#CNBC_Make_It #Make_It #How_To_Make_It #Entrepreneurs #Starting_A_Small_Business #Business_Success #Money_Management #living_on_50k_a_year #living_on_100k_a_year #living_on_200k_a_year #r29_money_diaries #millennial_money_cnbc #200K_salary #75K_salary #millennial_money #what_i_spend_in_a_week #what_i_spend_in_a_day #bali_salary #bali_rent #moving_to_bali #cost_of_living_in_bali #retire_in_bali #bali_living #relocated #bali #social_media_marketing_salary #digital_nomadsКомментарии:
I agree with him, sometimes it's not worth getting treated poorly, followed around a store in the mall like you're a thief, or many other things we black people have to deal with here in the U.S.
ОтветитьI would love to live this life
ОтветитьYou can live good in bali on a 35-45k usd
ОтветитьWhat I have noticed watching these videos is that many of these people that are able to move to other countries work at some type of online business which leaves me wondering if someone that doesn't work online like me, I'm in healthcare and would love to live aboard, would that still be possible
ОтветитьI love this 🙌🏾🙌🏾
ОтветитьIn terms of your lovelife, Bali is good for a man relocating there, but not the same experience for a woman. Now if you’re going there strictly for business or single solace, that’s different.
ОтветитьI am viewing this in 2025. Great video❤
ОтветитьHi, do you have mentorship programs where you teach people from the US how to move to different countries? I am ready to leave this crazy US America.
ОтветитьWsup, fam? I’m from Vegas. I’m visiting Johannesburg right now. Arrived here two days ago from Brazil. I need to ask you something. How long can you stay in Bali before needing to do the border-run? I’m headed to the Philippines in 10 days, but I need a plan #2. I’m hearing the Philippines ppl are racist. Indonesia is my bail option.
ОтветитьCnbc stop promoting people to move to Bali. You’re displacing the local population and driving all prices up. The island was never developed enough to sustain all these development and pollution that comes w it 😢
ОтветитьAs me a nurse ..This is very encouraging for us that live in the US and take our hard-working money and invest into living someplace quiet for good health relaxation and for peace and not struggle so hard , to learn to work smarter and not harder to take another country that’s what I have to do ..❤ Thank you for this video is very informative..
ОтветитьLoved it there except all the stray animals. Broke my heart.
ОтветитьYour head is on the right shoulders. I wish you peace and greatness.
Ответитьwellcome to bali, We are happy to accept you
ОтветитьThe man could've put on a shirt.
ОтветитьI’m in San Diego. Can I rent your home here?
ОтветитьThe same should be expected in the U.S. When people from other country relocate here should also be expected to put back into the economy. Imagine that....
ОтветитьThis video made me not want to visit Bali. Catering to digital nomads and instagrammers ruins everything, including local restaurant menus and Airbnb prices. I went to Barcelona last year and I hated being offered vegan matcha lattes instead of Cortados.
ОтветитьYou ever run into Russell Simmons? 😂
ОтветитьOmg I know him! So nice seeing this
ОтветитьI really wanna know about day to day simple stuff like what if I want to go to the movie theater? Do they have good movie theaters? Are there comic book shops? Just a couple tiny little things like that. People always describe these places with such a broad paint brush but they never get into the little details.
ОтветитьMature and articulate review
ОтветитьWhat a surprise! You move from the US to a poor country with a US salary and live like a king? I never saw that coming. Why doesn't he get a job at a company in Bali like the people around him?
If you check 90% (probably closer to 100%) of videos about these "nomads" even here on CNBC, you will quickly see the one thing they all have in common is their main source of income comes from selling some course or conference to other people on how to become a "nomad". Bernie Madoff is rolling on his grave.
All these Indonesians crying in the comments there’s hundreds of thousands of you here shut up 😂
ОтветитьThis was good
ОтветитьTwo years on, please reinterview this man. I wonder how many 'content creators' and digital nomads Bali and other places can support before the bottom drops of out just making 'content' for a living.
ОтветитьAnother staged vudeo
ОтветитьReally? Locals invite you to their homes and cook for you? The bali on which planet?
ОтветитьGo to the Latin America
You will be welcomed there
Please please please
We are pleading on bended knees
Don't come to s e Asia we are full already and there are not enough women to go around
Go to Latin America
Thank you thank you thank you
Olumide is smart and loves his life.
Very important to love where you live.
Sebagai warga Bali saya kecewa dg kamu
1. Bagimana org ini bisa tinggal dari Thun 2019? Pakai visa apa?
2. Apakah selama tinggal di Bali dia membayar pajak?
3. Apakah dia sudah mempunyai KTP atau SIM karena banyak org Rusia yg sudah mempunyai dokumen itu,gak tau darimana dapatnya
4. Org kaya gini membuat properti melambung tinggi sampai 150 jt pertahun dg luas cuma 1 are. Dia dg pendapat rp 2,2 m pertahun merasa tergolong murah, kami cuma mendapat 3 jt perbulan sampai tidak mampu utk mencari tempat tinggal dsni
ОтветитьWelcome to Bali Islands 🏝, Indonesia 🇮🇩
ОтветитьProud of him
ОтветитьHe so fine jes
Ответить❤ good for you.
ОтветитьGreat one yr then your looking to move, gentrification
ОтветитьQuality of life is imperative! You may make a lot of money in the US (you really need too) but quality of life is important! Planning my escape also, Portugal, Asia, central America...
ОтветитьIn Bali I suggest you practice yoga
ОтветитьI love that you found peace 😌. I am a realtor who has Caribbean roots and working on creating avenues for those wanting to invest in the Caribbean. Also, bali is on my list. Love to visit. Please keep in touch. Glad you took the leap of faith. God bless 🙌🏿
ОтветитьAs long as he is giving back as much as he is taking from the Island by being there. That's totally cool. Otherwise this is immensely part of the issue on why and how bali's culture is degrading at such a rapid rate.
ОтветитьThanks for the information I live in Thailand, but I don’t like it here so I am going to move to Bali. I came few weeks ago for my second time and it is my favorite amazing people so I’ll give it a try. I’m from the US but born in Jamaica, let’s see
ОтветитьIt look so peaceful
ОтветитьWell done you 👏 took you 1min 30 secs to play the black victim card hahaha.. shocking you poor little entrepreneur.. never had a chance in life
ОтветитьFilipinos are everywhere. In any country there are definitely Filipinos, but Indonesia is the most populous country in the world but it is rare to find Indonesians in any country. Except recently, Indonesians can be found in Malaysia, Japan, Taiwan,for women usually in Hong Kong and they are only contract workers,unlike Filipinos who are permanent citizens in any country.