like 200% overpowered than LS was.
ОтветитьSo longsword went from dante to vergil gameplay wise. Hard to master but looks cool when you do. Much easier to master looks cool no matter if you aren't that good.
ОтветитьI'm simple terms the sns average time 15 mins all hits no break just swinging till green long is 10 mins or less it's really noticeable if you play with the other weapons I personally don't like it world every weapon felt good in rise the butched my glavie 🥲
ОтветитьMaybe instead of nerfing the LS they should improve the other weapons.
ОтветитьAh, so I'll get to see even more of these weebs once I get Rise.
Time to hunt alone I guess
As for the state of ls now in sunbreak, personally, it now has 2 main strong playstyles using the 2 sheathe switch skills, sacrdd sheathe firstly is a lot of fun and honestly no complaints really it allows the use of silkbind sakura slash and also the new redirection skill added and now with the addition of wind mantle and frostcraft i couldnt be happier
As for spirit sheathe it had its numbers cut in half and instead moved to the new silkbind harvest moon which has too many issues that make it so awkward to use, soaring kick also had its damage halved and wirebug cooldown rate decreased but thats fine really, the new way to play spirit sheath is to use more of its moveset, adding in serene pose and that one hit of spirit reckoning for repositioning but the main issues lies with harvest moon, why did they make it so it disappears when you put your weapon on your back, step out of the circle or after a period of time, it didn't need the first 2, also its completely useless in multiplayer
I think it should stay when you sheathe your weapon (maybe), allow you to step out of the circle without it disappearing or knocking you back in, and make it so other players get a small buff to their counters when they step in it like pls bro i dont even want stat changes i just want it to not be so bloody awkward
The most skilled weapon just became the most no skilled weapon lmfao.
ОтветитьI think you misspoke at the beginning, the iai spirit slash in Iceborne does not charge your gauge, it just deals massive damage and you don’t lose a gauge if you time it correctly with an incoming attack. In Rise you don’t lose a gauge for missing but your only punishment is very reduced damage and long animation recovery
ОтветитьThis video must have been released before iai spirit slash had its damage nerfed by 50% and the counter window was made tighter. The longsword is only as good as the player that is using it. I’ve talked to people that struggle with using it, it doesn’t just play the game for you so I think calling it this overpowered at this point is a little hyperbolic. Yes it’s very versatile but there is a tremendous skill gap between novice longsword users and experienced users, it requires a lot of monster knowledge and skill to use optimally. The longsword tends to get me slower times than charge blade and greatsword in a lot of match ups in World and Rise. Those are the three weapons I play and even though i’m the best at using longsword it still doesn’t kill the monster as quickly as other weapons often times
ОтветитьThe game rewards aggressive/agile style with matches with LS, and LS can use almost every offensive armor skill.
Ответить"how to even the weapon use chart"
easy, stop making the others suck so much. ive been playing since the psp era, and over the years, across the different games and the ultimate/ G versions, ive gone from GS to LS to CB, back to LS, back to GS and finally to SNS and seen the power wax and wane with different gear (no i dont do the meta, i just use what i like generally), ive dabbled with lance, Gunlance, hammer, dual blades and honestly in some games the weapons just DONT feel good to use.
Lance and Gunlance are especially suffering in 5th gen imo because monsters have massively ramped up in speed from gen 2 or 4 but lance and gunlance are still moving at MHFU speeds and between subpar damage (looking at you lance) and speed that can barely keep up with the slower monsters, let alone the more mobile ones... and you're left with a lacking all around weapon, with a decent guard and theoretically good counter game that ultimately fails to deliver.
is there still updates to world or are the devs working on a new game
ОтветитьAs a long sword user I don’t use counters besides when a monster roars other than that I’d rather build it up my own way and yes I can spend hrs learning how to counter but I don’t rely on parries or counters in any other game and I won’t inside of my monster hunter(besides bloodborne)
ОтветитьIMO LS was good enough in MHW (not iceborne), if anything I would have made Foresight Slash cost some stamina to use. Iai spirit slash adition in iceborne was too much.
ОтветитьI agree with reversion to MHW/IB version of LS. The tighter timing and drawbacks on using iai spirit slash really helped sell the commitment of the attack. The only thing I would keep in rise for LS is being able to roll out of it and having quick sheath affect it. Foresight slash should also lose some i-frames, not a lot. One last thing is that instead of 4 ways of building gauge, it should only be 2. Those are a full spirit combo and a successfully hit iai spirit slash (with the tighter timing, of course). Foresight slash shouldn't be allowed to go into your last attack of spirit combo. Instead, it's main purpose should be a defensive move that allows you to maintain aggression and resetting the countdown on dropping spirit level. That is, if you pull it off successfully, all it does is give you i-frames to avoid an attack, top up spirit level timer, and continue attacking afterward. These would keep the counter attacking play style, while allowing a fallback to old LS when you're learning a monster.
ОтветитьI was fine that longsword is op, since I was pretty much too greedy with cb and ig on 4u as well.
Though what disappointed me is, on sunbreak they did a double and gave more power to ls. (Moonlight slash) while lance is given what jump up and kebab the monster?
I am a die hard Lancer, they been nerfing my boy just about every new iteration.
