This is NEOM

This is NEOM


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أمجاد ـ Amjad
أمجاد ـ Amjad - 24.09.2023 17:22

Proud to be Saudi 🇸🇦🇸🇦🇸🇦❤️❤️

Nerazzurro 123
Nerazzurro 123 - 24.09.2023 02:11

Respect for all the indian and Pakistan workers DIED by living in "poor conditions" enslaved by these arabic countries rulers, corrupted and corruptors. Arabia will NEVER see me there

FausondTV - 23.09.2023 13:40

Hear me out build a city in the shape of this emoji 🎉 it would be super cool.

Abe Bachman
Abe Bachman - 22.09.2023 21:16

Tbh y'all don't need to save space, you're in a literal desert. not trying to hate but the LINE should build is somewhere where trees grow naturally and where water exists.

Me O
Me O - 20.09.2023 02:06

Vanity of vanity all is vanity. As a Muslim nation they could use that money to help the less fortunate in other Muslim nations around the world. But I wish them luck.

Beaudry Adventures
Beaudry Adventures - 20.09.2023 01:30

Wind turbines behind a 500m wall x 170KM long? No cars or roads but 150000 Yachts at the docks. This stinks with the new world order that the WEF and the rest of the global elites are drooling all over. Let me guess? State of the art facial recognition, digital ID, Banking/ security.... wake up people.

lowdownoverload - 19.09.2023 00:33

This is one of the most terrifying things that I've seen. If you really cant read between the lines and youre not scared about this becoming a reality, then you need to do a reaaaal hard look at the world. This is WestWorld, Resident Evil, Hunger Games and more. You should be scared. It starts with one small development like this, then it will become all over the world. Humans will be born inside rhat wall and never see the outside world, they will be raised on government propoganda of some form. History will begin to be erased, we will all become a number, our lives will be watched and wholly controlled 24/7.
You should be scared of this.

Mujeeb Ul Haq
Mujeeb Ul Haq - 17.09.2023 13:55

Neom in hebrew means monster. That suggests something if you know.

Bless ya
Bless ya - 14.09.2023 04:26

It is part of the great reset where you will own nothing and be happy. It's a prison, but worse still will be the A I controlling your actions and spending. It is part of the amazing prophecy just before Jesus returns. An evil one world Govt will force all to receive a mark to buy or sell. (The mark of the beast 666) never ever succumb to the system! Find and trust Jesus. He is returning really soon. Many prophecies have already been fulfilled. See Messiah 2030. Please don't scoff, at least check if its true. There is eternal ramifications. God bless from Australia

Nathan Lowe
Nathan Lowe - 10.09.2023 18:03

There is a nerdy part of me that loves this, there is also a louder, nerdier part of me that recognizes this video as the one you watch in the intro of a dystopian video game when you learn how optimistic they were about the invention that ended up destroying the world...

Bajra Pani Official
Bajra Pani Official - 10.09.2023 17:18

Now I am 😱. In every sci-fi movie just before the earth gets toasted this kinda ad pops up. I literally hate this when there is “ For better Future”.
We are surely doomed, once Neom is completed and filled with riches. Because outside of it will gradually be just a playground.!

Gryf - 10.09.2023 05:06

UAE aka the joke of the world.
If it fails then it is a joke.
If it succeeds then it is also a joke.

Sure if your definition of a city is a tree on water then maybe a line is a significant improvement, especially for the ecosystem.
But someone tells them?

losness24 - 09.09.2023 10:00

This is far from “sustainable”

TheBUTTzzz - 07.09.2023 11:51

Great great idea and mega-projects indeed. But in my opinion, * they should have connected the TROJENA and OXAGEN with THE LINE ... *

OneRoamers - 05.09.2023 16:58

What about City in space?

jailbreaker1214 - 04.09.2023 02:04

this is what happens when you have a too much money and not much intelligence. you ask people people for dumb stuff

Flo - 03.09.2023 20:33

I only believe this junk (same as the line) when it's completely finished and it's at least inhabited at 2/3 capacity. By people that voluntarily live there. Convince me otherwise...

Alexander van Wyk
Alexander van Wyk - 03.09.2023 18:11

Designed from the pit of hell. Only God will provide a new world where Jesus Himself reign as King of Kings. Read the Holy Bible and especially the last book of Revelation of Jesus Christ. Choose your God. If you are not for Him you are against Him and you shall worship the Great Deceiver, Lucifer.

Azmi A
Azmi A - 03.09.2023 15:04

NEOM is a symbol of wastage by a rich nation blessed with plentiful hydrocarbon reserves.

