A Chaotic Stumble Through Fame - The Story of Channel Awesome (Nostalgia Critic)

A Chaotic Stumble Through Fame - The Story of Channel Awesome (Nostalgia Critic)

Joon The King

1 год назад

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Maston Dane
Maston Dane - 07.11.2023 10:22

I was watching NC since he was uploading under nostalgiacritic8 and I actually liked Melvin but I had to unsub after that doc

NoriNori - 06.11.2023 01:36

Out of everything I learnt from the drama around Channel Awesome Doug taking a shit on camera was one I didn't need to know about.

Dunjee - 05.11.2023 17:43

Take a shot every time he says "quote unquote"

Songbird - 02.11.2023 22:05

I do love OneyPlays impressions of Doug and Channel Awesome. The sims videos are the best.
I used to watch Nostalgia Critic years ago but didnt like some of his 'jokes', they were so bad sometimes.
Chris does an excellent scream of Doug.

SqualidsargeStudios - 02.11.2023 14:03

Angy joe is a POS so who cares what happens to that

Wyatt Murdoch
Wyatt Murdoch - 29.10.2023 07:34

"Making a fucking jackass of yourself" is for whatever reason such a hilarious and deep personal insult. I love it 😂

gunnar Hassing
gunnar Hassing - 29.10.2023 03:24

Man. Spooning with Spoony has merit as an idea. Imagine if it was a Bob Ross-esque game review where Spoony was snuggled up in a blanket while quietly and calmly reviewing a game. Could’ve been fun.

4zn1nv4zn3 - 28.10.2023 05:27

Wow, i didnt realize that hotdog gif was Lindsay Ellis this whole time

Marconius - 27.10.2023 09:11

This is mean to say, but in hindsight it seems to me the channel and company was run by people who just aren't very intelligent... Some of the issues you can maybe chalk up to inexperience, but after so many years and so little actual growth, a lot of the things they did just seems plain dumb.

Time for free time
Time for free time - 26.10.2023 18:41

You get older. You mellow out. You still have to make money.

Dani - 26.10.2023 09:57

I hate to say this, but it cannot be understated how Doug's own borderline non-response as Mike botched everything saved his own ass. Channel Awesome would bounce back, even as their content just got infinitely worse. And its led to a Spongebob parody. Yes, a mainstream television show paid homage to the dude who Tommy Wiseau'd his way through multiple film productions while also shitting on Tommy Wiseau.

Whoopsy Doodle
Whoopsy Doodle - 24.10.2023 19:26

LordKat and the rest of the gamers are losers.

Several Bugs In A Pile
Several Bugs In A Pile - 20.10.2023 20:53

This guy has the voice to sell me insurance on tv or a crime documentary narrator
This isnt a diss, bro just sounds so judicial and proper i like it

ALittleNinjaThatStealsYourTacos - 20.10.2023 13:33

I got halfway before realizing how much I didn't really care about the subject
-- realized from the comments that these guys were people's comfort creators for some ppl gowing up at the time. rip your teenage groups, sucks them not ending well

m box
m box - 20.10.2023 11:41

There's something about this that gives me enormous Job Security.
It's not just that they had nil HR, or that my current outfit has hero HR.
It's that when it comes to what I'm worth; I figure I'm at least worth what I have already; which is worlds away from this garbage and was easier to obtain.
No offense to anyone involved, I'm sure you're glad to be away from it.

m box
m box - 20.10.2023 10:54

I feel like anyone who had any, even just a little, experience with management would do a way better job of making a business with more than just a few people involved work better.

Laura B
Laura B - 18.10.2023 05:58

I met Linkara so many times at my local cons (AniMinneapolis mainly), and I met Doug, Rob and their dad at another (Metacon). All of them were so nice, and I watched NC, AT4W, AJ, Spoony, Film Brain, Benzaie and Nostalgia Chick religiously (with a quick glance at JewWario now and then)… then, Change the Channel happened. Now, the only former Channel Awesome guys I watch are Phelous, Film Brain, Benzaie (even though I don’t speak French and that’s how he streams nowadays), Angry Joe and the only current employee I watch is Cinema Snob.
Doug being a total jerk shook me, and when I found out how much of a drama queen Linkara is, that was rough. Spoony’s breakdown and JewWario being BEYOND a disgusting excuse for a human being was shit icing on the shit cake. I was officially done with CA after that.
I suppose the lesson could be “don’t meet your heroes”, but I think I prefer “be willing to hear multiple sides of a story”.
God, Joon, your documentaries are EXCELLENT!! Thanks for covering this and so many other messy topics!