ОтветитьMaybe make the longsword's necessary skills to be evade window/extender? I played MH games pre counters and you were practically a bit 'forced' to learn to dodge the monsters' movesets to become a better player, as in there is no other path for improvement other than to focus on dodging to minimize damage (risk stays the same or even increases if you don't reality-check yourself into retreating because you're 'great at using i-frames' and carting like an idiot).
TLDR: make longsword mains get gud by learning how to position and dodge or be trash for the rest of your life, no other choice (exaggeration).
Edit: I'm a MHW:IB longsword main currently, didn't touch Rise. Also imagine if foresight slash didn't allow an instant spirit roundslash, would be a hard punishment I know. However it's an idea worth mentioning because of how op (red gauge) helm breaker is and how easy it's spam able.
Another key issue doesn't even have to do with the Long Sword, but with Rise itself. Rise in particular is a game with monsters that punish waiting for an opening, and encourage open aggression. Open aggression is the Long Sword's playstyle, while the two Lance weapons rely heavily on waiting for openings and guarding. Long Sword can create its own openings, and isn't forced to wait for them. That is the major reason why Long Sword is so OP in Rise.
Ответитьi play longsword in iceborne and i tought it was quite braindead untill i saw this vid showing how strong it is in rise
ОтветитьI see a lot of comments about how longsword is a better defensive weapon and while I will agree longsword is incredibly strong it’s much more evasive than defensive really you’re not ranking hits you’re avoiding them the only things as a longsword player who also played in world would agree should be merged are the counter windows, specifically iai sheath and a general small damage nerf and it would bring it back down to the level of most other weapons because even as somebody who’s competent in longsword if you can’t time everything correctly you’re screwed regardless the only problems is the infinite iai sheath to round slash to helm breaker inf combo but also I think that the other counters should jsut be buffed because the whole utility of counters in most games are as combo starters as a risk reward move I don’t think you should lose a whole spirit level for missing a counter that’s ridiculous but I do thing there should be a little more end lag if you do
ОтветитьI hate when the weapon I want to use is OP. It's almost as bad as it just being removed.
ОтветитьIn my opinion, all weapons are fun and have their ways to use them. Some are more forgiving than others, some can dish out damage faster or do big hits. They either got mobility or they're slow. It's a single player game with co-op. If I was fighting Longsword users then yeah, they'd be balance issues but we're not. We're fighting the monsters. I don't really care if the Longsword is overpowered because I'm not fighting it, when doing hunts with friends or competent randoms then a single monster hunt won't take more than 10-15 mins to complete. Will I be annoyed if no one uses the Long sword and it's done in 15 mins or be annoyed that the hunt was too fast because 3 of the randoms were using it? No, I won't. I can have just as much fun with the Lance in Sunbreak than the Longsword. If you're worried about tripping, use Flinch Free. What else are you going to use the Deco 1 Slots? Elemental damage?, Stun Resistance? Just to shave off a 30 seconds to a minute off a hunt?
If you're in the highly competitive side of things, probably 90% of people aren't and that's a generous assumption, then I guess you'd be pretty mad at the kit the Longsword has but at that point, what can be done? The game isn't built on the basis of leaderboards or having the best clear times so your focus on the game and your anger towards certain mechanics or weapons is purely set on standards that aren't the main focus of the game.
"this has not been the case in previous games"
Well it's incredibly easy with no down sides. And since it's counter based avoiding damage just gives you free damage
ОтветитьI think too many weapons are overpowered now hammer isn't even the top tier in this game compared to other weapons but I have had no difficulty what so ever even killing the nargacuga first try with no faints despite me needing to take multiple tries to kill him in freedom unite. I don't really care what changed inbetween then and now I just know when I fight a monster that previously made me quite the game I don't want to then be handed a free kill on them in under 15min I rarely ever faint, I never need to eat, rarely ever need to care about bringing extra resources, and I don't even see a way for me to farm monsters to get gear that I want because I don't need to even farm them as I have most of what I need when I want it. I just made a full nargacuga set with it's hammer and I only killed it 2-3 times whereas before I had to 5-7 to get a full set. It's like to monsters have less health I have had my damage increase. I don't even get stuns because they are dead before I can get one. I doubt the zinogre was supposed to be killed with a quest timer of 12-14min in past games or even magnamalo, a monster shown to be an apex predator.
ОтветитьWhat a world we live in when a 18min video about counters does not mention Lance at all
ОтветитьI'll have to try the LS this time then. Just got the game last week, and playing it tomorrow. So is it better now as the combo is easier to do to level up the gauge or something? I ended up just playing with hammer mostly in World, as I found it very simple to learn and I just wanted to start hunting. I thought the LS seemed a bit complicated with the meter mechanic and having to nail combos to fill it.
ОтветитьIt may be busted. But it's busted in a fun way, instead of nerfing it, everything else should be buffed. It's a mentality a lot of the best fighting games have and I think it could apply really well here. It's a game about fighting monsters and picking flowers, so the monster hunting parts should feel awesome.
ОтветитьI'd say it should probably just be turned into a wire bug move. Like how they did with a lot of counters in this game. I'd say medium to long for the bug recovery if it costs one or short to long if it costs two.