Tobsenflopsen - 03.09.2023 14:48

So good to know that this will never be real. 🥳

Renan M
Renan M - 02.09.2023 22:33

The world is collapsing and the riches building perfect cities for them... What could we say...

Hans-Peter Lackner
Hans-Peter Lackner - 02.09.2023 15:10

Yes. In a land without any personal freedom, without free press, with the death penalty for LGBTQ+ persons, without democracy... I don't think, that that is a future I will like...

reema majumdar
reema majumdar - 31.08.2023 08:19

Essentially, a city built using money by selling oil, with the help of countries like India, and then ruling over the world saying they built everything. All they have is the money. They used people from India as forced laborer to build cities in Dubai, now doing the same for Saudi.

Christian B. Mundy
Christian B. Mundy - 30.08.2023 09:25

All I can do is sit back and laugh, because there are too many things wrong and ways for this project to go wrong to list.

Scotty Autumn
Scotty Autumn - 29.08.2023 05:29

this seems too good to be true

David - 28.08.2023 09:10

The creative process and production on this is dire. Terrible. Almost schoolchild like level of creativity. Suggest Neom uses another provider or change the project or production manager.

Phia Drake
Phia Drake - 27.08.2023 07:10

remember the sixth element

AMF Videos
AMF Videos - 26.08.2023 04:07

This is either going to go really well or really bad

Jay Bee
Jay Bee - 24.08.2023 23:55

This is what Dystopian Nightmares are made of.

Amir Jaziri
Amir Jaziri - 22.08.2023 21:27

Neom: the new future المستقبل

PAPIP CHANNEL - 21.08.2023 18:52

saudi arabia is indeed located in the middle of the world

Raphael Sommer
Raphael Sommer - 08.08.2023 16:01

Is there anyone who wants to live there? Seems pretty unnatural in this desert with all this artificial stuff... don't think humans (especially their biology) are made for this...

Good day
Good day - 08.08.2023 10:55

in today's conditions, something like this seems like madness to many, but in 10 years it will be reasonable and necessary

SunRoad - 05.08.2023 01:36

"In any system of energy, Control is what consumes energy the most.
Time taken in stocking energy to build an energy system, adding to it the time taken in building the system will always be longer than the entire useful lifetime of the system.
No energy store holds enough energy to extract an amount of energy equal to the total energy it stores.
No system of energy can deliver sum useful energy in excess of the total energy put into constructing it.
This universal truth applies to all systems.
Energy, like time, flows from past to future" (2017).

Muhammad Ibraheem
Muhammad Ibraheem - 04.08.2023 22:39

insha'Allah I'll be one of the 1st visitors

Lord Junes
Lord Junes - 04.08.2023 20:49

Ich würde verdammt gerne da wohnen ich verstehe die Daumen runter überhaupt nicht und die alle die schreiben "Das funktioniert nicht" haben einfach keine ahnung!

Modern Robin ◢ ◤
Modern Robin ◢ ◤ - 03.08.2023 07:15

MBS has a mindset of a 12 year old boy from Xbox live😂😂😂😂😂

KD - 01.08.2023 18:36


WWZenaDo - 31.07.2023 17:44

This NEOM thing will be a huge mess, especially when they have to abandon it before it's finished. I guess it's going to be funny, in a sick, sad way, that so many actual native Arabian area tribal groups and so much natural environment is going to be destroyed for some delusional Middle Eastern men's ego fantasy.

Kou Xiatou
Kou Xiatou - 25.07.2023 09:29

How many countless under payed migrant workers are gonna die building this

TightLifeStory - 22.07.2023 22:00

... if you want use 500 mld dollars for this your are sick. With this money you can help all children around the world.

Anu - 22.07.2023 19:14


Mc M
Mc M - 22.07.2023 16:13

And then 1 bomb and world problem solved

20Thomsen - 21.07.2023 15:46

I wonder how many refugees they will allow to come live there!

NC Styles
NC Styles - 15.07.2023 06:43

Cool city… but I’ll never leave the USA 🇺🇸 it’s home… NYC is good enough for me

Stevezy - 14.07.2023 19:12

WEF capture. Corporations rule every aspect of the dumb slaves that choose to live there.

Thora *
Thora * - 08.07.2023 18:16

Why the wall?

Herr Hußnätter
Herr Hußnätter - 03.07.2023 14:24

In three words: Sand, dryness, heat.

Li Crusader
Li Crusader - 01.07.2023 18:14

You may be interested in the movie Elysium.
